Here's the "Bigfoot" the Smithsonian Institute is hiding from us

Perhaps Miss Linda Newton-Perry is right about the conspiracy to cover-up Bigfoot bones. Jim Vieira recently gave a TEDx lecture about ancient giants. Vieira has compiled thousands of accounts of giant skeleton reports from the New York Times, Smithsonian Ethnology Reports, American Antiquarian, Scientific American as well as town and county history archives to make the case that the story of our past has not only been deliberately covered up, but is vastly different then what we are told.

During the lecture, Professor McGree presented a photograph of a 8'4" skeleton found in San Diego. These tall beings were said to have double sets of teeth. According to conspiracy theorists, the Smithsonian's backers found this and other evidence inconvenient, and buried it.


  1. Now that's always a good excuse- conspiracy

    1. Like I said before on the Truther Girls Conspiracy thread, the Victorians loved stuff like this and loved to hoax. Think it was more than likely another sideshow mishmash of human and animal bones. Look at the head wouldn't an 8 ft creature or man have a larger skull in proportion to his body?

    2. You have that right! That was an era like no other. The freakier the side show the better! Archaeologists were being funded left and right to go all over the world and find oddities. The Brits especially loved it

    3. Yeah. Check out the Cardiff Man hoax.

    4. Shawn, or Team Tazer, try writing them. This is better than the Sierra Kills site and hanging around there.

    5. Yes 4:37, that was one of the more successful 19th century hoaxes. It was easier back then: less people were educated and mainstream newspapers played along. There is a theory that the editor of the first paper to report on the Patterson footage was in on the hoax; a throwback hoax if you will.

    6. No 1:59, the skull is pretty large. If you measure the skull as compared to the two men, it is larger, even without flesh on it... put the flesh in place and it would be much bigger... plus, we don't know if this is a bigfoot or just a giant that ALL ancient cultures speak of.

    7. Well, almost all ancient cultures also speak of the moon being swallowed by a beast.

    8. Or most likely a sideshow hoax to go with furry salmon, monkey mermaids and jackelopes. Come on what's the most rational explanation here?! What's that theory? Ocum's Razor? The simpliest explanation is normaly the correct one. To me that head is still too small and the arms are in the same proportion as ours only going just below the hips, aren't Squatches supposed to have longer arms? It's a hoax made probably by messing around with some poor Native American's bones they dug up somewhere! It's quite shocking how how gullible people are even now

    9. No one said it was a Bigfoot lol. It has hair on it's head but not it's body and as far as bulk, and muscle mass it would have had was long since atrophied.

      And for those yelling Victorian era hoax, try watching the damned video. These were being found since Colonial era. Abe Lincoln and George Washington pre-date the era you speak of. If you think our Government is so squeaky clean, then none of you have any room to call others gullible.

      "Conspiracy Theorists"?? lol Lets look at our History.

      1"Manifest Destiny"... Self justification to screw people over and commit genocide.

      2"The Spanish American War" Now it is confirmed that we knew Spain did not start that war. We knew Anti-Spanish Cubans did. But we also knew that war with back-water Spain meant "Empire" for us.

      3"The Civil War"- We are still being brainwashed to think that that war was about slavery even though the truth is not being hidden. It started over heavy taxation on Agriculture to pay for the previous war (War of 1812) and ended up being about States Rights. "Freeing the Slaves" was not an issue until the middle of the war when Great Britain was still backing the South. The slavery issue was simple war-time propaganda that resulted in Great Britain staying out of the war and cutting off Trade with the Confederacy.

      "War of 1812" Again, we are taught from an early age that we were just minding our own business when the Brits jumped us out of no where. No mention of us being Napoleon's biggest ally nor how we invaded Canada (And got our asses handed to us by the Canadians)

      Hey here is one.. How about how that goon in the White House is steadily turning us into a socialist country. (Just an FYI, No country has ever been Communist. The USSR was also Socialist as is China now.)

      Yeah... No conspiracy at all.

    10. Great comment Tzieth. Yes. I'm into a few things most open minded folks would shun. I looked up Jim V. In a few places. This totally "Rocked" me. Lol. Of course Ive always known of the mound builders and their culture. I live near a few of these places he mentions in this presentation. Chillicothe OH,,Moundsville WV. I knew of a few of these structures. Even the smaller ones leave you breathless seeing them,,I couldn't imagine the larger ones!
      Anyhow,,if you really dig into these lectures,,a theme is present. I wouldn't call it a "cover up/conspiracy",,but there's some shananagins going on. Well,,not now,,more like ancient shananagins. The area of material that's left for the curious,,is by far,interesting. As in master stone building culture with advanced knowledge,,also being scary tall,,and having two complete rows of teeth. And,,I don't know about any of you,,but I know I never seen anything like this in my history classes. Hmm.

    11. socialist country.. haahah you paranoid idiotic right wingers make me sick with your stupidity. We are not even close to being a socialist country.. what because we will have free healthcare? its not even going to be near what you think and if so... big deal.. Every other country has it and i dont hear anyone except republicans bitching. get over yourselves.

    12. It's too bad that the conclusions we come to are either hoax or conspiracy. These are either: naturally tall human native/meso americans or natives that cross bred with Sasquatch. Hubrid vigour suggests that the result would be a hominid that is larger than both parent stock. I find it astounding that one sit ementioned in the video had over 60 such bodies buried, suggesting a large population of these tall humans. Perhaps they were viewed as a warrior class, and buried with honor.

  2. Why is it so thin? where are the massive shoulders and size often mentioned in reports?

    1. I was going to say the same thing! It's shoulders are too narrow. It doesn't match eye whitnesses descriptions. It's just a normal human. Double sets of rows of teeth are rare, but do happen. I knew one girl who's front teeth came out in front/on top of her child teeth, it was weird. She needed major dental work to correct it!
      Chad W

    2. Yeah a friend's brother had two of some of his teeth and had to get dental surgery, I' ve still got a milk tooth at 35, the adult tooth is wandering around my jawline and x-rays have to be done regularly to see where it is! It could come out at any point and fracture my jaw!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good points. They probably peiced it together from skeletons and mummy parts

  4. Looks like a case of gigantism. Remember the tallest man in the world. He suffered from gigantism.

    1. its typical freak show victorian time. these type of hoaxes were the norm at circus freak shows. wolf boy /snake woman / the bearded lady etc... all hoaxes. filled with tales accompining of travellelies to the Far East etc... its either a giant pman,like wald etc... or a mish mash of animal and man bones

    2. then why did they bury it?? this is more proof of bigfoot being hidden from the public!!

    3. Um... Bodies tend to decompose and reek if they are not soon buried. It's possible the angel squatch are simply transported back to heaven, though. Thus, no bodies ever found.

    4. Thank goodness for the scientific advance of freezer technology!

    5. If you look at the groin/midsection area I think they've put in extra vertebra and covered up that section with something. Wolf boys do exist they have a rare condition where a recessive gene that humans once had ( that made us hairy) has been reactivated for some reason!

  5. Yeah like the mermaid thing P.T. Barnum was showing off

  6. The smithsonian took a formal stance on the issue of Bigfoot years ago you can read the letter they released to the public on Bigfoot lunch box Or just google smithsonian and Bigfoot. They got inundated with inquiries because of the popularity of the tv show Harry and the Hendersons

    1. Didn't they have a Bigfoot lunch box? Or Harry and the hendersons

    2. A curator there once told Robert Morgan they indeed had Bigfoot related findings there but couldn't make it public knowledge due to how it'd compromise religion of people, mainly because of the species' human lineage. So yes there's most definitely a cover up in action, not just the early '60s case she talks about but others and the subject in general.

    3. Well actually, there is no curator, I made it all up. Pretty good though, huh?

    4. 5:25's a troll, the story's true. Morgan said it when he appeared on the BTR shows some years ago you can find the information if you search for it there and find where he guested. Or ask him yourself.

    5. Nuh-uh, you lie, you lyin' liar.

    6. Check it out for yourself, douchey troll.

  7. With anyone in a position of power, there is always cover up, conspiricys, hoaxes, and fooling. Given the data and proof shown of earlier civilizations in the structures, The many area's, dates, and times of such discoveries of large human remains. I tend to believe that the large humans existed and still do. I never knew how many places in the U.S. had such historical rock structures. Goes to show the assinine people that teach kids only what they want them to know in school!

    1. Shut up dumbass! The photo's a hoax. fucking google it. The thing was tested and found to be made out of gelatine.

    2. Your argument is drastically flawed. Not every position of power is associated with cover ups or hoaxes. That's a ridiculous notion. And there are a lot more important things for kids to be learning about in school. I for one want my kids to be focusing on math and science not whether or not there were giants in the past associated with rock structures. Sure it's fun to read about but it's not going to actually get you anywhere in life.

    3. Yeah, and you know Bigfoots could be the only ones that could pick up those huge rocks.

    4. People cry conspiracy all the time its the last resort for arguments that have no proof

    5. Don't be jealous of my monster monkeyman.

    6. Do you know what gelatin is? It is a protein from bone, skin, tendon, ligament, fat and muscle. It is extracted by boiling or steaming usually. So of course an old body will show gelatin. We all are made up of everything that contains gelatin.

    7. There's a distinction between “contained” and “made out of” dude. At this moment you may well contain some cadmium, that doesn't mean that you're made out of cadmium or have cadmium poisoning. Stop grasping for straws. You're just making yourself look stupider.

    8. Fuck dude get some new material you and the fuckin straws are getting old already. Amusing once maybe twice. Next some of the biggest stones ever moved was a gentlemen named Ed leedskalnin. He built a whole small plaza or big house of coral in homestead fl. He claimed to have done it himself and was 5'5" 115 lbs. He said in his book he learned the secrets of the ancient Egyptians and that he floated them.

    9. I thought we were made out of Atoms? :))

    10. You are not paying attention. A human body is made up of gelatin. I will explain. The body contains 30%-35% collagen. Most collagen is found in skin and tissues other than muscle, although muscle does contain lesser amounts. When collagen is hydrolized, or subjected to water or heated water, it turns into gelatin.

      So you have a body buried and subjected to all kinds of things. Water, heat, cold, etc. If the environment is right, it will do all kinds of crazy stuff. Fossilize, decay, mummify, etc.

      Now, advanced scientific methods have just learned recently how to scan layers of skin on mummies. Guess what they found? It still contains collagen, just like our skin does. Except guess what else? Mummies vary a lot. Some have gelatin like skin or places where skin turned to gelatin.

      Since the only thing tested on this body was a small piece of skin by the Smithsonian in 1926, they didn't have the technology we do now. There are several current tests on many mummies and even this one floating around. They show gelatin like skin.

      This was not a hoax. It was misidentified for years. Then the photo was used in several stupid hoaxes over the years. But now science knows humans can have skin collagen turn into gelatin.

    11. Sorry I was responding to the guy talking down to you and the guy three comments back about only Bigfoot moves the big stones. I always pay attention.

    12. I keeps my atoms in a jar! :@ )

    13. No sweat, I was talking to the anon at 10:09am actually. The one right above your post. :)

    14. There is an anon confusion issue. We need clarification lol.

  8. Both Of theseGuys are 3 feet tall!

  9. Excellent, excellent, excellent post! Open your eyes folks, skeptics get your heads outta your asses

    1. Agreed, there are 12ft tall bipedals with itty bitty heads, roaming our forests, run for your lives.

    2. ^ Don't forget the lovely stone bungalows they dwell in. Hey! Bigfeets need to start paying propetry tax, That's why they're so elusive, they be ducking the tax man! Damn, rebel bigfoots who da thunk it.

    3. Naw if ketchum or anybody else is doing DNA studies the only human population in the united states that they can link them to are native Americans they will just build casinos that are tax exempt

  10. Despite the bad quality of the picture, I didn't note any clues which could relate this body to mummified sasquatch or bigfoot. Arguments about Victorian period are true and hoaxes numerous. The body is tall that's true but proportions of skull, arms, legs and chest are not really far from those of gentlemen aside, just a little bit bigger. Even with desiccation phenomena (drying flesh under some natural or artificial conditions) this body don't seems more thin than the time that he was alive. Maybe an interesting case of gigantism or any hormonal disorder but surely not a bigfoot which skeletal structure, in particular the massive chest, could be nearest gorilla shape or great ape than human. Even this picture could be a hoax.

    1. Nice job of paraphrasing what many others have said in this thread...dumbass.

    2. it is abvious that the flesh has dehydrated and mummified, the skeletal structure would also constrict during this process, looks like the real thing!!

    3. Just an opinion coming from a french canadian archaeologist ... Try do the same fucking bathing cap.

    4. Last reply is for anon 6:16

    5. Blueberry Jones seems to have hit the nail on the head there guys, I think it's a hoax for sure, no matter how you try you can't will this to be a Bigfoot or a mythical double toothed giant!! People claimed all kind of tall stories back in the 18th and 19th centuries to use this as factual scientific evidence or irrational new age baloney about giant stone movers of whatever is just plain dumb. With this you are just clutching at straws like many people have said, just sit and think before you type :)

    6. The last reply is not from me but it's funny.

  11. "Perhaps Miss Linda Newton-Perry is right about the conspiracy to cover-up Bigfoot bones"

    FYI Linda Newton-Perry is a proud member of Squatch Detectives Hall of Shame. Check it out she's a big douche nozzle.

    1. har,har,har...slow news day,still waiting on that dna paper,soon?

    2. I think she is already lost on her own planet

  12. Why is this picture being shown? It has absolutely nothing to do with the incident Newton-Perry was talking about. This is an apparent hoaxed photo taken In the 19th century, by the look of the clothes. The incident that Newton-Perry talked about supposedly happened in California in 1962, I believe. The idea that the Smithsonian has the body is nothing but a guess. My guess is that the body (if it existed) was buried or destroyed. Any body found on Indian lands must be surrendered to the Indians.I don't know whether it was found on Indian lands or not, but it is a possibility. When people ask why no bones are found, this is one answer. Any human-like bones that are found on Indian lands must be returned to them for reburial. This has prevented scientists from doing research on any bones. It is possible that the Smithsonian acquired the body and kept it secret for this reason.
    William Mayes

    1. What I think you are referring to in the native American graves protection and repatriation act but that was established in 1990. Long after this photo was taken.

  13. Read Missing 411 west/East- It will blow your mind and make you think WTF!

    It made me at least (and I'm a skeptic)think WTF!!

    Damn best book on the "whatever it might be" ain't a bear, ain't a cat, ain't an owl or turkey !!

    what could pick-up a 4 year old kid ..throw it over its back up a couple ot thousand feet of mountain..and when the searchers find the kid he says "gorillia people" and all the cases like this can be checked out!! there right there in the reports!!

    1. You're not realy a skeptic.

    2. Skeptics don't pay cash money for books sold at Bigfoot conventions.

    3. Sounds easy enough to verify, so we will take your word for it. Why would someone make that up? Bigfoot is a GO...we can all go back to our houses now...

    4. What could do such a thing. I think a few here know,,and with out a doubt. I'll say it just to spaz out the enlightened others,,who know and will argue and cuss,that these things don't exist. And in a way,,you can't blame them. I mean,,I can't. Up to a point. Example. I have family and friends that's 60 and older. True hunters. Outdoorsman. They entered the woods after learning how to walk,,following their father,,uncle,,etc. 99% of these hunters,very intelligent I may add,,a few holding high positions in county,state,and social organizations,will tell you,,no,,there is no such thing.
      Couple theory's on why that is? 1 we are not in a area with many sightings. Few here and there. 2, if your out hunting,,hiking,,etc. see,smell or hear something,you don't know about these encounters,,probably will not be connected unless a direct sighting. Or a scream/charge lol.
      Ok. Lets get to it. If we were to say,WHEN/IF(most of us here know they exist trolls,,so let it go>) it's discovered they are closer to humans,,as many have good reasons to believe(me included),,what traits/emotions/etc do they share with us? Is psychology a factor. My speculations is yes. How about mental illness? Possible? Yes. It's possible. Imagine a 500-700 pound, 9 ft plus,,that uses cover and stealth so well,,as it shows up out of nowhere,it's amazing,,and its mind is that of Charles Manson. Any questions?

  14. Than is not a Bigfoot. That is a giant human

    1. Agreed, it is just a big people. Double rows of teeth is a dentition anomaly that is not as uncommon as you would think even in us "little people". Another dental "anomaly" is a second set of adult teeth, that will grow in and push out the primary adult teeth, this is seen more in the populations that have a history of longevity. This is well known in the Ayurvedic tradition of medicine, and is even induced by the Ayurvedic technique know as Kaya Kalpa, and is just one of the benefits of rejuvenation induced by this technique. But, the dna codes for it, it's just a matter of turning on and off the proper genes, and having the constitutional wherewithall to survive its arduous application, which could take 40 days to a year. The best documentated case of this is Shriman Tapasviji who reportedly lived for 185 years. I've had his fascinating biography for many years, which I'm sorry to say is now out of print. You can still buy it of course, but at rare book prices. He underwent this procedure 3 times, growing a new set of teeth on 2 of those events, along with new muscles, skin, and a full head of hair. It is thought that to be effective the old patient must be well advanced in meditative practice, else the results could be fatal. (advancement of consciousness implies advancement of the biological processes that bring this about, .... i.e. - the development of the "biology of transcendence".) The purpose of this technique was to live long enough to complete the process of enlightenment.

  15. there are several reports of things being taken & hidden by the Smithsonean Institute, I think mainly because it did not fit into their ideal of evolution.

    1. There are reports of several things being suppressed by the footing community because they do not fit into their religious beliefs. Those things are logic, reason, and coherent thought.

    2. ^ Troll ignorance is bliss.

    3. Footer ignorance is bliss too by all the fucking crazies on this site, blind faith is a dangerous thing

    4. Yes, especially blind skepticism of Bigfoot existence.

    5. Yeah total scepticism is silly too but a healthy level of scepticism is never a bad thing, like I keep typing if your beliefs can't hold up to the scrutiny of others why believe them?

    6. Blind faith is only dangerous for stupid people at least if your gonna speculate be honest. People who have no common sense is the actual problem. People who have no common sense and blind faith join cults fallow false prophets or follow a version of any scripture that either a) is not there to begin with or b) is bastardized beyond belief as common sense would tell at least me read it for myself before I decide to follow it to a crusade or holy war. Or before I follow a false prophet and drink the purple kool aid. So therefore we can reason faith isn't dangerous unless combined with lack of common sense and stupidity.

    7. 11;42 and 12;07 would you like us to turn around while you two BLOW EACH OTHER :@ )

  16. The Smithsonian probably is hiding all kinds of things. This picture is not of a bigfoot though. It also is not fake. One of the two guys is from the Smithsonian itself. The picture is one of the many "giants" the Smithsonian have.

    There have been many finds of giant sized human bones through out history. Even an entire race of suspected giant hominids in Australia called meganthropus.

    Once America settled down afters the revolutionary and civil wars, researchers started dugging up mounds and graves. They found all kinds of stuff including bones of very large humans. There are so many old diary entries of early settlers finding large bones that there is no question the bones existed. There are also lots of official documents from the Smithsonian, federal, state, and local governments discussing the "giants".

    Native American tribes have history of "giants" that many bigfoot researchers are confusing with bigfoot. If you look into it, the tribes have two sets of history of large human like beings. One that was human and they warred with. Another that lived in the forests and they avoided or lived in peace with.

    The tallest modern human was 8'11" tall. Women have reached over 8' too. So why is it so hard to imagine that throughout our history other tall humans existed? I don't mean bigfoot, I strictly am talking about "giant" humans. Since there are bones, verbal history, and multiple documents supporting "giants" they must have existed.

    1. Would you shut the fuck up and just Google the damn thing. It's a known hoax. Why the fuck do you footers speak first and think never? Do you not want facts to stand in the way of your bullshiting?

    2. Here's an idea. Instead of just barfing up "what you've heard", do some true research and document your statements. You sound like you attended the Damian Bravo School of Bigfoot Knowledge.

    3. I have googled the picture. I saw one that said it was a hoax, but several other showed it in historical documents of things the museum has. Don't just rely on one link saying something on google. You actually need to research stuff.

      And I am not talking about bigfoot much in my post. I am talking about giant humans. I have posted many links and very few ever check them, just spout shit. In my post I never once mentioned hearing anything. Everything I posted is results of researching the "giants" off and on over the years.

      Several generations ago I would have been classified a giant but not so now. So I have a natural curiosity in giant lore. Why don't you research what I posted and go in depth, not just what pops up on page one or two. You will see what I posted is accurate.

    4. So by "research stuff" you mean search through the forums of conspiracy theory websites until you find a retard who also believes in things without evidence?

    5. No, I very rarely go to any conspiracy theory sites. I tend to try accessing .gov, .org and .edu sites when researching. I am not in trying to say the Smithsonian is hiding bigfoot. I simply said they are probably hiding all sorts of things. The museum itself started a channel that shows many of their hidden treasures. They have so many things there is no possible way to display them all.

      Maybe this will help.


    6. No by research stuff he means get it from at least 5 credible sources how hard is that to comprehend. Not look at the first site that pops up because that's the same site all the other idiots like you look at. And this is the site that another guy wrote as hearsay from his third uncles friend. And that's why it's first because the other idiots like you are only reading that one site. You are the one from the state farm commercial this is my boyfriend he's a French model. Bonjour anon 9:23

    7. I don't think anyone is arguing the point that people who can be classified as giants have and still do exist. The problem is with the picture associated with the title of this article. It's like the national inquire...

    8. 11:05am, yeah that is the problem. The photo is not bigfoot, but a "giant". But anon 10:52am is also right. I try to use credible resources. For some reason I think the trolls are thinking I am saying this is bigfoot, a conspiracy, etc. While what I am saying is nothing more than the Smithsonian has all kinds of hidden stuff and this photo is not a hoax. Oh well, I have explained enough in this and an above replies to another post in how it is not a hoax.

    9. Any actual on-line research must by pass wikipedia and land on other credible sites or articles other education bodies or organizations have reviewed. Which has also been peer reviewed and cited many times by reputable people or organizations.

      Anything else is jabbawocky, and will get you ridiculed.

    10. Ridicule all you like I have an education. I don't know about that if I do get my information on the net I make sure I read 5 accredited sites before I'll teach it. Otherwise I do it old fashioned at the library. I can't tell you the number of times alone in the one month I've read this blog that I've heard people quote genesis. I found the site they read this on and most of this is wildly inaccurate.

    11. Wikipedia has too much inaccurate stuff in it. It can be a great starting point, especially if there are good reference links at the end. But to rely on Wikipedia only is silly and for any students reading this, get you an F.

      Like I said earlier, I prefer .gov, .org, and my favorite .edu sites to research. Those tend to be more detailed and accurate. But they also are a lot longer and use big words. Maybe that is why my posts get so windy and others only talk crap. Maybe they don't understand the big words.

  17. They are hiding much more than we'll ever know. Someone I know, who works there, told me they have a real ghost, trapped in a plasma chamber and that they can communicate with it. So, I see no reason why they couldn't have a Bigfoot too.

    1. Don't forget Area51, the biggest most secret museum of them all.

  18. Yao Defen, officially recognized as the world's tallest woman, died last month in China at the age of 40. She was 7 feet, 8 inches tall.

    1. She was the tallest living woman this year. Tallest ever cetified was Zeng Jinlian at 8' 1.75". A Trijntje Keever was the tallest unverified woman at 8'4".

  19. This, of course, is not "proof" of Bigfoots existence. But, I honestly believe the proof will come out someday.
    What really concerns me is what will happen after that.
    Will there a huge mob of redness flooding our wild spaces, shooting at everything that moves?
    Will people leave them alone?
    No, again, I believe they will be pursued by an onslaught of people trying to get there 15 seconds.
    So, then, I almost hope they are NEVER truly found to be "real", because there are too many idiots with firepower out there who will most certainly cause them harm.
    It's quite perplexing to me.
    Thanks, Bobby

    1. Then why not join us "skeptics" in decrying this bigfoot bullshit so as to "protect" your magic monkey?

    2. Hilarious Bobby! There will be no flood of rednecks, and there will continue to be no bigfoot found.

      Here's a small hint. All bigfoot claims are BS.

    3. Well, hello there anon 9:23! How is that attempt at proving a negative going for you?

    4. A lot better than anyone trying to prove bigfoot. hows that proving fairies and unicorns dont exist going for you?

    5. The day we hear of thousands of witness reports worldwide of fairies and unicorns maybe some tracks and videos to go with all that, then we'll gladly debate it to, until then stfu about this being magic monkeys squatches are hominin.

    6. Wow to me this is an amazing amount of bullshit. I believe in Bigfoot I'm not saying all these crack pot posts are all real contrary most if not all are fake. I'm saying there may just be a giant ape. I don't think there are many if there are any at all anymore. Either they are there in very small numbers or they've went extinct in the recent past. Since the 80's there are at least 6 animals I know of that don't exist anymore. If any of you have kids within the next couple years by the time they are 10 there will be at least 4 more animals that just don't exist anymore. Do you realize the impact of this the tiger have you seen this more exist in captivity then in the wild. It is a very real possibility this animal can cease to exist a very big cat that your children may not even see. That is how I believe this animal can either be there in few numbers or recently extinct. These are all animals we will not see again since I have been alive

    7. Too many credible witnesses for me to think Bigfoot is not real. Police officers, Game wardens, etc.
      Not all accounts are real, of course, so its up to each of us to make our own decisions.
      If you don't believe, that's great. More power to you.
      But, when absolute proof of their existence is obtained, I wonder how many trolls and skeptics will come back here and admit it.
      Just a thought.

    8. As Dave Paulides puts it, the day is approaching fast when we'll not be calling them animals anymore because evidently they're of a hominin species closely related to us. Their feet are more humanlike than any of the great apes whose feet are hands more like it, we're the only fully bipedal primate and their faces also more humanlike than great apes'. Then there's speech too, there's no doubt they're hominin now trolls eat your crow right away it's your future daily bread anyway.

  20. I apologize. I meant "rednecks".

    1. Close enough, we get it.

      The other "red" factor, I don't recall being mentioned here, is that these mound giants with double rows of teeth also commonly had red hair and beards. Which might be a link to the Irish. I don't know of any other genetic group of humans where red hair is extremely common. I haven't heard of Irish giants being common though. I have heard of human bones in western China and central Asia that had red hair. So, I wonder if the human mtDNA haplotype that moved from the Mediterranean to eastern Siberia, and on to North America, and is the one that Ketchum says is so closely related to the BF mtDNA, is the red haired Irish haplotype? Anybody....?

    2. It's also common in Scots and the English too but could this not be a result of the Saxon invasion with fair haired Germanic people and dark haired ancient Britons creating some ginger offspring? I know the Saxons altered the British forever and then the fair haired Vikings came next to rape and pillage and altered the native population again. Ginger hair is really just either a dark blond or light brown isn't it?

    3. Think that's also where the Brits get blue eyes from and also male patten baldness :(

    4. I wonder if the owners of the original human haplotype from the Mediterranean is still around in Europe? Because I think its possible they're going to be quite upset to know they're very closely related to bigfoot. Or will they be proud that their genes contributed to the latest and greatest hominid, one that nobody can catch?
      I hope wars don't get started over this. Doesn't take much over there.

    5. Dunno, as long as they don't try and invade Poland I think we're safe for another European war.

    6. lol that was what they said last time to.

  21. Cabinet of curiosity type of thing. The torso is all wrong. Look at the ribs and shoulders, and how long the torso is below the rib cage. Def fake.

  22. I don't understand why some skeptics have to be so damn rude.
    If you are truly a skeptic that claims to have no interest in the subject why are you here?
    I'll never understand why you get so bent out of shape because people have a different opinion than you.I've had really good conversations with skeptics that just want proof but they are not pricks about it.Chill the hell out people.

    1. Why should anyone not make fun of the bleevrs that think bigfoot is real? Would you prefer fairies? How about unicorns, or mermaids? ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE.

      If you think people are being "pricks" by making fun of people that are extremely gullible, stop being so fucking stupid and gullible!


    2. You do it because you think it makes you look like a bad ass but it doesn't it makes you look like you need a life if you have to come to a website about something you claim to have no interest in to make fun of people that tells me that in your real life you are probably a pussy.

    3. The conspiracy theories are patently ridiculous and probably unhealthy for more than a few. They are not fun or intriguing and should be greeted with derision, contempt and scorn. That's the best way to ostracize them.

    4. GnaRfan,

      If you guys want to waste your lives in the woods searching for things that aren't fucking there then go for it. I don't care if you LOOK for bigfoot.

      The demand has been VERY simple from the get go: PROVE IT OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!

      Do not say that bigfoot exists. You do not know that SO DON”T FUCKING SAY IT. When you say that you know things that you don't know that's called LYING. You wouldn't like to be lied to so DON”T LIE. It's very fucking simple. If I came up to you and started spouting utter bullshit and then called you stupid cause you didn't tolerate my bullshitting you would probably be pretty offended...SO DON”T DO IT TO OTHER PEOPLE.

      In biology when you develop a hypothesis you TEST that hypothesis. You BACK UP your claims. You DO NOT get to put the cart before the horse and proclaim your correctness when you don't know that you're correct.

      Science has answered the bigfoot question. If you disagree with their conclusion, then you can offer extraordinary proof to support your extraordinary claim. If not, then know when to stop talking.

      I've known lots of people who say that they “don't suffer fools”. Well I don't mind a friendly fool, but I do not tolerate bullshitters. You should be able to relate to that sentiment pretty well Mr. anger management.

    5. That last remark was a bit low but you are free to think what you like. I have no problem with skeptics at all.
      I don't expect people to believe things because someone says so I diddn't and still don't with most things.I understand people need proof and that's cool what I don't understand is people who come here just to run others down thats all.

    6. When did science answer the bigfoot question? All they did was say they don't exist and call anyone who believes otherwise a moron. Yet scientists said the gorilla did not exist not too long ago. Then they also said the earth was flat and the sun went around the earth. And killed others for doubting that. Looks like science has a pretty damn long history of being wrong too.

    7. Most mainstream scientists think they're God they don't believe in God but they still like to act all-knowing when they're really extremely naive people ignoring what logically must be the truth, and take lacking proof and pre-discovery of so-called mysterious subject as gospel for nonexisting.

    8. Hate to call you on this Big Jim but it was science who said the Earth revolved around the Sun and the Catholics who persecuted them for it and treated them as heretics. Science has only really had a couple of hundred years where they have been able to look into life's mysteries without being held back by religion. Look what we've achieved in those two hundred years or so, God didn't give you pencillin, the internet, the internal combustion engine, planes, open heart surgery and NASA. It's only when people are free to question and think independently that progress gets made.

    9. For someone who says I don't believe in Bigfoot I don't want it thrown in my face you sure come to this site a lot. So either you are a weak small individual like gnr said. Or you are just a complete moron people who don't like dog shit don't follow the dog and sniff his ass. Unless they are like you and just fronting that they don't like it. So all I'm sayin is stop following your dog and sniffing his ass.

    10. Jim-"scientists" never said the world was flat--natural philosophers from Pythagoras onward knew it was round. Read "History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler" by Dreyer or something akin to it.
      A few( before Copernicus,Kepler and Galileo came around) subscribed to the heliocentric theory..but not to many. So you are on stronger ground there.

    11. @GnRfan 9:33:00

      I am laughing at dumbasses. If youw ant to continue being a dumbass, I will continue to laugh at you and the type of claims made regarding the myth. You want the laughing to stop, stop being so fucking stupid and gullible.

    12. Hey, Anger Management some emotional intelligence. Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? IF you want to be happy, try somewhere else, because this isn't working for you.

      As for the other kind of intelligence, Ketchum and Sykes have put forth a hypothesis, and are testing it, just like you demand. If the tests turn out to prove a new hybrid/unknown hominid, will you go away?

    13. Anon 9:57

      Scoffer: F--- F----- F---- F---- F---- !!!!

      Big Jim, GnRfan, etc: Reasonable arguments delivered in polite language.

      So 9:57, what are you doing here? Why are you here? I can't imagine hanging out at the flying pigs enthusiast site only to attempt to deride them. It would be a waste of my time since I have no interest in flying pigs and no axe to grind about them.

      If Sasquatch is a zero-nothing subject to you, what are you doing here? What is with the steady stream of F---- blah blah blah? Do you speak this way at the dinner table? What happened in your life to make you a walking fountain of obscenities?

      What are you gaining by coming here and writing comments? Do you worship mainstream science so you are defensive about anything which may be outside it?

      You must feel threatened by some aspect of this subject in order to come here and write a string of obscene, defensive comments. If you dismiss the topic, then why is it threatening to you? If you dismiss it, then it's not a threat, right? Since you dismiss it, you should feel no threat or resentment and just be happy about what you think.

      Think about this: You are using a bigfoot blog as a mouthpiece for your opinions. The irony is you are using a site, the subject of which you totally discount, as your own site. Shouldn't you either create or be commenting on an anti-bigfoot blog? It's ironic you use this blog as your own platform.

      Why not create your own site and write your opinions there?

    14. It's because 9:57 made nine bucks for that single post, that's why.

    15. Anons 11:01am and 11:03am, you are both right but forgetting that the people who made those claims about gorillas, flat earth, sun revolving, etc called themselves scientists too. They were the "mainstream" scientists using religion and other stuff to back their claims. And enforcing their views with fear and force.

      As other scientists were on the fringe and worked to prove them wrong, they eventually did so. So how has science changed in current days? The mainstream scientists still use fear to force their theories and fringe scientists still spend years trying to prove the mainstream wrong.

      Nothing has changed. We still know very little "proven" science compared to the overall picture of all.

    16. Regardless of your stance, this is a great place to discuss the bigfoot legend due to the policies of the blog and not censoring posts. I applaud that Shawn! Good stuff, and it shows because your blog is becoming more popular. Don't give in to the spineless wienies that get butt hurt. Keep it open and free discussion!


    17. Two things these gullible sick trolls are, they're either completely fucking stupid and ignorant about this subject which is higly possible, thus mock what they don't understand to feel like tuff assholes OR they know bigfoot's real. There's nothing else they could be than stupid or deliberately wrong and both pathetic. These pissed kooks better pray the studies won't prove anything (hint, they will/both pray and prove) because when this is all over every stupid skeptic/cynic will be kicked so hard with the facts they'll never recover from it or our ringing laughter.

    18. One day some guy is on here saying the trolls are too knowledgable and are doing an organised attack on footers to discredit Ketchum next minute they're all dumbasses who are sick in the head and have failed in life! Seriously if your beliefs can't take a little knocking then you're as sick in the head as the trolls you're crying about. If you're a Christian how's about turning the other cheek and not let them get to you?

    19. If there's nothing fucking there as you so eloquently put it then it's weird that this fucking nothing still drove you to this blog. Probably because you're afraid there is. In fact, it's very likely proof of an intelligent species why there's no discovery made yet. Out there they're definitely smarter.

    20. So intelligent they can perpatrate elaborate hoaxes on mankind

  23. Mr Joe Black posted this a couple weeks ago,,give or take. Extremely interesting,,to say the least. And the video with presentation by Jim Veria,,to be honest,,blew my mind. I'm still trying to recover from this heinous and savage shock. I do recommend anyone dedicated to this field to look up this gentleman.

  24. And to the anon above that's trying to debate with our friend GNRfan,,let me get this straight,,be patent here,,I'm just trying to comprehend your mindset. No. I Don't get it. Well. Ok. Lets take a look. Your on here. Talking science and wisdom and etc,,same old skeptic rap. Ok. You sound like an intelligent,,comprehending individual. That being said,,instead of making a good debate or remark to show your position,,you blatantly accuse someone of Lying?? Lets get to facts. Do you know this person,,GNRFAN personally? Do you know their position on this subject,,as in personally? And do you know for a fact that GNRfan has seen or not seen something that could be identified or mistaken as a creature/being/legendary figure known as Bigfoot/Sasquatch? If your answer is not affirmative on most of these basic fact finding questions,,at least we,,as in you and me do have an issue we agree on,,as in I myself do not suffer fools. I'm afraid you've proven the centerpiece of your statement,,being about fools and lying,,Applies to yourself. However,,,if you do know this person,,,and know the answers to all these questions to be a yes,,,please accept my apologies. Otherwise,,please refrain from making yourself look like this in public in the future,,,your giving the "good" anons everywhere a bad name. Thank you for your time and have a nice day.

    1. Why are skepics here? pretty simple, they failed or their lives never turned out the way they expected.

      So using their under or over educated egotistical brains (and I'm being kind here) this brings them some peace that they can ridicule people who they deem are stupid!

      At the end of the day, it is actually them who are the sad and pathetic ones.

    2. skeptics are here for the lols. at the end of the day, you wont be finding a bigfoot. and at the end of that same day, ill still be laughing at how gullible some bigfoot bleevers can be.

      How many times will you be fooled and still think there is something to it??? Seems endless. = fun.

    3. Just because some people actually think for themselves and don't agree with you 100% when you're fawning over the latest hoax doesn't mean we've failed in life, it means we're not stupid! Hell not all the sceptics on here are non-believers it's just this photo is of an old hoax you small minded ignorant jackass

    4. How to upset a septic 101. (no I spelled that correctly)

      Post something factual that gets their goat :)))

    5. "Post something factual that gets their goat"

      Like your dad? haha

    6. They aren't skeptics they're the opposite, just dumb. They think it's amusing to joke about things they can't comprehend themselves so they assume others can't either therefore it must be fake. LOL
      People used to laugh at the idea of that big manlike gorilla and pandas, not that long ago, their naive sons (and it's mostly guys for some reason) are still doing it presumably because it threatens their ever-disappearing machoism in a growing female world.
      These trolls are the Western equivalent to the Taliban, both disaapearing tribes themselves while the squatches seem to be actually thriving nicely so it's no wonder trolls hate so much seeing their out of date old world slipping away.

    7. How's your out of date world hey? As for Taliban who's the one with the almost fundamentalist opinions here who can't take it when people might disagree? Thought this site was for discussions on Bigfoot not for childish idiots that think debates are throwing insults at people who might have a different view. Man you are one close minded individual ironically accusing people of being close minded, man you need to relax more

    8. It spoke directly to you the Taliban comparison, it's almost like a religion to the haters they need the bullshitting like a drug. Disagree? You don't disagree you argue for the sake of it, I think you know the chance of squatch existence is extremely good if you really think about it and consider the obstacles put in way of such a discovery. The ridicule and covering up, all to protect the true nature of the beast and one's own agenda. Instead of arguing it'd be better to actively support the search and discovery not oppose and stall it by attacking Dr. Ketchum, there's an important paper due out that'll probably rock your world where people will see how foolishly they behaved.

    9. Jesus Christ, how do you know for sure exactly what Ketchum's paper says or exactly how accurate those results and conclusions are? You don't know diddly squat yet do you? What about the Sykes study or the DNA tests that Curtino has commissioned to look at the Seirra Kills evidence what happens if they get different results? Were you bullied at school or work or something bad happen to you at a formative age? Arguing for arguings sake huh? Well how are you any different? You're acting the same way dude! Face it when all is said and done you have only got blind faith here, same deluded unquestioning belief like a Tailban bomber does! You think they question their faith? People who are attacking Ketchum are from all sides of the debate believers and total sceptics maybe it's because they don't like her credentials? Anyway with no body (unless Lindsay is right) you've really got very little, you might prove it's existence through DNA but you'll still have to find it in the wild to truly end the scepticism. A little scepticism is good try it you might like it instead of just falling for Ketchum.

    10. Holy freaking Toledo. Ladies,,gentleman. Lets not get out of hand here. I'm terribly sorry,,being as my comment was a bit long,,and I was trying to be polite. What got my goat,,or,well,,goats( as I am a WV native,,here having many more goats than your neighbor or next of kin makes you the man.) was the anon giving GNRfan the "you ain't seen Bigfoot so your a lier" bit.
      As for me,, I'm all about skeptics. Skeptics are essential to any worthwhile endeavor. Ive learned,,and no doubt will learn much more from a witty and wise skeptic. But,,as in all things,,let us try to be classy here. Most of us can tell a warrior,,or a professional from a no class hack as the first few lines of a debate starts to roll. My point was if you have to be an ass,,as in insulting someone or calling names based on whatever the case may be,,just don't bother. Have a little bit of something. Anyone can be a jackass.
      Sorry folks,,thought I better clear things up. This thread was goin straight to h.e.l.l. I put my two cents in about someone being an ass,,three hours later,,look and WHAMMY!! We got the Taliban,Dr Ketchum,I seem to recall endless fun, and Mr Bill Clinton,his third cousin,,four nanny goats,,a 88 firebird,,felonys,,and Mr Pancake bringing Mountain girl to the waffle hut.. Ok. Glad we got this madness straightened out. Thanks and have a fantastic eve. I think the ghost of Xmas past, Hank Williams Jr and a leper is here. C.O.D Nazi Zombies time!! Woohoo.

  25. Sceptics normally hang out at sites where they control all the posts so that they can delete good posts by those who have opposite views. Examples of this are "Idoubtit", "JREF" and "". Many of the sceptics are paid to cast doubt on subjects like Bigfoot. The real nut cases live at those websites.

    At the end of the day, is when you find Bigfoot. Not the beginning or the middle. The End.

    Smithsonian has more evidence than this because I saw it there in the summer of 1968, when they had a display of the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin video on a continuous loop, together with footprint impressions. They told me that the Government wanted them to take it down, so they were going to take it down.

  26. I love people that get their degrees from the university of Google

    1. So,when did you get yours from Google?

      JACK ASS!

    2. If this species is truly there and human as I believe now, after all it takes a certain cunning to elude us for this long something I see no evidence of a great ape animal could have, then it's probably better to just leave them alone when it seems evident they want no part of our world or any closer contact. Assuming these giants are a people of another species, it's not unthinkable that our authorites already have contact with them or at one time in the past did and today simply leave them be.

  27. I don't care if it hurts
    I want to have control
    I want a bigfoot body
    I want a bigfoot soul

  28. This isn't news is that the dinosaurs escaped out of my park

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