Sasquatch Ontario·Releases Most Terrifying Bigfoot Vocalization Yet: Nephatia

If Mike P. is hoaxing then we're going to document every part of his "investigation". If he's not hoaxing and this all turns out to be legitimate, we may be documenting a discovery of Biblical proportions: Bigfoot attempting to vocally interact with humans. In this latest video from YouTube user Sasquatch Ontario, a Bigfoot's name is revealed for the first time, and the word "Nephatia" can be heard.

Audio from August second. Insane activity at the gift tree outside my tent as well as what we believe to be verification of a name, which we've been asking for months.

Also added is a short vocal from July 10th just after an audio battery change at 3:30am. I was walking away when a short vocal call out by Nephatia. Two incidents that night and this was the first visit in which we've noticed a call out while close to us.


  1. Replies
    1. ...of course no first...

    2. you're a fucking idiot - I cannot wait until you pieces of shit realize this is the real thing..

    3. You'll get Nephatia and like it.

    4. Nepathia is the most credible voice in the world of Bigfoot.

  2. Whether they are a hoax or not they sure are fun to watch

    1. ^fantastic false first, congrats!!

    2. Thank you, I LIVE for this shit bro...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Boy o Boy, that ALEX MUNOZ is a little piece of shit... Somebody get that guy laid or something.. You see the bullshit he's been putting out there about these guys?

    5. First part of the audio sounds like Cookie Monster

  3. Best new thing to show up on YouTube today though is Rick Dyer's latest...holy crap that dude has finally and totally lost his mind. You guys MUST see this one...

    1. amazing

      footery summed up right there

      fucking lunacy all of it

      but damn it is fucking hilarious

    2. You can actually see his drug addled brain making this shit up as he goes along. (I mean Dyer not S.O.). It reminds me of that scene in Tootsie where Dustin Hoffman reveals himself to be a man, and makes up this whole big scenario as to why he dressed like that on the spot. he is a sick man, he truly is

    3. Jesus Christ, that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen. How did people ever believe him, and how do they continue to do so?

      "It climbed up in my arms... " what a crock of shit.

      And if he proves up wrong on August 15th, I will literally kill and eat a crow.

    4. travis, why do all the peeps, have a hard on for you?, inquiring minds need to know, ....thank you...Howard Stern....

    5. Because I'm not anonymous and I've seen a sasquatch. Admitting it put a target on my back

    6. Apparently the big reveal is on hold - as his gold and platinum memberships all run out in july so if they want to see the big reveal they have time to pay up. He is a terrible actor and an even more terrible hoaxer.

    7. Well, he had FB\FB going for awhile(unless they were in on it)..Maybe someday he'll decide to hang it up and come clean..I wonder if he got the idea for the Hank hoax after he was approached to take part in the film..Whatever the story is, it is probably a good one...

    8. So did bigfoot strap the recorder to its face before chowin down? seems like a lot of goings on a few inches from the recorder

    9. Bad tards bad
      that what Rick Dyer do

    10. How do you know when the memberships run out Georgina?

    11. Yes Travis my son that was a crock of shit

      Jesus Christ

    12. Hey Travis, you're a complete idiot. You haven't seen anything, that was your Mothers vagina you idiot.

  4. need to shut the hell up and play the clip. we don't need a play by play of how you got into your sleeping bag. maybe you just like the sound of your own voice....think?

    1. He s aka skookumm that went off on bfresearchse for critiquing mike and praised mike aka himself aka Sasquatch Ontario aka Bigfoot aka nephatia

    2. Aha, hey Alex, you're such a small little Man. You can CLEARLY hear Mike's voice vs Skookumms, completely different. So, this proves that you're a complete liar and liars don't get anywhere in this field. LIAR LIAR LIAR. People in this field who makes things up cannot be trusted, trust me - keep going off bud, it's all good.... How's your little legs treatin ya? ahahaha. Not only are you a Liar, but you've got that SMALL MAN SYNDROME.

  5. You need to leave them fellers an inhaler. Maybe some Chantix.

  6. Does this guy in Ontario know Rick Dyer?

  7. Wow can Bigfoot burp the alphabet too? He can sure burp Mike and Nephatia!

  8. Replies
    1. Says the guy who can't spell stupid

    2. writes the guy who doesn't get the joke

  9. I am sorry but I think this is all a put on

    No more to say


  10. It's CODE RED! The ego maniac/Matt Moneymaker wannabes, have been checking in to ridicule that what they themselves are unable to capture. Just wait until they clean the benches off at JREF, then things are really going to get messy in here!

  11. It was either a couple of juvenile sasquatch or the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

  12. Oh it's the fish/owl self portrait man. He's now discovered Darth Vader likes that Jam. If it's an animal, sounds more like wild pigs than anything else.

    1. (clive squashy)

      Question - Mr. Tsoukalos, when's the next episode of Ancient Aliens coming back on ?

  13. Replies
    1. Respect the President man.

    2. (clive squashy)

      Question - Mr. Tsoukalos, when's the next episode of Ancient Aliens coming back on ?

  14. It sounds like some fat fuck chowing down on a big bag of potato chips while sitting at his computer watching Baywatch clips

    1. My mom took the door off my basement bedroom for tossing off on David Hasselhoff...Fuck, did I just write that?

  15. Funny you mentioned Rick Dyer. He just did an open invite for Steve Kulls. Randy Filapovic and JR Dobbs to come and see the live bigfoot and interact with it for many hours.


  16. Replies
    1. Some people gave you shit about it, but you were right about these guys from the get go...After the ridiculous "Miiike!!" recording everyone else realized it too...

    2. I am not sure who s more entertaining...him or dyer Ty btw

    3. Go listen to Alex Munoz's evidence, there's nothing there. Sounds like a bunch of rambling, sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I think Alex is making up evidence and that will be proven in time...

      For the comment above, does that mean SCOTT NELSON WAS LYING? SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTT! Because Alex lied about that as well. Alex just lies and lies and lies.

    4. FYI - It shows that Alex has basically posted all these posts by himself to make it sound like others are responding to his comments. WHAT A COMPLETE LIAR!

    5. Miiiiikkkkeeeeyyyy you can't seriously expect people to believe this stuff. I thought you and your buddy were just playing a joke. Lol. Alex mw

  17. cmon i work on audio and that shit is made of sounds from audio libraries and some of them are streched and reversed too...
    please go to work... it's better

    1. I thought it sounded familiar. I'm sure that's a recording of the last field hockey match I went to.

    2. Actually no, people have analyzed this and have proven it's recorded outdoors, so now you two are liars just like Alex MW. + it appears you know nothing about the Sasquatch... This is funny stuff...

  18. Great, here comes the Nephilim bullsh*t again.

    1. Put that in your jar and shake it up with the poop.

    2. LOL. You don't need to use *.
      As if it changes it.

  19. As far as Dyer, if the video is only for gold/platinum members, then why is everyone able to view it ? He only came up with this baby Bigfoot story to borrow a page from Smeja. Nobody ever heard him speak of a baby before. If his story is true lets get Nat Geo over there and get it on CNN. But it's not true, it's 2008 Dyer=liar. I think he was leaning over out of camera view to smell an onion to get some fake tears going. Scumbag.

  20. Mike aka Toejam fails yet again.

    1. Ok Alex. Just come out and say who you are.

    2. Lol I signed my posts little man. It shows that a ton of people think your stuff is comical and amusing yet worthless. Btw anyone that references you as toejam is a former bf forum guy...and that ain't me

    3. I've had an expert match the "Sasquatch" eyes to skookumm aka snookie aka mikeeeeeee. Lol. A mw. We'll call old snookie "fish eyes" from now on. Btw mom said its time for dinner and "to get off thT damn karaoke machine". Lmao

  21. I am an amateur cryptolinguist. After many hours of working on it, I was finally able to translate this terrifying bigfoot vocalization.

    This is what the bigfoot was saying:

    Where's the Metamucil !!!!

  22. Damn! I like eggs! Them bitches is good!

  23. Nephatia is a Greek Festival honoring the 9 Muses who were the daughters of Zeus. Who would of thought that Sasquatch knew about Greek Mythology. Or maybe that is why the leaves stay Crunchy when it's been raining? Because this is nothing more than an attempt to fool us just like the Muses did with their songs. Come On People read a book every now and then for Gosh Sakes !

    1. Honoring the muses mother - Mnemosyne - goddess of memory

  24. Come on Sasquatch Ontario --tell the guy to not make ape sounds that close to the microphone--and really--more fish eyes for photos--been done.

  25. Nipples nipples nipples with some good gay Amish humor?

  26. Animals of the same species have the same eyes..... but not bigfoots? lol

  27. OK to all those who question Mike... unless you can prove it's a hoax then you should shut up :} we can't prove it to be real either!
    If it is a hoax 1 of you smart guys please upload a video with an identical vocalization... until then it remains a mystery the end.

    1. Miiiiiikkkkkeeeeyyy stop playing with the karaoke machine in mommy s basement. And stop playing w that little thing between your legs or Bigfoot says you ll go blind

    2. I can talk like Mikes bigfoot, so i think its bullshit. But i don't need to record myself talking like that to prove it to anyone, i don't care enough to waste my time. Doesn't change the fact i've made up my own mind on it and can have my opinion.

    3. I can fart like mike s Bigfoot and if joe peche had a Canadian accent, he d be the latter video mike aka skookumm ... Not to be confused w earlier video mike.... Two different schmucks

  28. Okay, that's 8 minutes and 53 seconds I'll never get back again.

  29. Bigfoot sounds like a PIG ? It needs to learn how to say, "Excuse me", after it burps.

  30. Omf! This rick dyer dude is one sad ass mofo, he can't even act well, how is he pulling the wool over so many possibly medicated people. Bwhahahahhahahaha what an ass.... Hahahhahaha, I always wanted to see a real asshole,

    1. I'm skeptic of bigfoot but you're just sad dude

  31. John Titor from 2036 folks.

    I just thought I'd let you know, still no proof of bigfoot in the year 2036. But, we like it.

  32. What does joe fitzgerald think of this?

  33. Started to doze off waiting for it.Fuck this shit.

  34. Started to doze off waiting for it.Fuck this shit.

  35. Started to doze off waiting for it.Fuck this shit.

  36. Started to doze off waiting for it.Fuck this shit.

  37. Sometimes I pee red just like Alex MW!

  38. Alex is a douchebag with a hard on for anything thats better than him. Thats a very long list.

  39. Sasquatch Ontario can't be serious with those eye photos! Looks like a doll at 5:10 and a fluffy toy at 5:15. Must be a baby sas taking photos of it's toys.

  40. Wow, reading through all these comments made me realize how immature this whole group of "bigfoot researchers" are. Now I see why I need a degree for what I do. Everyone is just sitting here attacking eachother like a bunch of 5 year olds and you guys are SUPPOSE to be grown men? Also, whats with all the anonymous comments. If you are going to talk shit at least put your name....



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