Ketchum Ends Media Blackout With Scheduled Coast To Coast AM Interview

There's awesome news today for those who can't get enough of Dr. Melba Ketchum, the Bigfoot DNA specialist. According to Dr. Ketchum's latest Facebook post, she tells followers that she's "feeling better" now and that she is scheduled to be on Coast to Coast AM Sunday night (12/23). She invites everyone to tune-in tonight to listen to her talk about her Bigfoot DNA study.

Dr. Ketchum had recently cancelled on a BlogTalkRadio show and fueling speculation that she was purposely avoiding the media spotlight. It's now clear that Ketchum was feeling a little under the weather and we're glad she's 100 percent again to tell us more about what's going on with her study. Perhaps we can thank this stuff brisket recipe for helping her feeling better:


  1. I wonder... could Melba have gotten her Bigfoot steak mixed-in with her brisket?

    1. No, but a few people round here need to substitute a little CROW in there favorite chicken recipe.

      Crow and dumplings
      fried crow
      crow stir fry
      BBQ crow
      crow fricasee -- I hav no idea how to spell that?
      crow ka bob
      crow and mushrooms over rice (my recomendation for snowball)

    2. Hey 1156 nothing has changed. No results, no paper, no publishing date, no evidence to support her preposterous claims. And a lot of psychos have done 2 hour interviews on coast to coast program....doesnt mean shit, she's right up there with Phillip Corso (proven liar) and Whitley Streiber (no evidence, but lots of bullshit and books to sell to gullible idiots).

      Save your crow for another time when it really counts, Melba is just another Dyer/Smeja/Meldrum/Moneymaker/Dyer/Freeman/etc.

    3. I've seen one, you haven't!

      you comment from ignorance!

      I comment from experiance!

      I wasn't alone!

      It has occurred more than once!

      Listing a few nutcases doesn't change reality.

      You just ad to the bullshit, not help it.

    4. Your lies don't change reality either fuck head.

    5. 1234 must be Melba. She has great pics and sightings and DNA results, but like all things Bigfoot no one else can see them.

    6. Did you see them in your living room,while you were doing bong hits with the aliens?That don't count

  2. Mmmn Mucklegrunt love brisket


  3. Dyer here,
    Why won't michael merchant love me? I'm sad :(

  4. Melba has lowered her sights somewhat. Instead of getting her Bigfoot DNA article published in a peer-reviewed journal, she is now trying to get her brisket recipe published in Ladies Home Journal.

    1. Ladies Home Journal has rejected Melba's recipe due to it's un-culinary tone.

    2. now thats funny right there, I don't care who you are! ^^^^^

    3. Yeah. She is now searching for a Russian Woman's Magazine that will publish it her Better Hovels and Agricultural Collectives is considering picking it up.

  5. Don't take it personal, Rick. Whenever Michael makes love to a man or woman, he is really just fantasizing about making love to himself.

    1. Dyer here,
      I just wanted to be a ttbf member and he said no. I'm sad :(

  6. C2C AM? So much for scientific credibility, now on to cultivating a fantasy fan base.

    1. The base of my floor fan is no fantasy! It's real I tell ya!

    2. Yeah, Like Zeta talk...oh dear

    3. Facebook page run by Sally Ramsey? So much for scientific credibility, now on to cultivating a fantasy fan base.

  7. What is the deal with eating crow I never understood oh well merry Christmas all

    1. Yeah, no one ever uses that expression where I live either. Maybe it's British?

    2. I don't know here is the first time I've ever heard it

    3. Dont worry no one will ever learn about eating crow or what it means from anything Bigfoot related.

    4. Yah, it would be way to hard to just google the term. buncha dumbasses.

    5. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Jump to: navigation, search

      Eating crow is a U.S. colloquial idiom,[1] meaning humiliation by admitting wrongness or having been proved wrong after taking a strong position.[2] Eating crow is presumably foul-tasting in the same way that being proved wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.[2] The exact origin of the idiom is unknown, but it probably began with an American story published around 1850 about a slow-witted New York farmer.[3] Eating crow is of a family of idioms having to do with eating and being proved incorrect, such as to "eat dirt" and to "eat your hat" (or shoe), all probably originating from "to eat one's words", which first appears in print in 1571 in one of John Calvin's tracts, on Psalm 62: “God eateth not his words when he hath once spoken”.[2]

      Just trying to help;)

    6. Like anon at 1233 said no one will have to worry about "eating crow" when it comes to Bigfoot, because Bigfoot is fake and gay.

    7. My dear sir,

      If bigfoot is fake, as you aver in your statement of 1:20 PM, of course you are saying it doesn't exist.

      You also state, in the same sentence no less, that bigfoot is homosexual.

      Sir, if bigfoot does not exist, it could not be homosexual, nor have any such preference whatever.

      By saying the creature is homosexual, you have confirmed its existence.

      Well done.

      Now, gentlemen, what say we repair to the conservatory and drink a civilised glass of Christmas sherry together?

    8. Cheers and eating crow is fuckin gay that's why it was written about in 1850 some things should stay in the past

    9. And I never said I didn't understand what it meant I said what is with it like why people are using it

    10. Anyways I'm with you cheers merry Christmas all

  8. Now that you mention it, I never heard it before coming to this website either.

  9. Yous guys are so gonna get it now! Mom is home and she heard what you said about her! :-D. Maybe C2C is where we all belong. The so- called Scientific Journal may have rejected the article because like anything outside the norm, they have to deny BF if they want their own to accept them (damn cowardly if you ask me). But then again, maybe she is announcing the release date for the journal. Or perhaps, wait, I don't know, in fact, I don't even care. I am here just for the snacks, you guy's have the best snack bar of any blog, all sorts of nuts to choose from.

    1. Yeah, that damn Scientific Journal that all the scientists read to learn about sciency things never talks about bigfoot, even when Bleka metchum made a sciene dna paper! Cancel my subscription!

  10. Yous guys are so gonna get it now! Mom is home and she heard what you said about her! :-D. Maybe C2C is where we all belong. The so- called Scientific Journal may have rejected the article because like anything outside the norm, they have to deny BF if they want their own to accept them (damn cowardly if you ask me). But then again, maybe she is announcing the release date for the journal. Or perhaps, wait, I don't know, in fact, I don't even care. I am here just for the snacks, you guy's have the best snack bar of any blog, all sorts of nuts to choose from.

    1. Hey Raging Faggot,

      They may have rejected her paper BECAUSE IT'S BULLSHIT! Or they may have never rejected it because it was never submitted.

      Oh, and you just called scientists cowardly because they don't buy your religious bullshit so fuck you asshole. Anyone who says that Footery isn’t an anti-intellectual movement born out of jealousy is a lying retard.

    2. glue sniffer^^^^^^^^

      Merchant? ^^

    3. Hey Anon 12:23, and Merry Christmas to you too, you waste of parental body fluid. I am sorry that your nieve view of the world hasn't taught you to follow the ( grant : ie : government) money. Very few professors are willing to risk losing face or cash by being completely honest on controversial subjects. That is why Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a personal hero. Go ask him how open the community is to things that upset the status quo.

    4. Wow, you couldn’t have proven my point more effectively if you had just said that I was right, you raging retard. Instead you chose to illustrate your jealous hatred of your intellectual superiors through inane ranting. Anyone who dares try to tell me that footers aren’t just a group of envious bullies who pick on scientists can take a look at your bullshit post, and then go “eat some crow”.

    5. first off, as a parent of a special needs child I would like to mention your use of the term "retard" is offensive and I do believe you have more rage in your left foot than I could ever muster. And to include me as part of a group of "envious bullies who pick on scientists"is laughable. I have not discounted any of the work that they undertake, on the contrary you small close minded bigot (I haven't forgotten the faggot slur from earlier), I very often have been called Don Quixote for tilting at the windmills of government bureaucracy for more than 20 years. Oh yeah, you need to learn what the term "to eat crow" really means before you throw it around. Go home and cry.

  11. where is that douchebag STEVEN STREUFERT?!

    1. Last time I checked, he was relishing his "victory" over the "Ketchumites" and trolls here on his facebook bigfoot page. You can't say that the man doesn't have an ego.

    2. If he was all up in your taterhole you'd know where he was.

    3. well i guess i have to do something about that, ha?

    4. im preeettttyyy sure he'll pop up sooner or later..

  12. C2CAM???

    Holy Shit if that ain't the big time among you low brows, no brows and prominent brow ridge forest people I don't know what is.

    I'm not so worried about how all the bigfoot attention whores are going to react- this just may be the signal for the reptoids to attack from their subterranean empire.

    Did Les Stroud ever do a segment on how to act when a seven foot lizard man rips off his head and shits down his neck?

    1. Yeah, I don't have my hopes up either. Like everything under the sun associated with sasquatchery, it's going to be a big, fat, stupid fiasco.

    2. I thought the Reptoid line was pretty good.

  13. Melba just needed a thorough rodgering from a Bigfoot and all is well.

  14. Gosh the people on this blog are so mean. Just sit back wait and enjoy. Either way its awsome. Is this not history?? CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!

    1. History wasn't made by people who sit back, wait, and chill out.

    2. Im talking about the sick and nasty coments people are making. Chill out with the STUPID STUFF PEOPLE!!! Yes I agree "History was not made sitting back..." Thank you.

    3. Its a definitely a section in the next book about footer history. Should be contained in the chapter entitled "Failed Hoax Attempts"

  15. I'd love to taste Melba's brisket. Meaty.

    1. I think you're going a bit far here. Tater already means anus, and wrecking now means sodomy. Can't brisket just mean brisket?

    2. You sick Fucking Asshole go touch yourself Brisket Boy. your so fucked-up you sick Freek>

    3. Wow jeez I was just saying how delicious her brisket recipe sounded. You made the rest up in your own head!

  16. straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange

  17. jesus fucking christ looney toons

  18. Goes to show how good of a blog this is, Couple posts
    earlier they were claiming she is in a media black out
    and it's a fail, now shawn's all excited, what joke,
    this blog sux, between never having the stories correct, and the full support of the NEO-NAZI Merchant,
    it's pathetic.

    1. its bigfooting... you expect wayyyyyy too much

  19. If she wishes to be in some media C2C AM is the place to go. George Knapp will draw more info. out of her than any other outlet would be willing to do, and tomorrow there will be stuff to actually talk about.


  20. Coast to Coast.....officially cuckoo looney tooned bullshit!

    1. Knapp has more guts than you, he signs his name when he states something, you cuckoo, looney tooned, bullshit Anon!

  21. Well I was right. It was an extraordinary 3 hours where the good Doctor addressed everything that has been thrown at here. I had not realized her DNA Diagnostics has been in business since 1985 and her work and testimony has solved several murder cases, so so much for the Cat Vet snide innuendos BS that has been thrown at her. Now I know why Matt Moneymaker has been on a crusade against her. She refused to use any BFRO samples in the study as it would be an act of impropriety.

    I am sure the show will be discussed in length on this site very soon. Of course Coast to Coast members can listen to it commercial free right now and I would highly, highly suggest this. George Knapp did a tremendous interview and knew all the questions to ask as I knew he would. I have waited since 2010 for her to appear on C2C AM in length and last night and again this morning I got my wish.
    Merry Christmas to me and everyone else.

  22. How is your vagina feeling these days Melba? I hope it's no longer sore from your incident outside. Are you good to go now?


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