Here Is Mitchell Waites' New Researching at Spooky Valley Video

Since his Soda-Snatching-Bigfoot video got featured on Finding Bigfoot last season, Mitch Waite of the Mogollon Hunters hasn't shared any new in months. Once you've gotten the money-shot that you've been waiting for your whole life, there really isn't much left to do, right? Waite is now furthering his research into the habits of the Mogollon monsters. He's been trying to figure out their migration pattern near a place he calls "Spooky Valley" located somewhere in Arizona. Waite writes:

Is there a way to trace the migration patterns from one Arizona Bigfoot hot spot to another by tracing a food source, water, dense forestation, and lack of man? Maybe nearly a hundred years of apple tree growth/locations might be the key. Perhaps, Bigfoot eats the apples and poop the seeds of the apples along their migrations trails starting new trees. I take a trip into one of the original orchards that was established in the early 1900's as part of the research. I hear wood knocks and voices?


  1. Replies
    1. I deserve it! Maybe I'll find an apple seed...

    2. Trollandia salutes you.


    3. Hail Trollandia! And long live President For Life, poop in a jar guy...

    4. Well, if people are willing to believe in Bigfoot, then I'm sure they'd be willing to believe in my Theory of Revolution, whereby all living creatures are descendants of Dog (yes, Dog, not God).

      If interested, read the details here:The Dogman


    5. Mitch Waide is in the same camp as Rick Dyer. His web page photo is from Victor Oropeza and is of a tree stump blown up as these guys are the kings of Pareidolia! "O" don't forget to place Alex Hearn with them as well.All are Buddies of bascardi

  2. Whenever you bite into an crisp, delicious apple, you are actually biting into a steaming pile of sasquatch crap.

  3. he said "poop the seeds"...

    1. Its an interesting theory that may bear fruit. They just need to refine it a bit. One small problem is that there are no bigfoots in Arizona. Maybe that's just nitpicking....

    2. ^ Moneyraker begs to differ.

  4. U idiots have been looking for bigfoot for 40 years and found nothing. You'll search for another 40 years and find nothing. Why? Because giant apes don't exist in north america.

    1. They don't understand that the number of them it would take to sustain an entire population for this long would prevent them from going undetected. Especially when they're being sought after in such magnitude. WAKE UP YOU IGNORANT DOLTS!!

    2. Well, if I was investigating this area the first thing I would suspect this photo to be, would be a bear.
      I know some do not want to hear that, just the way I am.

    3. Hey numb nuts, go pick on Jesus...and stop shouting, huh?

    4. Bigfoot lives in my heart, so there.

    5. Jesus lives in my heart too. We have a very personal relationship. Very personal.

    6. Like the relationship I have with Jeff...his from ori galaxy(watching the spelling)

    7. I don't want to wake up its my nappy time

  5. Come into my Trust Zone and feast upon the Offering Stump.

  6. Unrelated to this article BUT...
    If FB/FB had their youtube channel shut down for copyright infringement. Have they done the same with the image(s) they have posted from the Shooting Bigfoot movie?
    If this has been addressed already, I am sorry everyone. I am a little slow.

    1. Not a lawyer, but I believe the rightful owner or a representative has to lodge a complaint. The producers may not know or view it as free advertising....

    2. Ah, yes, particularly if FB/FB is involved in the hoax itself. That is a great way to keep it alive for some folks!

    3. FB/FB is run by millionaire businessmen who saw an easy and credulous audience to make cash off of. They are probably in on it, but if not, they have still made a lot of money off of Dyer's hoax and they knew they would.

    4. Millionaires? Why the hell did they have to borrow a RV then?

  7. Is Gimlin lying when he tells his Patty story at bigfoot conferences?

    1. you really gotta wonder after all this time with STILL no body, huh?

    2. He may have actually convinced himself it is true. Like Smeja, and many other "eyewitnesses"

    3. Either he is lying, which I expect to be the case, or he was duped by a known con man.

    4. The more years that go by without a BF body, the more convincing the con-man argument becomes. Maybe he did fool Gimlin. It is possible I suppose, and I believed for years that was simply impossible, but recently...over the past few years, not so much.

    5. I don't think it matters to bigfoots if the PGF is a fake or not...they exist regardless, huh?

      A Bigfoot Trackway In The Snow

    6. ^ it certainly doesn't matter to you, and that's cool by me. Go for it.

    7. I'm confused. I don't remember Gimlin ever talking about Patty being shot.

    8. Gimlin has said that he wishes he would have just shot the creature instead of just using his rifle to cover Patterson.

    9. ^ that's silly. Then he woulda gone to jail for shooting Bob H.

    10. He should have just shot Patterson AND Bob H.

    11. You were right the first time, 5:31. If it is a hoax it was filmed earlier than claimed and Gimlin would know that. People that met him apparently like him and want to believe that he is a stand up guy even if Roger tried to hoax us. No dice...

    12. Obvious and Foolish Skeptard Easily SpottedThursday, May 2, 2013 at 8:28:00 PM PDT

      Check the time stamps above from 5:21 to 5:31: All apparently the same fool. A bit over-eager he seems, wouldn't you say, ladies and gentlemen?

      He protests too much.

      What does that fool get, two bucks per post?

    13. Jref pays pretty well huh?

      No logical arguments just 'magic monkey' and 'get nothing and like it'.


  8. Gimlin probably would have confessed by now if it wasn't for the still existing bigfoot community that has put him in the situation he is in now where he can never come clean.

    1. Tru'nuff, if the PGF is a fake, huh?

    2. Exactly! With technology today, either the species un-officially discovered, and is intentionally being ignored by government factors, or it simply is not there.
      No way, No how, the top-dogs are not aware of them. If they exist, Big Brother knows about them!

    3. Gimlin is in way to deep to admit a hoax now.

    4. Yep and he's a god to footers and always cash in on a bigfoot conference, radio interview, etc. if e wants or needs to.

    5. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

    6. Crazy pills? Is that you Biscardi?

    7. LOL, if Biscardi played his cards right, he could be the actual "godfather" of bigfooting. I admit, he is very entertaining and funny to listen too. And watch on documentaries


    8. Godfather of bigfoot serial BSing maybe.

    9. If Biscardi and Sells, etc. Were involved in MK's "Whitey" vids. Image the comedy involved while making those VHS tapes on that farm! GOLD.

    10. The only time they keep a straight face is when they're on camera making their BS bigfoot "documentaries."

      Off camera, they're busting their guts and crying tears from too much laughing.

    11. With today's technology, 5:34, someone would have been able to reproduce Patty by now.

      So far all have failed.

  9. What kind of lame ass shit is "1", huh?

  10. Rushforlife coined it prior to being abducted by a squatch in Canada. Rumforlife was supposedly also a victim of this savage beast.

  11. I'm starting to wonder if the Mayor isn't also Missing 411.

  12. How do I put up a picture of a dead sasqwatch on here all I have is my iPhone and some pictures can anyone help and I don't have a computure or email I live in northern Canada I figure u guys would won't to see a picture of one thanks ????

    1. It's a female buy the way if u guys care ??

    2. It's a female buy the way if u guys care ??

    3. We already know Bigfoot is real. Thanks though. Join the BFF and put it up on the Ketchum thread, it can use a boost...

  13. Was Gimlin conned by Patterson? That's what some here seem to be saying. Is it really possible for Patterson to have hoaxed Gimlin so convincingly that Gimlion still believes to this day that what he saw back in 1967 was a real creature? Doesn't that seem hard to believe?

    1. I don't buy it. He is most likely lying because he's in too deep and is worshipped and cashing in.

    2. Gimlin did say on the phone in a TV documentry that he's not nieve enough to believe that he couldn't have been hoxed by Patterson.

    3. Does anyone think that unseen film footage exists somewhere from the Patterson footage?

    4. You mean reel #1 that shows Bob Hieronimus putting on the bigfoot costume?

    5. LOL Reel 1. Supposedly there is some extra footage that Patterson created later. Haven't seen it. Could just be a myth.

      If Gimlin is lying, don't you think that he would have slipped up somewhere along the way in one of the many interviews and talks that he's given over the decades? You know that people pay close attention to what he says.

    6. Its more likely there was a massacre than Gimlin was hoaxed. Do you think a suited actor was hanging in the woods waiting for them with no means of communication to coordinate? If the film is a hoax the entire development story, in which he plays a big part, is a lie.
      The film is real, or Gimlin is just as much a bullshitter as Roger and his broother-in-law...

    7. ^ your last sentence was dead on imo. He is a bullshitter.

    8. Maybe the guy in the suit was given an approximate time when they (Patterson and Gimlin) would show up.

      Patterson could have trained his horse to rear on command. That may have been the signal set up ahead of time to cue the guy in the suit to start walking.

    9. Too much BS thinking.

      People do win the lottery. What Patterson and Gimlin did that day was the equivalent of winning the bigfoot lottery. Against the odds, they hit the jackpot by looking for a sasquatch and finding one.

      If this was a hoax, it wouldn't still be supported by educated experts over 45 years later.

      So, stop with the speculative BS. It was a real sasquatch and Gimlin is telling the truth and has been for over 40 years.

    10. If Bigfoots existed we would have found more than a grainy few seconds of film 40 years ago.

    11. And then what 6:22 ? The actor, a normal human that can easily be followed by other humans, walks off into the woods but Roger and Bob lost him? The actor ran away I guess. What about the film development? If it is a hoax, it was almost definitely filmed earlier. Gimlin would know that for sure. There is so much more to the whole event than just meeting the actor in the woulds at the right time.

      Al and Roger would have to had planned for so many things in order to hoax the guy whose role was "the witness". Its so much easier to make him part of it. He is a bullshitter...

    12. Filmed earlier? How does anyone know that, if it was a hoax, it was filmed before October 20, 1967? Why couldn't it have been hoaxed on that date?

    13. ^Their story is the film was shipped by airmail and secretly developed in Seattle so as to be viewed by Green and Co. 40 hours after filming(This by the way, is evidence the film is hoaxed). If they did hoax they would have had to see how it looked on film before showing it to see if it looked like crap. Filming on the 20th leaves no time to re-film. Lots of threads on the BFF on this. I think even proponents who know their PGF would agree that IF it was a hoax, it was filmed earlier...

    14. Yeah, Gimlin is in way too deep. He's been saying it was a real creature for so long that he keeps repeating the same story.

      Someone should stick a syringe of truth serum in Gimlin.

    15. Gimlin is old school and doesn't lie unlike most folk these days who think lying is natural so assume everybody else is lying like them.

  14. ^Someone (or something) is targeting BFE posters

  15. Melba, please do something goofy. We need some fresh material to work with.

  16. I'm glad I'm just an anon guy.

  17. Mogollon rim Az Spooky valley area is where I am going for sure the next time I have free time. If the aborigional people don't want to go there and haven't for hundreds of years it's the place for a bleever like me


  18. what happened to Autumn forest?

  19. Who cares, my favorite was Bigfoot is Bullshit. Where did she go we all need a good woman to beat us down

  20. Whatever happened to baby Jane ?

  21. Know that area well. Some really big black bears and mountain lion in there. Some guy lost some of his hounds up there once. They were all torn up. Something got a hold of them. One of the rangers thought it was a panther. On occasion I have felt somebody watching, but that could have be one of the vagrant squatters I see once in awhile.

  22. My dick hurts when I pee!

    1. Shut up, you know you don't have one. Just because you are a dick, does not mean you own one.

    2. Quit whacking off. Didnt your mama tell you that it would make you go blind?


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