PBS: Summary Report on Alleged Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting Case 5-16-2013 (Updated: 911 Audio Included)

Here's the report we've been waiting for all day from the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society regarding the alleged Bigfoot shooting that supposedly took place in Somerset county PA. PBS president Eric Altman posted this extensive summary report which starts off with them receiving their an email regarding the case on may 14th:

Primary Investigators

Stan Gordon– Independent Bigfoot and UFO Researcher
Ron Gallucci– Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society member
Eric Altman– Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Director

Case summary:

On May 14, 2013 at 2:41 pm,

The PA Bigfoot Society received its first email in regards to the case:

The email read “Today in Somerset county PA a turkey hunter shot and killed an animal he claimed is a Sasquatch. The state police were called and responded to the scene, according to chatter on the local police frequencies the officers confirmed there was an unidentified animal shot and killed. Details are a bit fuzzy at this time. Any investigative assistance would be appreciated."

May 14, 2013 at 3:20 pm.

The Pa Bigfoot Society received a second email. This one had a name and contact phone number attached. The email read “Hello, YES this is legit, a strange report came over the scanner here in Somerset, Pa. just a few miles from Flight 93memorial. The message went to the local Police department. The report stated that a hunter had shot a Sasquatch while hunting turkey this morning. This is the first day of Spring Turkey in Pennsylvania. Later a second confirmation message on the scanner stated that yes there was a body but was unable to identify who or what it was. This all started about 10:30 AM and continued through most of the day. The location was stated as Russell or Rustic Road (too fast to be sure) here in the local area of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Just wanted to let someone know.”

Both emails were then forwarded off to PBS investigator Ron Gallucci because he is a nearby resident and closest to the area. The emails were also forwarded off to long time UFO/Bigfoot researcher Stan Gordon.

Both Stan and Ron made contact with the author of the second email.

Stan reported he contacted the email author and amateur radio (ham) operator who had made contact with the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society concerning the police radio transmission. From him Stan learned that the radio chatter in question had actually been heard by his friend who is another ham operator. Soon after, Stan talked with that man directly and learned some additional details.

The person who heard the transmission has a public safety scanner radio, better known as a police scanner, which is programmed to receive the Somerset County Public Safety radio transmissions that would include police, fire, and EMS. The radio transmission was broadcast over the scanner, and not over ham radio equipment. The man stated that he had heard a radio transmission come across a county police frequency.

The man stated he heard the Somerset County Dispatch Center contacting an area police department, but he was unsure as to what municipality it was. What he said he heard was that a hunter had called and stated that he had shot a Bigfoot. He soon heard some radio chatter from police who were reportedly joking about the report. It was about 20 minutes later that he said he heard a police officer radio back and state, “there was a body.” He said the next radio transmission to the officer was, “call the center.”

The witness also mentioned to Stan that soon after he heard the sound of what appeared to be a large helicopter near his house. The sound was so loud it shook his house, so he went outside to take a look. It was then that he observed a formation of four Army Apache helicopters approaching from the north and moving in the direction of Somerset. The man frequently sees such helicopters flying around that general area, but he thought the timing was interesting since the choppers were moving toward the direction of the location where the report of a Bigfoot had allegedly been shot just a short time before.

The investigation:

Ron is a long time resident of the area and has made multiple contacts in law enforcement and other departments due to his former career.

Ron placed calls to a trooper he knows that worked in the State Police Barracks at Somerset, and a contact he knows in the Somerset 911 call center. His contact in the Somerset barracks he knows was not available. Ron called the Somerset 911 call center and it was confirmed there was a call to the center but it did not involve a Bigfoot being shot. It was in regard to a gentleman that discovered large human like tracks, and that he believed were Bigfoot prints.

Ron then was informed of the municipal police department that investigated. Being that Ron has contacts at the Paint Township Police Station, Ron called and spoke to the Police Chief about the incident. . It was at that time, informed him of the situation and invited him to meet in the office on 5-16-2013, to discuss the case and findings. The Chief also told Ron they had photos of what they believed were bear prints. No discussion or mention of a Turkey Hunter shooting a Bigfoot was discussed at that time.

May 14, 2013:

Thanks to another PBS member, Eric was given the address to a website called Broadcastify or http://www.broadcastify.com/. This website houses archived EMS, Fire, and Police transmissions. The website had the archive for Tuesday March 14, 2013. Eric listened to the files and found that there was a call dispatched out of the Somerset 911 call center to a local municipality police force to investigate. Eric has been able to download the file. This is available upon request.

The transcription from the recording is as follows.

Begin Transmission “Dispatcher: Did you have a Mr. ###### at ## Spruce Street?” Police officer: “Negative.” Dispatcher: “He called the 911 call center advising he called the state game commission and no one has returned his calls and he is requesting an officer to his house as he has proof of Bigfoot.” Police Officer: “Bigfoot, Right?” Dispatcher: “Affirmative, he wants an officer to come to his residence.” “Apparently he has proof of Bigfoot.” Police Officer: reply was unintelligible.
End of Transmission.

May 15, 2013.

Contact was made with the Game commission, and it was Stan’s understanding that the Pennsylvania Game Commission in that area had no knowledge of the incident and was not involved in any investigation dealing with this matter on May 14, 2013

In the evening, newspaper accounts were posted on line that a Turkey Hunter shot another person on April 30, 2013 in Somerset Township, Wisconsin. Some are speculating that this is the source of the rumor. It does not account for the witness who claims he heard the scanner report of a Bigfoot shot and confirmed by police on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at approximately 10:30 am. We are unable to determine if this plays a role in the case or not.

May 16, 2013

Eric Altman called the Somerset State Police Barracks on Thursday morning. Eric spoke with the daylight dispatcher. When asked about any involvement of the Somerset State Police in regards to the claim, the daylight dispatcher stated she was not aware of any. She also stated she was working that day and did not talk to anyone filing any type of claim or statement about Bigfoot to the barracks.

The Dispatcher then told Eric she would check into it further and call him back. Twenty minutes later the dispatcher called and stated the Somerset State Police did not receive any calls or information about it, nor went to investigate any shooting. The dispatcher stated she did find out there was a call into the 911 Call Center on Tuesday May 14, 2013 and Paint Township Police were dispatched on an Animal Complaint issue of an individual claiming to find large Bigfoot tracks in the forest. Police responded, took photos and determined the prints to be Bear prints. Two sets of tracks were found. A large set and a smaller set. The tracks were identified as bear tracks.

May 16, 2013.

Ron Gallucci met with Chief of police and met with him today verifying this did indeed happen. He met with him, found out an elderly gentleman filed an animal complaint of "proof of Bigfoot." An officer responded and confirmed they were 2 sets of tracks. A large and small set of tracks which suggested a Mama bear and cub. Photos were taken and Ron has a copy of the photos, police report and I have a copy of the 911 transmission of the call requesting an officer that took place at 11:30 am on Tuesday May 14.

Ron also checked the claim about the low flying military helicopters. It was found out that there were no military helicopters sent to collect a body. However there are always low flying helicopters in formation and they do fly over that area multiple times a week due to the municipal airport being close by.

Stan also added he is aware that the Pennsylvania Army National Guard operates Apache helicopters out of the nearby John Murtha-Johnstown-Cambria County Airport and commonly conduct training missions around that area.

In Conclusion:

We cannot determine what was heard nor find evidence to confirm what the Ham Operator witness heard on his police scanner on May 14, 2013 at approximately 10:30 am. Stan, Ron and Eric were able rule out the claim of a Bigfoot being shot and killed by a turkey hunter and confirmed by police.

We have confirmation from the Somerset State Police, Somerset 911 call center, Paint Township Police department and the Pennsylvania Game Commission that to their knowledge, there has been no Bigfoot reportedly killed, no body confirmed nor recovered.

We have the 911 call center audio file of the dispatched track discovery call, a copy of the police report from the Paint Township police department and photographs of the bear prints.

Additional notes from researcher Stan Gordon -
With all of the police scanners in the area you would think that others would have heard the report of a Bigfoot being shot and there being a body. Surely this would have drawn much interest from local people making inquiries as well as the news media. That hasn’t happened, however the man who says he heard the broadcast seems certain as to what he believes he heard.

The 911 communication tapes confirm that there was radio traffic about possible Bigfoot evidence being found in the area, however nothing about a shooting or body of a Bigfoot has been located on the recordings.

I am very familiar with emergency radio communications and the chatter of such scanner radios. On occasion there can be some distortions in such radio transmissions making it difficult to understand what was being said. Also I have found myself at times only partially concentrating on what is coming over the scanner radio while being occupied with other matters. It is a possibility that fellow could have mistakenly heard certain details about the Bigfoot activity in the area that day.

Stan Gordon

Ron Gallucci
Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Investigator

Eric Altman
Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society

Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting 911 Call:


  1. Great Job, it's nice to know there are some serious minded researchers that took the time, the key words here, "took the time" to investigate this incident....

    Great work!!!

    1. Agreed - fantastic work! Thank you.

    2. Great example of applying intellect to make a contribution. (Unlike FIRSTers).

    3. Use your so called intellect and write your thesis about bigfoot. I'd like to see that grade

    4. Great way to waste the time and resources of the police department!

    5. Hey! We "Firsters" take this shit seriously too, but we get tired of getting nothing and being forced to like it. This time we got nothing...but it was a very well investigated nothing so we like it voluntarily and we can lay the fucking story to rest, huh?

    6. I'm a firster and I'm tired of taking you firsting haters' shit. Shawn thinks we pwn.

    7. In the beginning I didn't like the Firsters, but then I figured nobody was getting hurt so let these guys have a little fun with it. When I got my first FIRST it actually felt sort of cool. I now pwn 3 FIRSTS in total and I never talked shit about anyone here for having a good time with silly posts. I'd rather take the high road, unlike the people who spew caustic rhetoric toward people who do no harm

    8. Who was first on this post?......oh yeah...oh yeah...was my name..

    9. speaking for myself, FIRSTers can be fun and entertaining... also infantile (8th grade focus on bodily functions/sex) keep the former, toss the latter and I welcome you with open hairy arms

  2. Dear Matthew Johnson,

    Your continued ongoing insults to the Bigfoot community have reached a new level of unacceptable. Your latest diatribe started out calling all researchers who do not agree with your methods insane, hard headed fools, and simple minded. You further suggested that any methods that disagree with your own should be considered disrespectful to the "forest people", as you so quaintly refer to them. You belittle others by suggesting that Sasquatches "tease" the "Die Hard Researcher" due to the fact that they have unique special abilities that only your methods can overcome.

    You claim to be above the common "Die Hard Researcher" and refer to yourself as a "Habituator". This is very clearly an attempt to paint yourself as a unique snowflake, a cut above the rest, a superhero of Sasquatch research. You insult those who have spent years and hard work attempting to further this field at their own personal expense. You claim to be perplexed by how "certain" individuals are held in such high esteem in the Bigfoot community. You belittle and minimize their tremendous contributions to this field. Researchers who you casually dismiss (Krantz, Green, Byrne, and Meldrum) deserve far more respect from you.

    You claim that the ultimate prize is to "see" and "interact" with Sasquatches, yet you have shown no substantiating evidence that you have done just that. Instead you claim that Sasquatches are "different", that they have magical “invisibility” powers, and are "technology avoidant". These are nothing but convenient excuses for being unable back up and document your own your claims and attack others for their own research methodologies.
    You ask the community to be respectful to your "forest friends" yet you show not a single bit of respect for the community you continually attack and criticize.

    We deserve better.

    The Community of Die Hard Researchers

    1. You better be careful or he you won't give you any more big hairy hugs.

    2. All this reading is making me sleepy....soo sslllleeeeppyyy...zzzzzzzzzz


    4. That's a lot of words for an anonymous douche poster. I can't believe anyone could take an anonymous poster seriously or with any such belief when they can't even share who they really are. Anon posters are chicken shit! LOL

    5. Dr. Matthew Johnson pwns.

    6. yesterday he woke me up with sensual shoulder and butt massage he is so sensitive and caring when it comes to my taterhole

    7. Well said. Dr. Matthew Johnson just might be the biggest douche in bigfootery.

    8. He's the entire package: credible bigfoot researcher, sensitive and caring lover, educated, a great listener.

    9. I am sorry for the misunderstanding, the IGNORANT DOLT guy woke me up so homosexually

    10. Pwned? Is that a pwning? I'm new here and just want to fit in.

    11. My statement regarding the good doctor remains. IGNORANT DOLT wakes up my kids during nappy time, so I hate that guy.

    12. i think thats the ignorant dolt guy getting a bwning

    13. I'm sorry do you consider aggravated homosexual assault funny?

    14. I'm not anonymous...I'm the "Huh?" guy. I just don't have any of that crap on the "Select profile" list, huh?

    15. apparently the ignorant dolt guy does

    16. What a load of shit man

    17. That was Jeffrey Meldrum folks. And I believe he just bitch slapped Matthew Johnson. Habituator, huh? How about a big hairy picture of some sasquatch?

    18. Matthew Johnson is the John Edwards of Bigfoolery.

  3. What a pile of sh*t, why are you covering and embellishing obvious BS? This kind of crap only hurts Bigfoot research... summary, complete BS, nothing and you all like it.

    1. Yes, Rush rules and I like my nothings.

    2. Whys that guy like Rush Limbaugh?

    3. What the hell is bigfoot research anyway? To research something it has to exist. Sadly, it's apt to call this one fantasy reinforcement by deranged or damaged humans.

      Think carefully, are you chasing bigfoot to escape from your identity? Were you abused as a child? Do you abuse drugs, cut yourself, take unnecessary risks or fornicate compulsively? Yes to those and you too may be bigfoot researcher material.

    4. Hey! I like magical monkeys and the extremely credulous. Sue me.

    5. AW you care about us and looks like you know all about becoming a footer... WELCOME fellow footer

    6. No I am doing a research study. I am a sociology doctorale student researching American subcultures of the paranormal, magical, and credulous. You are providing excellent data!

    7. Rush is the first of the sucks hands down sucks

    8. This will be my fourth doctorate.

    9. ^^^ Big deal! I bet you don't have a lick of common sense.

    10. ^^^ Big deal! I bet you don't have an ounce of creativity or intelligence.

    11. ^^^ sure I do, that is why I hang out here with you.

  4. That is different. I wouldn't believe a man shot one with a shotgun using a turkey load. Unless it was super close. My conclusion was someone who found tracks. That what it sounds like to me.

    1. This anonymous douche poster concurs with John Melland. Someone may or may not have found tracks and someone else shot someone by mistake and some helicopters were seen and it got whipped up into a good story for a few days and it's nothing more. But at least it got a proper investigation before it was laid to rest, huh?

    2. He said "turkey load" heehee.

  5. It's always good to have a bigfoot investigator who is also a UFO expert. The two go hand in hand.

    1. How about a Bigfoot expert who is a UFO expert who is also a psychic?

  6. Replies
    1. I'm still drooling over those Comic-Con chicks.

    2. Chew be careful she may be one of your illegitimate offspring

    3. I'll get a DNA test first....know any good vets?

    4. I wonder how far up Matilda shaves

    5. She has that runway strip, with the Mr. T thing going on

  7. Well that was great. Just great. Some turkey hunters, some bear prints, a silly report and some regular helicopter operations. Just how did we conclude bigfoot was involved?

    Pretty much a fart in the woods is evidence of bigfoot. The woods themselves are evidence of bigfoot. There's about 20 trees in my yard. I'm pretty sure bigfoot was there and some helicopters flew over too.

  8. Does this mean bigfoot isn't real?

    1. No, we just need to get out in the field and press on with the work. We can do this!

    2. I'm going to get 4 bags of Wise, and 2 bags of Lay's and head into the woods... But since we're talking about Pennsylvania, I should get some Herr's

    3. ^^^ makesure you can squeal like a pig too

  9. First to respond to the story. Hats off to Altman and crew. Well done job on gathering info. Thats how it's done. Hopefully others will see and conduct their investigations in a similar fashion. Again well done

  10. Well after all that i can proclaim it - Too much reading

    1. Dude found bear tracks, thought it was bigfoot tracks. No evidence of a shooting.

      Is that better?

    2. Cover up....this PBS stuff is too clean....who interviewed the Turkey Hunter who killed the bigfoot?

    3. I would like to know that too, and unless that email guy was paraphrasing, authorities don't just announce a "body" over the airwaves they will say 10-65, 10-code for death or body found ...interesting though too much reading for me lol

    4. 10-4 smokey.....10-15......then 10-19......copy that.

  11. I used to believe that there might be something to the existence of bigfoot. After visiting this site off and on for about 9 months now, I'm 100% convinced that bigfoot does not exist.

    1. Hwnd. All your suit rental are mine.

    2. Yes we all come to this realization. Some of us at age 12, some at 35, some never do. You are among the fortunate.

    3. Only 9 months of visiting this silly site and you are convinced bigfoot does not exist. I bow to your fucking expertise. Go to a real site and read a few hundred reports then come back with your ass in your hat, huh

    4. ^Huh guy strikes again, heh.

      (heh guy)

    5. Yes, bigfoot is folklore. The idea that thousands of 6-9 feet tall 800 lb bipedal primates exist in North America and are unknown to science is far fetched to say the least.

      Bigfoot is a multi-million dollar money making industry. That's why it's still around. People are interested in mystery, and money is made based on this interest.

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  15. Judy's going to spill the beans on the pgf hoax before ole Bob's cold in the ground. She's gonna get paid like a rapper and party like a rock star.

    Snookie will be somehow involved.

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  17. This is just another bullshit report and many more will continue to come, face it Bigfoot doesn't exist.

  18. This was a Test........only a test, from your national emergency response system....

  19. For once, I got nothing and like it. No dead bodies.

  20. Patterson died for bigfoot...

  21. (clive squashy) *The Sloppy Joe Diaries

    Page 100 -the search-

    I awoke to the beast picking my rifle...rasied it to his shoulder and pulled the trigger. Bigfoot had shot a man who was part of the team looking for me.

    ...And he liked it.


    1. (bigfoot)

      You tell em big letter guy !

      Let's gets MAY-AAAD !




  23. (clive squashy)

    This place is looking more credible already.

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  30. This is the 5 th let down this year. When will I stop wanting to believe?

    1. Dude, it's just not real. If only the OG's who started this were still around to laugh at the craziness they've created.

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