Matt Moneymaker On Team Quantra: No, they don't have a body

If there's something fishy going on in the world of Bigfoot, Matt Moneymaker is always the first to start calling people out. Moneymaker was the first to call out the Bigfoot-in-a-freezer hoax of 2008 and since then he's been right about many things including the much debated Russian Bigfoot video which FBFB thought showed a real Sasquatch-- The video was later proven to be an actor in a Bigfoot suit.

The latest claim to hit the Bigfoot community is coming from a group called Team Quantra. This group claims they are currently in possession of a live Bigfoot specimen named "Daisy". So far, the information is being relayed through Ed Smith, a former member of Quantra. According to Smith, Team Quantra is expected to make a press release about the capture.

On Twitter, followers have been bombarding BFRO president, Matt Moneymaker, with questions regarding Team Quantra. Moneymaker does not believe any of it. He suspects the person hyping the story may be "the same dude who fooled Autumn Williams", a well-known Bigfoot researcher.

"I don't even think the group exists. I think the story was cooked up by the same dude who fooled Autumn Williams. He's from TX," Moneymaker responded to one question about the group.

When asked about his thoughts on Ro Sahebi's video news about Ed Smith and D.W.Lee of the MABRC, Moneymaker wrote, "No, they don't have a body. And those aren't 'reports' you're hearing. It's just idle speculation turned into a rumor and hyped up."


  1. Replies
    1. Ihis whole bigfoot thing is like the "Project Serpo hoax " except this is lasting for YEARS. As long as folks pay, they will play. Very simple business plan that has been going on since The two million year Quaternary period, the time of recognizable humans.

      James Oberg

    2. I know everything and everyone of worth in Bigfeet world and even have a TV show.

    3. And Moneymaker is dead wrong once again in his suspicions but uses his so-called authority to spread rumors. He just likes to stir the pot and pick on people he's threatened by.

    4. Mulder, sweatyyeti, and bill munns walk into a bar...have a good time, leave 20% and that's that.

    5. Munns goes into senior citizen nap time, sweaty gets kicked out for drawing with sharpies all over the bar, and mulder asks the bouncer to PROVE he was handing out ad homs in the bathroom.

  2. Replies
    1. My grandma's breath smells like grandma food.

  3. Moneymaker would know, he knows everything.

    1. He's even stabbing at BE in a way, this blog is after all heavily cooking this story and hyping it up.

    2. It's too bad that MM doesn't exhibit this type of skepticism with all things Bigfoot related. You know, like in his TV show where everything is a "squatch".

    3. A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend a cooking demonstration at Roka Akor Steak and Sushi in Chicago. The other foodie sister, Becky, had been there last year shortly after it opened and blogged about it

    4. That was posted because me and Bobo and Cliff were there for the all-u-can eat shrimp and fries, that person just saw our girthy greatness and related it here to Bigfoot. All thing Bigfoot related come through me, I'm the Jesus of Bigfoot, the way, the truth, the path to Squatch

    5. So your saying that we should nail you to a cross?

  4. It kinda is just common sense, of course they've got nothing because if they did have something why would they sit on it for days? Surely if you caught a Bigfoot you'd want the world to know straight away?

    1. You would think so, but some of these groups are so media hungry I wouldn't put it past them to build as much hype as possible.

    2. ...some of these groups are so money hungry...

      Fixed it for you.

    3. Are you referring to Gladys Crabtree, Samanatha and Derrin's nosey neighbor?

  5. Replies
    1. Very clever. ^^^^^^^^. Think up some more

    2. mate monkeyluster, matt moulaloser,
      mute merrymolester, fatt monkeyfucker

    3. wow... not a funny or clever bone in your body.

    4. ^^^^ no sense if humor. ^^^^

  6. The reason that people come up with BS stuff like this Daisy story is that some people will believe it.

    1. No it's mainly so trolls can flock they're the ones secretly hoping it's true but afraid to come out of the closet.

    2. I think most people hope it's true, although they know it probably isn't. The problem is everyone will follow every bit of information that is put out.

  7. To be fair to Moneymaker you would think he would at least be aware of the Quantra group. If he's never heard of them it would explain why no one from this 'group' has been quoted on this yet. Could simply be they don't exist.

    Ed Smith has now said he's keeping his mouth shut from here on in. Could be Hell of a long wait until the next update...


    1. Ed Smith is the source of this tale as we know and someone needs to be accountable so there are two possibilities as I see it.

      Either he made this up from scratch or this flash message he got was purposely sent his way so he would post it with his interpretation and the source could sit back and enjoy the kickback that would come when people realised it is complete fiction.

      So who exactly is the source, Ed Smith or the author of these flash messages.

    2. Is Matt the twin brother of Fasano?

    3. Yes. Tim was originally named Mutt.

  8. MULDER here!
    You dirty Scientists do NOT get to play that game here! This is a "ad hom attack via speculation/Equsl ad hominis hominoid" and that will not fly here you Skoftics!!! Anyone who even DARES question the integrity of Ed Smith (Dr.) is obviousely tontar or kitakaze!! Sweaty Yeti will say the same!!!
    Prove that this upright, moral driven organization bent of protecting the species does NOT have "BIAB"(bigfoot in a box)
    All of you Skoftics just want to destroy the good reputatio.. Oh look a picture of Jeff Meldrum... Oh..oh... ughhh... Yeeeeeeee... Oooooooohhhh yeeeezvbibib
    Iguctcv i i r


    1. Look,it's the poor bastard that got kicked out of BFF.
      Awwwww,does baby want a bottle or his Depends changed?

    2. Go sit in the corner Mulder.

    3. Mulder (keeper of the faith) is never wrong!

    4. haha...mulder is such a chump

  9. Bigfootery is all about delusions and deceptions. Now I know for sure...

    1. And still you'll write approximately 100 comments like it to come.

    2. We're Skippy's only friends. He's got nobody else but us.

  10. Tank you now have the Moneymaker Matt singink 'Yes We Have No Sasquatches"...und a one und a too...

    1. ^^^So delusional that he thinks Lawrence Well is Bigfoot.

    2. Come to think of it, Joann Castle might have been a bigfoot.

    3. Fox's favorite part was when they turned on the bubble machine. Lordy could that squatch dance!

  11. This is Ross from team QUANTRA yes we do have a body in our possesion, The press release is sceduled for noon on saturday. The subject code named (daisy) is in good health,however seems to be depressed and very sad.We are planning to release him back in the same area later this week.We have several hours of HD video,audio.We at team QUANTRA look forward to sharing all of this with the outside world this week ,some video will be released today at the press conference.THANK YOU ALL for your patience reguarding this matter

    1. When Tim Fasano tried that type of joke it was a dog-pile of epic proportions. Of course not every one got that it was a joke.

    2. You can bet on it, I would not use my name and go out on a limb and risk my rank in team Quantra just to bull shit you guys,I could do that any where.Im just telling you that we will be releasing what we have at the press conference today at noon. I hope you all will be vindicated in some sort of way after that. again we wish to THANK YOU ALL for your patience reguarding this matter. Ross from team QUANTRA

    3. Press conference at noon. Got it.


    4. Yeah, and when you are not Ross you are not risking anything

    5. Jim LeBus would have told us 12:00 hours plus the time zone.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. The press conference will be in dallas texas all of the major networks that were interested i suspect will be there. i know for sure fox and cnn but i dont know all the rest. THANKS AGAIN Ross
      TEAM QUANTRA PS IM SPEAKING ANONYMOUS TODAY BECAUSE OF THREATS TO MY LIFE AND MY FAMILYS LIFE. I will do interviews today and tomarrow after everything comes out THANKYOU ALL

    8. Oh! There he goes! Shit I always see 'um when I'm alone.

  12. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

    1. My pit bulls breath smells like kittens.maybe we can arrange a play date for me asap.

  13. Moneymaker has it dead to rights with this one, including the source. It just makes no sense at all and MM probably has the whole scenario and is right.

    1. It was proven that Moneymaker was wrong when he thought he knew who Mike was. Wasn't the same guy. He just likes to think he's right about everything. Like the Penn and Teller Sonoma hoax video being real. He believed it and got punked. Look it up.

  14. Hi, this is Daisy! First of all, I'd like to give thanks do Quantra team, because they are taking a good care of me. Because of them, now I'm protected and going to the gynecologic examination. I can also use their high end technology to write in this beautiful blog, full of interesting people. If Patty could use this back in her time, the world would know now that we exist and have opponent thumbs. Thumbs up tu you all! Like me in Facebook and we will become friends forever!

    1. "opponent thumbs" you mean thumb war?

    2. Daisy, by any chance, is your last name Forestpeople?

    3. Daisy Forestpeople Blobsquatch

  15. Ross, again, TQ. Upon further DNA analysis, what we actually have is a parrot/sheep hybrid. Easily recognizable by it's behavior of hanging out on Shawn Evidence's blog and calling all of the skeptics Morons, demanding that he turn off the comments, and basically being a smelly, fizzing asshole to pillars of the community such as the PIAJ guy and the sometimes Honorable Mayor McCheese.
    Nobody likes you, nobody listens to you, and nobody will ever, ever want to have sex with you. Which is basically why organizations like TQ and the BFRO exist. Welcome aboard!

    1. We know. And Thank You! ^_~

    2. We just call one sceptic a Moron . You pose as 20 different people and post 50 times a day the illusion is it's many sceptics but in reality it's just u MORON!

    3. He's not a skeptic. He's just an asshole with no life and no girlfriend.

    4. Shhhh...hear that fizzing? He's here...I seen him.

      Whre have you been you fucking asshole?

  16. Its bullshit. Moneymaker calls it again.

    1. He is saying what a lot of people were thinking: All this is coming from one person and we don't even know if the group exists. Is he also saying Ed Smith hoaxed Autumn Williams? That may be a funny story....

    2. Autumn Williams talked to Enoch and wrote a book

    3. Moneymaker was wrong about the identity of the guy who he claimed talked to Autumn, he thought it was someone who had hoaxed him before, but she couldn't prove it without breaching her contract with Mike. So he goes around slandering her and spreading misinformation unchecked. Impressive ethics there.

    4. Mike is the fictitious man in Her book Enoch or at least the story in the book is fiction, and it caused Autumn to have a nervous breakdown and drop out of the public eye. The book is now considered one of the worst Bigfoot stories ever told. It is a good story as fiction, but no way real. As Matt puts it she was fooled too bad ...go to and see....

  17. Quick everybody! I hear Melissa Adair is flashing her titties over at Sasquatch Unlimited!

    1. Immature^. what are you 10?

    2. Maybe some day Phil will show his tits on this site!


  18. Daisy,

    Mucklegrunt here.

    The Quantra guys are pretty kewl dudes, once you get to know them. We've been chugging bottle after bottle of A1, and snorting huge lines of Old Bay seasoning. I kinda like it here, and I think you will, too.

    I am calling off the whole rescue operation. We need to learn to stop hiding from the humans, and embrace their curiosity about us. You should see the shit that they have to eat! You think the stuff they put into trash cans is good? Daisy, you have no idea.

    They told me about this heavenly paradise called "Sonic" that they frequent. It sounds more unbelievable than our own shadowy existences! I'm going there this afternoon. I used to think that my disgusting, animalistic appearance and massive size would alarm the humans, but it seems like most of the human population here in Oklahoma are large and disgusting as well, so I should be able to assimilate into their populace without causing any major incidents.

    I'll bring you back some of the human food, and you'll realize very quickly that you're not in a trap at all. You're in a culinary wonderland.


    1. That's quite a bit of typing all together. Is it worth it?

    2. No, but I can't masturbate ALL day long.

      I have to take little breaks.

    3. oh for fucks sake, TURN OFF THE COMMENTS and stop getting dismissed as a joke.

    4. It's like a manifesto ! Dude has absolutely nothing else to do except type hours of mucklegrunt crap and other babbling shit!

    5. You're ruining everything! Bigfoot should be worshipped! You should keep his poop in a jar! Upon an altar!

    6. Mucklegrunt here.

      It doesn't take long to type these letters to Daisy, as I use an open source software that allows me to simply mindspeak the message into a sophisticated computer which translates it into your language. No big deal.

      And yes, it's completely worth it.


    8. Last three comments^^^ by the same guy trying to make it look like someone likes his Mucklegrunt . Sad that you have to pretend to be someone else just to make it look like people like you. Nobody ever agrees with you asshole. MORON!

  19. now i can rest easy knowing that the authority on all things bigfoot has spoken out on this subject and relays the info that quazar has no bigfoot, because only monkeywanker will be overcome the public and private naysayers and he alone. let it be known all claims unless coming from monkeywanker will be false

  20. I'm just shocked. I didn't beleive the story myself so logically then I guess that makes me as smart as Moneymaker!

  21. What about what Fasano said? He did after all say a Lt General told him Daisy had been released. I think someone is lying to us and making up stories!

  22. Does anyone really give a fuck what Moneymaker says or thinks about this? Most knew it was bullshit anyway I hope nobody would change their opinion based on what he says but then again he is the be all end all of footery.

    1. No. No one other than Matt himself cares about what he has to say. If they did they wouldn't be here they would go to the BFRO web site.

  23. I think the story needs to be kept straight.

    "So far, the information is being relayed through Ed Smith, a former member of Quantra."

    Ed Smith was a member of the Original 6 (O6), not Quantra. Quantra was formed after Ed stepped down.

    "This group claims they are currently in possession of a live Bigfoot specimen named "Daisy"."

    "Daisy" is the code word used to indicate that a live capture occurred, it's not the name of the subject. People are already assuming the subject is female. I know it's just a name used, much like "Patty" is used for the PGF subject.

    I enjoy reading the updates on this story but the "facts" as they are told need to be kept in check. If the story gets embellished once every time it's told, it becomes something else.
    I'm not saying this event is true or false, but we can't stray from the original "facts".

    Matt is certainly entitled to his opinion. As for me, I really don't know what to make of this. Somebody needs to step up and say there was a communication error, it's a hoax, OR show us some good evidence. Show us SOMETHING!

    1. SN.Do you have a public email I have something I would like to share with you.

    2. Agreed, Sas! It's AMAZING how in this community the truth and rumors are so quickly blended that one loses the facts so quickly! SMH.

    3. GnR- I do have an email. sasquaination(at)yahoo(dot)ca.
      Email me anytime!

    4. Come on GnR, share with all of us please! I would appreciate any new information on this story you may have.

    5. The facts are these, 2 posts on a bigfoot forum, one saying a BF has been captured the other it has been moved, anything else is just padding and wishful thinking, sit back and let the perpetrator/perpetrators get on with it.

    6. Bobby it's not about this Daisy story or I would share it as I hate all of this speculation too.

    7. Quality thread boys.

      -Grand Marais Bigfoot dude

  24. Matt Moneymaker couldn't find his dick at a urinal, and he has proved that on "Finding Bigfoot" the last two years.

    If Matt shaves his beard he might find Ranae's boxers or BoBo's panties but no matter what he does he will never find a Bigfoot.

    Matt Monemaker is an idiot and anyone who listens to anything Matt says is a moron.

    1. Riddle me this:

      Who is financially the most successful squatcher of all time?


    2. Matt and his team also have a 2 hour show tomorrow night that will feature audio of a YOWIE, this should be good!

    3. 6:52, Possibly Tom Slick, Wally Hersom, and who knows about the Chinese and Russians. They could have some mega billionaire over there that has an interest in Bigfoot. Matt Moneymaker is certainly not the most financially successful Bigfoot researcher of all time, if you could even consider him wealthy. If you don't have a personal net worth of over $20 Million, it's not that impressive.

  25. Fasano was jerking your chain.

    Jerking all of your chains, judging by how quickly he filled the page.

  26. Now can you TURN OFF THE COMMENTS please? If you really think that these comments are relevant to the subject at hand, and are actually adding something productive to the mix, just say so.

    1. You should just choose not to read the comments and stop wasting your time asking him to disable them. What is the difference? Please don't say you are worried that people passing through will not take the subject seriously after reading the comments. The content of some of the posts should take care of that....

  27. I sent the blogger an email about the profanity and racist comments on his blog, he ignored me. The more comments he get the more money he makes, so of course he's keeping them on.

    1. Does the First Amendment cover Bigfoot?
      Did the Founding Fathers believe in Bigfoot?
      And who is wasting their time; the ones who are having fun, or the ones who are perpetually angry?

    2. Dude, all you fucking complainers on this site about the comments need to shut the fuck up. I hate racist comments so I skip over them! Dont like them dont read them! But you little sheltered pussys who cry to Shawn "Shawn turn off the comments please. They add nothing to the topic." Well your bitching adds nothing to the topic! Fuck. What are we in first grade?
      Does poop in a jar, or taterhole, or shit fuck cockmonkey hurt your feelings? You wanna be taken seriously? Go blog about the economy, or crime rates or some shit. This is BigfootEvidence and last time I checked Bigfoot hasnt been proven to exist so lighten the fuck up you whinny bitches.

    3. Shawn turn off the comments please.

    4. you gotta show your tits first! dummy.

    5. Anon-7:32, Why don't you just read the top posted section, and don't even scroll down to where the comments are? Is that so hard?

    6. hell yeah bigfoots_broski telling it like it is, I totally agree with you. all these pussies need to man the fuck up

    7. Now will you turn the comments off.

    8. The comments are the main reason I come here. It's refreshing to have free speech here when other sites censor or ban you just for disagreeing with them. If you don't like them - don't read them.

    9. There is only one lisping faggot here that wants them turned off.

      Every day the comments remain on is another day he/she/it has to deal with being a deviant, humorless loser.

    10. Yeah really, have you been to the Bigfoot chicks blog? that place is a ghost town.

    11. Ah ---no it's most of us who want the bad taste comments turned off. Especially the one person who is responsible for most of the bad language and his bashing of bigfoot believers . Most of us don't comment , but watch the same dozen fools banter immature garbage . Although it's funny to see some of the footers whoop that idiot who goes by Bigfoot is Bullsh**.

    12. I like the comments, but the section is abused by the two idiots that are crying loudest to save them, and childish jerks "exercising their free speech" with racism, homophobia and cheap profanity.

      Normally, at least half could be deleted without losing one interesting, topical or amusing post. With the limit at 200 comments per topic, why let them hog it?

    13. Maybe you two assholes should chip in and offer to reimburse Shawn for all of the traffic he will lose.

      Since it's suge a major fucking ordeal for you.

      Get a life!

    14. Get a life? Dude you spend day and night on this site while I check it once a day for 5 minutes. Sounds like you need to get a life YOU WANKER !

  28. MM displays Narcissistic leadership: is a common form of leadership. The narcissism may be healthy or destructive although there is a continuum between the two. look at the way he talks to his team meat. Like looking at his burger and saying..yoiur not rare your midium done..damn..well let me get the waiter.

  29. Exactly what I would expect someone that has a financial interest in there being no absolute proof. Someone that their meal ticket comes from continued mystery. I'm not saying that this group has a body because I don't know and neither does Moneymaker.

  30. I know bigfoots exist. I saw two near Indian reservation back in 1993 while camping. But, I also know that they run like hell when humans get anywhere near them.


    1. my dad told me years ago in the 70s that him and a few people were camping in Louisiana and 2 Bigfoot apes attacked their campsite & stold food. he said one bigfoot ape screamed in this guys face and they all just watched in shock, they were all petrified. he told me they were tall and smelled real bad. they were not massive, but kind of lanky and threatening.

    2. That was them Johnson boys I keeps telling ya!

  31. There is absolutly nothing on the internet about "the quantra team" they dont exists,

    1. Sure there is! When they not capturing the elusive sasquatch they are manufacturing semiconductors, or something.

  32. I have a captured bigfoot in a shoebox under my bed. I'll have a press conference in a month.

    You people are retarded and this website has become a huge waste of energy and time. Kinda like what happened to Alex Jones. Hope your Macy's advertisements pay off. You blew it evidence.

    1. Ya i agree, im very close to unfollowing this shit blog, its 99% bullshit

    2. This is the best website on earth. My only complaint is that there are too many pencil-dicked assholes complaining about the comments.

      I've seen two threads reach the 200 count in the past couple days. Don't remember that happening before.

      Congratulations Shawn!

    3. the world cup was stored under a bed during the war so why not bigfoot ?

    4. The 200-comment posts might mean something, except that 3 people account for over 100 of them. It's rotten when the topics of interest get bogged down by BS comments that block everybody else from participating.

    5. only because it was responding to B.S

  33. yes, we have no bananas, we have no bananas today......

  34. Like I said when this story broke, it was and is Bullshit.

  35. bigfoot community- let us start a superhero team to take on team quantra. This is how the avengers started !

    1. Issue #4 (1964) brought back Captain America, last seem at the end of the golden age(early 50's)when Marvel comics killed him off. The team was in a submarine and found Captain A frozen in a block of ice. The other original members were Iron Man, Giant Man, Wasp Woman, Thor and the Hulk, I believe.
      Any girls out there into comics? I have an awesome collection and my mom's basement has a comfy couch.....

    2. Moneymaker,Bobo, Steve Kulls, Jim Lebus, Melba Ketchup, Cliff, darkwing duck,

      So many to choose from !

      X-Team assemble !

    3. Wasp woman was hot, with her little waspish waist.

    4. Screw the avengers, bunch of do gooders...

    5. i'm partial to black widow or Scarlet Johanson

    6. BOBO should change his name to BYOBO

  36. All bigfoot claims are hoaxes, so you know this one will be too. The footers just keep "falling" for the stupidness. It will never end.

    1. Your a hoax for being here Moron!

    2. It is entertaining to watch. Put footers in the woods with a camera or a computer to blog with and everything becomes bigfoot. (the mystical, not real creature)

      People want their attention, and they want it now! (insert MARBC) Of course its not goingto pan out, and of course the skeptics are right. They always are, and it pisses the footers off to no end. = the truth.

    3. "Hey y'all watch this"

      ...and it's gone. Almost like it never happened.

  37. Matt Moneymaker is the wind beneath my wings.

  38. ED SMITH....


    ARE YOU???



  39. Have you ever stuck your peepee in a light socket and then after a couple jolts think that it might not have been a good idea?.

    1. You would probably really benefit from using a fleshlight instead.

  40. Of course Moneymaker shoots down everyone else's alleged bigfoot finds. If someone else were to find bigfoot, that would cut off his gravy train.

    1. "If someone else were to find bigfoot"

      Who would that be? Does any footer actually believe someone will EVER find a bigfoot? Answer = No. Because they know its all bullshit, even the hardcore "proponents" just want to win the argument and prove their shit right. They are just too hard headed to give in to the "skeptics" because god no, anything but the people that are actually correct.

      Question: How far can you pull a footers leg?

      Answer: Until they die. (or become a member of the JREF)

    2. ^^^^^Queen Randis personal Taterhole Licker/ Golden Vibrating Butt Plug Changer.

  41. I fatred and something came out

  42. I know sasquatches are real. I was once raped by one in the cascade mountains. Touchy subject. Don't want to talk about this anymore.

    1. C'mon,let it out man.It will ease the pain of the ripped taint.


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