Mike Rowe Talks About What It Felt After a Lemur Bite

Here's the story of a Fiona, a not-so-lovely lemur who bit Mike Rowe straight through his hand. If you buy into Ketchum's theory that Bigfoots are part human and part lemur, Mike gives us a pretty good idea of what it probably feels like to be bitten by Bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. OOPS! (Silly bear!)
      To hell with the video on the last post. Check out MK's enhancement of frame 362!


      I swear if you stare long enough, you can see Roger's camera reflecting in her eye.

    3. I got a hairy handini from Harry Bandini

    4. You already said that and I just got a blow job from your mom and the video to prove it move on

  2. Are there any reports of people actually being bitten by bigfeets?

    Travis doesn't count. He was just mouthed.

  3. bigfoot eats humans so yes they bite.

  4. Bigfoot eating people is a scary thought,it's like the monster under your bed xx

    1. Not sure if they do or they do not eat people. But Humans have eaten other humans and continue to do so. Chimps eat other chimps. The guy on bizarre foods Andrew Zimmern has eaten just about every concievable species. So if a squatch ate humans it would only seem outrageous to us because we are humans. To the squatch a human would be like any of the multitude of animals Andrew Zimmern has eaten. So Eva the only real question would be do they make a person play bunga bunga before they eat you. Thats an old joke. Lets suppose they did kill someone and it was some how undenieable that the event happened. I can just about guarantee the reaction of 99% of most people would be. We need to exterminate these things. Before someoone brings up laws about this and that take a look at the elephant population decline in Africa.

  5. I quite agree Anon 12:34,i would hate to see bigfoot persecuted if one did eat someone,lots of countries have dangerous animals,you just have keep out of their way like you would with crocodiles,but bigfoots intelligence makes them seem more scary xx

    1. That was me Eva sorry i forgot to sign earlier. Aren't they promoting some reality TV show promising a million bucks to someone who brings one in dead or alive? J.D.


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