Watch: Extinct? - How Human is Bigfoot [Free Episode]

Is Bigfoot human? The most recent news coming out of Russia suggests that the Yeti, a close cousin of Bigfoot, may be closer to humans than we think. DNA results from hair samples found in Siberia suggest that Bigfoot is more related to man than it is to monkey. In this latest episode of Extinct? (episode 3), film producer Ro Sahebi shares some ideas of what Bigfoot could possibly be.


  1. Actually, I was first, but I let you have this one. I didn't even think it was disputed that Bigfoot was mostly human.

  2. bigfoot is a human. making pranks. period.

    1. If you don't believe in Bigfoot, why come to this blog? For our witty comments?

    2. this blog has awesome comments! it is refreshing to see a non edited format like this to discuss the phenomenon regardless of your belief, or non belief. i applaud it.

    3. This blog encourages free speech. The only limitation is yelling Bigfoot in a dark forest with many sharp jagged rocks lying about.

    4. When I go in the woods I have to wear this bee catchers outfit because ticks can't get you then, but I said you can't get lyme twice, but my wife got real mad and gave me what for. My wife says when I go into the woods to take a can with a couple qaurters in it and shake it really hard if a deer tries to get me with their antlers again. I'm pretty tough though, I got hit by a car when I was little and got right up. Now I'm smart.

    5. That car might have hit you a little harder than you think.

    6. I thought the bee suit lyme disease person was an 11 year old girl? PICK A STORY AND STICK TO IT!

    7. When I go in the woods I like to wear a string bikini because dicks can't get you then.

  3. YEAH Episode 3! About damn time Ro!

    1. BTW love the deer in a chokehold illustration!

    2. Thst Bigfoot would kick ass in the UFC. This is why I wish bigfoot to be found. Think of all the entertainment value. Bigfoot boxing, Bigfoot MMA, Bigfoot cosmetic testing, Bigfoot cloning, Bigfoot super soilders. It just goes on and on.

    3. I just like that there are 3 idiots arguing over some lame-ass drawing of an imaginary creature choking an animal. Only here can you find this type of quality entertainment!

    4. Deer in chokehold illustraion is interesting...but a deer in a cuckold situation, now that is something else.

    5. No its a deer. Deer are bigfoot food and cows are people food. DUH!

    6. correction: 4 idiots. Any others hill billies want to chime in on the matter?

    7. Tree knocking makes me so mad I just want to choke this mule deer!

    8. The possibility that they could be a humanlike species and likely are, is also the reason it'll remain hidden from the public until we're deemed ready to handle it and that doesn't seem to be the case yet, none of the worldly or universal mysteries have been revealed to us because our authorities (in worldwide unison) are afraid of how we'll react at suddenly knowing all these things kept from us for so long are real. They do it for our own sake or so is the reasoning behind the decisions. Like the real reason for more nature disasters coming (2012), earthquakes, floods, they will not tell you anything about that either (Earth's slight tilting) and risk mass panic. Of all the many different life forms in the universe we're probably the new kid on the block and thus the most naive.

  4. Replies
    1. first to comment on your first comment.

    2. first to comment on your comment of his first comment.

    3. first to comment on the first comment not being the first comment

    4. Second to comment on your first comment on his first comment, which wasn't really first.

  5. Gotta be a fake. The eyes to mouth section of the face is spaced too much like a human. It's too close to the cameraman. I don't think this is a real photo of Bigfoot killing a deer.

    Hell, I believe bigfoot exists and still don't believe this!

    1. The eyes to mouth section is a little off, but the ass to mouth section is right on.

    2. If you're not going to elaborate, then don't bother posting inane comments like that. Any imbecile can type "Not real. So fake. Sorry".
      In fact, why am i even rising to you, troll?

    3. Photo? It's one of those exaggerated Tazer monster themed drawings as far from reality as you can get.

  6. Stink glands and night vision, no it's not human or human related.

    Plus it's not sapient otherwise it'd be making computers from dead dinosaurs.

    It's merely a stealthy animal, scared and cowardly.

    1. You know nothing about this I can see. Stink? If you lived underground you'd stink too. Animal? LOL Forget the Hollywood take man they're Hominin just like their cousins worldwide - mainstream science has pulled a fast and fat one on us all for decades!

  7. I don't know about many other tribes in America; however, the Ojibwe/Chippewa/Anishinaabeg depict them in our "creation story" as the older brother who is highly gifted and powerful. The older brother is also said to have taught us how to walk straight and tall as well as taught us in depth knowledge about the forests.

    1. Then why do they walked hunched over?

    2. BS Alert. No one in the Sault Chippewa Tribe has EVER mentioned this as part of the creation story, and I know many members. Please provide a citation where a historian or Ojibwe author published such claim prior to 1960. I understand the Ojibwe migrated all around the Northern Great Lakes, and that the Sault St. Marie was one of the earliest European founded cities, so I would expect plenty of documentation in the historical literature.

  8. These DNA tests are even being treated with skepticism in Russia there appears to be no confirmation from other scientists so I wonder if they are just trying to have the jump on Sykes and Oxford University so they can say we were first, it's a gamble though as sykes may not come up with anything positive and the Russians will be out on a limb.

  9. “He came with some bits of hair to the Institute, and spent a lot of time in my office complaining that official science wants nothing to do with it and no-one wants to test them.

    “He asked me to help. I took a pity on him and ordered our DNA specialists to carry out a test.

    “They did not manage to extract any genealogical material because there were no hair bulbs.

    “The structure of the hair showed that they could have belonged to a goat, and a bear, and to other animals.

    “That’s the end of it. What Snowman is he talking about?”

    Source :

    1. obvious russian coverup by the men in red

    2. Yes but it's same here and in every nation ruled by religion. I'm sorry to tell you but conspiracies make the world go round, the Catholic church covered their own scnadals up for decades why wouldn't governments. Can't rule without secrets no matter what it is military or socially with science in there somewhere playing along.

  10. I wouldn't exactly say "MM team tazer" as a special guest. He's more like a fly on the nose of reasearch. The sooner he gets squashed the better.
    buzzzz there he is!....haha

  11. Replies
    1. is what you announce when you walk in any door.

  12. It's starting to get annoying - kids


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