Grandson Says Bobbie Short Suffered From Heart Infection

The Bigfoot community lost a very important person in the Bigfoot community today after learning that she had passed away "unexpectedly" last week. On Abe Del Rio's radio show tonight, it was all about Bobbie Short. During the show, Bobbie's grandson Chris Millet mentioned that she had suffered from "heart trouble".

Not much else was said about Bobbie's condition before she passed away, but according to a conversation between a Canadian Bigfoot researcher named Randy Brisson back in March, she was hospitalized for several days after eating bacteria infected tomatoes shipped in from Mexico. It seems Bobbie health did not improve from the original infection that started less than two months ago.

Here's the screenshot from Brisson:


  1. Bobbie Short, isn't that the lady who used to accuse Munns of hiding evidence of the Bluff Creek massacre all while the JREF simultaneously gobbled him up?

    1. JREF pwns all footers. Bigfoot is discussed alongside all the other looney toon topics in the paranormal section. It will never be discussed in the science section because it is a fact there is no magic monkey man roaming undetected across the highly populated and fully explored north America. Patty was a bloke in the suit (the smoking gun being the static butt which seperates from the leg rather than being joined like a real creature). And other than the PGF hoax there is precisely fuk all evidence for an 8 foot magic monkey man.

      Got monkey? Nope.

      Id ask again in 5 years but we all know what the answer will be.


    2. What does it feel like to be omnipotent, huh?

    3. it sucked until I tried Viagra

  2. Be aware the book Bobbie was coming out with was on Gov't Military sightings on Bases and military eyewitness accounts.

    1. That sounds kinda badass actually.

    2. Wait, are you implying she "knew too much"?

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  4. I hope people show respect on this blog post - and that inappropriate comments are actually deleted.

  5. Another footer dies with no vindication of the magic monkey man. I think you footers would have a lot more luck if what you were searching for actually exists.

  6. I've been a footer since the 70s, and I never heard of Bobbie Short.

    1. Really? Check out her site. Its a great resource, the best in fact, for anyone interested in the history of bigfooting. Lots of items pertaining to classic evidence from the golden era of footery- all free of charge.
      She herself was part of all that, as she investigated John Chambers alleged role in the PGF...

      My condolences to her friends and family....

    2. There's a "golden era of footery?"

    3. Didn't know anything about the person behind the site, but I recommended it to people who were interested in bigfoot, unlike this site which is a shameful secret I tell no one about

  7. Bobbie operated the website"bigfootencounters" and was a great BF enthusist and researcher. Will miss this lady greatly. ptangier

    1. me too, so much, hard to imagine how this "field" will do without her ever present sensibility.


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