Scientist In Russia Claims 200 Yetis Living In Southern Siberia

Some of the latest claims by a Russian scientist named Valentin Sapunov, are not sitting well with his colleagues. Recently, Sapunov stated to the media that some 200 Yetis live in a large area of southern Siberia and asserted that scientific tests, including DNA checks, found that hair samples from a remote cave near Mt. Shoria belonged to a human-like mammal unknown to man. One lab that purportedly tested and confirmed the "Yeti hair" results is now firing back, saying Sapunov is lying through his teeth.

The director of the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Oleg Pugachev, told a state-run newspaper that his institute never published anything related to the Yeti hair sample:

Mr Pugachev said: 'Let me make it clear - Sapunov is blatantly lying.

'He came with some bits of hair to the Institute, and spent a lot of time in my office complaining that official science want nothing to do with it and no-one wants to test them.

'He asked me to help. I took a pity on him and ordered our DNA specialists to carry out a test.

'They did not manage to extract any genealogical material because there were no hair bulbs.

'The structure of the hair showed that they could have belonged to a goat, and a bear, and to other animals.

'That's the end of it. What Snowman is he talking about? If he ever appears close to our Institute I will not let him anywhere near the doorstep.

'I don't know how to stop the rubbish he is spreading in the media.'

Svetlana Borinskaya, a doctor of Biological Sciences at the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said: 'I know Sapunov personally. He never worked with DNA - or if he did, I've never heard of such works.

'But I do know that he is obsessed with the Yeti since his early years.'

If he had done serious work, he should have published it in a scientific journal, she added.

Professor Sapunov has hit back, saying there is more evidence of the Yeti than for many officially documented species, some of which are reported to exist on the basis of a single bone.

'Every science needs its Yeti,' he said, adding that Fermat's Last Theorem led to advancements in mathematics for more than 350 years before it was solved in 1995.

[via Daily Mail Online]


  1. Replies
    1. Dear Poop in Jar Guy, it has been brought to my attention that you have in your possession a large collection of vintage poops in a jar. As I am an officianado of fine poop, I humbly request the opportunity to tour your cellar and perhaps purchase some of your oldest and most rare poops in a jar. Ahhh, my taste buds dance just thinking about the robust nutty undertones and sour flavor profiles of your poop in a jar. Please answer back to this post in haste. Shit Eating Gorilla

    2. ^don't trust this. Gorillas r usually broke-ass mofo's looking for a handout. He sounds legit but he'll probably pull a dine-n-dash on you and leave you with a shit-eating grin. Beware!

  2. This is a cool story but you have to read it with a voice that's sounds like the guy from rocky 5...u know the Russian dude at drago's press conference.

    1. rocky 4, you can't be taken seriously in life if you don't know your rocky...ADRIAN!!!

    2. I must mid tarsal break you.

    3. ^^^drops the mic and walks off.

    4. ^^^Stops typing and whacks off.

    5. ^^^gives self auto-fellatio while still typing.

    6. ^^^Requested and watched while still typing.

  3. Good to know Russia has a meldrum looney toon equivalent.

  4. It comes as no surprise that the Russian is full of shite. They love to hoax during tourist season.

  5. greetings from staten island..we are out of gasoline and rum..miss you folks...peace

  6. Yes yes!! I would like to see a colorized picture of the picture that the Datylov hikers took of the Menk, Menk, Menk!! " Sorry I kinda got carried away at the end of my message because of the 8mm black and white film stock that has no sound track and how they have for some strange reason they have the people that live out there in Siberia and how you can planely hear them yelling Menk Menk on the film with no sound track!!! I also just LOVE the noise that they put on the show that is supposed to be the Menk, Menk ,Menk roaring or growling or whatever the F%@kin thing is supposed to be making!!! Hahaha Nostrovia Comrads!!!


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