Listen to Dr. Melba Ketchum Talk About Lemur Being The Daddy of Bigfoots

Dr. Melba Ketchum thinks Bigfoot is part human and part lemur. According to a recent interview with Linda Moulton Howe of, Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study suggests that a 500 pound lemur may have bred with a human female to create a hybrid species about 15,000 years ago. Basically, a human female mated with one of the "hairy giants" and gave birth to a new lineage of hominins, a mitochondrial "Eve" for what we now call the Sasquatch. Listen to this amazing interview below via

"It's headed a little more towards the lemur line, oddly enough. It is definitely NOT an ape. And it's interesting that we found out that there is an extinct lemur that weighed 400 or 500 pounds. Also, they had opposable thumbs and hooded noses. It really freaked me out that we had lemur. I did not expect that (laughs)." - Dr. Melba Ketchum


  1. Kuku ketchem is losing it..

    1. I used to trust her, but now I see that she's a total fraud.

    2. I give you credit for admitting this and not defending her any longer. She is totally insane.

  2. Replies
    1. I dream about being in her "inner circle" of friends.
      What kind of fantastic evidence they must share within that exclusive group....we can only dream of...

    2. Oh yeah. I wanna know more about what made her so 'sore'

  3. bigfoot community please kill yourselves.

    1. There are smart people.

      Unfortunately you aren't one of them.


  4. I'm sure she has an eloquent and rational explanation for how the hell a lemur mated with a human. I am willing to wait 5 years for the details.


    1. It's simple really, they call it Zoophilia, it has been around since the dawn of the centaur.

  5. the lady (MELBA) is fucking nuts.if no one puts a story about her DNA shit she will go away,

  6. I feel bad for the honest footers out there and put their trust in this tooner. What a devastating blow to learn you handed over your bet evidence to a complete wackjob.

    1. So, this up and coming summer, what exactly are the hoaxers supposed to try and hoax now?! Hybrid human/Lemur/, Dogman, bigfoot, so much to choose from!

    2. Craziness is forgivable, but she is a liar as well and deserves every last bit of ridicule and hostility...

    3. If the Smeja account is true, she is a revolting fraud, thief, and sociopath.

    4. Yep, I totally agree think we can add cult leader to that list too, seriously Wally think about bringing criminal charges against her. If anything it might deter any of the other hoaxers and grifters out there from chasing the Sasquatch dollar. This woman is human garbage.

    5. He should press charges for sure. He must be outraged with everything coming out right now. He certainly has the resources.

  7. She is consistent on her study. I really like her stuff she is presenting.

    1. She has done everything us footers have always wanted, and only us true believers respect her exhaustive work ethic. She has given us her all people! Come on!

    2. Come on! Let's convince Wally to say thanks by pressing criminal charges for defrauding him for hundreds of thousands of dollars! Yeah Melba you crazy bitch!

    3. ^ you're the bat shit crazy person! Dumbass!

  8. iagree a lemar was recently found that size

  9. Replies
    1. ^^^ Your typical paid-to-post shill.

    2. ^^^ You must be doing volunteer work then.

  10. This is absoleute absurdity! I mean come on Melba! I really got fired up about this whole DNA and video thing when u first posted it! I have to say that I'm very upset but at the same time very dissappointed in u and your followers. Endgame is now! And to think we bought into this fiasco! What a shame!

    1. Things will make sense soon,
      just be patient for just a little longer

    2. Things will make sense soon????!!!

    3. YES! She promised (in her heart), Just have some faith!

    4. Her science team is working as we speak to validate everything in her paper. She will be vindicated as science takes time.

      Just hang in there everyone, it will happen soon.

    5. If you aren't trolling, you are among the most credulous dolts on the planet.

    6. [Sarcasm]Her science team is working as we speak to validate everything in her paper. She will be vindicated as science takes time.

      Just hang in there everyone, it will happen soon.[/Sarcasm]

    7. @ 4:13

      I agree, everybody should just hang in there. Science that is as revolutionary as her's takes awhile to be understood and accepted.

    8. No amount of hoaxed DNA studies will ever be proven correct. The woman is a fraud, her science is bullshit, she is a sociopath, she shouldn't be even allowed to be called a cat vet as she obviously has no understanding of biology and she'll hopefully end up broke or in jail.

    9. ^Starting from "The woman is a fraud" you also just described Kitakaze.

  11. I really dont think the genetics to cross breed between a human and lemur are even possible. People say it might be possible between a chimp and a human (looking at Fasano) but I don't see how between a lemur and human. Besides a lemur that big would wreck a women.

    1. I know some girls from College that would disagree.

    2. LOL! Broski that was f*cking hilarious! thanks!

    3. Your wrong lemurs are know to have very small penises, like Fasano.

    4. Well what about THIS scientifically plausible theory?
      What if, 15,000 years ago, a lonely lemur herder was alone... tending his flock?
      How could he know that his simple act of animalistic release would result in a super stealthy 10 foot tall hominid that loves pancakes??
      I dont see how we can judge him... besides, 500 pound lemurs are a handful in the sack.

    5. Even if the impossible task of interbreeding were accomplished, it is absurd that progeny would be fertile. Absolutely tooners.

    6. I'm gonna go ask Dick Ryder to confirm Fasano's penis size. Be right back.

    7. Fasano has the man boobs. Ketchum has to be kidding here. To start cross breeding you have to have enough females breedibg with these things to cross the genes and pass them down. So to quote the gay black guy on youtube "these lemurs be raping everyone out here"

  12. Man Ketchum is out there from whose ass is she pullin this stuff seriously? This is like Edgar Cayce journal level of psychotic and completely non scientific

  13. I think the Wookiee Therory holds more weight....

  14. Me and my brother saw a creature by the creek when we was kids. We ran home and looked in the encyclopedia. Closest match we found was a gibbon. It was longlimbed,4 ft tall or thereabouts
    The only problem was facially it looked human. That is exactly what we told our parents we saw,a hairy man..juvie actually. This was 1964..i had never heard of bigfoot till early 70s show In search of. I guess seeing is believing. You people advocating pro-kill...not good karma.....chill the bloodlust. Human beings never cease to amaze me with their penchant for violence. Trolls and skeptards want to believe. A scoffer seeks wisdom..but gains none. Doubt!!!!! When it is proven they will be the first to say..i knew it..i knew it... Deverbeau D in WV

  15. You know what you saw, I know what you saw. Welcome to the club!

  16. There is very little interest in what she is saying anymore...look how few comments are posted here! Normally there would be over 100 by now.

    What a bummer for Shawn.


  17. Er..isnt this the same article that was just posted below or am I suffering from acute deja vous.

  18. Sorta? Th first one was reporting this stupidity and this one is linking to Sketchum defending her stupidity.

  19. Homosapien can't crossbreed with a Lumar of any kind. It's like breeding with a Human and a lion!!

    1. It seems simple to us sane, honest people, but not to Sketchum. She's either totally nuts or she is playing out a disgusting hoax to make footers seem incredibly stupid and gullible.

    2. It's very even believe in this notion that bigfoot exists for 15,000 years undiscovered in NA = you will believe anything.

    3. How do you know we can't breed with them. No one has ever tried ever. Show the proof
      . And not theory. Go ketchum. And hey its a bleever. Insert original comment . Lol. Suckers
      Thats how i role. You got owned

  20. Melba is doing a masterful job at making EVERONE associated with Bigfooting look crazy(look at how many people are paying attention to her). I'm still puzzeled how an objective scientist like Meldrum continues to believe in his collected data. Seriously, a 600lb 7ft tall ape/man hybrid creature living in America? WAKE UP People!

    1. I agree it is a fantastic idea. I can understand the intrigue completely and honestly feel bad for the honest people who gave Melba their samples.

  21. The obsessed JREF buttplugs are going bonkers...Ah forget it even I'm getting sick of reading

  22. Ken: just got home, no new GRANDBABY, no bigfoot. GRANDBABY coming soon, don't know about bigfoot?

  23. hey Brother Ken, Hope all is well on the Grand child scene man. I bet your getting tired of the wait on both the Babe and the Bigfoot aren't you Brother? On a serious note I hope your Daughter is doing well and all great luck for the New addition to the family brother.

  24. PWNT like mulder was when bob h showed up on his property in a wookie suit.

    1. ^
      Butthurt JREF'er who was banned from the BFF.

    2. Oh yeah, butthurt JREFer's are so disappointed. They blew Melba's stupid paper completely out of the water and about three Waffle Houses up the highway.

      U R A FAIL U R

  25. Ken: thanks for the wishes friend. She is big, tired, and ready, but she is also doing great. I'am a little more concerned about my priority right now than my hobby of course, but not much news worth anything on the quest for sasquatch now anyhow friend.

  26. Wow, I for a brief deluded second thought Ketchum may actually have something. Glad I'm over that...

    1. kEN: I BELEIVED SHE HAD SOMETHING WORTH WAITING FOR TOO. but she has truly been buzz kill for all the wishers and fence riders alike. Maybe My Cherokee family have it right. Bigfoot is the spirit of the MTN's, he moves like the wind because that is exactly what he is.

  27. Back when that whole "Humanzee" thing went down and some folks bought into it it I thought those were the most credulous individuals on the planet.

    Boy was I ever wrong.

  28. patience....Oxford University....patience.....Oxford University is going to be scientifically credible....soon....

    1. Oxford is going to be scientifically credible soon? Like it hasn't been credible for the last 700 years or so?

  29. Umm, pretty sure Oxford is scientifically credible right now. And has been for several centuries.

  30. The idea of a genetic engineer's Frankenstein monster is beginning to form. "Eye of newt, wing of bat, gene sequence of lemur..."

    The Big question, assuming their existence and the verification of Ketchum's DNA findings, is "WHO MADE the Sasquatch?"

    1. That's a lot of assuming! :)

      My prediction is more train crash, coming fast. Her claims will be torn apart as more information and data surfaces.

  31. GT/CS discovered where Ketchum came up with her looney lemur theory.

    somehow it seems she thought most of you would be stupid to track down this 45 million year old fossil story about a "missing link" between early primates and modern ones.

    The problem with using this as the basis for a hypothesis is that lemurs became isolated millions and millions of years before man even walked on the earth.

    so ,NO SALE, on a lemur/human connection, not within the last 40 million years or so.

    1. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if Melba's one of those kooky evangelicals who believes the world is only about 20,000 years old. Wasn't 'angel dna' mixed up in one of her theories at some point?

    2. Isn't longtime footer GT/CS the massive simpleton who railed you JREF'ers for discussing Kitakaze's hoax publicly because it could have compromised his "delicate negotiations" in obtaining the suit or some nonsense like that. What a fucking
      Now he's on the BFF posting as "Fuzzy Gremlin" defending that mealy mouthed liar Tontar.
      Is this jackass for real?

    3. regardless of your opinion of him, the link is real, from the Nat Geo site.

      standard footer tirade, can't argue against the evidence so make a personal comment on the messenger.... so boring

    4. and I wasn't around during the "KK found the suit" stuff, only caught the aftermath

    5. Yeah moron, like the JREF'ers don't employ the same tactic. What, are you retarted ?

    6. nothing funnier than a guy spelling "retarded" wrong! hahahahaha!!!!!!!

    7. ^
      He probably dumbed it down for you Skankape. You're obviously not to swift as many can see.

    8. big on name calling, but that was funny. I am so stealing "massive simpleton"...

    9. Try thinking not hybridization by sex, but genetic engineering by mad scientists at some point thousands of years ago, a lost civilization whose ruling clicque were able to do this? or pre Flood, and aliens and sasquatch (who have been seen with UFOs) are DNA modified humans, descended from those offworld during The Flood and some came back? I focus on the aliens in A Possible History of Life on Mars by Christine Erikson on amazon kindle.

  32. Yeah the angel dna was in play up until she self published her "paper."

    Where'd dem Angels go Ketchup?

  33. Cleveland Steamer, I mean, Lemur.

  34. Guys, my vagina is sore. I think the bigfoot braiding my horses mane zapped me, and knocked me out and then took advantage of me. I woke up and my vagina was sore.

    What the hell? Lemur is nothing. When you have bigfoots zapping you and mind raping you, thats the shit. I demand my own personal bigfoot for zapping and mind raping. Mommy misses her so vagina. (because lets be honest, not too many dudes are gonna wanna hit this box!)

    1. you guys ever notice melba is a type of bread/toast. a bread ketchum?

      me ketchum bread.

      She sure did... I just wonder when or if the big dogs will bite back. (unless wally is in on this sham, i hope he does)

  35. You people are sick. They are a kind of people! Lemur Americans are not a laughing matter, they are a minority worthy of dignity!

  36. Open your eyes dumbasses. The science is good. Melba did it. Accept it dumbass

  37. Open your eyes dumbasses. The science is good. Melba did it. Accept it dumbass

  38. Roger Mulderfucking PattersonFriday, March 1, 2013 at 8:52:00 PM PST

    Jesus on a pretzel you fuckers done took everything I stood for and made it about the money.

    Lemme make this clear for y'all: it was always about the money.

    I just didn't reckon you city slickers would take it this far.

    Go ask Bob G while he's still got tar in his lungs. He'll tell ya.

  39. Open your eyes dumbasses. The science is good. Melba did it. Accept it dumbass

  40. For all you on the Geneics I have one picture with 2 different looking things and they both have the same Noses. They are comunicating in the picture and have been communicating with other things as well. The stick knocking is a warning.When one sets with you and sings then tell me she is wrong. Untill you do what I have done with them don't cut her years of study of Proffesionalism.

    1. Misspellings? Check.

      Insane rambling? Check.

      Angrily lashing out? Check.

      Ladies and gentlement, we have a genuine, true-believing Bigfoot cultist!


  42. Is the skull of the 500 pound prehistoric lemur unusually large? If so, this would agree with Dr. Ketchum's theories regarding the ability of sasquatch to neutralize threats with mental electro magnetic energy blasts, telepathy, and the emission of "mind waves" to stun and disable prey, scrambling their brain-wave frequencies in the process.

  43. Crazier than a shit house rat. And now she's appearing on
    Earth Files peddling conspiracies!

    And legitimate journals such as Science, Nature, PLOS rejecting her paper is somehow the journals' fault and a grand conspiracy, not a reflection on her amateur essay.

    It this weren't so sad and pathetic, I'd laugh.

  44. Melba never said a female mated with a 500 pound lemur. She was asked if she had any information about what would be the closest known living primate to the unknown male hominin progenitor. She said it hit a LITTLE more towards the lemur line, definitely not ape. The part about the 400-500 pound lemur being discovered was added after. Sounds more like she only brought it up to show that there are unknown, large, lemur species still being discovered. There are now 3 species of giant lemurs that have been discovered, none of them are bigfoot's daddy.

  45. It's scientifically impossible. A human can't mate w a lemur. - Lepomis, M.S. Environmental Biology.

  46. Dear Forum:

    I never thought I'd be writing to you until that fateful day a gorgeous lemur with dreamy shiny eyes and wet nose came into my life . . .

  47. So, what's the score on this whole Ketchum joke now? Stupid Skeptics 392, Brilliant Squatchers 0?
    I'll never get over a bunch of people who think that Bobo and crew are "experts" and that the vast majority of the scientific is composed of "scoftics (got to laugh at that word too) and idiots. Yeah, you guys are the smart ones, and most of you will go to your death beds believing, just like you'll go to your deathbeds waiting for somebody to produce a specimen of bigfoot, dead or alive.


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