Dr. Matthew Johnson On Dyer Hoax: It's all over! The fat lady is singing!

The game is over and a mockumentary on the Rick Dyer hoax will be premiering April 30th. Here's what Dr. Matthew Johnson had to say on his Facebook page earlier:

Rick "The Liar" Dyer, Musky Allen (i.e., Allen Isleb), and Facebook/Find Bigfoot ("FB/FB") have been officially outed. It's been a scripted HOAX since day one!!! Now to all their faithful loyal minions, please step off the "Short Bus" you've been riding and that Rick "The Liar" Dyer has been driving and NEVER have anything to do with any of these guys ever again. They need to be exiled to Antarctica.

By the way, I've called BOTH hoaxes correctly from day one (i.e., The "Daisy is in the Box" Hoax as well as the Rick Dyer/Musky Allen/"FB-FB" Hoax). In the future, if you would like to know whether or not the alleged obtaining of a Bigfoot body is legit (i.e., Through capture or killing), please consult with me first. If you know anything about the Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Forest People, it would be clear to you that this was a HOAX from DAY ONE. Please don't allow yourselves to ever be suckered again.

Dr Matthew A Johnson
(Owner of the "Team Squatchin USA" Facebook Group)


  1. Replies
    1. WAHOOO!! Back on top! Rush sucks!

    2. Kudos yet again my firsty friend.



    3. This movie is gonna make the footers look GREAT!

    4. All the real posters left it seems.. This place has turned into a fuggin joke.

    5. Hey dick head dyer,

      Why don't you do yourself a favor and get a real job. An honest days work would be good for you

    6. Pleae consult with me first? Arrogant, much? Wanting to be relevant, much? Climbing to the top of the shit heap, much?

    7. No one will ever contact Dr J because Bigfoot is a load of crap. Smeja Ketchum, Dyer, Paulides, Curtino are all washed up and done. Only that idiotic TV show and it wont last long.

    8. Hey Bigfoot is bs,,go suck on a toad,,,no one gives a flying rats ass what you think. Let's see,another hipster that has nothing better to do than foam at the mouth about others who do something with thier lives. Its obvious this place is not ever gonna be redeemed as a classy site with a great crowd.

  2. now lets get to the bottom of this man-bear-pig business.


      FB/FB was behind the Ketchum DNA paper from the start. They stated it was a hoax from the beginning and it will be in the movie along with the Erickson Footage of Matilda. Dyer and Ketchum will work out a deal on the money split.

    2. Don't lump Ketchum in with this crap! Moron!

    3. Ketchum, Dyer and FB/FB are the big 3 of hoaxers.

      I love it when hoaxers like FB/FB get exposed.

      Anybody got some money for a film or Bigfoot protection group?

    4. I hear Melba Ketchum is planning a 'Bigfoot on Ice' extravaganza this summer. Special appearances by Donnie and Marie and the reanimated corpse of Bonnie Franklin.

    5. ^ Moron who gets his rocks off by posting the same stuff over and over and believes anything posted on this site!

    6. FB/FB stands by its claim that a 6 foot Giant Lemur was found with Ketchum by Dyer in a Texas tent.

    7. ^welfare recipient who likes to masturbate!

    8. How dare you call me a welfare recipient

    9. Ketchup is just as bad FB/FindBULLSHIT

  3. Says the guy who thinks Bigfoots can cloak in and out of visibility.

    Johnson is as full of crap as Dyer is.

  4. "In the future, if you would like to know whether or not the alleged obtaining of a Bigfoot body is legit (i.e., Through capture or killing), please consult with me first."

    Wow. What a stuck up DOUCHE! NOTHING has been proven yet. People need to just shut up until the film and "body" is released. If it is a hoax, then hate away. Rip it apart. Have fun with it. I'm not sold either way.

    1. Uhh.. It's a hoax dude. Read "humorous":

      “I don’t think an hour goes by in the day where I don’t think about Sasquatch,” divulges one aficionado. So begins Morgan Matthews’ rollicking foray into the obsessive, hoax-filled cult of Sasquatch. Using the in-the-trenches style of The Blair Witch Project, the film allows us to accompany the adventures of three Sasquatch search parties: socially awkward “master tracker” Ric Dyer; crotchety old guys Dallas and Wayne; and Tom Biscotti, perhaps the most devoted of the bunch, who has hunted Sasquatch unabatedly for 37 years. The teams tramp through the wooded unknown with tracking equipment and ample conviction in hand, the bipedal ape-like creature they seek seemingly just around every bend. As truth and fact tip into malarkey, nighttime hunts devolve into farcical displays of voodoo and comic stretches of the human imagination. A humorous look at perception gone off the rails, Shooting Bigfoot is a no-holds-barred plummet into folkloric lunacy. Justin Mah

      Co-Presented with Toronto After Dark: Horror, Sci-Fi, Action & Cult Film Festival

    2. The guy who wrote that has NOT seen the movie yet. The movie has not been shown to anybody for review.

    3. Great spin on the hoax! LOL. Wow.

    4. Spoke with the people in charge of the screening and they have all seen it the movie and the description above is accurate!

    5. Anon 5:30 is a brain dead peon. He IS the epitome of footers. Pathetic dweebs.

    6. Yes how pathetic of me. Waiting for the "evidence" to come out before passing judgment. The real winners are just grasping for ANYTHING that they can spin into the outcome THEY want. If this is a hoax, it will be busted after the film premier.

    7. 6:21 is one patently pathetic human being. Its sad that people can reach this height of delusion. Its on par with crazy cat ladies. Bat shit crazy.

    8. Well things not looking good for us Justin Bleeevers, looking awful Hoaxey. I tell if its fraud that Somm Bitch needs dragged in the street and Rodney King his ass good i'll get in on some dat,plus the fucker needs prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
      Squatch Nuts

    9. This is like Fox News Garbage! Lies and Crap!

    10. Wasn't "let's wait and see" what everybody said about the Ketchum paper when all the crazy Ketchum stories came out? I loved it when all the Ketchumites said it was a smear campaign against her and now she's actually saying this crap in public and Smeja has confirmed all the rumours from before! Dyer is a professional hoaxer and quite probably a sociopath so yes let's wait and see if for once in his miserable existance he's telling the truth lol. If he really had shot a Bigfoot in front of a film crew you think they'd have sat on it for so long? Do you not think the documentarians might have informed the authorities? Do you not think there'd be a much bigger venue for the premiere if this was true and also wouldn't they provide the body for viewing by biologists not the general public like a sideshow exhibit or a 1950's horror movie gimic?

    11. Btw, if you go on YouTube and search for Shooting Bigfoot there's an old Dallas and Wayne video from 2009 saying anyone who shoots a Sasquatch deserves shooting themselves so Rick might want to invest in a bit of kevlar

    12. Anon 9:18 is a Retard! Nice write up you pathetic uneducated prick! Now go back to your momma!

    13. ^^^The people on this blog are educated?

  5. It's bad enough that that any Bigfoot group uses the word 'Team' but to combine that with 'Squatchin' just makes me nauseous.

    Is Johnson the first man boobed, trolling doctor that we've had in Bigfootery? He better be the last.


    1. I'm a man boobed troll, still working on my doctorate!

  6. Who is Rick Dyer, and what's this I keep hearing about some sort of hoax?

    1. He's no one of any importance...Rush Rules

    2. Yes my friend, indeed. My bro Todd had an awesome expedition in Montana.

  7. Testing...testing...one...two...one...two...


  8. Replies
    1. For once I am glad to see your post poop in a jar guy. Somehow you have become a fixture here because you bring humor and make people reflect on how crappy some of there posts are. I guess there are times when everybody should just keep there poop in there own jar

      Thank you Mr. Poop in a jar guy

  9. Wheres Steven Streufert been lately?

    1. He's laying low until the shitstorm passes over.And then it's on like Donkey Kong!!!!!

    2. Saw Steve last weekend. He played golf with me and Bill Shatner and Lil Wayne.

    3. If I recall his last appearance here, I think Streufert has pretty much had it with the lot of us. I don't think he's coming back.


      ALL CAPS-

  10. Dick Ryder wears husky-size jeans... And beats his pregnant wife.

  11. Anyone notice that since the Ketchum report was released Mulder has been posting far less? Butthurt much?

    1. Mulder doesn't have his little buddy Kerchak around to rub babypowder on his butthurt.

      His world has been crumbling since January. His posts now are, well, different. Almost like the little guy got a taste of humility.

    2. Mulder thinks BF is real cause a guy got bitten by a dog and there are no medical records of treatment.

  12. This makes hoax 4 busted in the last few months. Ketchum, Daisy, Smeja, and now Dyer. In order for a site like this to get hits you need stories that are full of shit. Something for peoplw to debate. The biggest stories of last year are busted so what's next.

    This guy is starting to hop on the skeptic bandwagon. Might be time to switch my name to Bigfoots Imaginary Broski!

    1. What about Matilda aka Chewbacca? That's almost as good as busted.

    2. Melba was never proved to be a hoax so stop spreading shit! Prove it Turd!

    3. I dont have to moron! Science did that for me. I'm assumimg your dumb ass took Biology so its pretty simple. Our genetic make up and the genetic make up of a lemur are to far apart to reproduce. Some scientist say that maybe its possible with a chimp but highly unlikely.

      Since Melba stated that it was a human-giant lemur cross breed, it would be a genetic impossibility.

      I don't need to spread rumors. Your hero Melba did that by herself. Your welcome.

    4. Anon 730... I forgot about Matilda but I didn't think anyone took that seriously. Well maybe Chewie did.

    5. Don't worry Bigfoot's Imaginary Broski we still have all last weeks Skunk Ape activity to get excited about! Soon something will happen and we'll all be arguing about that lol

    6. Bigfoot Broski is a Retard! Science didn't prove shit Against Melba ! Oh you mean those graduate students you used as your source ? You're an Idiot! Gullible son of a bitch! LMFAO! Go back and get your GED and a dose of common sense! Nuff Said! Ha ha.

    7. Bigfoot Broski is Shit for Brains!

    8. In general, two types of changes prevent animals from interbreeding. The first includes all those factors—called "pre-zygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms"—that would make fertilization impossible. After so many generations apart, a pair of animals might look so different from one another that they're not inclined to have sex. (If we're not even trying to mate with monkeys, we'll never have half-human, half-monkey babies. *) If the animals do try to get it on despite changed appearances, incompatible genitalia or sperm motility could pose another problem: A human spermatozoon may not be equipped to navigate the reproductive tract of a chimpanzee, for example.The second type of barrier includes "post-zygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms," or those factors that would make it impossible for a hybrid animal fetus to grow into a reproductive adult. If a human were indeed inclined and able to impregnate a monkey, post-zygotic mechanisms might result in a miscarriage or sterile offspring. The further apart two animals are in genetic terms, the less likely they are to produce viable offspring. At this point, humans seem to have been separate from other animals for far too long to interbreed. We diverged from our closest extant relative, the chimpanzee, as many as 7 million years ago. (For comparison, our apparent tryst with the Neanderthals occurred less than 700,000 years after we split off from them.)-Dr. Bosche Arizona State Biologist.

      Like I said I didn't need to prove anything. Science does jerk off. You fucking "bleevers" will believe every Damn thing out there. I told your mom not to do crack while she was pregnant with you. Gonna have to slap her around tonight.

    9. Why should I believe One biologist ( Dr Bosche ) ? One opinion. Who knows if his theory is right or he's completely nuts? Hypocritical SOB B Broski. You're Stupid. Your interbreeding crap above is all wrong and bullshit! In fact you're interbred you dick wipe! You come on here saying crap like you think you know what you're talking about ( know it all) but really you're short a few brain cells!

    10. Lol good reply. I'm glad my inbreed ass can proove you wrong with scientific facts. Now when you have something to back up Dr. Mindrape Ketchum let me know. I will be out back braiding my horses hair and taking pictures. If you would like I will send you some copies. Just send me your email and parents credit card number and I will take care of it.

    11. Enoch. Enoch ya. Enoch ya!

  13. Dr. Johnson is the one scrambling today.

  14. Is Matthew Johnson finally singing? He is a bigger hoax than dyer!

  15. Bragging about calling anything bigfoot related a hoax from day one is not exactly going out on a limb. In the real world we call that plain old common sense.

    And whatever happend to Johnson's lofty introduction of himself as "one of the most respected bigfoot researchers in the field?" Dr. Ego is not going to like that one bit.

    Now on to the next hoax.

    1. Most repected BF researcher... Really? That don't say much for someone researching a myth. Just needs to figure out how to make money at it like the rest of the Footer crowd.

  16. If its about money then I don't think they are getting paid that much. Probably Dyer has earned around 20g's and ketchum probably around 40 or 50g's. Not much considering these so-called hoaxes have been swirling around the bigfoot world, news, and web for quite sometime. U would think that if Dyer did indeed have a body he would show it to spike TV's upper echelon and collect his 10 million. That offer is still provided by spike TV by the way. Unless he's working with the government and can't sell it. So time will tell. I'm split down the middle on this. I want to believe but still very skeptical.

    1. You're still an epic douche-bag degenerate schmuck dweeb bleeber too and there's obviously no sign of your IQ EVER topping room temperature. Damn, I am serious when I say this: I am so glad that I wasn't born a moron.

      "Still very skeptical"

      Dear lord, you are one patently pathetic human being.

  17. (clive squashy) - confuscious says..

    Bigfoot can drink booze out of a bottle or an old tomato can.
    The booze won't kill ya but an old tomato can.

  18. how DARE you...

    I'm gonna be away on business for a few days.

    I was hoping the how dare you stand-in guy would mind taking over for me in my absence.

  19. Shawn needs to put a poll up to see what kind of bigfoot hoax everyone would like to see next.

    I vote for a blurry, underexposed photo of a hairy plastic toe the size of an avocodo found outside of a dumpster near Hoboken.

    1. We need a good old fashioned scat hoax! In a jar!

    2. How about we get a pretty blurry long range shot and next thing you know the camera is falling as Bigfoot mysteriously got behind and beat my ass and ripping off an arm then continues to beat me with the arm landing me in the hospital stating with conviction I know he exists now only Bigfoot can tear off an arm

    3. I'm liking the ass beating your suggesting, we are hoping you come up with some more good ideas.

    4. Yeah exactly it would take being done for a movie. Because we all know you're not gonna do it. That's why that's all you can say. Is your safe words behind your computer.

    5. Maybe you need to stop talking hard to people. Get off your chair and get a life instead of following people making arrogant comments.

  20. Never trust a guy named Musky.... Think about it.

    1. I wonder how many vegas whores quit their jobs after a date with Musky?

    2. Seven, seven whores quit!

  21. Damn, you Footards are having a real tough time in 2013... Well, so much for the year of the Bigfoot. Ummm can you say "The year of the SKEPTARD!!!" We need T-shirts made LMFAO

  22. What if it isn't a hoax? I will wait until April 30 to see if it is a hoax. If it isn't I guess this blog will have egg on it face. Shawn would you shut down this blog?

  23. For the record fb/fb was garbage from day 1 so to the dude or dudes running around repeating that comment...I'm sorry you are that upset.

  24. "I have the brain of a genius, and the heart of a little child. I keep them in a jar under my bed."
    - Aromatic Steve

  25. Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:51 AM

    To be realistic, Mulder, citing Lawnflowersjerkyandbigfoot.com for verification of your claim that the US government has important information on sasquatch, isn't really going to stand up in court.


  26. This site and in particular the comment section has gotten as inbred as a three toed skunk ape.

  27. One thing is for sure, Sasquatch is real otherwise not so many people would be talking about it.

    1. I think Moneymaker just found his new catch phrase

      well done

    2. Yes like martians and the mother ship.

  28. (clive squashy)

    yeti's can't jump

  29. This whole mess is disgusting! If it was done to make all believe there are no Bigfeet, they have not succeeded.

  30. The guy that wrote the film synopsis (and its a synopsis) has not seen it.

    This site really has become a fucking joke. If any of you guys are over the age of 15, seriously check out your comments fucking fools. Sean, love the site these days fucking awsome!! well done buddy - bell end

  31. HOAX from start to finish with everyone playing their part in this money making long con.

  32. Matthew Johnson = Hoaxer, just like all the Dyers, Freemans, Midnight Walkers in the bigfoot world.

  33. Just read Squatch Detectives blog & found some great info there. The best part is how a reviewer who has previewed the film described Dyer. It's priceless:

    "Using the in-the-trenches style of The Blair Witch Project, the film allows us to accompany the adventures of three Sasquatch search parties: socially awkward “master tracker” Ric Dyer; crotchety old guys Dallas and Wayne; and Tom Biscotti, perhaps the most devoted of the bunch, who has hunted Sasquatch unabatedly for 37 years."
    – Justin Mah (review) 3/20/13

    That's just part of the review. Read it all for some good laughs. "Socially awkward" .. best, truthful description I've ever read about Dyer. Plus notice that the words "Master Tracker" are in quotes, meaning that the title is certainly self-imposed. As if we didn't all know that already. hahahahaha

    here's the link: http://squatchdetective.wordpress.com



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