Breaking: Images of Bigfoot Foraging In a Louisiana Wildlife Refuge

On Friday, we received a message about a possible sighting of Bigfoot that was taking place. The message reads as follows:

Currently right this moment my brother is hunting watching a Bigfoot "forage" through the forest.

He is in Louisiana

He has video (I haven't seen it)

A soon as he emails it to me I will share. There are tracks and everything. He texted me while he watched it. Didn't know what to do.

He was in ********** Refuge hunting and seen it cross the road and start foraging throughout the forest. Weird thing is that he feels like he was spotted and watched. After it left he walked over and videotaped the tracks of where it been. He feels like he seen another moving in forest between the trees. He said it stood over 6 ft tall. He said he is emailing the video to me tomorrow. He said that the only way to get to where he was in the refuge was by boat and he was the only one in the area
This person claims his brother watched and filmed the Bigfoot for 15 minutes. For several minutes, his brother watched the Bigfoot through his rifle scope unsure of what he was looking at. According to his brother, the facial features were dark and he was able to make out a coned-head, a feature commonly attributed to Sasquatch. The witness also reported watching the creature take 15 steps (walking slowly) across a 10 yard-wide dirt road. The still photographs below were taken using an iPhone and show the Bigfoot ducking behind a downed tree. The video was captured using a Sony Handycam as the Bigfoot walks out from behind the tree.

We asked for a copy of the video, but received a low-resolution text message via iPhone of the video being played on the camcorder screen as our texter's brother currently does not have access to a computer (update: does not have the datacable to connect the camera). We're expecting the full-HD version on Tuesday. We will also be releasing the low-resolution iPhone video once we're able to make some enhancements.

We looked up the information regarding this refuge and it appears to be a rich and diverse area with plenty of food sources and lots of vegetation coverage.


  1. Replies
    1. Same old blurry blob of nothing that resembles anything at all. Your going to have to actually use a pointer and show us where this blob squatch is. I don't know about this guys Iphone but mine takes one hell of a pic...

      Good luck come Tuesday, keep promoting the hoax!!

    2. This blog is looking to be the next MABRC... Go on with your bad selves!!! Bigfoot Hoax should be the new name here...

      Stage one: The Announcement!

      Stage Two: Defensiveness or Attack of Critics!

      Stage Three: Postponement of Evidence!

      Stage Four: Postponement of Evidence Again!

      Stage Five: Claim you are a Victim of a Hoax!

    3. Okay.... why am I even readingthis hype. I am a sucker for a Hoax and a letdown. No access to a compueter... BullShit! if someone had just filmed a Bigfoot, they would drive mewhere to get in front of a computer.. Here we go again.

    4. Is it really this easy to get a HOAX going.. It makes me want to go write a story, promise for more to be coming soon and watch all ya'll gullible persons post my story and wait with baited breath for my next snippit of information. I bet dollars to donuts I could mastermind a HOAX every week on this foolish community. Ya'll need to tighten up yourselves.

    5. I don't see anyone on here getting excited about this or beleiving it...

    6. The "Blizzard of Oz" is one of the greatest comeback records of all time. 2 years prior to release a burnt out Ozzy gets tossed from a fading Sabbath(themselves soon to be revitalized by Dio). Sharon Osbourne picked him up and got Virgin to gamble on him and next thing you know "ALL ABOARD"!!!!Hahahahah!!!

    7. There isnt anything there, it ust the branch looking like there is something there.. nice try though.

    8. Nope generals gathered in their masses just like witches at black masses

    9. He had a few more good ones till no more tears then he went Metallica black

    10. Randy Rhoads death was a huge loss. There is some good stuff after "Diary of a Madman" (like the album you mention) but the first two albums are classics. All thriller, no filler and Rhoads(a top 5 heavy metal guitarist) kicks ass.

    11. This place is only accessible by boat but he watched cross the road? Hmmmm... Which is it?

  2. Replies
    1. Big Hairy News is reporting the film is of Ray Nagin hiding his skunky ape ass from federal prosecutors.

  3. Replies
    1. first to sit down and piss like a little bitch. sit on this and spin 8====D

  4. What the hell am I supposed to be looking at?

    1. read my mind. this is complete bullshit, as always.

  5. Whenever a low res version is released first.....

    Think MABRC. I mean hoax. My bad.

  6. Then I'll drop my nutts in your mouth !

    1. Is that tea bagging? And why does everyone want to do that to me? Silly people!

  7. Dude you can't see it its rite there clear as day

  8. I see Ozzy and he is biting Bigfoots head off

  9. Wow. If that's a photo of a Bigfoot, then I've had thousands of sightings.

  10. I cant see it. Is it near that Dogman?

  11. Its shadows and limbs on the fallen tree..

  12. Um...sure. BLOBSQUATCH which will amount to nothing.

  13. How convenient that the guy that has HD video but doesn't have a computer to be able to send it along.

    Yeah, we'll all see the full HD version of this on Tuesday and it will be the most conclusive proof that we've ever seen. Keep holding your breath.

    How many times are you going to fall for these stunts people?

    1. Who's fallin for anything I'm putting out my peer reviewed unicorn paper relax guy you need a rest

  14. What ever happened to that "I poop in jar" dude ?

    1. I to miss the genius of the poop in a jar dude.

    2. The Sally Here dude has been quiet too..

    3. And recipe guy, I liked him too

    4. I fart in jars. Make great Christmas gifts.

    5. He's fine. I got an email from him the other day reading "I poop in a jar".

    6. Me too. But it came in a smellagram.

  15. This is the dumbest of all the ridiculous items I've seen here. Talk about crying 'wolf'. How long do you think you can keep this site going with junk items like this?

    1. Not sure it beats stump-squatch, but it's pretty freaking close.

    2. FB/FB and Lindsay have proclaimed this legit already.

  16. All these photos are the equivalent of a visual wedgie for bigfooters.

  17. Hyping up another nothing bullshit video?

  18. OMG! I had a tapeworm egg case segment fall onto my forhead last night. The Horror, The Horror...

  19. Just another stupid ass blobsquatch pic where you actually can't even make out a blobsquatch. This is a new level of horseshit in footing. A total joke.

    1. If Bigfoot gave you clear evidence of His existence, you wouldn't have to have faith now would you? You need to accept Bigfoot into your heart, then you will KNOW.

  20. why does the owner of this blog keep falling for every fucking stupid picture of a shadow? why do i keep wasting my time reading this bullshit blog? so much bullshit, everything on here is bullshit, not one single story ever has turned out to be true. i guess the fat guy has to debunk something. fuck you all.

  21. Replies
    1. Nope it's peanut butter jelly time peanut butter jelly time

  22. Oh no- I've seen it. Confirms on coned head, long arms, mid tarsal and turds literally flying out of it's taterhole.

    This is the real deal!

  23. These photos are completely pointless, you can't see a god damn thing.

  24. Phil will parabreak it down and disprove it, and then rub his belly proudly

  25. If dat fella had em in da scope, why didn't he choot em?

  26. Wait till phil finishes eating, he will tell you why

  27. Stumps are the new bigfoots this year. Go footers!!

    1. Stumps proclaimed 2013 to be THEIR YEAR! Fuck you Melba.

  28. Everyone just shut the hell up!!

  29. What happened to the "Skeptics Gonna Eat Crow" movement on here?

    1. Retards said that. What do you expect? I mean these dumb fuckers believe in a 8' 600 lb. magical monkey man running around in the woods. They cannot be taken seriously.

    2. Yeah, well a certain guy with a Ph.D and magical Mormon underwear at a mediocre institution of higher education disagrees with you.

    3. He's just an associate professor. There's a reason for that......

    4. Just an associate professor? C'mon. He is a professor. Assistant, associate, full are rankings(like in a law firm) with different pay and maybe different teaching loads, but they are all professors.

    5. He'll never reach professor while he obsesses over a mythical magic 8' 600lb. Monkey can book that. His peers would be right with their decision as well.

    6. He shouldn't go into archeology either if the missing link hasn't been found yet there isn't one right same logic as yours

    7. I can't say you are wrong if you mean: He has done enough to qualify for the promotion to full at Idaho State- he has the papers and textbook and has demonstrated grant getting ability. However, someone on the appointments committee is less than thrilled about the bigfoot thing and is voting against the promotion.
      Possible. I thought people that get grants eventually make it to full. Their department always gets a chunk of the money....

    8. No usually they fund the individual sometimes extending the funds into the department as to upgrade whatever equipment that will be used in the course of the study

    9. Yes Harry, professors apply for the grants and are the ones who receive, spend and account for the money. But they have to give a chunk to their institution and that money usually goes to the professors department(maybe it depends on the place). If you are saying some large grants include monies for the institution, I can see that.

    10. True I'm only familiar with one institution and only in geology and archeology I didn't mean no as in you were wrong just saying no I've heard it being done in this fashion you may have a broader scope then I so I was just adding an opinion


  31. Why is it we never see any photo of these magic monkeys during the fall or winter? Most foliage dies off, trees are bare of leves ( expect evergreens). Photos should be easy to get...

    1. In fall the herd migrates into the himalayas they are opposite birds they go north for the winter

  32. what schooling and obstacles are there to work for a wildlife refuge? for exotic animals such like tigers, or polar bears

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