Breaking: Bigfoot Encounters' Bobbie Short Has Passed Away (Update #2)

We've just learned the Bigfoot researcher Bobbie Short has passed away. Bobbie had been operating the wildly popular Bigfoot news site, Bigfoot Encounters, since September 1995. Her website is currently one of the highest ranking Bigfoot news websites in the world.

Over the years, Bigfoot Encounters has been bookmarked and visited by thousands of researchers from around the world. Some of her posts includes articles and discussions ranging from the Patterson-Gimlin footage to Dr. Melba Ketchum Bigfoot DNA study. To date, her repository is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) in the world relating to the subject of Bigfoot.

Bobbie's grandson, Chris Millet, who has been helping her update the website, broke the news today that his grandmother had passed away a week ago. These are the latest updates posted by Chris regarding Bobbie and her website:

5/24/13 update: Hi everybody, I regret to inform you all that Bobbie passed unexpectedly a week ago

Thursday 5/16/13. I know some of you may have been trying to contact her and wondering what was going on. This website and her research were a labor of love for many years and while I will not be maintaining it, I will certainly leave it up for an indefinite amount of time until its fate has been decided. There was also a book in-progress, that I'm not entirely certainly of its completion, that I'm trying to figure out what to do with. If anybody wants to contact me to find out about something she left pending or what not, you can reach me at I'm Chris Millet, her grandson who helped her get this site off the ground and running so many years ago. :)

Even with all the drama on Facebook and hoaxes going on in the Bigfoot world, Miss Short, through her passion reflected through her website, made us remember why we search for Bigfoot in the first place. May God bless her family. Rest in peace, Bobbie.

- Shawn

[Update]Some statements from the Bigfoot community regarding Bobbie's passing:

"Noted Bigfoot Researcher, BOBBIE SHORT, has passed away. In case you didn't know of her, she founded the excellent resource, BIGFOOT ENCOUNTERS. I greatly differed with her views regarding the history of the Patterson-Gimlin film, and certain other things, but I always found her to be an intelligent and interesting person when we weren't arguing over bloody pools on Bluff Creek. Her book was said to be nearly done, and was greatly anticipated. I hope it can be finished somehow and published. Also, despite certain flaws, Bigfoot Encounters stands as a valuable and notable legacy. Now I feel badly about never making up with her over the Massacre Theory. Even our ideological 'enemies' are human, and deserve all the compassion we can muster. R.I.P. Bobbie Short." - Steven Streufert (Bigfoot Books)

"That is very sad. I will announce her passing during my Coast to Coast Bigfoot newsfeed tonight." - Rhettman A Mullis Jr (

[Update #2] Apparently, Bobbie passed away due to a heart infection from eating cherry tomatoes that weren't washed properly.


  1. Replies
    1. Nice that even though you were first you still showed respect. :)

    2. Leave it to Streufert to be the douche.

      My prayers to her family!

    3. This is awful, Bobbie was a sweet lady.

      Also, cherry tomatoes can kill you?!

    4. What I said in the main was this:
      "Bigfoot Encounters stands as a valuable and notable legacy."

  2. Replies
    1. It is. In fact I look around and see such little integrity among the names, it makes her loss truly terrible.
      I can't imagine hanging around anymore, why? She put in forty years of honest, no nonsense, noncommercial, information for all of these asswipes that see only flaws. I need to go and copy the entire website soon. That could be a book. Better than Meldrum's, or most any.

    2. Aww Rictor, You are making a MOUNTAIN out of an ant pile.. That was pretty fucking petty, dude! You're starting shit with Steven for NO REASON..


      ALL CAPS

  3. Bigfoot Encounters was the website that got me interested in bigfoot again. :(

    1. Me too, RIP Bobbie

      Steven Streufert still manages to point out that the site was "flawed"
      Maybe he should point this out some other time. Some other place.

    2. What I said in the main was this:
      "Bigfoot Encounters stands as a valuable and notable legacy."

  4. I had been trying to reach her the past few weeks, and had recommended the documentary Iconfilms get in touch with her. I worried, as she always responds. Bobbie always responded! I am so, so sad I could not say goodbye, and tell her again how much she has meant to me. I do know she was a very kind and considerate woman and has a place in Heaven.

    A big loss for our community.

    1. Good to see you on here ah.

      Beware the trolls! Sorry for your loss.


  5. I remember writing her and asking some very direct questions about some discrepency or other and she wrote back promptly and with direct answers. It was a nice change.

    Her site had/has a lot of good stuff.

    RIP Bobbie Short.

  6. Her site is a super place to comb through accounts and explore the different types of creatures reported. There is interesting info on there about desert bigfoot. The site is absolutely packed and it would serve skeptics well to study reports from hundreds of years ago through to modern day. That much work and data shouldn't be left to deteriorate.


  7. RIP bobbie, thanks for your dedication to Bigfoot.

  8. Bobbie Short: I enjoyed our conversations over the years. Even though our views were much different we always managed to have a good rapport. You were always kind to me personally, and I thank you for that. RIP Bobbie.

  9. "Despite certain flaws?" Steven Streufert you are a fucking douche bag. This woman was taken from us and you use this as an opportunity to put down her website? How about you quit smoking DMT and be a real man you fish eyed son of a bitch!

    1. +2

      Steven has obvious mental issues.

    2. What I said in the main was this:
      "Bigfoot Encounters stands as a valuable and notable legacy."

      Rictor's out of control rants are not even worthy of comment. But, anyway... They are based upon complete misunderstanding, and consist of spurious slander. He has never even met me.

    3. For those with reading comprehension Steve said he felt bad he never had the chance to patch things up.

  10. Steven,just take a step back and reflect on what you wrote.
    You sir,are a total FISH EYED FOOL!......

    RIP Bobbie. You were and still are one of the true researchers.

    Sorry for the rant Shawn but I don't understand how a person can say one thing and then another in the same sentence.

    1. Thank you. I am glad I am not the only person here who is willing to put that fucking Bigfoot Books idiot in his place. Save your shit for your cock sucking Coalition Facebook page you piece of worthless shit.

    2. He's "one of those guys". You know the type, never accomplished anything worth a plug nickel but because he has a Bigfoot bookstore he feels as if he's some "higher authority" on the subject of Bigfoot. I bet he's hung like a midget and he looks like he doesn't shower on a regular basis.

    3. Rictor,I'm the one that started calling Steven Fish Eyed Fool.But at a later date I came back on here and apologized to him for starting it.But after this little episode of 'LORD SMARTER THAN THOU',I will retract my apology.

    4. Bigdad, he thrives on drama and perpetuates it. He is everything Nadia has said and then some. Bobbie Short's website is/was ahead of it's time and puts Streufert's blog to total and utter shame. I shouldn't have said he was a fish eyed son of a bitch, that was wrong, however, he deserves every public lashing for giving Bobbie a back handed compliment. Fuck you Steven Streufert. Fuck you. Suck my cock and blog about it. Then you might have something worth while to write about.

    5. I have no respect for a person that talks down to people.The only thing I can figure out from FISH EYED FOOL is he must of been picked on a lot in his younger days.But when you get older you have to GROW UP and take life a little easier.Have a good night Rictor.

      PS.I also started 'Rictor the Rectum Wrecker'.I apologize for that. Hope you have a great sense of humor.Honesty,please accept my apology.

    6. Rictor, you know how people act on here so please accept my apology.

    7. But I am a rectum wrecker. It's all good.

    8. Thanks Rictoral.Great sense of humor.You got to have it on here.


    9. Sorry Bigdad but MR BIGFEETS started the FISH EYED FOOL name for Steven Streufert..

    10. What I said in the main was this:
      "Bigfoot Encounters stands as a valuable and notable legacy."

      Rictor's out of control rants are not even worthy of comment. But, anyway... They are based upon complete misunderstanding, and consist of spurious slander. He has never even met me.

    11. True dat.True dat.

      But I'm ALSO Mr.Bigfeets among other aliases on here.


    12. Rictor - Bobbie had disagreements with MANY people and she was not one to back down from an argument. Acknowledging the disagreements is NOT a horrible thing - several people did so on her radio show tribute last night. But she could disagree and maintain respect, which is something people like you seem unable to do. And it's one of the many reasons she is being so fondly remembered. She was an adult. You're not. Grow up.

    13. Wow,so is that the FLAW that Steven was talking about?If so,it just shows what type of a man he is.

    14. Oh bother. Now is not the time to talk about what those flaws were. Predominantly, BIGFOOT ENCOUNTERS is an excellent resource. I said that above already. I did not say a single negative thing about Bobbie Short herself, but only that we had disagreements. Despite those, I am still saddened by her passing.

    15. Rictor seems to be here only for the antagonism factor.

    16. Bigfoots darkest hour. ^^^^

      Shameful point scoring. End it here guys.

      Move on folks. Be respectful.


    17. Personally, I'd like to see a bit of respectful distance between her death and the eventual analysis of her legacy. Too many people are hurting right now due her passing for us to really get into any of this sensibly, I think.

  11. Bobbie Short should be an inspiration to all true researchers. She will be sorely missed. I used to visit her site daily for hard evidence and real stories, now all we have left is this shite site.

    1. Don't let the door hit your taterhole on the way out.

  12. Very sad news
    . RIP Bobbie Short

  13. Rictor, GO AWAY. You are a pathetic drama queen.

    1. Wow, Rictor, i remember YOU saying awhile back about how Steven Streufert was a good guy who'll stand by your side.. What's up with the sudden turn around??

    2. I said rest in peace, despite our differences in the past. I said all deserve compassion. I said her site was excellent. Rictor is overreacting, and taking advantage of this to commit libel against me on behest of an enemy of mine. There was no insult intended. I simply stated the facts, that she was interesting and intelligent, but also that I disagreed with her on certain things.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    5. Steven, you said exactly as you posted here.

      Rictor is most obviously making a spectacle like he does, to draw attention to his own agenda and that of his "friend(s)". He is guilty of perpetuating the drama he blames on you. But, he wants attention and gets it by being a shock-jock (no pun intended whatsoever) and as long as he needs this kind of attention to thrive, he will find it.

      And, bigfootery is a prime place for him to wallow in drama.................


      ALL CAPS

    7. Rictor,
      Among you're favorite musicians were Cher, Madonna, lady gaga, and Coldplay. I'm not even kidding guys. Please tell me you're being ironic, rectum.

  14. I know people post a lot of ridiculous stuff on here for comedic effect but please be respectful and save it for another post. Please have some respect for Miss Short and save your issues for another post.

    1. True, true. When she and the big man sang "Having my baby," I cried.

  15. See you at da pahtee, Rictor!

  16. Thank you Bobbie, I've been a visitor to your web site for the last 15 years. It's always been one of my favorites. Rest in Peace. Also, I visited Steven's web sight once, scared me so bad with those fish eye's that I threw my laptop out the window...

    1. What a fuckin IDIOT you are!! I really don't see what the big fuckin deal is.. Rictor's drama queen ass is the one who you guys should be upset with!



  18. I said rest in peace, despite our differences in the past. I said all deserve compassion. I said her site was excellent. Rictor is overreacting, and taking advantage of this to commit libel against me on behest of an enemy of mine. There was no insult intended. I simply stated the facts, that she was interesting and intelligent, but also that I disagreed with her on certain things.

    1. "There was no insult intended"
      It's good to see you apologize about the insult Steven.Thank you.

    2. Or rather, there WAS NO insult at all. That is a simple misunderstanding and an exaggeration by Rictor for other reasons altogether. To say that her site has "certain flaws" means that I disagree with some of the information and content on that site. It has nothing to do with Bobbie Short herself. It is a matter of history and research on the Bigfoot topic. That is all.

    3. Why bring it up then? I would think that someone in her family has more than likely got wind of this in their time of grief. Would you say that if the family asked you to give a Eulogy at her funeral?Just think about it.What if one of your buds at your funeral did something akin? Would your family think,well thanks Steven for pointing that out,that was very kind of you.Some things are best kept to our selves.I have no beef with you but think before you speak and see how the other person would take it,that's all.
      And I apologize again about starting the Fish Eyed Fool thing.Life is to short.

    4. Thanks for that.

      I was speaking on a page about the critical aspects of Bigfoot research, not at a funeral or memorial service. In that context, my remarks made sense. I did not mean for them to be posted here and I was not asked by Shawn for permission for them to be posted in such a public place. I am not disparaging Bobbie Short in any way, but only acknowledging that despite our differences she did much very good work with great dedication. I had good discussions with her too, over the years, and I am saddened by her passing. That is all.

    5. Well put, Steven.. I see NOTHING wrong with what you wrote yesterday! SHAME ON YOU, RICTOR!!!! Now we see why Ric

  19. This comment section is a shameful display.

  20. Shawn has edited the article to include my FULL statement from today, not just the excerpt that caused a misunderstanding in some. Of course I am saddened to hear of her passing, and I acknowledge the value of her work. She was a dedicated and intelligent researcher, even though I disagreed with some of her ideas and beliefs. I discussed many things with her, and for the most part we got along just fine.

    1. From what I read last night your statement was a lot different. Now it looks as if it was rewrote.

      Just saying.But everyone has flaws but it takes a better person to admit it Steven.Do you have any flaws Steven?

    2. My words were not rewritten. I asked Shawn to publish my entire statement, as the excerpt he published could be misunderstood when taken out of context as he originally posted it here.

  21. Anyway, that is better now, Shawn. Thanks.

    If for no other reason, Rictor's comments should be removed as they are in extremely bad taste, considering someone has died, and he used it as an excuse for such disgusting and petty, shameful remarks.

  22. Ah, the Bigfoot community. Nothing but class. Good grief.

  23. Who is Rictor? And who is Steven Streufert? And why should I care?

  24. Her presence and calm demeanor will surely be missed. She would not have taken part of any of this conversation. She was a class act.

  25. RIP Bobby Short.

    It would be nice for your work to be preserved and not stolen and exploited$.

    I can't believe the appalling behavior, vulgarity and bad taste demonstrated in this thread.

    Thanks Steven for taking the high road. Kudos for good character.

  26. Gotta love the Bigfoot "Community".
    Even with the tragic passing of one of our own, someone will find something to fight about.

  27. Steven Streufert - Go away. The world is sick of hearing about your enemy. You have nothing but poison to offer the bigfoot community.

    1. You fail to see that the "poison" here came entirely from Rictor.

    2. Really Steven? A lady that has poured her heart and soul into something she believes in and you don't have the common courtesy to leave out the quote 'despite certain flaws'? People have different views and that's a given.But to do that after Bobbie has passed is unbelievable. And as usual,you have to have the last word.It is what is.

      RIP Bobbie...........

    3. You don't seem to understand. Read my words above. It is well known that I have debated her over the years. In order to honor all of the good things she did I had to acknowledge our differences. Despite those disagreements and debates, I said this, and these compliments were meant sincerely:

      "Noted Bigfoot Researcher, BOBBIE SHORT... she founded the excellent resource, BIGFOOT ENCOUNTERS... I always found her to be an intelligent and interesting person. Her book was said to be nearly done, and was greatly anticipated. I hope it can be finished somehow and published. ... Bigfoot Encounters stands as a valuable and notable legacy. Now I feel badly about never making up with her... Even our ideological 'enemies' are human, and deserve all the compassion we can muster. R.I.P. Bobbie Short."

  28. SS, you feed on drama like a parasite.

    1. That is simply and utterly untrue. I despise the drama, such as Rictor started here. I offered a eulogy for Bobbie and shared the news of her death, and that is all.

    2. Yes, that was all you did. Rictor was out of control.

  29. Thank you Bobbie Short for the years of devotion and hard work on a subject that many find hard to understand.You will be truely missed by the Bigfoot comunity,but never forgotten..You have left your own print on my saddened heart today.

  30. RICTOR --- YOU disrespected Bobbie by dragging this thread into the gutter with your foul language, unnecessary and inaccurate attacks/accusations and tasteless, off-topic discussion. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  31. Yeah, fuck Rictor and Steven Streufert, both are Bigfoot armchair researchers that like to cry like little babies, both are drama queens and if I came face to face with either one I would bitch slap them just to see them cry like a fuckin' baby ripped away from they're mommas tit.Who gives a flying fuck what either one of these fags have to say. Two goofy dumb asses that think they are somebody in the Bigfoot world or the real world. Who else is tired of what these dumb fucks are posting on this thread.

    1. Come on out to Bluff Creek sometime. I'll show you a place where there are no armchairs. In fact, how's about the endless forests that are my back yard? Yep. Armchairs all over the place there, too....

    2. You and Rictor can take your fight to the ring.This was so disrespectful on a day when most were giving respect to Mrs.Short,even the trolls.You are an embarrasement to the Bigfoot research comunity and will never be taken credible after your childish crap..

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  33. Stop deleting my Rectum Wrecker comments Shawn. Rictor likes them and besides, its a compliment.

  34. Rest In Peace, Bobbie Short. I enjoyed your website very much and checked it often. I would ask that her Grandson, Chris Millet, keep the site up and available as a tribute, a legacy, and also so that her work and data is not lost, even if the site no longer continues to update.

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  36. may god bless her,and all those that she loved,


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