The View from Kippistan: Sasquai Type Specimen

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by one of Shawn's best friend, Kipp Morrill a Sasquatch enthusiast. Follow Kipp on Facebook by joining The Squatchers Lounge!

Blog #1

Do we need a Physical Specimen? Do we really want a Physical Specimen?

So here we are, 45 years after the Patterson-Gimlin film was shot, and we are still without a true “physical” specimen. I’m sure back in 1967, the thought was that it was only a matter of time before one was captured or a body was found. After all, we finally had film of one! Fast forward to today. Now we are all debating whether or not there really is a “Daisy” or even a “Quantra” group. Bigfooting it seems is forever suffering in the “fool me once, shame on you” type of dilemma. What it all comes down to is this: Without a biological and physical specimen, the mystery will always remain just that, a mystery.

No matter how many “sightings” or “DNA”, there will always be doubt. And that is what Bigfooters do best, doubt each other. For the last 45 years, we have all had to endure hoax after hoax, which the media loves! We have seen the reputations of honest, hardworking researchers tarnished all because of some pathetic attempt at gaining some sort of fame or notoriety. Sightings, pictures, and movie footage can be “compelling” but are ultimately very personal experiences. The bottom line is that if it’s “proof” we desire, this will only be achieved by having “Daisy in the box”. I am not advocating for how to achieve this, I am simply making the point that until this occurs, living or dead; we will not have “proof”. But in the long run, do we really want “proof”? Or do we really want to still enjoy the mystery?


  1. Replies
    1. Drinkin by the lighthouse, smokin on the pier, ketchums bullshit paper a fake for last four years.


      Sasquatch bullshit man, doing what you can,
      stringing along gullible footers for years...
      Sasquatch bullshit man, domt forget your plans,
      lying and making money's why your here.

    2. Obviously you dont know any old Rush songs. Lakeside Park and Cinderella man, respectively.

      I bet you believe in mythical giant apemen too?

    3. I like "I Think I'm Going Bald" from that era.

    4. Why is that butt pussy Bigfoot is Bullshit almost always the first post ? Is that Asswipe refreshing his screen every minute to get a post in? A little obsessed with Bigfoot you hypocrite shit for brains! I thought him and Musky Allan had butt sex? Maybe between comments!

    5. Bigfoot is Bullshit is Rush4life and Parnassus.
      I've got your number, douchebag.
      You're the same fag who posts over and over under the three different names.
      Please take a moment to inseminate yourself...

    6. It's getting annoying yes but BE encourages this kind of loser behavior it seems, but the more such lamers go on the more it's clear they don't mean a word they type.

    7. 224-clueless...I only post with this name, although a couple of other dipshits (tin foil hat guy for sure) use my name. I did add "but bears are real" for a bit after Smeja's life was destroyed by the predicitible DNA results.

      229-I believe everything I post here, and yes as much as you guys hat JREF and other sources of logic, it doesnt change the fact that there is nothing but psychological evidence for in there is something wrong psychologically with people who fall for the same old shit, over and over. Im trying to help you people think outside your Daisy-boxes.

    8. BFIBS, it's funny how these anons on here think they know it all.

      Everyday people
      Everyday shame
      Everyday promise shot down in flames
      Everyday sunrise
      Another everyday story
      Rise from the ashes and blaze
      In everyday glory

      No matter what they say...

    9. What the hell are you talking about, troll? Only you trolls here by now only shooting each other down.

  2. LAST.. oh wait, that ain't no right..
    I want proof, not mystery.

  3. French bulldog has the craziest bark

  4. footing is toons. you can take that to the bank.

  5. Ranae must believe and then ALL will follow

    1. ranae knows footing is toons

    2. Because she's fake yes basically just playing a part.

  6. When i was a lad i wished for Star trek technology and wondered if we would have it when i was all grown up. Guess i have my answer. We create such wonders yet still have the capacity for such evil.

    1. You forgot to capitalize I four times.

    2. Maybe you can just project all of your shattered hopes and stupid dreams on a mystical forest people.
      It could be like a really dumb Lord of the Rings.

    3. Check it out!

  7. You know his old lady is behind getting rid of that thing. Probably has boweavels and moths living on it

    Kind of like the singer for Rush

  8. Plot article hits vs time on page. Has the time spent per page gone down for this site? I used to read comments here.


    I just want to ask one question. I am a believer because I have seen and heard different things from Bigfoot's. Including seeing one and a second possible. I want to know if the skeptics and non-believers could post intelligent and honest comments? Without posting idiotic and useless comments!

    1. Here's a thought: why don't you stop lying? I find it difficult to have intelligent conversations with liars who tell me bullshit tales of magic apes.



    3. Skeptics answer this: Let’s say one day you had a clear look at an eight foot tall biped covered in hair. You watch it for over a few minutes walking upright and it had long arms. It performed a physical act that a human would not be able to do. You are a completely sane, sober person who is known for honesty and integrity and happen to be accompanied by other individuals who see the same thing. Do you believe what you have just seen or do you need to wait for a live specimen to confirm to yourself what you saw was real? What would you believe it to be?

    4. Dear Anon 12:58,

      I find your argument very compelling. You are assuredly a great scholar.


      Lord Loopers,
      Mayor of Madness Mountain,
      Captain of the crazies,
      Brigadier of the Bonkers Brigade,
      Tsar of the zanies,
      Dean of dementia,
      Inquisitor of Insanity Land,
      Treasurer of Toon Town,
      Lieutenant of the lunatics,
      Marshal of the maniacs,
      Knight of the nutcases

    5. Anon 12:10 is the sites resident RETARD! Don't listen to his rants Melland. Anon 12:00 is a star trek nerd still playing Klingon with his little Dungeon and Dragon butt plungers! Neither believes in Bigfoot but patrol this site by the minute with Bigfoot is Bullshit. None have a girlfriend because I can see the akward conversations they would have - " honey I'm on that bigfoot site again trying to convince those footers again that there not real ! Damn it there not real ahhh sob sob cry cry oh why don't they listen to me whaaaa! Pathetic cowards with balls the size of marbles. Just plain Bitches!

    6. ^^^^
      Hey, aren’t you that whiny little asshole who started picking on a group of posters who were talking about Bigfoot girl over on the other thread? What’s the matter douche, no puppies to kick? Garden variety bullies like you are even worse than the footers. You didn’t even know whose side they were on you just felt like venting your frustration about your tiny little pecker on a couple of random commenters who weren’t even discussing Bigfoot. Well fuck you ya stupid dick. It sounds like you need another visit from the proctologist.

    7. More local BE trolling. Guys, we know you write this shit yourselves. Totally funny to run a blog about something one really thinks is bullshit and talk trash about it to bigfooters when they get a word in between all the troll spam.

    8. Why yes I am that poster. Ok to talk trash about a woman but not about some butt plugging star trek nerds that use this site as a playboy . Go F your self!

    9. Oh Mr proctologist you are the largest Internet bully thug Asswipe on this site so shut your pie hole you hypocrite !

    10. What only on reply to Anon 12:58? I thought skeptics had an answer to everything. By the way John 11:56, one would have to be intelligent and honest in order to perform your request.

  10. Kipp is a regular poster in the Squatcher's Lounge, a Facebook group devoted to fun AND information regarding our hairy friends. if you enjoy talking about Bigfoot without the drama and egos, come on by and check it out!

  11. Kipp is a regular poster in the Squatcher's Lounge, a Facebook group devoted to fun AND information regarding our hairy friends. if you enjoy talking about Bigfoot without the drama and egos, come on by and check it out!

  12. Kipp is a regular poster in the Squatcher's Lounge, a Facebook group devoted to fun AND information regarding our hairy friends. if you enjoy talking about Bigfoot without the drama and egos, come on by and check it out!


      YOU'RE OUT!

    2. We heard you the first time. We still don't care.

    3. Fun AND information?

      Information about what?

  13. The only ones that want to continue to keep the mystery perpetuating are those that profit because of it. That is the dirty truth.

  14. Squatcher's Lounge without drama and egos????? LMFAO

    Another blog bullshit radio show? Who CARES??

    Blab away.

  15. Anyone who hangs out in that FB page is a loser and anyone who names an imaginary place after themselves definitely belongs in bigfootery. hahahahahaha

    1. ^ Says a troll daily here from inside the closet.

  16. No kidding! I bet this guy Kipp is crazy! What a cookoo!

  17. I'll bet he is super hawt. The name Kipp just sounds like he must be incredibly good looking....

    1. Oh yes! Kipp is like such a total stud. He can put his Bigfoot in my box anytime.

      -absolutely no one

    2. First fisting, now footing

  18. I've seen him in person. He is actually a pretty nice guy. And handsome too.

  19. What? So you've seen one or two, maybe, and now you are qualified and/or motivated to start yet another useless internet radio talk show. What new are you going to bring to the table? Seeing one or two is not knew. You have no other advertised experiences other than that. Hearing breaking branches are not really experiences. Every story has already been gone over and over. Are you going to talk about hoaxes and non-achiever's first attempt at their 15 minutes of fame? Or how about rehashing over old stories? If you go into the paranormal, then you have to be qualified through your own experiences. Don't have that experience either, huh. Putting this all together, you are just another naive newbie who has to learn the hard way, that this road has already been gone down by dozens of others. And who all now have dropped out due to lack of interest by listeners.

    1. You should have said "two is not new" instead of "two is not knew".

    2. Um, I've never seen one. I am just interested in the subject. As for a show, it's the internet. Last time I checked, that was the beauty of it. that anyone could be free to speak their opinions. It's something I'm looking forward to just for fun. And I hope you'll listen just for fun! Interviewing interesting people will be fun for me to learn from. And if you and others are around to listen to, even better! So try and look at things a little more positively,life will be much more fun. I guarantee it!

    3. But if I look at life and people's comments and opinions in a positive light wont that make me a douschbag?

  20. Yeah, I've been blessed by being around him too. It was like having a spiritual experience. He just has a way with people. So charming and brutally handsome.

    1. Shut up Kipp. You totally suck at this.

    2. Hey, this is really Kim Kardashian. I'm sitting here with Kanye West too. He said that he's disappointed that you all are "such meanies".

    3. Well, I’ve got some bad news for you sunshine; It’s not just the size that matters it’s that shape too.

    4. It’s true Kim. Tack a fat saggy ghetto booty onto a white(ish) girl and it’s still a fat saggy ghetto booty.

      -Divini Rae

    5. I bet Bigfoot is somewhere in Kim's ass

    6. I bet Bigfoot is somewhere in Kim's ass

    7. Well, it is vast, but I don't know how unexplored it is.

    8. If I was Kenya, I'd ask for a paternity test. Lord knows how many niggas have porked her fat ass.

    9. Shit just got real real.

  21. Another shit article by a shit blogger. This site is getting worse by the minute. Its like Finding Bigfoot, there's never any science. However, I guess that makes since due to this field being nothing but pseudoscience to begin with.

    Anyone heard from Smeja or Cutino lately? How about Ketchum and her 4 year paper OR Erickson and his earth shattering documentary OR this Daisy in a Box farce?

    Nope, nothing? That's what I thought.

    1. Meant I guess that makes sense since due to this field being pseudoscientific.

    2. You're the gayest fag that's ever been felched.

  22. This 'specimen' is a direct recreation of the first suit Charlie Gemoa ever built in 1945. Munns will stick his head up his ass over this, but at least it's not unnecessarily bulky like his cowcamp stroke off model.

  23. Munns is preparing to do the biggest heel turn since Oly Olson in 1987.

    It's been telegraphed and delivered on BE here first, taterholes.

    1. Whatever you say, Parnassus. Fucking douchebag.

    2. Not Parassus at 3:07. Bigger Fucking douchebag. This is how internet rumors start, pretty :)

  24. Kipp's got his hands full now, brushing up on three of the major subclassifications of sasquatchology.

    2)Kim Kardashian

    Did I miss any>


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