Oh for fuck sakes! Why does no one ever think of me? Didn’t I allegedly see Fox die? Wasn’t I the voice of Melba’s bullshit for months? Didn’t I expound upon how beautiful her results were despite not having even the most basic understanding of genetics? This is bullshit. I worked my tongue raw for that woman, and no one even remembers my name when considering “tooner of the year “.
Why, because anyone who comments on here as much as you with such immature comments obviously can't get a wife or girlfriend because of your small penis. Strong survive and pass on their genes and lucky for our world you can't breed and pass on your imbecile genes! IDIOT fake alias poster! Ah I'm a big guy who pretends to be Sally and Looney Toons WaWaWa! - that's talk for your maturity level!
^Yup. This nutty kid constantly asserts that there is one person making and responding to sarcastic comments. She thinks because she responds to her own comments everyone else does. Lol. The kid needs a break from this site...
It is the same person Responding. Last 3 posts ^^^ . Looney! Anon 5:10, 5:48, And 6:20 are all the same Moron. I don't deny I'm the same poster unlike you! I'm consistent Fucktard, you just keep pretending to be someone different - Sally, Melba, Every post with Looney Toons, gay panties, Bigfoot doesn't exist, and on and on. You pathetic liar. Oh I don't need to respond to myself. MORON!
Amen to that Anon 7:02! I do have an alias or two, but would never respond to my own posts. That is so de'classe'! Imagine getting so uptight over something this stupid? Bigfeet. Give me a fucking break!
Anyone who has ever pooped in a jar knows exactly what precise anus-eye coordination it takes. One really has to know one's center to accomplish it without making a disgusting mess.
My god: sources "close" to the Ketchum camp!!.. To be honest: your dislike of Ketchum (somehow understandable) and Rick Dyer (very understandable)should not keep you from reporting with a little bit more objectivity, curiosity, journalistic flair and logic. If you go on this way you end up like poor little Steven Streufert!!
I’m sorry Anon 4:59, but the stick has been up your ass for so long that it has sprouted branches. It will no longer be possible to remove it without taking a substantial portion of your large bowel.
Ostman was a chronic liar who lied for the sake of lying. Lying was his religion, his self-identity, his reason to get up in the morning. He lied incessantly and remorselessly, and when there was no one around to lie to he lied to himself. The man should have been beaten to death with a glockenspiel.
wrong again, Melba's doing an interview on coast to coast, tonight, This blog is a fuckin joke anymore, all it does is kiss merchant's ass, and know they can't even get the stories right. this is worse than the national enquirer.
Yep, he can perpetuate rumors of others, like Ketchum, but he doesn't like it when the tables are turned. I truly have lost respect for that man. And this blog! It's painfully obvious that Shawn is a Merchant ass-kisser. How about at least pretending that you have some objectivity, Shawn??
I don't know about all that every time I did shrooms it was fuckin awesome and I still didn't see Bigfoot although once I did think the people from the ring were trying to call me
So Micheal (Snowball), I'm curious? How dies it feel when things are said or taken out of context about you. Yes I realize in one since that the vid was a 180 from your beliefs, but the point is, it's distortin of truth.
How is it so much different when you run around making fun of Christians or other religious folks. You made melbe out to be , what was it "Bat Shit Crazy" and "There is No Paper", so did you not make her out to be a liar????????
In making her out to be a liar, your a liar!!!!!!!!!!
So I guess what comes around goes around.
I been telling you for months to quit acting like some pre-modonna, your just a stupid BIGMOUTH rookie in this search!
So how does it feel. You brought HATETRED TO MELBA! Same Tactic Barack used ---- hate the rich, or translation, hate the religious and hate the White man!
Now I guess someone brought you some Hatred.
As far as your claim to logic, now thats just FUCKING STUPID! I keep telling you, your ignoring the mathamatical statistics. The sightings are eveidence, INCLUDING ALL THE WIERD SHIT!
You just can't get your pee sized brain wrapped around other possibilities!
Anti- religious comments are just as vile as racist comments. It's right in front of your eye's what YOU said. It' not much of a distortion, You make the claims in the vid.
The muslims show there 5 year olds trianing films to indoctranate them to cut the throats of Jews. And your STUPID enough to make a comparrison an claim your now Muslim, what an idiot. You don't know whats happening in the world do you?
And lastly, God did give us a whole bunch of laws and rules to live by. It was the old Covenant of sacrafice for repentence. When Christ came, it established a new way to forgiveness. This is why Christ Said, above all these things is LOVE, LOVE one ANOTHER!
So everytime you see some radical dictatore or a dillusional whacko blowing up a building in OK City or New York, it is not of GOD, OR CHRIST. I REALLY WISH YOU WOULD GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD.
In one of your stupid rants you said, "where is it that Homosexuality is wrong?" Well Dumbass, its written in the bible! God said it's un-natural and an abomanation to nature (science) It is un-natual and contrary to mother nature. Why do you think that the Gay community deals with such an early death rate, and a high percentage of diseases and psychological problems??
Quite frankly, I believe in freedom, they can do what they want. But when they start trying to shoove those beliefs on to our children (liberal indoctrination) YOU CAN KISS MY ASS.
Who is trying to force thier beliefs on who???????
Does it piss you off when the GAY PETOPHILES molest children. Well hell, the damn school says its ok for one man to stick his pennis in the ass of another man, so when the teacher does it to a kid ---- oh well????????
Is this what you think is COOL SNOWBALL!
Look at all of the freezer boy trolling, lol. One guy responsible for 70% of the comments, sad. It's cute that Rick is such a big fan of Michael's. haha little faggy crybaby just makes ttbf more popular
Settle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
Settle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
Settle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
Settle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
Coast to Coast A.M. Mofo's try to not talk shit until you get your own nshit together!!!! Dr. Melba S. Ketchum
Websites •dnadiagnostics.com
Dr. Melba S. Ketchum grew up in Texas City, Texas. She attended Texas A&M University where she received her doctorate in Veterinary Medicine after five years at the university. She had a mixed veterinary practice until she founded DNA Diagnostics. Dr. Ketchum is the president and founder of DNA Diagnostics, Inc. d/b/a Shelterwood Laboratories. Established in 1985, DNA Diagnostics has become a leader in all types of DNA testing including: human and animal forensics, human and animal paternity and parentage testing, disease diagnostics, trait tests, animal and human identity testing, species identification and sex determination. Most common species of animals are tested at DNA Diagnostics.
Past Shows:
Bigfoot DNA Sunday December 23, 2012 Joining George Knapp, Dr. Melba S. Ketchum discussed her DNA analysis of possible Bigfoot hair samples, which was leaked to the public before the publication of her peer-reviewed paper. First hour guest, multimedia artist Trevor Paglen talked about his latest project "The Last Pictures," in which he placed a photographic record of life on Earth onto a satellite in geosynchronous orbit. ... More » Host: George Knapp
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Right folks the moment you have all been waiting for.... its the LOONEY TOON RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR AWARD
ReplyDeleteand the nominations are:
1. Joe black. Highlights include the "unknown cryptid teaser" and of course who could forget the plotwatcher debacle.
2. Impossible Visits. Highlights include a rock being moved.
3. Trackersthename. Highlights include walking within 10 feet of a family of sasquatch (while filming) without getting any of them on film!
4. Ketchum. Highlights include the claims of family of 5. BBQs with bigfoots. Horse braiding and of course the human hybrid bombshell.
5. Hovey. Highlights include of course the "best photo of bigfoot since the pgf" debacle.
6. Arla. Who could forget the sasquatch birthing station. I wish I could.
7. Mulder. BFFs finest.
8. Sweati Yeti. Highlights include the gif of patty catching a fly in her mouth in 1/24 of a second.
9. MK. Highlights include bigfoots ability to stroll along seemly unharmed after taking a shot clean to the leg.
Wow its definitely been a fun packed year!
Place your votes below and the winner will be announced 31st December.
Melba "mind rape" Ketchum
DeleteOh for fuck sakes! Why does no one ever think of me? Didn’t I allegedly see Fox die? Wasn’t I the voice of Melba’s bullshit for months? Didn’t I expound upon how beautiful her results were despite not having even the most basic understanding of genetics? This is bullshit. I worked my tongue raw for that woman, and no one even remembers my name when considering “tooner of the year “.
Delete-Sally Ramey
Moron Troll with small Penis and low IQ^^. Don't believe a word this Idiot Posts!
DeleteHow did you know I have a small penis?
Delete-Sally Ramey
Why, because anyone who comments on here as much as you with such immature comments obviously can't get a wife or girlfriend because of your small penis. Strong survive and pass on their genes and lucky for our world you can't breed and pass on your imbecile genes! IDIOT fake alias poster! Ah I'm a big guy who pretends to be Sally and Looney Toons WaWaWa! - that's talk for your maturity level!
DeleteAnon 4:45,
DeleteIt’s called clitoral hypertrophy you stupid asshole, and it’s a serious medical condition. Now fuck off and die you retarded douche
-Melissa Hovey
Now we are pretending to be Melissa Hovey? What a Moron. Impulsive liar and gender confusion!
DeleteYou're confusing pretending with mocking, as is typical for a retarded faggot.
Anon 5:06 responds to himself constantly and uses about a dozen aliases to make people believe there is more than one fucked up footer on this site!
DeleteHe's the petulant little pussy fart that says Moron! all the fucking time.
Keep it up troll magnet! I thank you and Shawn thanks you!
^Yup. This nutty kid constantly asserts that there is one person making and responding to sarcastic comments. She thinks because she responds to her own comments everyone else does. Lol. The kid needs a break from this site...
DeleteIt is the same person Responding. Last 3 posts ^^^ . Looney! Anon 5:10, 5:48, And 6:20 are all the same Moron. I don't deny I'm the same poster unlike you! I'm consistent Fucktard, you just keep pretending to be someone different - Sally, Melba, Every post with Looney Toons, gay panties, Bigfoot doesn't exist, and on and on. You pathetic liar. Oh I don't need to respond to myself. MORON!
DeleteDon't forget taterholes! And poop in a jar. He loves those classic memes that are really enjoyable for the whole fam.
DeleteI live to troll his delusional ass. Might even have to quit my job to do it full time.
Shhhh,don't worry about it......
DeleteLove it anon 6:53! I agree I just say stuff just to piss him (and all his aliases) off because it's hillarious.
DeleteAmen to that Anon 7:02!
DeleteI do have an alias or two, but would never respond to my own posts. That is so de'classe'!
Imagine getting so uptight over something this stupid?
Bigfeet. Give me a fucking break!
I have some aliases too. The mayor has a reputation to uphold. I consider myself a Bigfoot Evidence ambassador of sorts...
Delete^^^You the man Mayor! :D
DeleteI was Sanchez'd by a Sasquatch---->
DeleteAlbert Ostman
Ignore the blasphemers. Seek the light of Bigfoot, for he is your guide. Trust in him and he will not desert you.
DeleteWhat do you call a guy who shows up at costume party with only a potato on his privates? A dick tater.
DeleteHey, that's a great idea for my new alias!
DeleteWho would stoop so low as to reply to their own posts?
DeleteSomeone without your rugged good looks, HB?
DeleteSomebody cue the dipshit...
DeleteHashbrowns! You CANNOT make three comments in a row! That is blog violation.
DeleteThat kid who thinks all this is coming from 1 person is a nut!
DeleteExcellent observation 8:37. He is paranoid. You sound like a really smart guy. I bet you are handsome, too...
DeleteAnyone who has ever pooped in a jar knows exactly what precise anus-eye coordination it takes. One really has to know one's center to accomplish it without making a disgusting mess.
DeletePoop in a jar guy- we salute you!
Lol and I salute all of you without you guys I would rarely hear all this
DeleteHey I got a question how is it illegal if you put it on YouTube isn't it public domain
DeleteWhat about Hide and Seek champion for 2012
ReplyDeletethe Big guy wins hands down again
It doesn't count if you don't exist.
DeleteAnon 4:02 just pretended to be someone else and post a comment responding to himself . -Zango!
ReplyDeleteMaybe a bigfit has mindspoke to melba an asked her no tae expose the bigfit orgies she's been involved in.
ReplyDeleteMelba sucks hairy nipples
Deleteit's "not" not "no tae"
It's wit eva a say it iz awright bawbag
DeleteTeam Tazer rocks! Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out who is behind smear video. The guy is a real "Dick"
ReplyDeleteDyer is the favorite at even money, Standing at 2:1, Hovey 5:1 and the long shot is Melba at 25:1
DeleteMy god: sources "close" to the Ketchum camp!!.. To be honest: your dislike of Ketchum (somehow understandable) and Rick Dyer (very understandable)should not keep you from reporting with a little bit more objectivity, curiosity, journalistic flair and logic. If you go on this way you end up like poor little Steven Streufert!!
ReplyDeleteI’m sorry Anon 4:59, but the stick has been up your ass for so long that it has sprouted branches. It will no longer be possible to remove it without taking a substantial portion of your large bowel.
Delete-your proctologist
Your off your meds and you need to stop pretending to be a proctologist!
Delete-your psychologist.
The correct usage is "You are off your meds" or "You're off your meds". Stop pretending to be intelligent. I know better.
Delete- your 4th grade teacher.
Who cares if you know what he meant! Spelling Nazi. Waste of comment Breath.
Delete- person who doesn't sweat the little stuff in life
So you don't sweat the "little stuff" like credible evidence? Yeah, I'm not supprised.
DeleteI'm sorry making you tube videos doesn't make old Mikey a "tv Personality"
ReplyDeleteNo but being the star of a Discovery channel show does
DeleteWhat show is that discovery or id
DeleteGive in to the spiritual, telekineting squatch. You'll be a bitch in his arms, like Al Ostman.
ReplyDeleteOstman was a chronic liar who lied for the sake of lying. Lying was his religion, his self-identity, his reason to get up in the morning. He lied incessantly and remorselessly, and when there was no one around to lie to he lied to himself. The man should have been beaten to death with a glockenspiel.
DeleteThe re-incarnation of Ostman^^^^^^^^
DeleteOstman’s old drinking buddy. Still mad that he lost a lying contest to Ostman.
The contest went as follows:
Ostman- I was kidnaped by bigfoot.
Anon 9:25- I was kidnaped by aliens.
Ostman- I have a 20 inch penis, want to see it?
Anon 9:25- YES!!! Oh wait!
Ostman- Ha! Ha! Faggot. You told the truth.
Anon 9:25- God damn it.
Anona 10:24 ----- closet homo!
DeleteFaggot is still mad that he never got to see Ostman's penis. Still believes it was 20 inches.
Still obcessing over penis'es^^^^^
DeleteYou brought it up your gayness!
DeleteHomosexual retard who can't even spell penises correctly.
can't remember ever having spelled the word untill I got in this conversation with a stupid fag^^^^^^^^^
DeleteMelba has been busy making her famous stuffed brisket.
DeleteProabably true
wrong again, Melba's doing an interview on coast to coast, tonight, This blog is a fuckin joke anymore,
ReplyDeleteall it does is kiss merchant's ass, and know they can't even get the stories right. this is worse than the national enquirer.
So true!!!!!
DeleteHey, they had to come up with some kind of lead-in before their real program of giving Michael the stage to plead his innocence.
DeleteShe only booked the show because of this news report, she called Coast to Coast this morning
DeleteShe's not on C2C tonight.
DeleteYou are the most gaping anus west of the Rockies.
Typical Merchant, laying down the heat but cannot take it when it's thrown back at him, how sad.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I see the video? I want to see if it's legit or if it's doctored as he claims.
DeleteYep, he can perpetuate rumors of others, like Ketchum, but he doesn't like it when the tables are turned. I truly have lost respect for that man. And this blog! It's painfully obvious that Shawn is a Merchant ass-kisser. How about at least pretending that you have some objectivity, Shawn??
DeleteIt's on Rick Dyer's "satirical" site.
holly crap Batman, you gotta see this!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
DeleteAnyone want to see Merchant on mushrooms, you gotta see this. He is
As you watch this, keep in mind that he is the one calling everyone else crazy!
911 call to Merchant residence.
ok- ------- put down the crack pipe and take three slow steps backward, no funny moves, ok!
Where are your shoes sir?
What substances have you ingested today?
Snowball? No sir, what does it say on your drivers license or birth cirtificate?
I don't care what the Indian in the woods said your name was, what does your mother call you?
Niebors say you been running through the woods naked again. Screaming something about flying Jews and a telepathic woman in Texas?
Where are your pants?
What is that written on your chest?
Are there any explosives in the house, other weapons?
I don't know about all that every time I did shrooms it was fuckin awesome and I still didn't see Bigfoot although once I did think the people from the ring were trying to call me
DeleteI heard there's another video floating around of Mikey Merchant wearing crotchless manties while banging a horse.
ReplyDeleteDo you really hear that, or is it more you wanting to see it?
DeleteI would watch that,better than a Fasano video
DeleteSo Micheal (Snowball), I'm curious? How dies it feel when things are said or taken out of context about you. Yes I realize in one since that the vid was a 180 from your beliefs, but the point is, it's distortin of truth.
ReplyDeleteHow is it so much different when you run around making fun of Christians or other religious folks. You made melbe out to be , what was it "Bat Shit Crazy" and
"There is No Paper", so did you not make her out to be a liar????????
In making her out to be a liar, your a liar!!!!!!!!!!
So I guess what comes around goes around.
I been telling you for months to quit acting like some pre-modonna, your just a stupid BIGMOUTH rookie in this search!
So how does it feel. You brought HATETRED TO MELBA! Same Tactic Barack used ---- hate the rich, or translation, hate the religious and hate the White man!
Now I guess someone brought you some Hatred.
As far as your claim to logic, now thats just FUCKING STUPID! I keep telling you, your ignoring the mathamatical statistics. The sightings are eveidence, INCLUDING ALL THE WIERD SHIT!
You just can't get your pee sized brain wrapped around other possibilities!
By the way, I never watched it and KNOW, you would not make racist statements Micheal.
ReplyDeleteLook in the Mirror about your actions Micheal. What pain have you inflicted on others?????
Now I went and watched it!
ReplyDeleteAnti- religious comments are just as vile as racist comments. It's right in front of your eye's what YOU said. It' not much of a distortion, You make the claims in the vid.
So lets hear it for science, the inventors of.
Steel-- Knives, swords.
Gunpowder-- guns, cannons, handranaids.
Chemicals-- Biuological weapons, sarin, agent orange, mustard gas, anthrax!
Flight-- so we can bomb the shit out of people.
Nuclear fusion. Nuclear weapons.
And other shit we don't even know about.
The muslims show there 5 year olds trianing films to indoctranate them to cut the throats of Jews. And your STUPID enough to make a comparrison an claim your now Muslim, what an idiot. You don't know whats happening in the world do you?
No, I think you had this vid commong!
Lay off the SHROOMS dude!
Haha... chicken little getting a little bit of his own medicine.
ReplyDeleteYour utter ignorance amazes. SWP is a Buddhist.
ReplyDeleteAnd lastly, God did give us a whole bunch of laws and rules to live by. It was the old Covenant of sacrafice for repentence. When Christ came, it established a new way to forgiveness. This is why Christ Said, above all these things is LOVE, LOVE one ANOTHER!
ReplyDeleteSo everytime you see some radical dictatore or a dillusional whacko blowing up a building in OK City or New York, it is not of GOD, OR CHRIST.
In one of your stupid rants you said, "where is it that Homosexuality is wrong?"
Well Dumbass, its written in the bible! God said it's un-natural and an abomanation to nature (science)
It is un-natual and contrary to mother nature. Why do you think that the Gay community deals with such an early death rate, and a high percentage of diseases and psychological problems??
Quite frankly, I believe in freedom, they can do what they want. But when they start trying to shoove those beliefs on to our children (liberal indoctrination) YOU CAN KISS MY ASS.
Who is trying to force thier beliefs on who???????
Does it piss you off when the GAY PETOPHILES molest children. Well hell, the damn school says its ok for one man to stick his pennis in the ass of another man, so when the teacher does it to a kid ---- oh well????????
Is this what you think is COOL SNOWBALL!
I know Snowball claims to be a buddhist, but in the vid he jokes about being a muslim ---- dumbass anona!
ReplyDeleteBesides, he really doesn't follow that religion either.
I've never seen a buddhist screaming and ranting about stuff, buddhist really? He dosen't strike me as very peacfull!
Luckily no one's ever died in the name of religion...
ReplyDeleteOh I didn't say that!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBut just because a man claims to do a thing in the name of a certain religion, DOESN'T MAKE IT SO!
THATS MY POINT, Liars and decievers everywhere!
You shall know them by the fruits of thier spirit!
Those that have eye'd, let them see!
eye's ----- man my spelling/typing is worse that normal today!
ReplyDeletedon't taze me bro !
ReplyDelete"I kissed Bigfoot- and I liked it"
ReplyDeleteExclusive Katy Smeja interview.
LMFAO, that great!!!!!! Love the Katy Smeja remark.
DeleteBigfoot and God are one and the same. In mind and spirit they cannot be separated. The scriptures tell us this.
ReplyDeleteLook at all of the freezer boy trolling, lol. One guy responsible for 70% of the comments, sad. It's cute that Rick is such a big fan of Michael's. haha little faggy crybaby just makes ttbf more popular
ReplyDeleteDyer here, I'm miss my friend michael merchant. why won't you love me? I'm sad :(
ReplyDeleteTeam Tazor is just a mob of bullies that can't take what they dish out.
ReplyDeleteYep. I hate Fasano but that doesn't excuse Damian lying when he said Fasano hoaxed him.
DeleteSettle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
ReplyDeleteSettle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
ReplyDeleteSettle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
ReplyDeleteSettle down.first there is no math stats for religion.its blind faith,which i don't buy into, thats just me, second nobody seems to be able to just wait and see, and third if you don't believe in bigfoot or the possibility why are you in a forum that's about the forementioned.do you go on gay forums and talk shit to, that seems suspect to me.i hope all the trolls in here plan to retract there statements if ketchum was right.but i doubt it
ReplyDeleteLeon W yer gonna go to hell,its a Brooklyn neighborhood with black people in it,have fun
ReplyDeleteMerchant is the best thing to happen to you dumb azz PHĂDDRZ!
ReplyDeleteYou from Holland?
DeleteCoast to Coast A.M. Mofo's try to not talk shit until you get your own nshit together!!!!
ReplyDeleteDr. Melba S. Ketchum
Dr. Melba S. Ketchum grew up in Texas City, Texas. She attended Texas A&M University where she received her doctorate in Veterinary Medicine after five years at the university. She had a mixed veterinary practice until she founded DNA Diagnostics. Dr. Ketchum is the president and founder of DNA Diagnostics, Inc. d/b/a Shelterwood Laboratories. Established in 1985, DNA Diagnostics has become a leader in all types of DNA testing including: human and animal forensics, human and animal paternity and parentage testing, disease diagnostics, trait tests, animal and human identity testing, species identification and sex determination. Most common species of animals are tested at DNA Diagnostics.
Past Shows:
Bigfoot DNA
Sunday December 23, 2012
Joining George Knapp, Dr. Melba S. Ketchum discussed her DNA analysis of possible Bigfoot hair samples, which was leaked to the public before the publication of her peer-reviewed paper. First hour guest, multimedia artist Trevor Paglen talked about his latest project "The Last Pictures," in which he placed a photographic record of life on Earth onto a satellite in geosynchronous orbit. ... More »
Host: George Knapp
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