Congratulations to Monica Harmse For Getting The Part In "Bigfoot Wars" Film!

How awesome is this? We posted Monica Harmse's audition tape for "Bigfoot Wars" here on Bigfoot Evidence a couple of weeks ago and thanks to our post, Monica got the part! Monica was recently cast in the upcoming film "Bigfoot Wars", Directed by Brian T. Jaynes and based on the novels by Eric S. Brown. She will be playing the part of "Nurse Willis". Monica sent us this thank you video via YouTube:

You can follow Monica Harmse on Twitter:

Bigfoot War Book Synopsis:
Jeff Taylor was an ordinary boy growing up in the small town of Babble Creek, North Carolina, until one night his life was changed forever when a Sasquatch brutally murdered his family. Taylor fled the town, hoping to leave the painful memory behind. Years later, after two tours of duty in the Iraq War, he’s back in Babble Creek seeking vengeance. Taylor’s lust for the blood of the monster that slew his family sets in motion a series of events that soon has the entire town fighting for its life as a tribe of Sasquatches descend from the forests and hills into Babble Creek to declare war upon its citizens. Babble Creek is about to find out Bigfoot is very real and there’s more than one of the creatures that want to fill the streets with blood…

The movie will start filming in mid-August and they are currently looking for a 2014 premiere date.

[via Science Fiction]


  1. Replies
    1. "You know your man is working haed,
      Hes worth a DEUCE!!"....

      ..That is 2 firsts for me today, but I prefer 2 of what Gene Simmons had in mind when he wrote Deuce :) ...

    2. Gene Simmons could be part squatch. Get up and get your grandma outta here.

    3. It's cold gin time again.

    4. know, its the only thing that keeps us together...

  2. If you need to practice mouth to mouth CPR for your role I want to be your practice Dummy.

  3. Monica is the most credible voice in the tomfootery commune.

  4. I'm pretty sure that the plural is just 'Bigfoot'. Don't listen to people like Matt Moneymaker who say otherwise... For example , just say it over in your head; "Bigfoots, Bigfoots, Bigfoots..." Doesn't sound right does it?

    ... Now, do the same with 'Bigfoot' in a sentence which would suggest a plural of; winner!

    "I saw a family of Bigfoot!"

    "You'd better watch out, there are lots of Bigfoot in those woods!"

    Peace Monica.

    1. Oh... and 'Bigfeets' just doesn't sound or even look right written down either!


    2. Just say Sasquatch or Squatches. Bigfoot is for children.

    3. "I saw a family of Bigfoot" or " I saw a gaggle of Squatches" Either way you say it, you're probably lying or just confused.

    4. Isn't she being cast for 'BIGFOOT' WARS?


    5. Yes, I do have a monkey suit...bought it on ebay a few years ago. You should get yourself one. They actually do exist and pretty easy to obtain.

    6. Great, you've solved the mystery of PGF then?! We can all put it to bed now and move on with our lives yeah? Oh well... I was wrong the whole time I guess. Sorry guys!

      (Obvious sarcasm over and a revert to a tone that exhibits pity for the recent poster...)

      You haven't got anything close sonny, not in 46 years of technological development... And I love it.


    7. Your hot buttons are so obvious and easy to push, PJ. How can you not expect people to mess with you? Have you ever checked your blood pressure before and after you log onto this blog? You sure seem to get fired up. Lighten up, Sally. You're on a Sasquatch blog and your same arguments are getting old and tired. I'm not here to debate you. You do a good enough job debating yourself. I know you like to see yourself type, so hammer away, bro.

    8. If I can just explain something to you...

      There ARE times when I get worked up, yes and that's because I am passionate about the subject... But I can assure you that 98% of the time, I am really enjoying myself and would not be able to cope if people like you didn't egg me on or went away. I enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn't participate... I hope you can appreciate that?

      Furthermore, I see your repetitive haggling very conducive. If I can get what I preach out as often as possible to all the different people who visit this blog around the world daily, some of who may just come here once and never come back, then I am doing something right in my eyes, and I have no problem with repeating myself and coming across preachy because if I don't; those fleeting visitors will see your point of view as opposed to mine and considering it's a Bigfoot blog; I find that just a little important, yeah?

      No hard feelings... It's all about debate yeah? And what better subject to debate?!

      Oh, and my literary skills mean that all this comes so easy and quickly to me... Sorry for the essays, but I love articulating and expressing what I feel adequately and as sincere as I possibly can.


    9. It's late in Wales now; see you all soon (no doubt).


    10. It's all good, man. I say tomato, you say to"mah"to. In the end, we're both right and nobody else really gives a shit anyway. I don't agree with you, but you have breathed new life into a dying blog. So, that in itself, is commendable. In the end, you'll get nothing and like it.

      Take care,


    11. Sykes is coming and I am anticipating... Peace bro.

  5. Does anyone know why Bill Munns was banned from the JREF?

    1. Thats not a definitive answer

    2. From the Jolly Rectum Enthusiast's Fellowship?

      Yes, he was ejected because he didn't share their particular enthusiasm.

      You're welcome.

      You can leave some change in the box below.

    3. To be banned from JREF, is a badge of honor. Everybody who is anybody in Bigfootdom, has been banned from JREF. That is how they win arguements over there. They ban you so that you cannot answer back, and poke their canned replies full of holes. And the JREF administrators are in on that little game. Same deal over at

  6. I'm scared to go into the woods by myself, hubby won't even let me! Yikes twice!! Bigfoot, skunkape, and dogman oh my!!!

  7. I know what she can do, Hula Hoop in a bikini

    1. yeah -"anything I can do for you" is a loaded question that is best heard from a woman in a bar.

  8. joe fitsyertaterhole


    1. Not super smart; super common sense...

      Any one who has spent ten minutes looking at numerous casts can see that there are many, many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of finger prints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These casts cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis have sited as the creature gripping into earth. There is a clear difference between desiccation marks and complex dermal markings. You can look for yourself on any image search engine and the fact that some have sited some casts that have been made poorly by amateur casters (these are mostly untrained civilian researchers, not perfectionists), as the main source to disprove such is at best desperate and ignorant of the wider picture of the sometimes difficult process it is to extract such prints. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! The pouring of liquid into a cast can make desiccation wrinkles yes, but when done by amateur casters and there is so, so much more casts to counter that argument. Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?

      I would suggest anyone in the remotest mindset to question casting processes to trot on over to the 'Fringe News: Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Tracks, Finding Bigfoot At the Discovery Museum, UFO in Bristol TN' blog page, as there are some amazing threads from very experienced casters who outline this process for you all.


  9. congratulations Monica
    Now we can finally get married ♥


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