Dude Feeding The Biggest Kangaroo I've Ever Seen

This must be the biggest wild Kangaroo in NWS Australia. Look at the size of it! It's massive! I'm not sure if kangaroos even have these types of muscles, but check out its body builder like traps, pecs, and biceps. Holy...

So, how does one relate this post to Bigfoot? Oh yeah. That's right. Bigfoot has similar body build as recalled by Bigfoot Evidence reader, GnRfan. If you haven't read it, check out his awesome Bigfoot story, "A Maritimer Speaks About His Bigfoot Sighting (With Full-Body Description)".


  1. Replies
    1. I bet that thing could kick your ballsack right off, probably be good to hang in the smokehouse for a few days too.

      Connection to Bigfoot? Well its a very rare, magnificent animal, but it actually exists and can be captured and photographed. Bigfoot on the other hand is total lies and bullshit

    2. Bigfoot is bullsheet Your mom and sister loved messing around with my ballsack & it was photographed as well.

  2. In Soviet Russia irrelivant kangaroo article posts you.

  3. I fucked a kangaroo once and nearly lost my sack.

    1. If I had a dime for every time I heard that...

  4. Turn the comments OFF ..... you can't even put a regular video up without douchebag(s) saying unfunny grammar school bullshit. Your turning people (adults) away.

    1. i must have missed something i'm over 30 i thought i was an adult long live bigffot evidence the one place that lets me be me even if i am an asshole


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