More Possible Bigfoot Howls FromThe Squachiest Place In America, Central Michigan

We agree with Matt Moneymaker-- Central Michigan may be the squatchiest place in a American right now, especially with these latest recordings by Bigfoot researcher Jim Sherman. Jim recently shared a small clip from a 45 minute recording of more possible howls from his favorite research area. "The crickets and frogs were evident and nearly blocked out the vocals. The howls and whoops were familiar to the area but the last and closest vocal is new," says Jim.

Check it out:

Central Michigan. This was recorded from a remote set up. I have an ongoing recording project that has been in place since August of 2011. Normally what we do is set out the recorder and pick it up every morning. This is done by the property owners. Then they forward me the audio to review. It is time consuming but during the summer you get activity for three days and then there is a day or two off. Every time I have visited the location we have had activity ranging from getting growled at within a 75-100 yard range (seemed closer), frequent wood knocks, banging on the sides of barns, rock throwing, and possible vocalizations such as these. The witnesses I work with are incredible and really just enjoy listening they and I have become quite protective of these vocalizers. We still have not seen one and it could be any number of things out there. I have had these analyzed enough to know what they are not (dogs, coyotes, wolves, bear, elk etc.) but not 100% sure what they are. Still trying. - Jim Sherman
For questions, you can ask Jim Sherman on Facebook. Click here to add him as a friend.


  1. Im tired of all these people saying there first. NEWS FLASH WE DONT CARE PEOPLE!!! Seriously some of you guys needa grow up what is this.

  2. I interveiw a young person from that area in Michigan. Their take on it is High School kids calling back and forth to each other. Not knowing what's going on. I'm not saying that there are not Bigfoots there. Because I have found a good number of signs and evidence. Check it out, you will see. If you know how to hunt.

    1. High school kids use texting to communicate, not howling and whoops.

  3. Sally here,
    Why don't they show those Goofy Movies anymore???
    They were awesome. I'm darned busy anyway - making a Bob Seger mixtape then got to get this bolognese stain out of my PJs - Busy, busy, busy!!!

  4. His wife complains he yells first after 5 seconds.

  5. Hahaha, squatchiest area?

    Such bullshit. This whole "squatch"+"squatchy" thing is pathetic. Bunch of fat wieners, and their insignificant BF groups, all trying to legitimatize their stupid group through outlandish claims, or publicity stunts. Leave the researching up to the people with microscopes, not a big dude with a gram in his pocket, and a yogurt nature bar in the next.

    1. When go to a blog, that does not have Bigfooters on it. You are looking to us, that you are lacking information.

    2. You got to be joking! Russia! Funny! Go away, you looking bad, not in a good way.

  6. Michigan is not elky enough to be squatchy. It is very deery though.

    1. There is a small herd of elk in the before mention area in Michigan!

    2. Wolverines, possibly. Or horseshoe crabs. They are actually quite ferocious when aroused.

    3. That area is full of lakes, swamps, and lots of deer. It's the go to area for the two week firearms deer season. The snow isn't quite as heavy as on the western side of the northern lower peninsula. Wolverines have returned as well, from across the ice of Lake Huron. The elk are a little farther north. People just can't get back in those swampy areas without tremendous effort. So very few do. I've deer hunted up west of Alpena in a private deer camp with my Dad back in the 70's. I've heard many strange sounds that I've not heard anywhere else, especially strange,loud whistles. Other than the two week deer season, they've pretty much got to themselves, these bigfoot. Farther north in the lower peninsula, disease has taken a big toll on the deer population, so perhaps the bigfoot have migrated a little farther south, to make it a little "squatchier". An article just today in the Detroit News on disease reducing the deer population int he more northern parts of the lower peninsula.

    4. Your insight is correct James. In the late 60s thru mid 70s I hunted the edge of the huge swamp in eastern Roscommon County. Actually my grandfather started hunting this area in the 20s and his large family continued for decades. It was a treacherous swamp that I never saw anybody cross until one day a completely single color dark figure went through it with little trouble but it was at least 500 yards away and wore no orange. I would lose sight of it for a minute or so and then it would bob up and be much further across the swamp. I did not have a scope on my rifle. I brought this up to my father and uncles later in the day and they were baffled because we were the only people that ever hunted that area of the swamp. No one ever thought of Bigfoot being in Michigan at that time if they ever thought of it at all.


    5. Chuck, Michiganders were not informed that Sasquatches were alive and doing well in Michigan, till recently. Two years ago I had a encounter, which at that time I was not aware that it was a Bigfoot close by in the under growth. But I was given clues before that time, by other people, now I know, what I know, I won't be fooled again. I hope!

  7. I think these vocalizations are extremely interesting. Thanks Jim and thanks to the property owners for capturing them and sharing them too! Michigan is so rich with piney forests, fresh water, game and unfettered wilderness ... who knows ... keep 'em coming I say.

    1. Bobo does the best Bigfoot howl I have ever heard. Little wonder he has had so much success in having encounters with them.


  8. Thanks for the tremendous work you are doing Jim and bringing these vocals to us. Hopefully one day you will see what is making these howls and whoops, and I think I know what is doing it and you probably know also but can't say for sure.

    I heard the same moan howl series that you recorded at appx 20 second mark. This occurred July 1, 2011 in the Sand Lake region of Iosco County, 2 am. from a far away distance maybe a mile or more north in the Huron National Forest. This past September my wife at the same cabin on Round Lake told me the next day she heard a strange howl coming from the same area while on the porch at night, I had heard the summer before. I just played your recording for here and it was a match. Incidentally 12 years ago my friend Rob saw an 8 footer plus Bigfoot casually strolling down a game trail in Iosco county while he was bow hunting. It freaked him out so bad he never hunted again. He kept this to himself for years until he learned of my interest and the way his voice still chokes up with fear when describing the incident is striking.

    I know for sure there are Sasquatch in Central Michigan area because my best friend Mike and myself heard one on Sept. 1, 1996 at appx 3am.
    This was at 554 Bradford Rd. in Midland County, Midland, Mi. It was in his back yard and let out the most awful blood curdling scream that sounded like a woman being torn apart. It came from his pool area about 40 feet from his house. It had the volume of an elephant and came through his eight foot window and literally shook the entire room. Needless to say it freaked us out and we talked about it often until his death in 2008. I later found out there were several sightings in Midland County for a couple of years in 96 and 97.

    Keep up the good work.


    1. Cool stories, Chuck! I've heard they're loud, but knowing they can shake a room like that -- that kinda brings it home in a new way.

  9. Sounds to me like he is lonely

  10. I'm just pleased to know there are so many Michiganders like me viewing this site!

  11. Jim Sherman is a legit bigfooter. Ive met him several times. He is nice and has a lot of evidence.


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