Miss Linda Newton-Perry Informs of Bodies Being Kept in Smithsonian Institute

Is this true? I hope it's true. It's probably not true, but I bet it's true. According to Linda Newton-Perry of the online Bigfoot magazine Bigfoot Ballyhoo, the bones of a Bigfoot may be in the possession of the Smithsonian Institute! Since this rumor isn't coming from Robert Lindsay, it's probably not true, so you may want to take it with a grain of salt. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. September, 2012
      Dear Sally,
      Thank you for your letter about the Sasquatch.
      Yes, I always love to hear about the dear Sasquatch people. I miss them, but I haven’t been back to the old meeting forest for a while. I guess I should put a noteabout that on my website.
      The family of Ancient Ones, the Sasquatch, the intelligent ones, left the area where they were meeting with me. They are nomadic after all, and so it wasinteresting and gratifying that they stayed in the area as many years as they did.
      Unfortunately the feeling I received in communication with them when they let me know they had to go, was that it was becoming too polluted for them, or too dangerous or unhealthy. (all of those.) There was a lot of fracking in the area and boiling pools of gas and sulfur were rising up unexpectedly in numerous places inthe woods. Certainly this was damaging to their underground homes as well.
      At some point I felt they hoped that I as a human, could help to eradicate this,but I didn’t know what it was at the time and I thought it was just an act of nature……. Not another abusive act of uncaring humans. Now I support any agendas and people who are bringing this to the public and lobbying to stop it.
      They also let me know there would be flooding in the area and that did happen and continues to happen. They made a joke saying they noticed how we (Jean-Luc and I) always seemed to get our ‘city type car’ stuck in the mud (true!!), so they were letting us know it was going to be VERY muddy there soon. I felt the laughter in their voice as they said that……. And the love and caring for us.
      But the Ancient Ones, the Wise Ones, the family that I was interacting with, left and I miss them. The Bigfoot are still there, but it wasn’t the same for me. I liked the letters and the advanced knowledge of the Wise Ones.
      I also feel that I completed the work we did together. It seems they wanted people to spread the truth of who they are and how they behave and why, etc. I feel I relayed their messages honestly and by putting it on my website, I assisted in some small way.
      I may add the info in a chapter of a book I am writing now too. It is good for sensitive people to represent them honestly to the human race.
      So thanks for asking and yes, please do keep me on your mailing list with additional info about our dear forest friends.
      Warm regards,

    2. gotta say that was superb, captured the lunacy perfectly, +1

    3. Amazing! I laughed...I cried...I did cartwheels right out the front door and into traffic!

    4. How many jars do you have now?

    5. Well, I see that fecal matter is back on this sight. Mr. Fecal matter in a canister uses his own human waste as hair gel. He also posts comments to himself.

  2. Steve Kulls girlfriend...Must be real.

  3. which destination truth episode was ketchum on? i need a good laugh, thanks

  4. Am I the only one thinking if I was drunk enough I'd fuck her?

    1. I have calculated the amount of alcohol necessary to make that woman fuckable using Statenhiem's intoxication coefficient and it is precisely 23.81 liters.

      - A Scientist

    2. All this is predicated on what you will admit to. In reality we know that anyone with a pulse will do, at the very least.

    3. Hey Desperation Dan,

      Speak for yourself dude.

    4. I feel better knowing others have my same thoughts. Is there really a Statenhiem's coefficient and where can I get one? Hey!I sense we are coming together for once? GROUP HUG!!!!!
      I do love you guys man. Let's cuddle! Vergearuker

    5. 23.81 litres? You pussy! I'm Glaswegian, that's used on my corn flakes for breakfast to get me through to lunch-time.

      Yeah I'd ride the old bird and hard.....Then kick her crazy arse out the window when I'm done.

  5. Replies
    1. I use live Ballyhoo to catch sailfish in south Florida.

  6. Bigfoot Ballyhoo.. the site that promoted hoaxes and said if it wasn't true, they would close the site.
    Nope.. didn't happen.


  7. You don't need an attorney to process a FOIA request. Anyone can do it.

    Red Flag. Red Flag. Red Flag.

    1. i was done after i read "bigfoot body". didnt bother to watch the video, waste of time looney tooners, wouldnt suprise me if these people are creationists too.


    2. Willful ignorance isn't ignorance, it's denialism.

    3. Anon 12:03, remember that some science types and evolutionists are also indoctrinated, just as you would say creationists are. Evolutionists are raised in a certain culture and have particular beliefs foisted on them insistently in institutions which seem suspiciously like churches, by professors who seem suspiciously like priests.

      Anon 12:56, some science types and evolutionists, obviously, also practice willful ignorance, denialism. For some of them, it's the same old story: anything which doesn't fit into a current accepted scientific theory, is rejected, rather than faced and dealt with.

      The latter, my friend, is the very definition of DENIAL, in a nutshell.

    4. I would like anti-creationists to say exactly what they think of Jesus Christ, not the Bible or Old Testament, I just want them to put their money where their mouths are, and let's hear it, come on.

      What do you think of Jesus? You hate his guts and agree he should have been tortured to death? That's a positive? Yay for that?

      Jesus was a real dummy-idiot and he deserved what he got? He was a real liar?

      Come on, you are confident of your positions on evolution and science, right? So why not come out and fire all barrels about what you really think of the central figure of Christianity, Christ? Why not? Let's hear it for real, folks.

      Did he say or do anything negative, anything you disagree with? Do you discount him as a nutcase for saying he was the son of God? Does anything he said offend you?

      Do you sidestep the issue by just saying there was no such thing as Christ? If so, why don't you ever say There was no such thing as Jesus Christ? People never come out and say that, ever.

      Why don't atheists ever say Jesus was a real jerk, what a jerk, I dont' like what he did or said, he sure was a jerk. Nothing, never, they never say it. Let's hear it at last. And if they think he was a jerk, why? What did he do wrong? How did he offend you? How were his actions an assault on you personally? How do his words or actions fill you with resentment and defensiveness?

      I'm not a Christian but many Christians have been burned alive for their beliefs. Some apparently did not recant these beliefs while being burned or tortured.

      Because of the unbelievable magnitude of such acts, I think it's foolish to discount the religion with a wave of the hand. When people have given their lives for these beliefs via slow torture, I would say you had better damned well stop, sit up, look, listen, and think. It would be the act of a foolish madman to dismiss something which is the ultimate act (burned alive, tortured).

      How many science types sitting behind their computers are willing to be burned to death for their beliefs, and during the burning, not recant their beliefs in order to save their lives?

      It's of the ultimate seriousness and worthy of every human being's consideration. It's foolhardy to just discount such deep matters because you "believe" in evoloution or what have you.

      And not forgetting the reverse situation, when Galileo was confronted by the Church over the Earth orbiting the sun issue. And not forgetting the horrors perpetrated by religions and churches over the centuries.

      And Christians should also consider that Jesus' sermon on the Mount is very similar to what Buddha said thousands of years earlier. All Christians must read Buddha's words too, and will be amazed, and will consider the idea of more than one incarnation of God or what have you, on Earth. If not outright incarnation, then someone obviously deeply in touch with God or the source of life or spirit. You will be astonished at how Jesus almost repeats Buddha's words to the T in his sermon on the Mount.

    5. Christ returned to earth as Criss Angel, and he can still walk on water.

    6. I have no problem with Jesus, but someone should have reported his dad to Children's Services.

    7. Is Elusive for real??? Does he have a clue what site he is on? Feel real sorry for people like this . Lots of sick people out there!

  8. ^^FOIA is Freedom of Information Act....

  9. Replies
    1. The comebacks are getting pretty weak around here.


      Willy Witticism
      Institute of insults
      discourtesies division

  10. Actually it is very possible they do have some.
    I was listing to NPR and a Paleontologist said that Museums are so understaffed with the amount of Bones and fossils they have we may have creatures yet to be identified correctly.

    1. The fact (if it is a fact) that the Smithsonian has specimens which have not been extensively examined does not mean that one or more such specimen(s) is “very possibly” a sasquatch.

      -Remy Reality

    2. She had me at "probably" and "might have", if someone has second hand anecdotal reports of a body, that's good enough for me!

  11. Oh wow I just went to her blog site and she writes Bigfoot books for children...guess its best to indoctrinate them early... I'm just trying to imagine if she were my grandmother..."if you don't go to bed right now Bigfoot will get you!". And I have spent many years at the smithsonian and whoever posted that they were far behind in their collections was absolutely correct you can't even begin to I imagine how far behind it takes a lot of money...

    1. But that doesn't mean that Bigfoot is in the collection


    3. Oh yes it does mean Bigfoot is in the Smithsonian! !! Prove its NOT in there!

  12. Hey dumbass at 12:02 - I just wrote out what FOIA stands for for dumbfucks like you.

    Bleever?? Whatever.

    1. Bigfoot is real. Bleeve me.

    2. that bleever comment was meant for that guy further up with the fear of jref, many apologies

  13. They have some owl bodies, thats about it.

  14. What I want to know us why people seem to have a need or want to beleive in Bigfoot or aliens or ghosts, vampires etc... As children we beleive in Santa, the Easter bunny tooth fairy... I guess maybe these are just the fantasy characters for adults

    1. ive said it before, ill say it again:

      looney toons.

    2. Bullshit. Why do you repeatedly attempt to dismiss their lies as the product of “mental illness”? They selectively seek out hogwash to further their fantasies while intentionally ignoring credible evidence which stands in the way of what they want to believe. That's called self delusion. It's the same thing religious dick-lickers do all the time. They are attempting to ignore reality and construct an alternative reality in their own minds because the alternative reality is more pleasing to them. They want to live in a fantasy world where they aren't just stupid lying hicks but are actually perceptive and open minded individuals who are privy to “special truth” which makes them superior to everyone else. This whole “bigfoot” movement is all about idiots trying to convince themselves that they are smart by attacking biology for the sake of their own egos.

      Now shut up with the loony toons nonsense. They aren't crazy they're just assholes and you shouldn’t be trying to downplay the impact that lies can have.

    3. Bullshit, you're afraid it's true you're actually being screwed over by the authorities hiding the ugly truth from you and you should be too - if you're not that's when they can do anything they want and get away with it. It's all about power and control, if they don't have that then YOU have as much as they do and they don't like that scenario.

    4. Battle of the paranoids! " trolls are mib" guy vs. " footers will destroy the world" guy. The winner gets a lifetime supply of Thorazine...

    5. Wow I didn't believe people's ego could be so huge tell me what it's like upon your mountain so high do you soar with eagles can you speak to Zeus or whoever it is your goofy ass believes oh wait that's mythology wow your world is so shallow and small it must really suck to be you because when you die the only thing that happens is grubs eat your body sorry for you guy it may be self delusion but at least my hope and faith has a 100% better outcome then you'll ever see and if that means I have to believe there is a 9 ft giant ape so be it at least I don't feel as shitty as every day of your life must be you should just kill yourself now and get it over with cause apparently it's not getting any better for you the person I feel sorry for most is whoever has to live with you to have no hope and faith must suck

    6. Agreed, you have much more to look forward to when you die. After living your life in absolute fear of some wrathful god's random laws which were designed for nomadic shepherds and assuming that you're not cast into the lake of fire for some small transgression in your life (such as using the Lord's name in vain), you will get to spend eternity in heaven with all your dead relatives whom you most likely hated when they were alive. You will be able to rehash all of your old petty arguments ad infinitum and bore each other into numbness. After about 30 minutes of this "paradise," you will be yearning for your body to be lying in a mud pit being consumed by maggots.

    7. Anon 12:21: There's not always a need to believe certain things. In fact sometimes there's a need to disbelieve certain things, because they are fearful, threatening.

      It's much easier to say There's no such thing in a self-convincing way and not worry about such threats. If you decide in your mind they dont' exist, maybe you'll be happier in that respect, you'll feel more secure.

      But if you have an experience with what is considered supernatural, such as an obvious message from a departed loved one, a message which affects your life in a huge way and perhaps saves you financially and flatly rescues your continued existence in the physical world, then you will believe in at least that aspect of the supernatural.

      You won't have a "need" to believe it. You will simply believe it because it happened to you. You will know the experience was real because whatever message or demonstration will have shown itself to be unique and known only to you and the person who had died.

      In fact before this experience, you likely not only had no "need" to believe, you probably flat out disbelieved such a thing could happen. The experience would have changed your mind, at least to an extent.

      And because of the attitudes of many people, such as commenters here, you likely would tell very few or no one it had occurred to you. But in your private knowledge, you would know what is real and what isn't, so you would realize when someone posts that there are no such things such as fill-in-the-blank, if what was filled in the blank was what happened to you, you'd know that person was ignorant of reality.

      Especially if this experience or piece of information greatly affected your life, allowing you to survive or become wealthy perhaps, where you were previously under threat of losing everything, you would certainly believe in more than what is visible on the physical plane of existence.

      I dont' know why you couched your query in terms of "need" to believe. You seem to be assuming that anyone who believes in anything "needs" to believe in it. That is definitely often the opposite of the truth.

      Sometimes, you are forced to believe by happenstance, and you very probably had no need to believe at all. You probably didn't want to believe, but when it occurred, obviously it would be foolish to disbelieve it. You were faced with it, right in front of you, so it would be denial to disbelieve it.

      At that point, are you going to believe deniers who comment here, or your "lying" eyes?

    8. Yes yes good you must be mini me




    1. I bet you have a big belly. Probably a lard-o. You post quiete extensively because I recognize your repetitive word "folks." Ah-budya-bu-dya,thats all folks"



  17. This gal has been caught hoaxing video images from bigfoot movies and using the "stills" as reported actual Bigfoot photos taken by concocted hunters whos names are totally ficticous.
    She has been busted on more than one occasion near Elkton, Oregon hanging "Sasquatch informational signs" on a concocted story on a white limpy BF"
    I spent too much gas money on all your BS LNP

  18. If you don't bleeve hard enough a chupacabre looses their wings.

    1. Omg! I can't stop laughing that was bloody brilliant! You just made my day!

    2. And at Christmas everytime a bell rings a chupacabre gets his wings...

    3. And I believe there were 2 Bigfoots on board Noah's Ark during the Big Flood.

    4. One Theory, it was in the DNA of one of the wives of one of Noah's sons. She was a decendent of Cain. It was in the wood pile, and cut loose again.

      That is why the God of the old testiment was wiping out certain groops of people.

      Some of the stories say that God told the Isrelites to wipe out every last living thing(in certain areas). The "Problem" had started up again with the Giants.

      The Bible say's were "Men of Old " and "Men of Renound" (Roman, Egyption, Babylonian,Asian,Greek, Scandanavia) in the Old Days. All have there ancient stories of Gods / Giants / Imortals / Sometimes Harry /Ultra wise in various combinations.
      Many of the "Lands" were God cleaned house have there own (non-Biblical) mythology of Giants. They often confirm what the Bible say's. For instance, David took five stones to the fight,---------------------- Why?-------------------------- Because Goliath had four brothers, and they where Giants too!

      Bigfoot may be One stream - lined Genome that has narrowed in scope and replicates with consistancy.

      The Torah says two were on the boat, the Bible does not. Leans toward DNA in the wife. Also, a strait decendent of the "Cursed" Cain(different from a giant) Might also be suggested.

      Don't know, but very interesting?????

      Do any of you know about --------------------------- Padagonia? (spelling?)

    5. Also, This would explain why the Dna that Melba has looks "Arabic or Middle eastern".

      You want too know how long ago the Great Flood was? I'd say now, --- about 15,000 years ago! There's a narrow choke point in the Dna.

      Isn't Science neat!

      ha ha ha Good Job Melba.

    6. Wasn't Goliath really a Sasquatch?

  19. Because they refuse to grow up and being afraid of monsters is easier to deal with than real life, bills, providing for their families and all that

    1. You mean the trolls are afraid of it since they troll against it so much.

    2. No the trolls are just bored and it's amusing

    3. They believe in Bigfoot because it's easier than to believe in paying taxes.

  20. The big fella addressed the media himself today;


  21. The above video has been a desperate attempt to increase traffic to the stated blog.....that is all.....soylent green.

    1. Soylent green is people......

    2. Ding ding ding, hot dog we have a weiner!!!
      Soylent green IS People.

  22. a Google search for File#USFS/33058-45333-294734-AB turns up a 2010 entry in the above stated blog.So I have to question as nothing has progressed with this in at least two years, why bring it up now? 15 min of fame perhaps?

  23. I'm sure there are people that pay bills and shit and still beleive.

  24. Bigfoot is real--It just car-jacked me--Had a furry brown hood, oversized baggy furry pants, and pointed its threatening stick right at me-sideways (gangsta style).

    1. You mean "gigantagangsta" style"

    2. "I was kidnapped by the bones of a Sasquatch at the Smithsonian"
      -Albert Ostman

    3. That was probably a negroid in a boggan.

  25. I beleive that more than I beleive half the evidence these people put out.

  26. Yeaaah booyyeeeee !!!!!

    Now what can you say about that

  27. i smell shite mmmm yeah defo shite.

  28. zzzzzzzz so much for a 24/7 blog, how about some updates?

    why not start with Barts comments about the Ketchum study and Justins boots etc from the BFF ketchum thread?

  29. This story is true. Both the Enquirer and the Star have run this story, thus confirming that The Smithsonian does indeed have authentic bigfoot bones. They also have the remains of Batboy in formeldahyde.

    1. Batboy is all grown up now. They call him Batman.

  30. Fake!

    Otherwise, Obama would use it to gain popularity.

    1. Woop! Woop! Republican alert! Republican alert!

  31. Hundreds of people helped Peyton’s terrified family search for the boy for four hours. At about 8:30 p.m., when it had become dark and cold, neighbors combing the area spotted Ashepoo, who led them behind a barn — and straight to the little boy, who was safe and asleep on his jacket.

    Ashepoo had stayed by the boy’s side the whole time.

    "If a dog can be a hero, that dog's a hero," said Peyton’s father, Rich Myrick. — Watch it at CNN

  32. Linda Newton-Perry = cuukooo!

  33. Extremely frustrating. We have yet another person making a huge claim but they can't show anything for one reason or another.
    This woman has been a Bigfoot blogger for five years and can't pronounce Cliff's last name? For real??
    If I ever find a dead Bigfoot under a log or under anything else, the government will be the last to know.
    If people can't put up, they should shut up.

    1. Sounds like more doubt creeping in there. Join the dark side.

  34. No shit SN! Gettin tired of all the fukn stories! I want a body! Dammit!

    1. Sorry, we can't help you with that here so may we suggest you see your local red light destrict.

  35. Please stop me before i go over the edge like this old doll. Just looking for web traffic. But who friggin knows

  36. LNP is about as LAME as BF people get... right out of the CUCKOO's nest!!!!!!

  37. Just watch a few of her other vids on youtube. That will give you an idea of her credibility. Especially the psycho ones where she's pretending to be a witch or dressing up in pigtails and phony freckles and pretending to talk to bigfoot in a breathy voice.

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