These African Mosquito Hamburgers From Africa Looks So Delicious, But Gross

This is the grossest thing I've seen in a while. Africans catching mosquitoes and making hamburger patties out of them. One thing I don't understand is how come they're not getting bitten by the swarms of mosquitoes? I can't even go out in the backyard without this happening to me.


  1. Replies
    1. Looks much like the crow that the haters of Ketchum and Bigfoot will be served shortly.

    2. Mosquitos: the other black meat.

    3. Look like mayflies, not mosquitos.

  2. Damn son, thats why the misquitos are eating us. It's because we're eating them man.

  3. Replies
    1. It's human: smart, resilient, making do in your own environment. Besides, what's more gross, feeding animals all kinds of hormones and man-made antibiotics to cause them to grow at unnatural rates while closing them into spaces too small for them to even move, or this? I ate one of those d___med chickens the other day; it took 24 hours to get rid of the headache. Those kids look happy and healthy, what's gross about that!

    2. No more "gross" then Europeans...(french in particular)and the Japanese eating HORSE meat!

    3. Horse is much leaner than beef. Suppose to taste similar to venison or buffalo. Never tried it. The US thinks horses are pets like dogs and cats, yet eat lamb and goats all the time? Huh? I am not a fan of lamb or mutton at all and only goat I had was in heavy spices. Dogs and cats are off limits but I would probably like horse since I love buffalo and venison.

      We really should expand our diets. Would probably make us healthier and get us away from growth hormones and other toxic shit put in the foods. From corn, wheat and grasses that releases deadly gases to meat that won't rot. Something wrong there.

  4. Shawn I think mosquito can detect human pheromones and have a preference for some over others. Do you attract flies, too? That would indicate a hygiene problem. Talk to your family, and ask them to be honest. :)

  5. this article seems a bit racist to me, talking about africans on a blog about bigfoots/unknown primates

  6. This could be a healthy alternative to the Big Mac. Athough I think I'd need to put some bacon on that motherfucker.

    1. Bacon would not do it, you would need lots of cheese and hot sauce as well.

    2. okay Bacon won't do it

    3. You found me baby, I knew love through the ages would bring us together.

    4. I think the last time we sat and ate mosquitoes we then made passionate love by the fireside. Do you remember that wonderful evening?

    5. I think I was too drunk, but if you enjoyed it hell....I've still got it :)

    6. Next time I will serve them with oysters too as I think you would like that ;)

    7. Whatever you say darling, you know I'll do anything you say.

      Just don't shove a carrot up my arse.

    8. Rougly 4 inches wide and very round..? I could put an orange into your mouth and tie your favourite pink tie round your neck you said you wanted me to do one day?

    9. Jesus JLB have you got to air our sex life in public and the orange? I don't recall that too be honest - but yeah whatever, if it'll make you happy.

    10. Sorry sorry.....I was getting carried away...but its been so long :(

    11. It was fun that one time...My butt still hurts however.

    12. I am having a brazillian on Monday - just in time for Christmas day!

    13. oh babbby you said you would never do that again......mmmh!!! okay I'm getting rigid.

    14. Its a shame you will be in Australia for Christmas :(

    15. yeah but we have electonic vibration sex skype now :)

      You can stll give me my Christmas box baby.

    16. ..they never did invent the orgasmatron?

    17. Yeah but I DID, merry Christmas.....

    18. Oh fantastic! Can I use it whilst I cook the Turkey and vibrator skype at the same time?

    19. Only if you switch out the fuses! and try not to stand upright at the same time....It maybe a bit much.

    20. Must make sure I stock up on batteries too?

    21. it's Perpetual baby, once that scukers starts sing.

  7. Mmmm, I'm sure that malaria infected blood inside those mosquito burgers make them real tasty.

    1. Yeah, I'll get a double hep C with fries and a Mr. Pibb.

  8. Useless knowledge of the day. Those are midges, not mosquitos. They don't bite and are more of a pain in the ass than anything. Lake Klamath by Klamath Falls, Oregon is the only body of water in the US that has the same midges. In the summer, the hatches are so bad that people avoid driving at dusk. One year I made the mistake of driving through and coated my Dodge Ram so thick with them, you could not tell what color it was. Stopped for fuel 90 miles north and fuel attendant said, "you must have been down by the lake". He didn't offer to clean my windshield.

    They also eat the larvae by straining the water to gather them. Much like ant eggs. So if you want to try a bug buger, you don't need to fly to Africa or get a bunch of shots. Just go to K Falls in the summer. But I never saw a restaurant serving them, going to have to do it yourself.

  9. Africa is a big continent. Why do people say Africans? Where in Africa and that can be one tribe who does that.

  10. No thank you, I'm trying to stop.


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