Listen To This Ed Smith Interview From 2010, Maybe This "Daisy" Thing Is Real After All

Two years ago, Jeff and Lem, host of the Bigfoot Field Guide Radio Show, sponsored by the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center, conducted a radio interview with Ed Smith, the person who received a memo from Team Quantra about a captured Bigfoot named "Daisy". In the following radio interview from October 2010, Ed talks about a 3 hour documentary and mentions how it's contracted to a network and that the network has two more years to air the video. He also talks about capturing a live Bigfoot and tells us he's not too wild about the idea. The interview leaves little doubt that he is well connected to Team Quantra or the group is going to catch or kill Bigfoot.

Click here to listen to the interview: 10/22/2010 09:00 PM EDT - EPISODE 48 - Ed Smith Speaks

Bigfoot Evidence reader, PaulGT3, sent the following email explaining to us what he learned about Ed Smith and Team Quantra after listening to the interview:

Shawn, this is what I got from these two radio shows. ED is NOT an outcast member. He sounds like THE member. They were a group of friends in 1995. They started brainstorming and testing equipment and just figuring out what worked and what didn't. They tested stuff from Wal-Mart all the way to Cisco Telecommunication company. They started using NV equipment and started having success in 2002. This last talk was on Oct 22 2010. They figured out real quick that they had to remove the human presence and use technology to get close. Then they started using seismic equipment from prisons to find out where things were walking and what they were quadrapeds or bipedal. They could tell where they were walking and their paths. They started using sound towers and cameras and got enough evidence that they were contracted to do a documentary with a network. The network (not disclosed) has two years to show the video and then the group can put out a DVD (This would be around now in time). The one documentary is not enough. When the first one comes out they will start the second documentary. There will be three. They have enough data to produce more than three two hour films. The problem with this methods they are using is this takes ALOT of manpower to man the trailers they use to bring back all the data from the fields they are using. They are very directed by methods that they documented and recorded. They write down procedures and follow those procedures. The group is a gentlemen's agreement that these friends agreed to back in the mid 1990's. Up to and including late 2010 Ed Smith talks as though he is a main member, NOT someone who was dismissed and got an email by accident. IN 1995 he disclosed to his group of friends that he had several incidents of encounters with BF including a hunting trip where BF was banging on his camper he and his dad where in when he was 6. Later he walked into a sleeping area of BF that he doesn't like to talk about. All the methods he talked about are in that post that you have, Shawn. He said in his group of friends that there was another guy who had had an encounter so while they were talking about it they saw a docudrama about a group of scientists that went to Canada to research the BF. But it was hokey. So they talked amongst themselves about doing that but doing it RIGHT, with the RIGHT equipment.

He says he is not a conspiracy guy but when they finally put out their equipment on the land they leased they knew had targets, someone on a separate piece of land shone lights on to their land almost blinding their scientific equipment, their night vision and thermal cameras. SOME department of the government tried immediately to BUY the land they were leasing and ED thinks they were trying to stop their efforts. AT this time in 2010 ED is frustrated with the fact that even they have ROCK SOLID date including close to 100 videos of night vision and thermal that are obvious that they are BF. Their equipment is so accurate they can follow targets along bushes and then later go get hair and blood along where the BFs were walking. They used a lot of different attractants to get BF to show up. ED said that BF BIGGEST weakness is its curiosity. They ATTACK BF's curiosity. They set up fake camp sites with manikins and played different audio tapes of languages and the most successful language was Japanese! Anyway ED was VERY frustrated in Late 2010 with the criticism they felt they were going to get even though the documentary will be rock solid backed up with their evidence that he thought the ONLY way to CONVINCE science was to TRAP a live individual or kill one. He was NOT pro kill. In this last audio tape I listened to he talks about how to pick up evidence with biological test kits used by labs down to how to pick up a drop of blood.

Shawn, this is all on the MABRC forums. It sounded like to me in 2010 October they were already talking about how to do a trap. From any of these shows including another show:

You can tell that Ed Smith is not a fringe member of this group, he IS THE member of this group. The documentary are to recoup their costs for using the best equipment they could. The group did not buy all the most expensive equipment but what they believed to be the BEST equipment and all the land they used was land they knew were lands in SE Oklahoma that had encounters before.

Shawn, this guy is not some guy that was outside the group, but the main guy. He didn't find out about the trap by accident, he was probably the guy who DESIGNED the trap. That's how much he is involved. Having said that, someone could have listened to these things like I did then decided to make this trap stuff up.

[via Squatch Unlimited]


  1. This is what's gonna happen.

    Ed Smith: "Oh, my bad. I misunderstood the code" or some other bullshit that clears anyone of "hoaxing". You saw the statement made by "Ed Smith".

    "if this coded message is correct... blah blah blah. fucking blah.

    Yet, some will fall for this. I'm never amazed at how people will interpret shit said.

    So yeah, that is going to be mr Ed Smith's out. You heard it here first.

    1. ^^^ There is no "Team Quantra" only Ed Smith and the rumor mill.

    2. This one has no choice but to play out. Maybe ketchum and others will back into the shadows but we'll see on this.

    3. After listening to both podcasts there may be a more to this than meets the eye.

    4. Well, according to the crow and tater poster's who probably didn't listen to the interview he is a liar. Yet I cannot say yet because we haven't seen the documentaries yet and I believe if they do have them then they will be released soon. I can wait. I have my own bigfooting to do and I know 100% that they exist from what I have seen and heard. I have seen one and a possible. So, I suggest the skeptics go out into the woods and take a look around. Try to get your own experience. You shouldn't rely on everyone else for proof or to be reassured that bigfoot exist. My last incident was in August 2012, in a smoky area called Willow Creek Campground. Heavy to light smoke from forest fires. I had a rock thrown at me. 2 years prior I was awoken by my wife to listen to 3 of them wood knocking on the steep mountain sides. I would have never heard it here in Boise ID. sitting my ass in a chair or lying in bed. You must go to them in the wild. Pack up your tent and your nut sack and go. LOL, don't be scared of them. It's the bears and mountain lions you gotta watch out for.

    5. John, you must be a city slicker that barely knows the woods to say that. I've been into outdoor sports (hunting, hiking, camping, canoeing, etc) my entire life. I've been into areas you'd never expect a human would wander. My entire family is the same. There is no bigfoot in the woods, and you've either mistaken what you thought you saw, or you're making it up.

      Most of the "skeptics" have been around in the woods. We've seen the animals there, and shot most of them at some point. Collected the body, and skinned, cleaned and ate our catch.

      You live in a fantasy world. No bigfoot = truth. Not this bullshit you see slung around on the internet.

    6. Anyone who says they have undeniable proof of Bigfoot, such as sequenced nuclear genome, a body, HD vids, etc then doesnt deliver or worse it is ID'ed as a common animal (bear), is nothing but a liar and hoaxer.

      Anyone can say anything, but that doesnt make it true or acceptable evidence "Im rich", "I own 3 jets", "i had Bigfoots baby", "I think Matt Moneymaker is sexy", ad nauseum....all bullshit as usual.

    7. I know for a fact what John Melland is saying is spot on and if you read Dr. Meldrums book Sasquatch or Dr. John Bindernagles books they are replete with analysis of the so called skeptics that live behind a facade of so called critical thinking and very seldom do any real research, but simply dismiss the Bigfoot phenomena out of hand as something that could not possibly be, and believe me in their fields they witness these skeptics and peers continuously.

      Anon at 8:13 perhaps you are an exception, but a very closed minded in any case. The BFRO and several other sites are full of well documented encounters and some of the best ones are by hunters who at the time had no inclination to believe in Sasquatch until suddenly they are face to face with one that blows their mind, induces a fear they have never felt before and can also be very life changing. This happened to one of my best friends whose voice still crackles with fear 12 years later when talking about his experience in such a manner that there is no mistaking what he saw that scared him so bad he has never went hunting again, and can't not imagine why anyone would ever want to see one of these creatures.

      For Paul GT3 I truly appreciate your article. I really have not got caught up in this soap opera, due to the way Ed Smith use to treat others on this site in the past. Also I thought that this was just so incredible it just could not be true, but I hope I am wrong. I will say however that the method outlined about Quantra, if it exits, is the best method I have ever heard about and would certainly stand a chance of getting good to fantastic results. If they ever come forward or publish their results, no one would be more excited to see these than myself.

      Also to John Melland I envy you living around such a beautiful environment as Boise Idaho.


    8. Hey Chuck and other reasonable folks here, EVERYone including sceptics would love to see a giant primate discovered in N America. This would turn modern science and evolutionary theories on their head, BUT, just to clarify, sceptics are NOT the assholes we are often potrayed as on this board and in Bigfoot world in general.

      Consider this: In the last century, multiple animals of all types and tribes of unknown humans have been discovered. How? Well, experts went out and discovered where these animals lived, obtained evidence such as tracks, scat and photos, which led to discovery of primary habitats and then scientific confirmation. Now contrast this with Bigfoot research: Everyone has a specimen, but no one can see them, every pic and vid is completely questionable, comes from anonymous sources, their genome is sequenced and being "reviewed by multiple PHDs"but no methods or details discussed, a man who records every animal he has ever poached thru pics and stories killed two but left the bodies, on and on and on....and the theme of today is guess what? Pure profit from non-scientific "researchers" seeking youtube/webpage hits, and the ultra-idiotic Finding Bigfoot show that is an absolute insult to human intelligence.

      Please dont think that hardened sceptics havent ever been interested in or weighed evidence for this topic....but compare to the recently discovered monkey species...and you begin to realize that Bigfoot is nothing but hype and, you guessed it, bullshit. I'll apologize any time a real discovery is made, but so far its the same old crap

    9. You cannot prove 100% something does not exist. It isn't scientifically possible. Look at all the religions around the world and how many people have scientific proof for the existence of God. You only prove skeptics exist, and trolls and close-minded people. I will say, beyond any doubt, if you ever see one - you will believe. I meet plenty of people everyday, those who've seen one and have never told anyone out of fear of humiliation. I dare you to start asking complete strangers, "do you believe in bigfoot?".

    10. I have a velociraptor in my basement...prove that I don't. He likes rice crispy treats and tamales.

    11. I am spending my life trying to prove a negative, which can't be done.

      Pity me.

      Yes hoaxers spend months intricately carving dermal ridges into the soles of phony big feet. They occasionally get help from Martians who fly to them in tinfoil ships.

      Therefore, dermal ridge evidence = no evidence.

      I am ultra-smart.

      I am highly educated.

      You are not.

      I am also a girl.

    12. Viagra was created to help middle aged men that have a problem with arousal due to their wives having gained 300 lbs.

    13. So was frebrez developed to help them cope with the smell of the above mentioned pigs?

    14. Look I understand your points, and some evidence is very compelling...Scott Nelson, Jimmie Chilcutt, Meldrum and even PGF have been intriguing studies and come to mind, BUT in science and logic in general you must take the road of east assumptions to make your hypotheses fit, typically called "Occams Razor". Of course I cant say 100% that Bigfoot doesnt exist, but philosophy is a completely different aspect of human thinking that has no place in discovery of unknown animals. I cant say certainly that Dragons, Ogres, Trolls, Nibiru, recipes for turning lead to gold, cold-water fusion or Mokelembebme, unicorns, etc dont exist because people thru history have recorded sightings and stories but you would agree their existence belief borders on the idiotic....what has ever been presented that makes Bigfoot different? Does no one here have any grasp of scientific methods or proof of hypothesis?

      People say all kinds of things that arent true, but to PROVE their claims more than a story is needed. Sceptics will shut up when real, irrefutable and reproducible evidence is presented, but I wont be holding my breath after hundreds of years we've been waiting. I agree you cant 100% refute anything, but you can sure put it on the bullshit list after all evidence has crumbled into hoaxes, known animals, misobservations and outright lies

    15. another excellent post^^^^^^^^

    16. Skeptics will shut up when you show them the magic monster man. Hell, they'll even congratulate you.

    17. We all agree, there are tons of cases of hoaxes. This does not mean that everything is a hoax. You stated that noBFers have the money or education to do real scientific research, then by your own admission there has not been a significant study in the field. The problem with that statement is that there are multiple ph. D's working at this very moment in this field. Even a doctorate of oxford, the worlds leading geneticist feels the need to further investigate this phenomenon. So while attacking people for seeing what they saw, as incredible as their tale may sound, know that there ARE researchers of inscrutable caliber working in this field, and they wouldn't be doing it if they thought it was a waste of time. So yes there are sane people, of significant means, with the highest of educations, working in this field.

    18. I have said many times in over 35yrs of hunting, fishing, camping, trapping and hiking I have never seen a bigfoot. But I have also seen very very few known large predators such as bears and cougars. I have also only found one bear skull. I know of people who have spent almost twice that long in the woods and have never seen a cougar.

      The excuse of being an avid outdoorsperson and not seeing bigfoot, therefore bigfoot can't exist is silly. Have you ever found a meteorite? Hundreds of thousands of them fall to earth every year, but unless you are paying attention and know what to look for, you will not find one.

      The same goes for bigfoot or other large predators. So instead of saying I have never seen bigfoot and I spend a lot of time in the deep woods, ask yourself how many times you had a what the hell was that moment. A crashing noise but seeing nothing, a call that you barely hear that gave you goosebumps for a moment. A flash of movement and noise out of the corner of your eye but you can't find the source of it when you look closer.

      Are all those wth momemts bigfoot? No, but some could be. If I kept track of all my WTH moments and reported them as bigfoot I would have hundreds. But since I know most were probably easy to explain I only remember the ones that stood out. A bare handful.

      So if you shrug off every odd happening in the forest, you will never believe in bigfoot until one slaps you. If you say you have never had any experience in the woods that you could not identify, you are full of shit. You might have just ignored it and not thought of it, but you did not identify it.

      Now, I want you to think where all these new large animal species are being found. How many are in highly advanced countries? Like the US? How many in the US? I don't mean countries that have one or two big advanced cities. I mean just like the USA. You will see very few new species from these countries and the US. Know why?

      Because everyone thinks they are too developed and there is no place for new species. Or we have explored every inch over and over. So they go to third world countries to poke around. Are our forest not as vast or dense as others? Why do we not find every lost hiker, hunter, skier and camper? Why do we find new mineral mines every year? Seems if we have explored everywhere we would never lose or find anything.

      Then add in the conspiracy factor. Does it exist? Is the gov't trying to hide stuff? What about big business? I say yes. Otherwise we would not have blacked out info requests. We wouldn't need to force companies to disclose what they put in food and products.

      Are they hiding proof of bigfoot? Could be. How long did it take and how many lawsuits before we learned what the main ingredients in our food is. Then remember there are exceptions to that very rule and some things are not required to be listed.

      It is about money. Bigfoot is money. Any group is going to be watched and when they find or get proof of bigfoot they get approached by big money and proof gets delayed and then lost or stolen. The rest of what gets released is junk. Some is good but so much is bad that the good is tossed out too. Think of the rare good evidence we see. How much is from known groups? Not much.

    19. We only see what gets tossed out to us. And because so much is pure bullshit, we assume all is bs. There very well could be an active group of people purposely cranking out tons of hoaxes for one reason. They are getting paid to do it. Then add in tbe real hoaxers who want attention and those who like a good joke. Compare all of those to the number of real researchers. Even leaving out possible paid hoaxers, the real researchers are far out numbered.

      Bigfoot will be proven when an unknown small group or one person drags one into town and drops it on the 5 o'clock news. It will never come from "press releases", "inside sources", "leaks" and I doubt it will even come from any study by any school or scientist. Because we have all seen where we are now with all of the recent press releases, sources, leaks and studies.

    20. Big Jim, what "good evidence" are you talking about? The only vid I've seen lately that remotely seemed possible was Marble Mountain, but then you compare the creatures build and behaviour and it is NOTHING compared to what people claim these things look like, actually it looks like a skinny guy in a backpack, then you also learn the recreations have the camera in differnt position, angle, etc. So guess what, on the surface something that seems plausible evaporates. Again, examine the Smeja fiasco, he claims this/that/etc yet testing comes out? Bear,nothing more...and Believers claim conspiracy. So what good evidence is out there that doesnt involve lies, hoaxes, mis-IDs and profit-driven research?

    21. You yourself listed a couple interesting pieces of evidence. I know how you feel about tracks, but there are many that are found that can't just be waved off as fake. There are ones where people have measured the depth of the track and compared it to how much it takes to leave the one that deep. Some are found in areas where the creature was actually seen, but when the person reports it, they get ridiculed and swept under the rug.

      There are also several samples of unknown dna tests floating around. They get listed as unknown and forgotten over time. Same with hair samples. If you just look for yourself you can find so many unknown hairs you can knit a scarf. They match nothing we have on record.

      The same goes for calls. I have watched several comparisons of unknown calls to known animals. They use wave lengths and other means to measure vocalizations and then try to match them to humans and other known animals. Guess what? Many were finally identified and even the BFRO pulled a couple they had listed as real. But there are still some that matched nothing.

      As for the Sierra stuff, did you fully read the report? It says 10% of the viable dna was bear, 15% was human and that's it. What was the other 75% Tyler tried explaining his understanding of it for me, but he still had no answer for the other 75% other than it might not have been testable. That is not how dna reports are written. Google some dna tests and then compare them to the Sierra tests. They don't even come close.

      How does a piece of five week old flesh, kept fairly cold, then under snow, test more positive for human dna than bear dna? They can test globs of goo washed up on beaches and tell you 100% what it is even though it has rotted to the point of slime. Yet a piece of flesh five weeks old, not very rotted based off the photos of the sample, can only get 25% of it identified? As you say, BULLSHIT. They can sequence slime and say it is a whale, squid, octopus, fish, oil, or whatever but not hair and tissue? You havecto be kidding me.

      I have listed many places to find these results several times. I have even done it on this blog. I don't list biased sites either. That proves nothing if a site is biased. So do like I did and look them up. Google unknown hair samples, unknown animal calls, unknown dna tests and go past the first three result pages. Dig a little and you will see what I do.

      That is, what is all this unknown stuff and why is no one questioning it more?

    22. The reason I say do it yourself is anything I list could be considered biased. If you use your own research and dig, you will find what I did. You can even find my old posts and use those links to start. But really do it yourself so you don't feel like I am hiding something.

    23. You need to go WAY more than three pages deep now. I just did a search like I had in the past and now most of the first seven pages are full of sites on the recent developments on the Ketchum and Oxford studies and conspiracy websites. Bigfoot is hitting the bigtime very soon. There are so many sites to wade through now.

      Oh, try search term like almas and other local names too as you will be surprised how many pop up, then check some out as they have good links buried in them.

    24. For Big Jim Jr. Excellent, excellent but for me it is preaching to the choir as I went this route years ago and still do and of course myself and two close friends (one now passed on) have had close sightings and screams at us.

      I really could care less what a skeptic thinks as I have long ago taken the route of what Dr. John Bindernagle told the audience last April. That is Bigfoot has been discovered, only not acknowledged by academia. For people like me and Dr. Bindernagle and hundreds of thousands if not millions of others (I had a long talk with him recently) it is all about their culture and this is my only quest.

      I also applaud you for bringing this up on the BFRO blue forums. I am really surprised the administrator did not close this discussion, however Tyler is in good standing with the BFRO and the discussion never deteriorated. I have a scenario of why the results came out this way, however only mtDNA testing was done and according to Dr. Ketchum the surprise is in the nuDNA, and anything I might think is just true speculation.


    25. Chuck, Thank you. I am one of the believers who has not seen one. Yet. But as I have said many times, too much WTF moments have occured to me. But, I also try to see the other side. I want know as much as possible. So there is still a small part of me that says, well maybe they don't exist. A very small part.

      As for the dna testing, I was surprised it didn't get closed either. I had posted it for exactly what happened, Tyler seeing it and explaining it where we can talk about it without a ton of trolls and others who might know more on it could pitch in without fear of the same.

      I think you are probably right on the test results. It could very well of been scavenged by a bear which would leave bear dna. Especially when there was less bear than human. I am waiting for more info from other labs who tested it.

    26. BiB you're really ever wrong as the day is long, people are indeed describing exactly the same weird human likeness not quite human that we see in both the Patterson Film and Marble Mt. so anyone seriously studying this field knows they're very good moving images proof of sasquatch. Sad to say it but you're just a clueless stain wasting your time here, one of many dipshits in for a shock treatment.

  2. Ed Smith couldn't be more vague when talking about this "Original 6" group. Gut feeling is that he's embellishing, exaggerating or out-right lying about the group.

    What happened to this supposed documentary? Looks like Ed's got a history of bold claims of definitive evidence.

    Hope I'm wrong.

    1. I agree Mark. Let's hope you are wrong.

    2. Mark, you are right.... This is an out of control HOAX that should never be getting the attention it is.. Every claim has turned out to be BS. EVERY one of them.

    3. Even this d Smith has got to realize he is in tooo deep.. How's he gonna gat out of this one? Poor MAMBG guys... Taken for a ride too..

    4. What about Smega? That went realllllyyyy quite with this Ed Smith shit....

  3. "Listen To This Ed Smith Interview From 2010, Maybe This "Daisy" Thing Is Real After All

    Pro-Tip: It is not.

    1. If this shit is real I'll eat my own first born.

    2. You want a little salt and pepper with that baby?

  4. This type of fake carney promotion is why nobody takes the great ape possibility serious

    1. Actually my dept takes it quite seriously despite set-ups like this.

      It is the drone of misinformation and people like you and your friends above desperately trying to convince people that it is not real that we dismiss.

      Your words are falling on deaf ears; your campaign is failing. Better luck in the unicorn community.

    2. Anon-6:08, I couldn't agree more.
      Funny how they YELL, and use profanity to try and convince us that we're wrong.

    3. @ 5:41:00

      No one takes it seriously (especially scientists!) because it's not out there. Nothing to do with the tom foolery posted on the internet.

    4. I can only speak for myself. I believe there is a Bigfoot out there.... I just don't believe that Ed Smith is honest or telling the truth. I too have waited with hopeful thoughts, but this whole things smells of scam and HOAX. This guy is acting like he is the spokesperson for this group... Hogwash.. BS..

  5. If it's almost time for the Doc. to be aired than this is probably just promotion.

  6. Just checking in for my yearly update. I see the same old circus show and still absolutely no evidence. See you next year suckers.

  7. Is that a picture from Vietnam???

    1. Laos. Shawn Evidence is from Laos.

      Get it right, laughingboy

  8. Listening to Tom Biscardi's podcast, what a blowhard which I already knew. Claims he only watched just 15 minutes of FB and claims that all the people on the show are from his camp and that they have been interviewed by him before and that they are just recycled stories.

    1. You listen to Tom Biscardi? man oh man, you need to get a life.

    2. Found it on iTunes searching for Bigfoot which I cant believe

  9. So folks are doing their utmost to prove Ed Smith's reality/credibility/legitimacy. We must however consider his actions after being sent the initial message. If he was the 'main guy' in the group you would think the last thing he would do is jump onto a BF forum and spill the beans about a memo he wasn't supposed to see. Simply does not make sense.


  10. Replies
    1. Why that tribe? You mean Native American? Nope!

  11. "The Tater is in the hole...I repeat...the Tater is in the hole!

    -Ed Smith

    1. LOL!

      The Owl is on the shed, I repeat, the Owl in on the shed!

    2. The sand is on the beach, the sand is on the beach and up my oooops!

  12. The horse is in the cave..ouch!..the horse is in the cave!

    -Matt Damon

  13. STOP this crap guys about owls, horses, taters and what not! This is a blog for folks interested in information about Big Foot, not all this ignorant jocularity, so it would be appreciated if it STOPPED!

    1. Jasmine is in the junkyard.

    2. Rosemary is in the potato bin.

    3. The Belgium waffle is in the dark-hole

    4. Thomas be careful that you dont clench your taterhole too hard in will give you itching, burning taterhoids...and believe me, you dont want taterhoids

    5. You guys are immature and annoying. Notice no ones laughing. Why do you guys even come here? Whats the purpose? You're disturbed apparently.

    6. apparently you have thoroughly disturbed your taterhole..convulsions of the sphincter are soon to follow

    7. Thomas is agitated because the wolf ate Katie Flynn's hat, and gave her some berries.

    8. Why? Why? Why? What is the point to this RETARDEDNESS? It's stupid (most of it). It has nothing to do with Big Foot research? Don't learn anything from these blogs?

    9. Thomas?...Thomas? Go to your happy place Thomas.

    10. Thomas, its the same fag posting over and over. Don't let this immature, douchebag get to you. Sooner or later the truth will come out, and the juvenile comments will cease.
      Hang in there, buddy.

    11. Thomas is on the Blog...I repeat...Thomas is on the Blog!

  14. I for one refuse to beleive this Ed Smith guy. I am extremely jaded folks. About a month ago I hired a so called "computer engineer" to develop software for me that would automatically make me first in the comment section whenever there was a new post. I paid this individual in excess of $300,000. As it turns out this person was a fraud as it was revealed to me by my treasurer that the "state of the art computer" he was using was nothing more than a playschool leap pad with a coat of black spray paint on it. If I can be fooled, anyone can be. Now I am in danger of being impeached for misappropriation of public funds. You may not hear from me for a while my friends, and in the meantime I have left my treasurer and manager Colonel Harland Parker in charge of my affairs. He will handle my finances, my commentary on this blog, and sexually satisfying my wife. God bless. MM

    1. That's not so bad. What makes you stupid is that you believe in a magic monster monkey man.

    2. Mayor McDickcheese has spoken! Have another beer, Dickcheese.

    3. Mayor, we need more firsts from you! Step up your game, bro!

  15. The data is just NOT there! How can you reconcile that?

  16. I was asking a guy from Michigan what he's do if he seen big foot, he said he would shoot it 6 times!

    1. That won't hurt Bigfoot one bit. He'll take the gun from him and pound him on top of his head with his fist, until he drives the guy down into the ground, like a spike. Bigfoot is just that powerful.

    2. "That won't hurt Bigfoot one bit. He'll take the gun from him and pound him on top of his head with his fist, until he drives the guy down into the ground, like a spike. Bigfoot is just that powerful."

      So freakin' funny! LOL!

    3. Oh yeah? What if you stabbed BF in the wanker?

    4. You Brits are just queer for Bigfoot, ain't ya? What's up with that?

    5. That's bollocks mate, you blokes are the delusional ones seeing the big fella! LOL!

    6. There are more of you dentally challenged fools interested in Bigfoot than us "blokes". WTF is a bollock? Did you intend to write bullcock and mistyped?

    7. Ooooo weeee!!!What's up with dat!!!What's up with dat!!!Ooooo weeee!!!Ooooo weeee!!!

  17. Dude! That's the funniest thing I've ever read so far on these blogs Hahaha!

  18. What's that flushing sound?... Oh Yeh its this site and the whole bigfoot bullshit industry going down the pan.

  19. Do you think Big Foot has found enough evidence about his own-self to realize he exists?

    1. I don't understand what you mean? Better rephrase the question.

  20. Forget Zagnuts. Try a Tom Clark Bar up the taterhole.

    Wave it this...

    1. You ASS! I'm not encouraging your ignorance by replying anymore! ..Ass!

    2. Trying to be serious, and ask if you even learn anything by coming here and you guys seem only to have a running commentary of insane comments. Oh yeah, I promise. Trust me Bud. You're on your own!

    3. Thomas, have you seen a bigfoot?

    4. Nope. Just trying to find out as much as I can though. You?

    5. When it comes to Bigfoot, this is about as serious as it gets cupcake. Well, unless you count those nutjobs that live in Bigfoot fantasy land.
      Perhaps you should head on over to BFF, there are plenty of those folks there, they'll play along with you.

    6. Uh oh, we have a new rider on the Bigfoot short bus. Somebody, please give him a schedule and take his tokens.

    7. Thomas, I can give you a shortcut to the mystery. It's the same as any other social construct. People report all kinds of gobelty goop. It doesn't make them any more real.

      Click my name to see a great example.

    8. Hahaha, it could be a crack head that gotta hold of the wrong stuff, ..a leprechaun, I have admit that was some funny stuff!

    9. Thomas yes! Now you're getting it. If you can laugh at the phenomenon thats good. The thing is, some people that were in that video really believe there was something there. Enough so it got "reported" and was on the news.

      (which is more than this fiasco can claim!)

      The whole point is, people report seeing all kinds of garbage. I doesn't make it real.

  21. No it's gay reth the gay of gay town actually. Sad to say the stake of reality has been driven thru the chest of mystery and possibility by the TOTAL bullshit emanating from the bf bullscat show. DNA.... HA! DEAD BODY.... HA! BIGFOOT IN A BOX? HA. What's sadder are the muppets who actually take this seriously over on the forum. Those guys are sold goooone maaan.

    1. But Ketchum may have been mind raped. Her vagina was sore. She has data and DNA and amazing HD footage. (uh, to be released. later.)

      Doesn't that count for anything? What about the liars that make up stories all the time and make "sighting reports"??? Doesn't that count for something? People report seeing all sorts of things, and the only one that is real is bigfoot!

      Just ask melba!!!

  22. No it's gay reth the gay of gay town actually. Sad to say the stake of reality has been driven thru the chest of mystery and possibility by the TOTAL bullshit emanating from the bf bullscat show. DNA.... HA! DEAD BODY.... HA! BIGFOOT IN A BOX? HA. What's sadder are the muppets who actually take this seriously over on the forum. Those guys are sold goooone maaan.

  23. BigFoot HAS to be real. How could so many folks have seen him. People who say we're nuts, live in their own little fantasy that's protected by safe little walls of denial to reality. I wonder what would happen if their xBox burned up? ..they'd need therapy, like a person losing a loved one.

    1. This is true, Bigfoots have even been seen in New York, Chicago and LA.

    2. All of your Bigfoots are coming home to roost.

    3. At least x boxes are real. It's a little more disturbing to see people get upset about a myth. Especially when they insist it is real. Those are the people that really could benefit from therapy.

      How could so many people report seeing mermaids, leprechauns, ghosts, alien abductions, witches?

      They must be real!!! Anyone who doesnt believe, must need therapy. (see how that works) Bigfoot is no different than any of those things.

    4. Likes to lick the end of a drippy dick.^

    5. ^^^ Isn't intelligent enough to have a real comback to support his fantasy myth, so tryies real hard at tossing useless insults that show his own homosexual tendancies.

    6. You're not in the least bit intelligent yourself coming on a bigfoot blog to write bullshit you know deep down, if you have a brain no matter how small and under-developed, is not what you really think. Unless you're infected by advanced madness of course.

  24. That's an awful thing to say. The horror of an xbox burnout is too much to comprehend. Wow you footers are such a bunch of mountain goats, some of you go up to 1000ft from your cars I've heard.

  25. "That won't hurt Bigfoot one bit. He'll take the gun from him and pound him on top of his head with his fist, until he drives the guy down into the ground, like a spike. Bigfoot is just that powerful."

    1. I just started the rumor that Chuck Norris is part of Quantra team 6. There was no need to sedate the "Daisy". It is now out of the box and walking two steps behind Chuck, out of respect. Any more questions?

    2. LOL! No questions, no need to question that!

  26. I'm going to stick to my guns, I call Bullshit on the whole thing.

  27. Ok So in the end what was the whole point of this?

    What was being sold or promoted

  28. Oh. I get it now, no, no, I get it!!

  29. The Chewbacca is in the Lighthouse.

  30. Katy Flynn the 3 year old girl was taken by an animal. It ate her hat, and gave her berries. That is a strange story. Of course that was just an excerpt.

  31. A fellow from Michigan was telling me that if he ever seen a Big Foot, that he'd shoot it 6 times.

    And anonymous replied:
    "That won't hurt Bigfoot one bit. He'll take the gun from him and pound him on top of his head with his fist, until he drives the guy down into the ground, like a spike. Bigfoot is just that powerful."

    1. Oh come on, I didn't think it was that funny, when I wrote it.
      My burnt Bigfoot story was vastly superior. I laughed for days after writing it.

    2. I must read it, lol, please indulge me, give me the

    3. Find it yourself lazy fuck.

    4. Only an FNG would ask that. [stares up at the distant peak and clenches his jaw]

  32. Since the steak is Bear meat, this story is just a way to keep up the interest in Bigfoot!Ketchum ,Smeja didnt prove anything so come up with something to keep up interest pretty smart.

    1. No, no, you have it all wrong. The results came back as BARE meat from a Bigfoot. Pay attention, this shit comes and goes quickly.

    2. There's a BARE in them there woods.

      There's an Ass bearing a BARE along with a Mare bearing a HARE. The HARE seen a BEAR and leaped from the MARE onto the ASS bearing the BARE.

  33. A guy told me boastfully that if he ever seen Big Foot he'd shoot him 6 times.

    So I told him that won't hurt Bigfoot one bit. He'll take the gun from him and pound him on top of his head with his fist, until he drives the guy down into the ground, like a spike. Bigfoot is just that powerful.

    He gave me a surprised timid look and walked away.

  34. A guy told me boastfully that if he ever seen Big Foot he'd shoot him 6 times.

    So I told him that won't hurt Bigfoot one bit. He'll take the gun from you and pound you on top of your head with his fist, until he drives you down into the ground, like a spike. Bigfoot is just that powerful.

    He gave me a surprised timid look and walked away.

    1. Nice story, your first sounded like a Spanish translation, funny dude!

  35. Sally is in the Sassafras tree.

  36. There's a BARE in them there woods.

    There's an Ass bearing a BARE along with a Mare bearing a HARE. The HARE seen a BEAR and leaped from the MARE onto the ASS bearing the BARE.

  37. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

  38. I have a feeling this is just another hoax to take the heat off the other two big hoaxes. The bear poacher and the big foot that was so-called "shot in the back of the head".... never hear anything more from these puss sucking assholes.

    1. Nope, you don't hear shit about Rick Dyer or the Seirra Kill people. Soon this will fall by the wayside and some other thought up BS will come up. Everyone, stay tuned for the next feasco to suddenly pop up!!!

    2. Not feasco or even fiasco. We are waiting on the next Fasanoco to pop up. He is falling off the radar and his little videos talking crap aren't feeding his need for attention enough.

  39. In the National Lampoons Bigfoot Expedition movie Fasano will be played by William Shatner and Rick Dyer by ?........Will Ferrell?

  40. the show is sponsored by the MABRC, who sponsors the fictional character Ed Smith. He is bullshit, they are bullshit and Daisy is bullshit. Happy New years you gullible bitches.


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