MABRC Server Was Hacked, But They're Back Up Again With An Update Regarding "The Meeting"

There's really nothing much in this latest update from "Ed Smith", the man who's in contact with Team Quantra. Last Thursday, Quantra sent out a memo telling Ed Smith that a Bigfoot named "Daisy" had been captured. The most recently news about a meeting that's going to take place between a number of high-profile Bigfoot researchers and Mr. Alexander, one of the principles of Quantra. On December 30th, 2012, Smith wrote: "I'm proposing a conference call or meeting be between the principles of Quantra, MABRC, Meldrum (if Available), Hovey (if Available), myself and some others. I hope we can come to agreement on this".

Just moments ago, Smith posted this update on the MABRC forum about the meeting. The details of what they're going to discuss will also be made available says Smith:

Post subject: Re: Quantra may have captured a Bigfoot specimen.

Wednesday January 2, 2013

A meeting will be held by Ed Smith and the principles of Quantra in Houston to work out the details of the meeting between Quantra and MABRC and those individuals that have been decided upon.

Further details will be posted as available.


  1. First
    Now my life is complete

    1. By the way
      This is a H O A X
      2nd to whoo hoo

    2. Where are my waders and snorkle. This is getting deep. Now the MAMBC is posting for this Ed guy.???

    3. Le me ask you....... whois this Ed Smith and why would this supposed group be talking with him anyway. This whole hoax is set up like he is a Spokesperson or something for this Quantra group. Another example of why this is a HOAX. Ifths was real, Ed Smith wouldn't even be in the picture..THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE!

    4. Do your homework before posting. Really? Who is Ed Smith?? How long have you been interested in Bigfoot research? The research group that has been and most likely still the best funded is QUantra group and Ed Smith was part of the pre-QUantra group "The Original Six". They are considered the "Elite" when talking about "Bigfoot" Researchers. Now google him and get your facts straight before posting stupid comments here again.

    5. This is getting better and better. Two soap operas for the price of one.

    6. i did Google him and Quantra. post 1 link relating to Quantra that has nothing to do with this hoax.... just 1 link. it doesnt exist. obviously you believe what others tell you.You are the one being Hoaxed. Dont always fall for cons little guy. you will have a life of ittle if youbdo. Dont be a pigeon.

  2. It is more than obvious, there is no "Team Quantra" and Ed Smith is solely committing this hoax.

  3. A meeting to set up the meeting....right.

    1. My critikal thinking and intellekt is superier.

    2. You guys obviously don't work for a large corporation or the government. All meetings need a coordination meeting first. The meeting coordinator's job is to make sure nothing ever get accomplished in said meeting assuring the need for another meeting.

    3. A eeting for a meeting is another BS tactic to seem important. .. let me get this straight. A supposed former member of a supposed group now can demand to have a meeting he wants to setup another meeting. Who is this guy and why would this supposed roup be giving this supposed peior member so much control and power. T he answer is ecause it is a HOAX.. Plain and Simple.

    4. Yepp. Either it is a Hoax or Ed Smith is the "Most interesting Man In The World" and only drinks DosXX beer..

  4. And just when I thought it was over honest Ed makes a return.

  5. Today, a very clear gorilla type cloud appeared above ... and has appeared before. I have photos. Whatever is happening, I pray that the utmost respect, care and dignity will be given to Daisy. Much love & light! Beautiful Cloud Woman

  6. Sooo tired of this. He should have just kept his damn mouth shut to begin with.

  7. if this Bigfoot in a box is true there is a $10million dollar prize from spikeTv to cash in on... but its bullshit so no prize money for team quantra

  8. Replies
    1. fuck you loone, cock breath faggot.
      knock you out pussy ass bitch

    2. I'm not pissed you just get on my nerves with that looney tunes shit

  9. I wish there was a bigfoot video game. You could unlock characters like Moneymaker, Gimlin, Smeja etc. find evidence, set traps with soiled tampons, and choot em! It would be sooo tits!!!

    1. Actually, that would be really funny and cool. I'm a programmer but unfortunately not a game designer. You could have the next Angry Birds there, my friend!

      (Or Angry SquatchFans...)

    2. Like, MoneyMaker just runs amok and scares away all the Squatches. Useful when you're overrun and facing death in the game, but otherwise a PIA when you wanna deploy a capture device or shoot one...

    3. I meant, when you "activate" or "unlock" Moneymaker. Maybe he could make you $1 for every Squatch he scares off, which you could paradoxically use to buy Equipment like Night-Vision and Infrared Scopes to help out in the game.

    4. Yeah, now that I think about it, it would be an RPG and the main character is a rogue bigfoot researcher who gets called out to where someone had a sighting. Having been hoaxed several times before, you are doubtful. Then, you investigate and find some evidence that makes you think otherwise. It would sort of play out like a mystery game where you find clues that lead you to the killer (bigfoot).

    5. You'd HAVE to be able to play online with your friends!!!!!

    6. You can call it Angry Turds. Instead of throwing rocks it just throws BS.

    7. "Rogue bigfoot researcher"?
      What the hell is that supposed to mean? That’s like a rogue private investigator or a rogue plumber. How the fuck does a Bigfoot researcher go rogue?

    8. Maybe I'm not using the word correctly. I just meant a bad ass type guy who works alone... Rogue plumber? Lol.

  10. When is BFE going to make a thread about Ketchum bullying the squatch art girl with cancer?
    Get on the ball, bitches.

    1. Thet're afraid to do anything like that, Ketchum might come after them.

    2. Post a link: I'll bet the Hallmark channel picks it up.


  11. Had Moolattes at DQ with Hovey, Meldrum. Neither contacted by Smith. Neither have heard of Quantra. Confirmed by disembodied head of Al Ostman not to exist. Or maybe that was the Alaskan sea cow. Whichever.
    The whole DNA thing remains a giant poopy mess. Battle lines are drawn. Not sure which way it's going to break...shall continue to ride fence like a big wuss until later...

    -Team HB

  12. No no no. No one has a bigfoot in a box.

  13. "Care of the specimen, is of the up most concern..."

    If their treatment of the specimen is anything close to their treatment of grammar and spelling, I predict a dead Sasquatch.

    1. Just a-trollin' on a New Years Day, heh heh heh...

  14. He is just trying his hand at the MK style of footery. Go very light on details and specifics. Always reference a future date as revelatory. And most importantly, let the bleevers do all the work.

    They will create strawman arguments, create logic that covers any reality shining through and of course always give respect to the dispensers of the kool aid.

    This used to be a matter of science. Instead it is in the realm of belief and faith. Facts are not used or required to build credibility in BF research. Just claims and subterfuge.

  15. This story has jumped the shark, time to move on, how long till the next lame ass BF story comes up?

  16. In November 2008, in response to the 'Bigfoot in a freezer' hoax, the North American Bigfoot Nation, got word to President elect Barack Obama that they considered the hoaxes and global embarrassment to their Nation an act of war.

    What no-one knows and has been a tightly held secret, is that the Bigfoot tribe is considered a sovereign nation within North America. This was negotiated by President Theodore Roosevelt after his confrontation with a Bigfoot while hunting prior to his election.

    In 2009, President Obama issued an executive order that declared a 'cold war' between the US an the Bigfoot Nation. The only reported incident of that becoming a hot war was the Sierra Kills massacre, which took a US Special Ops team to substitute the Bigfoot carcasses with bear ones in order to not escalate the war even more.

    We may have the guns, but the Bigfoots have all the rural areas of the country heavily infiltrated and have told the President that if they go to war, they will sabotage our farming capability and essentially starve the North American population to death.

    This brings us to today and Team Quantra. These are all ex Special Operators that went rogue to try to capture a hostage to call the bluff of the Bigfoot nation. Team Quantra captured 'Daisy' completely in violation with the Geneva convention. In response the Bigfoot Nation dispatched its own sleeper teams to assassinate George HW Bush and Norman Schwarzkopf. They succeeded in getting Schwarzkopf, and only barely failed in the getting Bush.

    Obviously, we were not prepared for what the Bigfoot Nation could accomplish and Central Command ordered the Quantra team to release 'Daisy' and destroy all documentation and images related to the capture.

    All of this was relayed to me by 2 Special Operators with close knowledge of all of it, one being a Colonel. As they are still active duty, I cannot reveal their names to protect the safety of them and their families.

    1. Awesome stuff! Thanks for the info!

    2. Dude, you weren't supposed to tell us that! Now we're all dead you fool!

  17. Why would Ketchum need artwork if she has HD video? Looney toons!

    1. So she can sell her shirts and other bullshit. you think this is just about some DNA?

  18. After careful and exhaustive consideration of all the available information regarding "Daisy". It is appallingly evident it is nothing more than a ruse and a poorly executed one at that. Tsk,Tsk for shame Mr.E.

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