Here's the footage of Bigfoot taking soda from Mitch Waite's ice chest [Featured on Finding Bigfoot]

Last night's episode of Finding Bigfoot featured one of Mitch Waite's videos that shows a possible juvenile Bigfoot stealing soda from an ice chest. This area in the Mogollon Rim happens to be a "Sasquatch training ground", especially for the young ones says Mitch.

Here's the clip from Mitch's segment:

The verdict was mixed last night. Bobo and Cliff says it could be a Sasquatch while Matt didn't have much to say, except that the place was Sasquatchy.


  1. I believe but that footage is ridiculous. Bigfoot taking a soda? That's insane.

    1. Yeah a real bigfoot would have gone for the beer.

    2. He wasn't getting it for himself he was getting it for his kids baby bigfeet don't drink beer

    3. Ya they like starbucks I see them hanging around our dumbsters all the time goes good with their blueberry bagels

    4. He should have shot it. Just to be sure

    5. Cool, the big man likes his drink. Next time set out a pan of some extra special brownies. That would be cool

    6. Your God damn right Squatches drink beer,...They drink brewed fresh Kokanee from the Kootneys Jack ass's

    7. The rim is most likely where bf will be proven real. Search it out on the net. You will be absolutely amazed with the level of activity there

    8. its funny how the 1st comment up there from that stupid anonymous talks like he is some kind of bigfoot expert, who says Bigfoot don't like soda, hell if i was bigfoot i would love it so stfu ur not a bigfoot expert you are more like a troll expert.

  2. Looney Toons and all his worthless alias are not wanted! All replies will just be him to this comment! Moron!

    1. Get called a Looney toon?

    2. I rest my case! Looney Toon^

    3. it's you. you're the only asshole here talking to himself and turning away so many people from commenting for real ... they should really put a limit on the IP addresses, or just outright ban the IP address of the same asshole that makes the same dumbass comments on each story.

      btw, your not even remotely funny.

    4. Are there really people who are so pathetic that they will reply to their own posts?

    5. Yeah, you. Like you just did to prove your point.

  3. There's something on the hill! (Its a person but let's not tell anyone)

    1. It was actually an owl even tough there was nowhere for the owl to be.

    2. even though there was nowhere for the owl to be. 2 bee. Two b....ah to hell with it!!!

  4. The foot was just looking for something to wash down his blueberry bagels before going off to have a
    Seance with Ketchum. I'm surprised the foot didn't zap out an EMP pulse to disable the camera though.

    1. I thought that it was the same bigfoot who was playing basketball in that annoying kid's backyard -- he worked up a sweat and needed some refreshments (and was probably cursing that there was no Powerade).

    2. Sorry boys this was actually me stealing a soda I left a dollar cause I felt bad I didn't know they actually caught on film till I seen finding bf last night sorry for any misconception
      Roger the alien

    3. You forgot your change the soda was only .75

    4. I hope you got your change back Roger the Alien.

  5. teh bigfootz guna getz die uh beetus.

  6. Get a better fucking camera, or don't waist your time!

    1. You can't use better cameras because then it proves there's nothing there

    2. Agreed! What a novel idea using a real camera! it's always the same on here more phony evidence & no ones smart enough to bring a real camera.

    3. The time you waste may enlarge your waist but not the amount of time you waste

  7. The Mogollon rim. Sounds kind of kinky. Do you agree Rictor?

    1. I thought that "Mogollon Rim" referred to a kind of Down's Syndrome type disorder suffered by certain individuals who devote their entire lives to searching for a 10 foot ape in the woods (because they watched a grainy movie of a man in a Halloween costume when they were children).

    2. I've always wondered why there are no photographs or films of Bigfoot predating the Patterson film. Not one! Something to consider...

    3. Thank you. Just being curious.

    4. There is a clip before the Patterson film. It was used on the old In Search Of series narrated by Leonard Nimoy:

  8. There is no such thing as bigfoot.

    1. Wow, thanks for telling me stranger..I'll be going now.

    2. We know that but, why pee on their parade.

    3. Prove that there is no such thing as bigfoot.

    4. It's impossible to prove something that does not exist.

    5. Bigfoot ,Easter Bunny and the Spaghetti Monster all share a teepee in the woods!

  9. ive watched this show long enough to know there must be a fast food squatch episode coming soon by the looks of matts waist line.."I saw it in the drive thru" then it got in a oversized suv and drove off with 3 other dudes or maybe 2 dudes and a chick I couldnt tell..

  10. Hey fellas Sasquatch the quest (Erikson's website) has been updated with new info on it

    1. Already that didn't take long.

    2. Breaking news: it's been proven through DNA testing that Patty IS Matilda's long lost grandmother. Stay tuned for further details.

    3. I've seen some blurry pictures of Erickson, I think he might exist.

  11. I don't see any bigfoot moving and rummaging through a cooler.

    Is the bigfoot supposed to be that thing in the freeze frame on the left side that looks like an astronaut suit?

  12. I know this guy and his goal is get on TV for Bigfoot, just like Matt.
    I actually think Moneymaker set him up to look like a fool.
    Of course it's a human, everyone knows, this video has been around three years.
    So, why put it on the show?
    To silence the poor fool.
    Moneymaker seems vicious.

    1. oh, just in case:

    2. More than likely that they just wanted an excuse to check out Alabama and that was the only video they could find!

    3. There are lots of reports from Arizona, as you know. The producers wanted to do an episode there(the theme of the show is the breadth of the phenomena) and if they can show some video, all the better. This clip is probably the best thing from that region, so they went with it. Nothing sinister about it, IMO.

  13. Those are all human proportions, nothing Bigfoot-like about the body and arm length. Ridiculous. Someone just didn't want to get busted for stealing a beer.

    1. Or they could have been sleep walking? I heard and seen people do all kinds of crazy things from pissing in their wardrobe to falling out of a bedroom window! If you honestly think that's a Squatch then you really will believe in anything.

    2. Exactly! There was an episode of "Gilligan's Island" in which the Skipper was sleepwalking and thinking he was back in World War II without all kinds of bombs exploding around him. It freaked out Gilligan so much that he jumped into the lagoon!

    3. And there was an episode of Gilligan's Island in which the Professor made a lie detector machine out of coconuts.

  14. Im a 75% bleever. This video looks like bs though. Training ground for squatches? This is the stuff that skeptics love.

    1. What are they training for? How to steal soda out of an ice box while you sleep? Next time leave them bottles of soda, see if they bring their own bottle opener.

    2. Or they can just use the lighter they use to smoke their pot

    3. It's only the squatches in Washington state that smoke pot.

  15. There is a method to the madness - perhaps the foots are trying to send us a message in all the blurry photos and shaky videos. They are trying to communicate with us. Until we open our minds we will never find then. I know the fear of mind-rape is strong, I have experienced it myself. But, like Ketchum, I am now one with the squatches and can telepathically commune with then whenever I wish. I am never alone.

    1. What size straitjacket do you wear? I may have to borrow it one day.

  16. It was really polite of the bigfoot to close the cooler after he grabbed a soda.

  17. Oh, again. Why is it that all of the no camera stories about squatches tell about 8,9,10, foot tall beasts that weigh 800# or whatever. Then, all of the filmed encounters show "squatches" that are "dude" sized.

    1. I'm going to go all Moneymaker to answer that question: just because the figure was normal human size doesn't mean it wasn't a squatch. It just means it wasn't an *adult* squatch. What we have here is clear evidence of a juvenile squatch. It's a well known fact that juvenile squatches, much like adolescent humans, love sugary soft drinks. The juvenile squatch was probably thirsty from an evening spent hurling rocks using telekinesis.

    2. The Green Swamp is full of juvenile skunkapes swinging from trees. Just ask Fatsano.

  18. A year ago one John Bindernagle posted here and said the Mogollon Monster group was the most scientific one in the field.

    But it wasn't the opinion of John Bindernagel, Bigfoot Honcho. The story got deleted because it was someone impersonating him.

    1. I'm glad there was a happy ending to the story.

    2. On Finding Bigfoot they did look scientific with the lighting and camera set up.

  19. I can get better camera equipment off of amazon... Why can't these people?

  20. Why would anyOne voluntarily want to visit Alabama I can personally tell you there are Sasquatch there not an elusive monster but an actual human being born from habitual inbreeding

  21. A careful look at the video indicates the creatures doesn't have fur hanging down and, in fact, seems to be dressed in a jacket. I think it was Moneymaker looking for bagels or chips.

    1. Yeah, honestly I can't be bothered to watch it again because it was so bad on the show that there's no point as it's obviously human. In fact I swear it looks like they've got some 3M reflective shit on their jacket at one point it looks like light reflects off it lol

    2. Amazing that any of these investigators didn't notice the bright reflective strip on Bigfoots jacket. The Utah campfire fiasco and now this. Ratings over credibility?


  22. There is no proof that this footage was shot at 1:30 - 4:30 AM or that it's over a mile from nowhere. If this wasn't an intentional hoax, what is more likely here is that this is cooler raiding, cooler theft.

  23. I like how stupid BoBo said "squatches will close a cooler" so you dont know they were there !

    1. Bobo just keeps pulling these brainstorms out of his ass, one after another.

    2. Bobo's BS is so laughable that I've come to look forward to what kind of lame-ass thing he is going to say next.

  24. Its a person not a bigfoot. You can see the horizontal stripe on the chest of the jacket. This researcher needs to get his eyes checked and quit hanging out with Alex midnightwalker.

  25. The video of the long haired hippie stealing drinks with the binoculars case around his neck..... And BObo calling it a teenage BF hahahahahahaha funniest one ever

    1. Oh and moneymaker spotted the same thing, check his twitter

  26. the bigfeets are wild indians

  27. BF should work as a spy. He is that good, you one will ever catch him.

    BTW: Anyone ever compare Albert Ostman's story with Justin Smeja's story?

    It's obvious who is telling the truth.

    Albert Ostman came for a culture that valued honor and a handshake.

    Smeja, well he was born and raised in San Frannie, what more do we need.

  28. He drinks Dr. Pepper and he's proud, he used to feel
    alone in a crowd. Now if you look around
    these days There seems to be a Dr. Pepper

    Oh he's a pepper they're a pepper She's a pepper
    We're a pepper Wouldn't you like to be a
    pepper too!

  29. O.K so the original is a video clip but the enhanced brightened footage are stills from the video. Why exactly? If you're going to enhance the video, enhance and show the video. Not hand picked segments. Hand picked probably because they don't show much at all. They certainly don't show the bright white strip across the chest that I saw on the ' Finding bigfoot' episode. I was kind of wondering what that might be.

  30. The figure is Mitch Waides nephew preston. He always wears Rock band t-shirts and necklaces.

  31. Typical "finding bigfoot" episode. Use a questionable photo or video to pick matter what is depicted, call it a squatch...hold town hall night investigation where lard ass whoops and smacks trees to no avail. The elusive wood ape outsmarts Moneymaker again!

    How can anyone that takes bigfoot seriously, continue to watch this train wreck???? Only people that haven't a clue about the subject could possibly sit through the pablum that passes for investigation.

    Moneymaker has hit the jackpot and is laughing all the way to the bank, with a quick stop to a Burger King drive thru first. Squatching must make him awefully hungry!

    This is the same man that has searched for bigfoot for over 20 years and is adamant it is an ape, and hasn't found diddly shite. Yet he mocks,insults and calls anyone who doesn't agree with him a liar.

  32. Yes!!!!! Another top notch, quality video...of NOTHING!!! Keep it up guys! Great stuff

  33. I think the first clue is the beginning of the show anyone who searches for something for 25 yrs and hasn't found it should be either sent somewhere for evaluation or just given a tv show great idea that's one way to guarantee Bigfoot will stay missing

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