Dr. Melba Ketchum Unamused By Animal Legal Defense Fund's April Fools' Day Joke

On April Fools' Day, the national nonprofit Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) announced that they were filing a lawsuit against the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, requesting judicial review of the agency’s May 2012 administrative finding that Bigfoot is an indigenous "nongame" species allowing Bigfoot to be hunted without a permit. The ADLF also stated that they were pursuing endangered species protections for the Sasquatch, under Tex. Parks & Wild. Code § 68.00. Dr. Melba Ketchum, one of the biggest advocate for the legal protection of Sasquatch, eagerly shared the news on her Facebook page and wrote: "This could get interesting really fast!"

It now seems Ketchum got excited for nothing. While it was obvious to most people that the press release was meant as an April Fools' joke, Ketchum is quite upset about it. She wrote the following on her Facebook page today:

"Sadly, the ALDF suit was just an April Fool's prank. I am not amused. Things like this just hurt the credibility of our study because it proliferates the belief that Saquatch is just a myth." - Dr. Melba Ketchum


  1. Strikes like a cobra !!
    Losing your grip rush

  2. Tontar is currently laying the smack down on DWA over at the BFF.

    1. Not that it will do any good. I don't even read my brother's posts anymore. He's completely irrational. I'll do what I always do, which is cram his mailbox full of dogshit. He's suck a fucking loser.

    2. But you still plug his ass. What a sick fuck you are. ^^^^^

    3. how Dare You...

      That's it asshole, you're outta the will. And I'm telling Mom about what you did to that poor fucker Mulder out in the woods one day. You ruined him and tried to blame it on Ivan Marx.

      Btw, I want my belt sander back too.

    4. Mom wanted me to tell you that you're adopted.

    5. I still have the negatives. If Mulder or DW ever makes more than minimum wage I'll be blackmailing them for life.

    6. Make with the power sander, you prick.

      Oh yeah, and my copy of Fletch Lives.

    7. Get your stupid ass back to BFF, dingus.

    8. Only the JREF'ers would make a mealy mouthed liar like Tontar their hero.

  3. Replies
    1. Did she really talk about credibility?

    2. ha! made opening this story worth it..

  4. #looneytoons approved hall of famer Dr Ketchum.

  5. Does anyone really give a sh!t what Ketchum thinks?

    1. No but it's damn funny !!!

    2. No I could care less what the moron says I wish she would just sit down and shut up

    3. I care, and I don't care what you dueches say

  6. What's with the picture of the people wearing cabbage hats?

  7. I made a smart ass comment on her FB page when she said that she hoped it was true and she deleted it. Dumb bitch

    1. Yep! She deletes you if you put any negative comments. Damn commie!!

  8. Most people don't know this, but just like there is racism and sexism, there is also speciesism.

    Why do we have the right to eat animals? Why do we value some animals over others? Like dogs over pigs? Didn't Darwin prove there is no real difference between animals and people?

    I am a vegan, and I am part of a coven that defines itself as radical eco-feminist. We talk a lot about why some animals are eaten and some aren't and how specieist it is.

    I think meat eaters should have to eat dead humans of the same race and gender in order to avoid opressing others.

  9. Travis you should have addressed her as Dr. Dumb Bitch. Show some respect on Fb

    1. I should have! She also said her work was "Nobel worthy" and I said that was a joke. I'm now banned from posting anything on her page

    2. You took one for the movement and we are all proud of you.

    3. I was unfriended by Melba the first comment I made. All I asked is "just one, one good picture of bigfoot", Bam!! deleted!!

    4. ^ Classic cult response to 'haters' like you.

  10. Now I understand why Cyndi is such a fool, he believes the theories produced by a small man by the name of Charles Darwin are factual yet they have not been proven. Poor ignorant Cyndi.

  11. Watch out everybody, angry anon is back and he is chewing out people on the last post. Shit here he comes!

  12. Shut up Cyndi, ya stupid Libtard!

  13. You left out the BEST part!!!!

    Melba Ketchum
    http://aldf.org/article.php?id=2389 Animal Legal Defense Fund Sues to Stop Texas Bigfoot Hunt - Animal Legal Defense Fund aldf.org
    Parks and Wildlife Department Taken to Task for Greenlighting Sasquatch Slaughter.
    Like · Share · 5 minutes ago ·
    Bruce MacDonald likes this

    Melba Ketchum Wow, I wonder if they will subpoena me.
    5 minutes ago · Like

    Melba Ketchum Not like I haven't testified a bunch of times and am admitted as a DNA Expert in the State of Texas!
    4 minutes ago · Edited · Like.

    1. I knew it. I posted about her suing the organization for the joke citing emotional distress before I read this comment.

      I absolutely KNEW she'd be all about a court appearance and suing someone. She's such a worthless crazy cat lady hack. Pathetic....

  14. Hmmmmm,I wonder how the poor plants feel about your vegan lifestyle,if you could only hear their screams.Rum,Cyndi,good for myn,womyn,and the enviroment

  15. That is baaaad. I bet every time this fool opens her mouth the people that argued in favor of her "paper" want to crawl deeper and deeper under a bigfoot thrown rock...

    1. Yep why do you think mulder disappeared after the paper was released.

    2. Can you please point me to some actual geneticists that said she got it wrong? I'm new here and all I hear is people badmouthing ketchem. Pleas refer me to DNA experts that have nixed the paper (with actual reasons)?

    3. Yo Momma.She has DNA dripping out of every orifice.

    4. "Ketchum con't" on BFF and "Bigfoot dna" on JREF has some stuff. You don't have to be a member to read, only to post.
      But really, do you have such little sense of science and academia that you can't infer there is nothing there? C'mon...

    5. Please...Just Lemur Alone!

  16. HEY! get outa this house and get a job

  17. The real sequence, deleted posts restored...

    Dr. Melba Ketchum shared a link. 12 hours ago
    "This could get interesting really fast!"
    "Wow, I wonder if they will subpoena me."
    "Not like I haven't testified a bunch of times and am admitted as a DNA Expert in the State of Texas!"
    "This might get interesting...."
    MORE... Dr. Melba Ketchum, 11 hours ago: "Hope it is not an April Fool's prank since the lethal Sasquatch manhunt being carried out by the TBRC is no joke."
    Dr. Melba Ketchum, about an hour ago:
    "Sadly, the ALDF suit was just an April Fool's prank. I am not amused. Things like this just hurt the credibility of our study because it proliferates the belief that Saquatch is just a myth."

    1. Gullibility confirmed on all points.

    2. lol... Dishonest, delusional, and egotistical is no way to go through life.
      My advice to her former supporters is to start drinking heavily...

    3. @ 7:08

      You just described the obsessed JREF footers.

    4. She must have deleted it quick. Mine was the first comment after she said she hoped it wasn't a joke

  18. Let the Bigfoot be hunted, the less there will be dressing up as one. Someone will think twice about dressing up as a Bigfoot at night and running across the road in front of a vehicle, because that person is gonna get out and hunt your ass down.

  19. Dr. K is truly a legend in her own mind.

  20. She got nothing and liked it.

  21. Ah ha ha ha, dumb ass MK, as usual. What a putz.....and I wouldn't be shocked if she didn't try to sue them for emotional distress. She'll stoop to those levels to make a buck.

  22. I made a tart comment on the ADL website yesterday, and they didn't print it. We aren't all suckers.

  23. Check out burger kings new burgers!! Yummy!!

    They even have a new vegie burger!

  24. She's all about $$$. No bigfoot pictures (remember she said she had really good pictures) she lied!! She is full of made up crap !! How can she have any followers is beyond my thought process.

    She knows full well there is nothing. She made that crap up!

  25. Hey Cyndi, your group sounds like a barrel of fun.

    Do you eat bush?


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