Ed Smith Is Back Again, Says He's In Touch With Mr. Alexander of Team Quantra

It has been less than 24 hours since Ed Smith stated that he was no longer relaying information from Team Quantra regarding their capture of "Daisy", the captured Bigfoot. In this latest update posted on the Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center Forums, Smith is back again, and he now says he is in contact with Mr. Alexander, one of the principles in Quantra Group. "I'm proposing a conference call or meeting be between the principles of Quantra, MABRC, Meldrum (if Available), Hovey (if Available), myself and some others. I hope we can come to agreement on this," Smith wrote.

In the same post, Smith also makes it clear that the MABRC and "affiliates are NOT responsible for the content of [his] posts or the data that has been presented here over the years."

Post subject: Re: Quantra may have captured a Bigfoot specimen.Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:34 am

It's good to see members of the MABRC and Forum that don't post often, or very little posting now,it's a good thing.

Perhaps a commentary thread DW, just thinking out loud.

Now for some news, I have cleared this with Mr. Alexander one of the principles in Quantra Group, at least there is some movement.

We, Mr Alexander and myself have been negotiating all day and up until about an hour ago.

I'm proposing a conference call or meeting be between the principles of Quantra, MABRC, Meldrum (if Available), Hovey (if Available), myself and some others. I hope we can come to agreement on this.

There will be a press release in the future on Quantra's timetable it's their call and all of us are going to have to suck it up and accept it.

There are issues with the specimen and health concerns are paramount. I do not know specifics or details of the condition of the specimen but I think everyone would be respectful of the attention to this matter.
I will keep you posted.

And remember: The MABRC ownership, management, organizational members, forum members and affiliates are NOT responsible for the content of my posts or the data that has been presented here over the years.

Ed Smith


  1. Replies
    1. Woohoo,living the dream!!!

    2. Who cares about the Bigfoot health, kill it and bring it forward or crawl back under your rock.

    3. Ed Smith is Rick Dyer! This stinks like my dog's ass after eating garbage.

    4. OK, so he is now saying clearly that he has first hand knowledge that there is a Bigfoot in captivity and not surmised from a coded message he accidently received. This is significant as he is digging a deeper whole if he is lying. He is clearly saying a Bigfoot is verified to be in captivity. What a Wicked Web We Weave.

    5. It's the whole hole and nothing but the hole no half measures here.

    6. So... What...No Ketchem? She got the boot? Now if Meldrum gets in there I'm all ears. Keep the flakes away.

    7. BiB must rank as one of the most uninformed trolls here ever calling bigfoot it. lmao

  2. Replies
    1. If Daisy was all up in your taterhole you'd know where Daisy was.

    2. no taterholes for me, but i'd make a deposit in your wifes coin pouch, then you could raise "your" dark skinned child & wonder why he seems different from your other kids.

    3. By different, he means dumber

    4. no not at all, your wife just got violated so me and my boys pass her around like the dumb bitch she is. choo choo on that a$$.

    5. ^Wow,you so wise and intellectual.Can I have your kids?Please make me pregnant?

  3. WTF does Daisy Hovey have to do with this?

    1. Humm, Good Question! They may have found her pic to be real, but beyond that, What would she have to do with it? Is she a researcher, anthropologist or a habituator??

    2. Melissa Hovey is a researcher from Ohio. She is the President of the American Bigfoot Society (ABS) and a former member of the TBRC

    3. Shes a lightweight and UNQUALIFIED for this if THIS is REAL... If it is a HOAX she will be a good soldier.

    4. She also seems to be much credible than anyone associated with this site. Shawn and Robert Lindsay's tabloid stye of journalism combined with Phil Poling's attempt at copyright theft and amateur photo forensics are just plain pathetic.

    5. Lets see, Ed Smith, Darren Lee, Melissa Hovey, yea right, oh and Meldrum if possible. That gives a lot of scientific credence to the make believe QUantra Group. What a crock. Gotta bring forth that BS into 2013 to keep their names in the public's face. Like any of these yahoo's have done anything worthy of note. Like Hovey always says LMFAO.

    6. Eastern conference season is just around the corner and Hovey needs a new trick for the year. Last year it was the diorama pic, this year the exclusive insight into the capture.

      Watch, she will blog it soon, it will be cautious, leave a few open threads to tug at, graciously acknowledge the honor and how she is well suited to get the truth.

      Having a few minions vote you in as a President of a no impact group does not make for qualifications. Screwing on a first bigfoot expedition date in Monster Central, now that is a different matter.

    7. Hovey is a joke and now the MABRC is clearly a joke too. Rank amateurs who create big named organizations consisting of a bunch of nobody blowhards pathetically tugging the skirt of anyone who will pay them attention with their fake pictures, phony forum members and staged posts....

    8. Sounds like you're another jealous asshole.

  4. 1st?I can die now. I've done it all.

    1. Crap!! Guess I ain't dieing after all.

    2. Yeah, just because you're a slow typer, doesn't mean you deserve to die. Stick with it buddy, you'll get there some day.

  5. Wow - they are getting ALL this attention!!

    How they gonna back out now? Hope they have a good actor in a suit.

    Prediction...they will have to release something. I bet it will be some silly grainy ass video taken in a darkened room (box) that will be nothing. They will claim "Daisy" was released because of "health" concerns but promise more video and "scientific data"...none of which will EVER MATERIALIZE.

    Fade to black.

    1. Yup i think you got it spot on.

    2. That would follow the usual template.

    3. Daisy mind raped them all

    4. Of course that's what will happen. I called it day 1.

  6. Ed Smith is THE number one asshole in this community. Why should anyone listen to his pathetic, whiny crap? Liar, JERK and scam artist.

    Hovey?? REALLY now...how'd that FAKE pic she released work out for y'all?

  7. The issues with the specimen are fictitious, er....critical, Ya that's the ticket.

  8. What does Hovey have to do with this? Why would they want to contact her?
    Getting mighty suspicious now that was said.
    Maybe a conference call with some SCIENTISTS or Wildlife BIOLOGISTS. But Hovey? Really?

    1. That's what makes you suspicious? really?

    2. There' a link to Hovey's blog on their site. See how this works? I blast your ass, you blast mine.

  9. Prediction: nothing will ever surface. No video, no DNA results, no tissue samples, no press conference. Only excuses and more promises. It's a test of gullibility, and we're all the test subjects.

    1. Yep. A legitimate find would break out of the usual hoaxer hooey pattern. Thos one has not.

  10. Is Todd Standing available? How about the Squatchmaster? Surely Biscardi is available.

    1. I am preparing a team to exhume Al Ostman and Paul Lynde just in case.

    2. Yes, I believe its time to bring in the big guns Tom Biscardi, Dave Sheely, Jeff meldrum at least. Looks like they might really have caught a bigfoot.

    3. this Smith character is Biscardi of 2012

  11. This is such a load of bullshit. Just get some of the news media over there to film the damn thing and then we could all call it a day. Know why they haven't? Because they have no f'n bigfoot!

  12. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

  13. How many elaborate hoaxers for 2013 ? Taking bets now......

    1. How elaborate is elaborate? Are we talking “claim that a probably fictitious group of people with definitely fictitious money have trapped a fictitious animal in a fictitious trap” elaborate or “get your bitch to sew tits onto your monkey suit” elaborate?

  14. Why would these guys need a conference call with Meldrum and Hovey? They claim to have a 'live' specimen for christ sake. No need to get any 'big players' on side. A press conference with HD Pics and Vids is all that is required folks. I continue to smell BS.


    1. ^ Matt Moneymaker's grandma?

    2. of course its bullshit, they 're just name dropping now to look important.

      meldrum is the only credible person in all this anyway. even matt moneymaker goes to him for advice and information.

      Melissa would help with anything legal since paralegals do all the real work for the attorneys.

      they should get smeja involved to blast that animal

    3. ^^^^
      Just said that professor who believes in magic ape is credible. Believes credibility is ability to get credit card.

    4. Unfortunately I won't be killing any more squatch for quite a while. Federal said they won't do another run of .25-06 until 2015.

      -Justin Smeja

  15. I just traded in my unipony for a Pegasus. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    1. I got a good deal on a unicorn because it was missing its' horn. It only cost a few grand more than a regular horse!

    2. Good choice you won't be dissapointed just remember to wax the wings regularly.

    3. My pegasuss' breath smells like marshmallows.

  16. Why wouldn't Dr. Ketchum be invited to participate in the conference call? I think Quantra is scared. They kidnapped a Sasquatch and the squatches want her back. My guess is that the clan is gathering together to prepare for an all out mental assault on the Quantra compound. When there are that many squatches together, not even wearing a tinfoil hat will protect you from their psyonic mind wave attacks. Dr. Ketchum is the ONLY researcher with the knowledge of how to protect against mind rape. If Quantra doesn't seek out her advice, not only are they rising mind rape, but Dr. Ketchum proves in her paper that because of their "angel DNA" Sasquatches can walk through walls. This explains why they always vanish in the forest and leave no trace. Perhaps Daisy is too young and her Sasquatch mind powers aren't developed enough to allow her to pass through the walls of her cell as one of the nephilim. But these guys need to get Dr. Ketchum's help. They are risking not just their psyches, but their souls as well.

    1. They will need extra heavy duty tin foil....everyone knows that!

  17. Zzz how long will they drag out the inevitable announcement that the bigfoot and everything with it is gone. Does anyone even think anyone at anytime will ever bring in a bigfoot body?

    This is 2012 almost 2013. This shit is beyond looney. Anyone who believes it deserves the silly derisive remarks they may bring upon themselves by endorsing such a theory as bigfoot.

  18. The comment section's age level just improved spectacularly. I wonder if that means that there are only a few people commenting with so much vulgarity and stupidity... or if Shawn started moderating. If it's the latter, THANK YOU! I was getting tired of all that crap.

    1. Me too. I think this is the real deal folks!!

    2. Sorry I was busy banging your mom....back now!

    3. Shut up jack ass! Now you ruined everything!!

    4. Sorry Ace. FB marathon sucked off your fan club.

    5. Poop loops for all my friends!

    6. Ok really im back now...your mom wanted a round two! She loves the cock!

    7. Quick! Need another jar! Hurry!

  19. Don't worry, Moneymaker will save the day, then he will explode!

  20. Hmmm sounds like a project for the alien autopsy guys.

  21. Health concerns huh, yeah that would be about right, better release it quick before you get any video/dna evidence just to provide that easy exit strategy, give it up man this is childish.

    1. It's true. In its fragile state photography could kill it, and I shudder to think what could happen if they used a flash.

      -Doctor of Footery

  22. Ah but if they take the alien autopsy route they can put out a film that they made and call it a dramatic recreation of actual events...hell they'll probably get a sitcom out of it.

  23. The best thing that they can do now is have Hovey break out hat suit and hire someone to get some good pics or video.

  24. Daisy, this is Mr. Charles.

    Give me the gun. They have you heavily sedated. If you pull that trigger you may not wake up. You remember the training. Give me the gun.

  25. Had a few problems with the clam shell. Squatch got spooked at the last second and ended up getting caught half way in the trap. Ugh! What a mess! Got a few big hairy chunks Melba can test until she's blew in the face.
    Anybody know Smeja's lawyer's name?

    1. I just blew in your moms face!!

    2. Mom was cremated in 2005. Try again Junior.

    3. So that's what you kids are calling it these days. Back in 62 I cream-ated a bitch so hard her belly button popped out. Yep, those were good times.

      -Tall Tale Tim, King of the Footers

    4. ^^^^
      Furious footer is furious. Thought he was king of the footers.

    5. Still very limp. Oh well. You can always just pee out of it.

    6. Aww don’t be sad youngins it takes years of intense tall tale telling and hard core lying to become the king of the footers. And it helps that I killed the former king. Or did I? Maybe I made it up. Ya know how to make things up right? Of course you do. You made up that whole story about having a dick so you’re already well on your way. Stick with it laddie.

      -Tall Tale Tim, King of the Footers

    7. Matt Moneymaker is King of the Footers. You are a mere pimple upon his great hairy ass.

    8. Eh, Tall Tale Tim, Matt Moneymaker same difference.

  26. This is starting to smell like 69 taterholes tied in a knot!

    1. Well congrats, 'caus you now hove gential warts & the 'ol incurable hepes, my taterlicking friend!

    2. I shouldnt talk about Daisy like that. Her taterholes are prestine, Smeja told me.

    3. Damn it!!! Maybe Dr Ketchup can help me with her magic

    4. Ya! Simulate DNA replication sequence all over her!

    5. I heard it smelled like baccala.

  27. Pics of Hovey's suit will be posted as their "proof". LMFAO! They were (unfortunately) forced to release it due to health concerns. LMFAO!

  28. Replies
    1. Im not being fooled by that,its Kris Kristofferson after one his gigs

    2. Nice, Bigfoot looks like The Cowardly Lion.

    3. http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/images/bigfoot_captured1.jpg

    4. thats real news right there, oh but cnn is believeable

  29. Can you footers stop jerking off to pattys hairy titties

  30. Ed you old bastard, if you are hoaxing this, I am going to find you and beat your ass. Until then you can live in fear...

  31. In more important news The Rock bought his mom a new Caddy for XMAS.

  32. All history of this hoax by MABRC will be saved here.


    We will never forget.

  33. He knows quite a bit of info doesn't he? Why was he specific on saying it wasn't caught in oklahoma? Where was it caught? How does he know the person giving him the info and why isn't that person speaking for their own team? We may never know and we will know in the future who we can and cannot trust! Those who cannot be trusted will be floating in their own toilet bowl of shit!


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