The Stonehenge Was Not Created By Aliens

A retired construction worker in Michigan shows us how ancient peoples created Stonehenge and the Pyramids with relative ease, moving monoliths by hand.



  1. Replies
    1. Where's that Chicago electrician that was moving to Florida to discover the secrets of how that guy built the coral palace by himself. Shoulda gone to Michigan.

    2. We have enough electrical apprentices here in Mi.

      Thank you anyway

  2. Stonehenge was created using Bigfoot Rhoids. Ask M.K. Davis. Think about it.

  3. I'm sorry but I could have shat a better theory than this.

    1. How so? This explains the similar contraptions that were excavated in the areas around stonehenge.

    2. I agree with Anon 1:34,Wally by name, Wally by nature xx

    3. I think i should mention, i don't know if it's the same in America but in England Wally is another name for muppet xx

    4. In America, investment bankers who bought the government refer to their clients as "muppets" - whom they regularly hose along with the public at large of course. The regulatory agencies who normally would be tasked with such shady activities are currently applying themselves to active destruction of the law in full surveillance of said muppets.

    5. How DARE you use the W word! That is OUR word!

  4. In B4, Joe Blow comes on here to tell you that it was created by giant, hairy people using electro-magnetic mindspeak. You can't disprove it so that makes it so (in his mind).

    Peace. (duh)

    1. Stop trolling Bill. That's my job.

    2. 1:40 you are twisting and perverting things Joe has said. In fair debate you have to stick to things he actually said, not invent grossly exaggerated far out extreme variations. That's weak, weak weak weak.

      Good for you.

    3. I don't understand the argument that bigfoot must be real because munns can not make a bigfoot suit.

      That is such a bad argument.

      How about an actual bigfoot... that would be a pretty good argument for your case...

    4. I understand the argument,surely if Patty was fake it would be easy to copy but nobody has been able to so that must make her at least more likely to be real xx

    5. Because joe is at a festival this weekend, I will be the stand in joe and say "Well said Eva R".

      peace stand in joe guy!

    6. good ole stand in guy keepin it real

    7. There are far better things to waste money on than trying to replicate a suit. What idiot would bother when it's easy enough for anybody to see that it was fake? So Bigfoot must be real because nobody paid to copy Patty?

    8. Nobody in his right mind thinks Patty's a suit because common sense will tell most people it can't be done, could it it woudl've. Bigfoot's obviously real because somebody's paying for this hoax blog.

  5. I thought that "Spinal Tap" created Stonehenge for their stage props..

    1. Stonehenge, where a mans a man
      and the children dance to the pipes of pan

    2. "I got an 11 on my amp".

    3. They got that Stonehenge idea from the 1983 Black Sabbath Born Again tour.

  6. Great name for a heavy mehal band, Stonehenge

    First album, Stoned

  7. this is some fucking pwnage

    love this stuff, those ancient alien nut jobs get the smackdown layed on them

    the sort of stuff joe would outright deny

    1. Rather, skeptards deny it. See below. ;)

    2. RAGING footer detected @ 2.53 pwnage delivered below faggot.

  8. I am a JREFing skeptard, therefore this is invalid.

    I will only believe these blocks were raised if scientists prove it to me.

    This man is a builder, not a scientist, therefore he did not raise these blocks. Only scientists can do that.

    Therefore, this is all photoshopped.

    Also, the builder is simply a man in a suit. I can see the vibrating water filled sacks in his jacket and a lurking diaper butt.

    You can only trust scientists. This man is a builder.

    Therefore, this is a hoax. This man did not raise these blocks. They used film tricks. I am totally invested in this opinion.

    I am entrenched.

    I will not be moved.

    I am a skeptard.

    See me run.

    In circles.

    My name is Skippy.

    I am a JREFing skeptard superb.

    1. RAGING footer detected @ 2:53.

      This is the same guy who cant stop talking about arm extensions. I guess he has some weird fantasy of being jerked off by someone wearing a robotic arm extension.

      weird shit these footers.

      This video is PWNAGE on the footers, not the skeptics.

      Looney tooners claim shit like this cant be done therefore it was aliens. When videos like this come out they do not acknowledge it and continue with their fantasy.

      This parallels footery perfectly.

      What part of Patterson was a con man don't you understand?

    2. We understand your drivel is payed for by Washington, you're the looney you nutcase.

  9. Replies
    1. ^a man on the internet pretending to be a woman

    2. It means you get owned in a very major way by somebody you don't even know and they can't even touch your goodie bits


    3. Eva, you naughty wench you, using that kind of language. By the by, do you know Roger Daltrey? Heard he's got what it takes.


    4. Thanks MMC xx

      Anon 7:51,i don't get that xx

  10. What is this? A stonehenge for ants!

  11. Stonehenge was not created by aliens!!!? Oh my god! Shawn are you serious!? You should have labeled this breaking news! Has it been on the TV news yet!!?

    1. It's being denied officially they don't want us to know our true origin. I'm constantly surprised the lie continues and people are so easily bribed.


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