Ketchum Camp Responds To Sierra Kills DNA Results

Ok, so it has been concluded that the species of origin that is the major contributor of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in Justin Smeja's sample is a female black bear, Ursus americanus. The sample also yielded human mitochondrial DNA-- Justin Smeja's DNA. Even though the tissue sample was recovered 5 weeks after the shooting of the two Bigfoots, it was likely that the flesh could have belonged to other animals in the area, including bear or coyote. Many people, including myself hoped that the tissue would turn out to be an unknown primate of some sort. When Smeja returned to the scene to recover the body, the place was under a 3-4 feet of snow, and unfortunately, the tissue was all he was able recover. It was discovered on a slope near a tree stump a few yards from where he hid the juvenile's body.

Like Bart Cutino, investigator Tyler Huggins understood from the very beginning that the sample may not even be Bigfoot. "We knew from the start that this tissue may not have originated from the subjects he claims to have shot.  No claims were ever made about this tissue other than that it seemed to be good circumstantial evidence," Huggins noted today releasing the Sierra Kills results.

"From the beginning, our objective and responsibility to the public, fellow researchers, the hunter/submitters and frankly, ourselves, was to independently contract multiple labs to screen the Sierras tissue sample as a precautionary measure and hopefully rule out “all” potential North American mammalian candidate contributors," Cutino wrote in a follow-up statement.

Here's the kicker: Ketchum also received this same sample.

In Ketchum's latest radio interview on Coast to Coast AM, she says believes Justin and thinks he may have left the scene of the shooting believing he had shot and killed someone (a person). According to Justin's account, he thought someone was playing a prank on him when he saw the "strange looking bear" walking out into the meadow.

Thanks to Bigfoot Lunch Club for the clip above.

Back in November 2010, shortly after the incident, Smeja created a thread on titled: "If You Saw Bigfoot, Would You Shoot It?". The thread was mysteriously deleted by the forum administrator, but later recovered by hackers. Here's his original statement:

Post by: Smeja on November 07, 2010, 01:24:27 AM

Call BS if you want but this bear season I saw a bear in Northern California that walked on 2 legs and was pale white in color like a pale yote sorta. Like some grizzlys I’ve seen but whiter. It stood 8 feet tall or so and walked like a man. Could have been a grizzly (highly doubtful). I don’t know for sure what it was. Maybe just a monster black bear that got shot in the front leg years back and learned to walk different. I don’t know. I do know I was not alone when I saw it.

I shot it with a 25-06 behind the shoulder at 120 yards. It ran 70 yards into the brush and crashed. Sounded like a car wreck. I never found it. Not saying it was bigfoot at all – it just looked different from any bear I’d seen. If it looked any more human-like, I would have passed on it. Something wasn’t right there, oh and it was prob 600+ lbs or more. So to answer my question, I suppose the answer is probably yes for me, but not if he looked any more human then what I shot.

So, the samples submitted by Huggins and Cutino came back as a female black bear and human. In the interview above, Ketchum says that she believes Smeja. This leads us to believe that her study finds Smeja's Bigfoot "steak" sample to be the real deal (from Bigfoot). If Trent University ruled out the possibly of the sample being Bigfoot or an unknown hominid, what has Ketchum ruled out? According to Smeja, Ketchum has yet to ask him for his DNA. "To Smeja’s knowledge, Ketchum has none of Smeja’s own DNA to use as a control sample to compare against in order to rule him out as the source of the human DNA which she claims is present in her samples," Huggins noted.

Currently, Ketchum hasn't said much about the results (which is thought to be the centerpiece of her study) released by Huggins and Cutino. On Facebook today, Ketchum writes that she is confident in her study:

We are not concerned and have no comment. We are confident in the samples we used. We have nothing to say on others samples, we have not worked with. - Dr. Melba ketchum
Here's Ketchum's Facebook conversation from earlier today:

Robby P. to Melba Ketchum

Hi folks, just a quick review for any who may have missed a few important segments. Dr. Ketchums study involves far more then the samples provided by the Sierra kills, samples coming from folks all over the place. Smeja may very well have done what he said he did but that will apparently not be proved by the samples he submitted. Some of us were aware that what he recovered later on may not have been from his initial run in. I have the utmost confidence in Dr. Ketchums work as she has not wavered in her endeavor not once despite an avalanche of BS coming from every direction. Many laugh and say unthoughtful things adding to a very real conspiracy that i have witnessed myself to shut down and discredit Dr. Ketchums work. These folks have failed in there attempts to halt the truth from being seen. I have heard a statement by a random person that rings oh so true for the rest of society i hope you will take it to heart. There is no finding Bigfoot, Bigfoot finds you, believe me when i say i can attest to that. Relax take a breath, the study will be published, before you know it you will have Dr. Ketchums hard work in your hands for your own review.

Robby P.

I do not feel that Dr. Ketchum requires anyone to stand up for her as she is a true professional, and her work will speak for itself. As she is however bound by particular agreements to remain silent regarding particulars of the endeavor, know that some of us are hugely invested in the outcome both personally and for future acts of protection for the BF species.

Melba Ketchum

We are not concerned and have no comment. We are confident in the samples we used. We have nothing to say on others samples, we have not worked with.


  1. Replies
    1. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealWednesday, December 26, 2012 at 3:30:00 PM PST

      Yes. No doubt Smeja will be vindicated by Melba's study...what a friggin joke!

    2. Seriously believers of Squatch, does this not bother you guys that Smeja and all his claims are 100% fake, a bear? Wow, just wow! Where can Smeja hide from the psycho crowd after this revelation?

      And, have we not heard from multiple sources that the Siera Kills "steak" is the best specimen from the Ketchum paper? Who is lying Robert Lindsay or Ketchum or both? I have no bias either way, dont really believe this stuff but definitely have some legitimate doubts now.

      How can any of you now have faith in her DNA results? Serious replies please:

    3. Ro Sahebi and his fucking film are fucked thatz fo sho.

    4. Well, Skeptic1, any researcher who had doubts concerning the ethics involved in the procurement of specific samples would wisely steer clear. Most journals are pretty clear about their standards concening the use of humans and animals (and samples derived from either). Ketchum's name would be mud if she knowingly used samples associated with a potential crime. So, maybe she did not use data from those samples.

      Good luck in getting your alleged BF kill published in a respected scientific journal, Rick Dyer!

    5. i've never heard that said i didn't have much faith in justin to begin with so that wasn't the least bit shocking and i never heard melba say that was her best sample

    6. If you read between the lines of his statement, he is terrified that he will be prosecuted for murdering a human. The guy did pass a lie detector test so, at least HE believes in what he says. His report is very typical of hunters BF encounters in description however , most don't shoot. And CONGRATS to Dr. Ketchum for responding to this in the CORRECT way

    7. Dumb question but did Justin Smega taterhole the female black bear before or after he shot it?

    8. Continuing to perpetrate her hoax is not the correct way for her to respond.

    9. yes and you can also pass a lie detector by taking xanax or valium

    10. You can also pass a polygraph if the tester got their machine out of a cracker jack box, which they did. You folks have such a short term memory, or is it just selective. I guess no one remembers how the person giving the test got their training from a questionable online source.

    11. You can tell by the question this new troll Skeptic1 puts, that he knew the outcome of Smeja's test would be this, the "aren't you footers disappointed" kinda bullshit hoping it'll mean the end when in fact thanks to Ketchum/Paulides it's only the beginning.
      This whole Smeja thing has most likely been a set-up by those wanting to keep this species a secret and mystery.
      Smeja, Bart and all these other clowns probably in on it the idea was to build up all this hope and hoopla but knowing it would be crushed by the status quo powers that be.
      That's how the BFRO guys have always struck me as big time fakers with an agenda bullshitting the public about some elusive ape creature but knowing full well it's not.
      The whole plot is to sink hope now and get people tired of bigfoot again, however none of it really changes the game because the real game changer is still Ketchum's study anyway. Don't forget her samples have all shown one and the same thing namely human/hominin. That still stands because it's obviously the case with this species. So a word of advice, keep a cool head and don't believe anything coming from her enemies whether they're footer camps (i.e. apers pretending not to be) or scientists, we knew this shit would be coming but there's enough of us knowing what the big guys are for these blog trolls to deter squat.

  2. Replies
    1. Hey! Robert Lindsay says these guys have 2 bigfoot corpses stashed in freezers. Can't they just go and and cut off another piece?

    2. Robert Lindsay says a lot of things. He even says that he's straight.

    3. Bigfoot is Bullshit but Bears are RealWednesday, December 26, 2012 at 4:52:00 PM PST

      Yes bears and beavers do not make a giant mythical ape real but footers will never get it...they've "seen it" and "know its real" LOL!!!!!

    4. Hey asshole, you've seen the pg film so you've seen it too my delusional friend no use in pretending it's not real.

  3. Replies
    1. Realy Shawn? How can you hate Loony Toons? He's a Bigfoot Evidence icon.

    2. I have to agree with Shawn on this one.

    3. He's not an icon. Your just commenting on yourself Moron. Never was!

    4. Wild claims with zero evidence... how many times are the bigfoot community gonna get fooled before wizing up to the charlatans?

    5. I was not commenting on myself. Shawn can see that I have a different ISP address than Loony Toons. (at least I think he can)

    6. "wizing"

      Wise up and learn to spell.

    7. I came to Bigfoot Evidence to see the great icon Loony Toons. News of his greatness has spread far and wide and I wanted to see him in action. He's like, totaly hot. I wish he would approve me.

      -some chick who I oubviously made up

    8. Th th th th th that's all folks!

    9. holy crap you have the balls to call other people loony toons

    10. But he, like doesn't just call other people loony toons. He APPROVES whole articles. He's the sexiest man alive. What would we ever do without him?

      -oubviously made up chick

    11. well why not make just one name and stick to it and talk shit except for those few times when it is just too funny to post as anonymous

    12. Gotta love the Looney toons seal of approval!

    13. hell call yourself harry bandini II for all i care

    14. Arf Arf Afr

      -a seal of approval

    15. You really want Loony Toons to change his name to Harry Bandini II? That doesn't sound very original.

      -Captain Obvious

    16. no but i figured that smart ass remark would've been next so i just decided to head him off at the pass

    17. Yeah, we good job Harry.

      (looks confused)

    18. I keep my loony toons in a jar.

    19. In Soviet Russia jar keeps loony toons in you.

    20. Hey foot-tard, Soviet Russia ceased to exist about 20 years ago.

    21. I'm not a footer. And I can make jokes about Soviet Russia despite its non-existence. Just like I can make jokes about your dick despite it's non-existence.

    22. Guys, time for some new material. You can do it !

    23. What does it matter to these trolls if footers are getting fooled, all of this when are you giving up bull, they hate footers so why the fuck would they care what they do. LOL Kinda reveals to me they know well enough these beings whatever they are do in natural fact exist out there otherwise why give a shit, it's not like curing cancer depends on this so why even bother especially when the public at large has no clue what's going on here. I don't see the threat unless it's real and there's somehow something to actually oppose for say security reasons.

  4. Maybe we have it all wrong maybe Bigfoot and apes chimps etc descended from us

  5. Wow. Just wow.

    It was a bear. 100% confirmed. What a fucking surpise.

    But this dingbat marches on, allowing the bleevers to bleeve it all away.

    No Bigfoot, no body, no scat, no DNA, no problem.

    1. It's what it always comes down to: witnesses who have a claim. As you say what a fucking surprise.

    2. What this really proves you mean ? Only that Smeja's a lying scumbag in the Dyer league and this blog ran with it.

  6. I'm going to eat myself while sliding down a banister that turns into a razor blade.The horse is dead, stop beating it.I'm going back to investigating Micheal Jackson and his faked death, anyone want to join me? Vergearuker out!

  7. I do have the best hat around, really folks.

    I am so distinguished.

  8. Remember...Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires.

    Smokey the Bear

  9. Bullshit Ketchum. You put full faith in this sample and were to inexperienced to get the real results.

    Now what footers? This study is a fraud, what other 'evidence' can you come up with?

    1. Its back to "eye witness" accounts for them

    2. are you the real Parnassus?


      man your fallin asleep at the wheel anon

    4. Na its the guy with fear of jref that always posts about buttplugs

    5. I kind of figured, but I wanted to talk to the actual Parnassus once just to see if he was real. At this point I think Parnassus might just be a figment of butt plug guy’s imagination.

    6. Stank Ape The Cork Soaker.^

    7. ^fear of jref and buttplug obsessive guy again

    8. ^^^^
      Thinks it's only INcest if you cum INside your mom.

    9. Where is butt plug guy when you jref queens need him?

    10. Well maybe some day I'll head on over to the JREF forum and see if there really is a Parnassus there. Maybe he can explain what traumatic expierence turned butt plug guy into the looser we know today.

    11. "Looser"

      Learn how to spell,you loser.
      Typical Jrefer. Can't spell and thinks he knows everything.

    12. It was when that meanie Parnassus mind raped me with logic. After that I was never the same. I felt like there was a piece of me that was missing. There was a void were my faith used to be. A void that could only be filled...........with a butt plug.

      -butt plug guy

    13. Well I'm glad we got that mystery cleared up. Now if we could only figure out how SasquaiNation got his fear of females.

    14. This Parnassus dude must be some kind of loony, the haters here in their fury seem to forget this development means absolutely nothing new to the Ketchum study.
      We don't know which samples her DNA results came from, her camp's never said they found the human DNA in Smeja's steak so you better keep that in mind pal, it could be from a nail or hair or something else.
      Gotta love how the Ketchum haters are celebrating a tiny tad too soon, when her study's coming out it may only confirm the Smeja steak as bear or whatever. So once more for the dimwitted crowd here (99%), her results have nothing to do with these. LOL

  10. Come on! We all know that Bigfoot DNA has advanced cloaking technology built in to conceal and confuse... This also allows a Bigfoot body to change to that of a bear when shot. Haha! What a joke!

    1. no the cloaking is what makes all the visual evidence blurry get your lies straight man

  11. The bombshell that is yet to be announced is that Ketchum infact has patty's DNA. How does she know? Well let's just say MK's massacre theory isn't completely a lie. You will see first week of Feb.

    1. patty was a bear with really big tits and Melba is a human hybrid

  12. Sounds like Robby P is banging Melba

  13. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

    1. Then get a new cat damn it!

    2. can you at least get the quote right? it's my cat's breath smells like cat food. you suck the funny right out.

  14. Didn't the baby sasquatch mind speak to Justin while it was dying in his arms?

    1. yeah it said hey dipshit i'm a fuckin bear

    2. Yes it did. It said "dude, you got something in your teeth".

    3. lollingsquatchingtelephathylollers

  15. Melba and Robby P. need to take an English class and learn how to use possessives.

  16. I'm not one to believe in magic
    Though my memory has a second-sight
    I'm not one to go pointing my finger
    When I radiate more heat than light

    1. what's up rush did you have a good christmas

    2. Yes harry, it was highly uneventful, which is just the way I like it.

    3. I drank too much scotch..if I could wave my magic wand

  17. I had some HD video of the family of forest people that I spend time with but I am not going to show you because you skeptics are all really mean!!

    1. I also have HD video, but why show it? Even if you show people A DEAD BODY they wont believe it right? Besides, im all about orotecting them!! No video for you!

    2. Well what a coincidence! Me too! I play with the forestpeople in my backyard. Skeptics are def super mean.

    3. I have Bigfoot porn in HD. Just visit my site and pay $15 to watch the whole 2 minute video.

    4. Since I bleeve, I will happily pay the fee, sir.

  18. Loony Toons,the most hated guy on Bigfoot Evidence.

  19. Need a caR? my man RD has some awesome deals on you get his 100% guarantee!!!!!

  20. Dingbat is the new taterhole for 2013

    1. It's not happining dude. Taterhole is the new taterhole, and that's the way it is.

    2. Nothing can replace taterhole,nothing!!!


    3. 2013 the year of the mud helmet!


    5. I got one of those clappers for xmas. You know clap on clap off. I tried to hook it up to my wifes taterhole so I could get access whenever I wanted. It did not work out to good. When I clap she just cuts really smelly farts.

    6. So your saying you're a fart smeller, not a smart feller?

    7. lol start training her like pavlov's dogs every time she starts to undress clap after a while whenever you clap she will undress then work from there

    8. If I had a dime for every time I heard that story....

    9. @4:32 I'd buy that t-shirt.

  21. The earth is 6000 years old and god made it in 7 days. You skeptics can't prove that didn't happen but we have a book that was written by the very god that made the earth in 7 days. That PROVES it happened! That's 100% fact that you can not disprove. Take that skeptics.

    1. You managed to capture the spirit of footery so completely. Now all you need to do is say that while having sex with a goat and no one would be able to tell the difference.

    2. God wrote the bible? Seriously? I thought men wrote the bible. Well, you learn something new everyday.....

    3. I just read that and can't find an argument against. I will now attend church and worship Yahweh. Thank you sir.

    4. I looked into myself and just found me

    5. if you look harder you will find your best personal buddy jesus in there, just waiting to eternally pwn your ass.

  22. Replies
    1. Not at all fool...........

    2. ^^^^
      green eyed monster rears it's ugly head.

    3. No,that's a one eyed monster in your mouth.

    4. ^^^^
      The ensign of envy repots for another tour of duty.

    5. You really are illiterate.
      Poor bastard.

    6. ^^^^
      Furious because he doesn't know what "green eyed monster" means. Unable to guess using context clues.

  23. The Knower here.

    I have it from an inside source in Ketchums camp that this was a known bear sample. However... The "other" samples in Ketchums possesion are coyote. What Ketchum is not aware if is how far her "forestpeople" friend will go to convince folks of "sassys" existence. This includes conspiring with both Smeja AND his partner(!!) robert lindsay.
    Yes, it was Robert Lindsay himself who saw Smejas post about shooting BEAR on the "stuffing" forum. Robert sent Smeja a PM and convinced him that "bigfoot" ws the best route to take. My source Has seen the PM.

    Just another update. I will not write again for several days.

    PS i feel bad for Bigfootevidence.. They have dedicated countless hours of hard work regarding following the Ketchum Hoax, however, i have it on good authourity that a blog called "cryptomundo" has actually PAID money to be the "first" publisher of "Da Paper";(

    Long live BFE! And thank you Shawn for allowing me to provide these footers with FACTS!

    The Knower

    1. the knower of how to give killer blowjobs you're back

    2. ^^Wondering how this person knows this?

    3. It's a well known fact.Where have you been,sucking Fatsano off?

    4. Sorry, I'm not knowledgeable on that subject. I'll defer to your superior experience in giving blowjobs.

    5. ^^So says the guy that works the glory hole at the local adult bookstore.

    6. ^^More evidence that this person possesses superior knowledge on the subject of giving blowjobs.

    7. Never in recorded human history did a guy know as little as The Knower so pity the poor boy. In fact, whatever Smeja shot has very little to do with Ketchum's findings she's already established what this species is remember, and frankly we don't know at this point which samples in her study that knowledge came from because she hasn't said anything about that yet. It'll be in the paper. Some of them likely showed known animals but evidently she found the squatch species' DNA in other samples so get you facts straight losers.

  24. Back to the topic at hand: Smeja's Trent University results sequenced 425 base pairs. Ketchum's study sequenced 3 complete genomes, each one sequenced over 3 billion base pairs. Something is seriously wrong with Smeja's results. Smeja's didn't sequence any nuclear DNA. Looks like he got the results he wanted. He's scared of prosecution for sure. Notice how the lab he hired was not from this country? Very convenient.

    1. No need to keep going when bear comes up in the first round. Neeext!

    2. Oh but it will be solid science when Kethum's paper ends up being reviewed by a russian (not from this country) journal...right?

    3. @5:00PM...That's my point. Smeja's was designed to fail to show bigfoot. Smeja's results got only 425 base pairs from his and the bear's combined? Human mtDNA has 16.5K base pairs. You're going to determine anything with only 425? Not likely.

      Ketchum's study is the real deal. One more month I predict. The reviewers are taking holiday break, they'll wrap it up in January. Ketchum's science is solid, the journal knows they better publish before leakage ruins their big splash opportunity. So, I predict February publication. Only one more month we'll have to suffer the skeptics and dimwitted comedians. Then we'll get seriously interested commentators.

    4. I'm pretty sure the easier explanation is that he's just a fat neckbeard liar.

  25. Seeing the Bigfoot chickens come home to roost is not a pretty sight. I've never seen the footers this angry and desperate. Usually they find a way to weasel out of negative results, but this time, they've got no where to go.
    Hey I know, change the subject, that always seems to work.

    1. Okay,hows your mom doing?
      Still working the truck stop parking lots?

    2. Don't be sad guys, we'll get through this. Bigfoot's out there, I know, I seen him.

    3. Now they claim Smeja's polygraph is good enough proof but when Bob H. passes one, they say it's not proof.

    4. The whole Smeja thing's a farce just like like Bob H.

  26. Your favorite band sucks compared to RushWednesday, December 26, 2012 at 5:20:00 PM PST

    I'm agnostic until Rush weighs in on this.

  27. TURN OFF THE COMMENTS and watch the membership grow.

    1. Why would you want to do that? There's enough perverts and the like on this site!!!! LOL
      Serious thought though, Smeja, since this all came about, I considered to be lying. My lie detector test said that even when he passed the lie detector test. I still think he's lieng and I want to say he is full of himself still!

    2. Right and people here would do well to keep in mind that, whatever his/Cutino results show we know most of Melba's tests show something entirely different that evidently came from other samples of sasquatch DNA.


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