Justin Smeja Starring In Monsters and Mysteries in America, Sunday, March 31st

We now have the TV schedule for "Monsters and Mysteries in America" that will feature Justin Smeja, the "Sierra Kill"s killer. According to Justin, he shot two Bigfoots in the Sierras and samples from the kill site such as his boots and tissue recovered from the area is now being tested by Dr. Bryan Sykes at the University of Oxford.

Monsters and Mysteries in America
All-New Series Premieres Sunday, March 24 at 10 PM E/P

Pacific Northwest premieres Sunday, March 31 at 10 PM E/P

  • Sasquatch (Sierra Mountains, CA / Olympic Mountains, WA) - Within the region's dark, tightly packed interior, wildlife is so abundant that it's become the rumored home of an elusive wild creature known as Sasquatch. Many adventurers are drawn to these mountains in hopes of encountering the famed hairy giant, but some confront the monster purely by chance, like Justin Smeja who encountered a family of Sasquatch during a routine hunting trip.
  • Shanghai Tunnels (Portland, OR) - Deep underneath the city of Portland lies a maze of underground tunnels. At one time, they were used for transporting goods between businesses and the Willamette River, but recently the possibility of a far more sinister purpose has come to light. Residents claim these underground chambers remain turbulent from the horrors that took place a hundred years ago and visitors claim to see spirits and phantom wolves.
  • Flathead Lake Monster (Flathead Lake, Polson, MT) - Resting on the edge of the Pacific Northwest region, Polson is a quaint lakeside town with a mysterious monster resident. For decades, people from all around the world have flocked to Flathead Lake in the hope of spotting an elusive aquatic creature living below the surface. Sightings occur every year, dating all the way back to 1889. Skeptics have questioned the authenticity of these sightings, but to those who have seen it, this monster is very, very real.

[via Press Discovery]


  1. Replies
    1. She means first! everybody.

    2. McCheese and Jill
      Went up the hill
      To fetch a pic of figboot
      McCheese fell down
      And broke his crown
      And that little hussy had the nerve to come back here and first! Do you know how much he cried over you????

    3. Mayor McCheese Dick!!!! Try slurping that shit! LMAO!!!

    4. Hi Jill... Nice job on the first. Haven't seen you on here in a while. Forget all that stuff I said before, lol, I was just kidding around. Didn't mean to creep you out. Also, I don't beleive you're a 50 year old man like someone said. I truly beleive you are a 25-30 year old woman who resembles Eva Longoria and enjoys commenting on a bigfoot blog.

    5. Not a wait in line behind Shawn to have your baby love but...

    6. Have all the legendary firsters been beaten by a girl? I'm all for equality but this taking things TOO FAR!!

      Oh my Lord!


    7. Jill is really Bill,MMG.

      Remember,trolls be trolling.............

    8. Sorry not the case. I really am a Jill. Always have been.

    9. C'mon! Only in your mind.

  2. Justin Smeja is a murderer. That was my husband and one half of my little twins he killed. Im telling yall

  3. Replies
    1. Somebody clue me in here. When this Smeja guy shot his Bigfoot did he bring back the body or just a story supplemented with bear meat. What proof does this guy have that he actually shot a Bigfoot?

    2. Unless they can pull some DNA off the boots, zilch.

    3. the latter and no, no proof.

    4. He shot two, adult and juvennile, so he says. HE returned the location like 30 days later and found the skin/meat/hair sample which is why it is most likely from a bear not a bigfoot. his boots apparently have the blood on them still

      and he didnt take the bodies cause of a game warden or something he didnt want them to see it so he snuck back later. Just sounds like BS

    5. "gosh warden i didn't know small hominids were illegal"

  4. Replies
    1. He once scissor kicked Angela Lansbury.

    2. I heard he indian wrestled that bigfoot to death.

    3. Smeja drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.

    4. Smeja once breast fed a flamingo back to health.

    5. He punched a hole straight through a cow once, just to see what was coming down the road.

    6. They use his teeth for currency in Argentina.

    7. I heard he killed those Bigfoots with a trident.

  5. Justin is a good guy. I'll be looking forward to this.

    1. How many good guys shoot to kill animals from the side of a truck that can't be identified, especially a cub?

    2. Justin Smeja, the great American hero, THAT'S who!

  6. Oh Boy before Ricks Movie...He is going to be pissed. "stop stealing my Thunder"

  7. Toast bread, mayo, honey ham, black pepper, tomato, cheese, shredded cabbage.

    What else should I put on my sammich?

  8. Smeja is a loser. Too many holes in his story. Anyone who is falling for this crap should get his/her head examine. Though if it was true, I hope Bigfoot will take its revenge. Karma baby.

  9. Shawn, how long have you known Smeja?

  10. it's hard to sit through this...

    at first it's nice that he doesn't come across as a used car salesman but once he starts telling his story it just starts unraveling.

  11. Thеse games arе old, аnd the two гeаsons, thе fightіng аnԁ the sωag Oгganiѕаtion.
    By the ωay, Chеck into out the desіgn on this vаrlet Wе from
    thе Gold Goblin bгeed - and There's a scientific discipline to hunting this elusive hard cash cow. Because you don't ρаuperism to Downlοad οr usеrѕ саn bе
    Cоnstitute, listed sеt in unlike cаtegoгieѕ іn the paragraphs bеneath.

    Taκe а look аt mу web-sіtе
    ... game

  12. lol...one minute it's brown like a bear, the next it's white like a coyote.

  13. Damn Shawn who would spam a post about Justin?

  14. i can't stand the sight of him.

  15. Does anyone else here shave their ass hair, I do and I just did a fresh shave yesterday.... So who else huh?

    1. Not in the kitchen area I hope. Damn, thought I only had to worry about the dopey teens you employ doing messed up shit to my chow...

    2. Sorry anon I wax or pluck. Wife doesn't like stubble.

    3. Ass be Hurting Butt Well Worth The PainFriday, March 22, 2013 at 7:37:00 AM PDT

      Nair Hair removal.You aren't a man unless you Nair it off.

  16. Justin is a fat fucking poacher!

  17. The person interviewing is a douche

  18. I love how they soft-peddle this: "...during a routine hunting trip." Driving around shooting from his truck at several animals that he couldn't identify (including a cub) is routine? For an a-hole poacher maybe.

  19. I wipe my ass with better paper than what these guys are reading off.

  20. I am drinking whiskey and they still are fucking losers!

  21. I like rock and roll so put another dime in the juke box honey!

  22. Whiskey is a truth revealer and Justin is a poacher.

  23. Feeling famous now you pieces of shit.

  24. Rick Dyer is such a unbelievable family person that words are hard to explain.

    1. YES YES,such a family person if you're into beating your pregnant wife.
      Words are too easy to explain.
      He still looks like a dick with ears..........

  25. Rick Dyer is the best sasquatch killer out there.

  26. Rick Dyer can be stuborn but he has the heart of a saint. Fuck all you haters.

    1. So you,Musky and Dick are having a three way.
      What ever floats your peepee.

  27. RickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRickRick!

    1. Rick the dickless is a prick

    2. Dick Ryder has a size 12 Taterhole.I should know!!!!FABULOUSSSSS!!!!

  28. Rick Dyer is a closet homosexual

  29. Sounds like a great new show - too bad Smeja will dilute the Sasquatch segment.

    Shanghai Tunnels (Portland, OR) will be good. Underground opium dens for Chinamen back in the day.

  30. I have. A great idea, if it hadn't been done already. Sketch an image of bigfoot fully shaven\waxed, only leaving a human like hairstyle. Will he fit into human society? Patented :D

  31. RickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyer!

  32. Justin is a fucking fat loser!

  33. Justin the poacher should have his cock chopped off for poaching.

  34. Rick Dyer has an unbelievable sense of humor!

    1. NO NO NO,he has an unbelievable way of lying and being a Dick Ryder.He loves to ride the Bologna Pony Sausage.Just take a good look at his head.He resembles a dick with ears.Now there's your humor.

  35. Rick Dyer killed a bigfoot and will be rewarded immensely!

  36. RickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyerRickDyer!

  37. There is nothing but douches running this site!

  38. Zip a dee do da Zip a dee day my oh my Justin is gay! Good one! lol

    1. Sad lil' fella.....Has to praise his garbage of a post and to top it off,laugh at it too!!!!

  39. "who cares if I was poaching?"

    Well gee, lets see here...you are a poaching douche bag that hunts from a vehicle and thought you could be shooting at a human in a bear suit.

    don't you think a douche bag of such epic proportions could also, idk, lie?

    the fact that this fat piece of shit couldn't even make that connection means he's A) dumber than bobo and B) completely full of crap.

  40. I say Bobo should run for president, he would get my vote. He has a great perspective of things, highly intellectual, to an extent I have never seen before, such that I don't understand anything he is saying, which obviously makes me less intellectual than he is. If the entire earth was to have a single presiden, it should be Bobo. Great man, that Bobo.

    1. I will only vote for Bobo if Monkey is on the ticket with him.

  41. I saw the show. Justin you are a total coward if it is true. You were in your car out of danger and you just shot it. It was probably a man not a big foot or why bury it you dumb a$$

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