Ed Smith Clams Up, Says He'll Shut Up About Team Quantra For Now

While we wait another 24 hours for the "press conference" to happen, here's the latest news to clear up a few things. First, the video Tim Fasano uploaded to YouTube about the release of "Daisy" is a satire piece-- a joke. Since publishing his video, Fasano has been inundated with emails telling him he's a liar and that the story about the release of "Daisy" can't possibly be true. To clear things up, Fasano was forced to put up a post on his blog this morning stating that Team Quantra has no Bigfoot "even if the team still exist".

"Team Quantra may not even exist. Has anyone even seen them, or the Bigfoot Dixie body? They should be called out now, and so should MABRC for their shamless promotion of this. It should not be a wait and see; it should be a dig in and find out who is lying. This whole episode sounds like something from the TV show 24. Is Jack Bower involved too?" Fasano wrote.

"My attempt at satire this morning about Daisy the Bigfoot seems to have fallen a little flat. People must be looking for hard evidence about Daisy and their not in a funny mood based on all the BS that has come down the pike lately. This new Bigfoot episode destined for the funny pages is not too hard to figure out. Someone is lying. Ed Smith and D.W. Lee of MABRC have spun a tale they will never be able to come back from. I was actually offering them a lifeline of logic. They moved too slow on the prompt."

In response to Fasano's video, Steven Streufert of "Coalition for Reason, Science, Sanity in Bigfoot Research" wrote, "I think this is Fasano's idea of a joke." In the same thread, he criticizes Smith and Lee for confirming the capture:

The fact is that both Ed and DW have spoken words in confirmation of the capture. They got what they wanted so far, all those hits crashing their server. Now they are shooting to get that MABRC logo plastered all over the cable news networks. If this isn't true (I'm convinced it isn't) it will backfire on them in a big way. They will have lost all credibility, for good.
The real problem isn't the story, which may or may not be true, but rather the way it is being handled for attention and fame by the MABRC. Just like last time. DW actually confirmed the story, and then gave Ed the opportunity to fuel the fires even further. Then he came back the next day and minced his words and admitted that they don't know squat. By then it didn't matter... they were all the rage in the headlines, which is what they really crave.
So far, there hasn't been any more word about the press conference or the whereabouts of the supposed Bigfoot body from Smith. Smith stated earlier this morning that he will not be releasing anything else on the matter and he's now leaving it all up to Team Quantra-- that's if they exist at all.

Post subject: Re: Quantra may have captured a Bigfoot specimen.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:59 am
Information on this event will come from the Quantra Group. Should I receive further information or updates, I'll do everyone a favor and keep it to myself.
Ed Smith


  1. Jesus, what a load of crapola!!! Yes it's true they have a Bigfoot and also caught Santa too

  2. They caught Santa ? No wonder i didn't get any damn presents this year !

  3. Nothing! They know Nothing! Jim Cramer

  4. There should be punishment for this kind of shit.

    1. There is a punishment for saying Bigfoot’s real; it's called a bunch of folks who hate liars come to your website and troll the shit out of it.

    2. ^^^^
      oubvious gay is oubvious

  5. As I said I spoke with Dr. John Bindernagel about this topic and he confirmed that Quantra has indeed captured a specimen.

    I believe Fasano is upset and a bit jealous. Tim has been incredible the past few months and is coming very close to obtaining his own specimen. I think he is upset that Quantra beat him to the punch.

    1. This man needs an enema stat!

      -a proctologist

    2. After years of studying the BF phenomenon, the one thing I have established past doubt is that humans can be abysmal creatures.


  6. No crap it was a joke by Fasano. Maybe not a good, but a joke none the less. Setting up the bit with the phone just like a comedy sketch.

    Of course it probably didn't matter as I get the idea that Fasano is, shall we say, not well liked.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Timmy tried to make it seem like a joke as he realized there was no bigfoot. His true intention was to get what he feels was much deserved attention like any other narcissistic personality disorder

      --- FBI criminal profiler

  7. Fasono back peddles when he realizes the backlash...just stop Travis Bickle ..Well we all know by now this is another false claim.To bad it seemed to have a bit of promise to it..I guess it's back to the blurry pics and the Fasanos of the world really makes everything seem so legit!!

  8. T-FAT just wants attention. How many claims has he made about the find of the century

    1. Attention and Funyuns. Don't forget the Funyuns.

  9. Sally here

    Well, I talked to Melba yesterday about this, and she is so happy! She said, well this sure takes the heat off me!

  10. My kittens breath smells like catfood...

    1. I believe your kitten requires a mouthectomy.

      -Melba Ketchum

  11. Tim Fasano = Attention seeking hoaxer

  12. I have never been so fed the f*ck up with what I just read on the replies here.....I mean why Santa! What the hell has he done wrong? Give up the fat guy in the red suit Quantra f*ckers or im a comin fer ya

    1. I once farted in a crowded elevator and he didn't bring me presents for two whole years. He's a bastard!

      -Melba Ketchum

  13. My catfood smells like kitten....

  14. Santas breath smells like children...

    1. My dogs breath smells like ass.Not sure who's though.

    2. Daisy's ass smells like bigfoot's dick.

  15. Holy dear God, I know I have been wasting too much time on bigfoot when I actually agree with Fasano. I need to go see a doctor fast. Maybe that is why my hemorrhoids are acting up. I must be coming down with cranialrectalitis. Damn, do I see a brain surgeon or a proctologist?

  16. attention seeking hoaxer = homosexual

    ==> Tim Fasaon = gay

  17. Bigfoot evidence is getting played and is trying to play us, it is all Bullshit.

    1. What the fart? Yesterday you were all like "calm down", "it's all for fun", "just enjoy the ride". Is the bullshit starting to get to ya sonny?

    2. Obviously you have me confused with someone else. From the start I said this was Bullshit, get your facts straight cupcake.

    3. Then was it or was it not you who were telling people that they were taking footery too seriously yesterday?

    4. No it was not me. Don't confuse me with others, I post as rushferlife and only rushferlife. I do not troll.

    5. Are you sure you aren’t also rumferlife?

    6. No I am not. Pay attention to the posts, you will see that I am a different individual. I am not calling rumfer a troll, we are just two people with a common like for Rush and Rum, take my word for it.

    7. I made a similar mistake. Sorry for mine anyway. It happens.

    8. I like rush and rum!And turtles!

  18. who is this ed smith douche bag anyway? some kind of wannabe? I get tired of these types real quick!!

    1. Ed Smith can neither confirm nor deny that he exists.

  19. Haha. Fix is in. Hoax is done. MABRC got itself the attention it so desperetly craved.

    Randy, DW, Gearman you have ruined your name for all time. Hoaxers you are.

    1. The Gearmans ruined their name when they invaded Poland back in '39.

  20. Melba here

    My minge is giving off a right pong

  21. right I have dug deep to try and find out if a bigfoot or a wolf dog is true or fake yes it all turns out as fakes pictures i have seen are fakes used by adobe photoshop as for videos most are wearing a suit i will say this there is a bigfoot in russia there as been sightings josh gates done this cover he also done Vietham bigfoot you see the bigfoot head also foot prints - so theres your answers

    1. My God, anon-1:35! Ever heard of ending a sentence? Must be all hopped up on method.

  22. Mr. Fasano, please self-terminate at the earliest possible convenience. Thank you.

  23. Tim Fasano + DW Lee + Matt Moneymaker= 1 metric ton of bullshit

  24. That is correct!

    -a mathematician

  25. I think people are focusing a little to much on Fasano here. While he tried to draw attention to himself by making a really dumb joke, it was not Timmy that started this BS rumour.

    MABRC needs to be held accountable for the BS they posted in order to get hits on their site. They pulled this shit back in Oct and they struck again.

    So of course they will now shut up since this story has nowhere else to go. They will be quiet for a few days and hope it all goes away.

    Bigfoot story protocal:

    1. Create an insane story with no proof what so ever, and say its coming but we want to make sure first when a video or picture would suffice.

    2. Make up an excuse why its taking so long to get a pic or results.

    3. Be quiet for a few weeks or months to let the hate die down a little when you cant provide evidence.

    4. Comeback with an exciting update to get the interest back up. Wash rinse repeat till you start your own blog and bash others on why they are trying to hoax everyone to steer the haters in the other direction.

    5. Hope this all leads to a documentary or a tv show.

    See: FB, Dyer, Fasano, MABRC, Ketchum for examples.

  26. Do they still tar and feather people ?
    i say we tar and fur them !

    1. Or we could put them in a giant jar of poop and roll them down a hill.

    2. Or just hear me out we can put a giant trap in the woods kinda like a humane squirrel trap but human size and we throw snacks in the then just slinging rocks and he long before we catch all these idiots in the trap

  27. The formula looks like this: TF + DW + MM= 1mT(BS)

  28. Death shall be their aquittance....


    1. Hey Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer,

      It’s spelled “acquittance” not “aquittance”.

    2. The sky is turning red
      Return to power draws near
      Fall into me, the skys crimson tears
      Abolish the rules made of stone!

    3. Pierced from below, souls of my treacherous past
      Betrayed by many, now ornaments dripping above

      Awaiting the hour of reprisal
      Your time slips away

      Raining blood
      From a lacerated sky
      Bleeding it's horror
      Creating my structure
      Now I shall reign in blood!

    4. Nomad
      Call me what you oh, wait wrong band

  29. Hoax or not, why is Tim Fasano involved in this at all? ... him and that stupid fucken dashboard cam facing backwards... dope. Big fat Fred Flinstone looking dope.

  30. and who the fuck is Ed Smith? ... and why is he eating clams?

    1. Ed on the head is Dw's lover.

    2. Then he would eat sausage, not clams.

    3. Ahhhh, another rider for the Bigfoot short bus. All aboard, plenty of room. Just have a seat and belieeeeeve.

  31. Oh ya the I was just kidding ploy. We all know that your fame starved idiot Tim. Stop fooling yourself because your not fooling anybody else.

  32. Any rational and logical thinking person would be in their rights to assume that this capture is just another piece of rubbish. The usual closet gay unfortunates who cannot come out will attack and try to project their desires by attacking others but as their is nothing wrong with being gay then we should all do our best to feel sorry for their situation. So as much of a distraction as that is then please try to ignore the comments that ruin this site.

    However the two are related and this is where suspicion should be focused. Here we have another piece of "too good to be true" information combined with inflammatory and attention seeking remarks, so we should raise a red flag. As I assume the majority of people here are genuinely interested in this then we need to ask who benefits from all of this.

    1. You nailed it. When the post is the third or fourth repeat of nothing but BS then it is fair game in my book. You will rarely see me talking junk in an interesting or new post of bigfoot related info. Unless it is from or about Fasano or Dyer.

      Although I told Dyer I would leave him alone on blogs if he was truly trying to change his ways. I even gave him some pointers on how to regain some standing in the bigfoot world. Since it is coming from me, a nobody in the bf world, he might not listen. Or maybe he will. Who knows. That conversation took place elsewhere, but so far he has really stayed low key so he might just be trying to change his image.

      But lately I am finding myself agreeing with Fasano which truly is scary. It is so far only related to claims so obviously full of BS that he would know lots about, but still scary.

      So like you said, these BS posts attract free for alls. Just ignore us or plug your nose and jump in too! It only stinks for a little bit but can be fun. And Shawn will find something better in a day or two.

  33. Heh Heh heh Heh....Haaaaa Haaahaaa Haaaaa!
    You footers kill me. Keep it comin', PLEASE, I love the laughs.

  34. We don't care whether you believe oe not, just keep clickin' folks. BFE clicks equal money in the bank.

  35. I approve all of your findings


  36. Inspector general warning too many moon pies may lead to you sleeping in your vehicle after your wife kicks you out for being a fat bitch this drastic turn of events is then the leading cause for you to be an attention whore leading you to post the dumbest shit in the world on a Bigfoot blog in hopes of receiving said attention from people that aren't your friends in a last ditch effort to once again feel validation this concludes my report

    ---from the desk of the inspector general

  37. Tim Fasano should be boycotted by anyone that can read. Very irresponsible, he did not think his actions through, was very inconsiderate of the entire situation, adding to the confusion. I can go on.

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