Fox 13's Phone Interview With Beard Card About Bigfoot Sighting In Provo Canyon Utah

YouTube user Beard Card has been getting a lot of attention lately from the media about the Bigfoot footage he captured at Provo Canyon, Utah. Beard Card and his friends thought they were filming a bear until something unexpected happened-- "The monster stood up and looked right at us," he told Fox 13 News.

"We had actually been standing there for awhile. We had thought it was a bear up to that point but when it stood up and looked at us it was just massive animal,” said the video’s uploader, who goes by the name Bear Card on YouTube. “We don’t know what it was. I mean none of us really believe in Bigfoot but we’ve talked about it over and over again since then. It happened on Monday and all of us are positive that thing wasn’t a bear."

In the following video, YouTube user Beard Card talked to FOX 13′s Max Roth about a strange creature he caught on tape earlier this week.

Provo Canyon footage slowed down:

Original footage here:

[via Fox 13 News]


  1. Awesome interview! This is a great encounter with video, and great story to go with it!

    1. that was no bigfoot, I am sure of it, I have seen this creature in mythology before and it's what we get when we have a devil as a president and a mormon running against him and corruption and loose morals runnign rampant.

      what you sre seeing is what people feared in the premedieval dark ages; shadows that lie in wait for the souls of the guilty.

      my proof is this, the definition on the form wasn't catching the light right, especially for a furred creature, the shadows were far too even and the reflections were too dark for fabric.

      the fact also of it's pose like dracula succking the blood for a recently slain victim's body.

      the reaction to thier pressence when they started speaking was to get up quickly and almost ghosily turn toards them having sensed thier pressence.

      I feared these things would emerge soon with how the world is turning.

      remember all those ancient horror stories of monsters? well they were all true but the monsters existences are relative to the state of the world. in the dark ages the world was governed by believers in druidism, witchcraft greek gods, buddhism and hinduism. and of coarse the ones who claimed no beliefs.

      many mythological creatures will start to come around in these days very few will be harmless. if you see one, best chance you have is to run and pray.

    2. @Joshex Dirad
      It may or may not be bigfoot, you just never know. I just feel we should keep an open mind because myths, legends, folklores etc were triggered by something, it's an attempt to explain something...they didn't just come out of nothing.

    3. with all do respect, no hair samples to one ever goes back to the exact sight to look for evidence, its a fake.....

    4. Did anyone else see the second one? On the video when they start turning to run away. It was to their right watching them.

    5. I think it's a hoax, I hate to say that but I'm a professional videographer and the camera keeps zooming in and out and the camera zoomed out right before it stood up which makes it seemed like they did that on purpose.

    6. WTF!!!!!! That is so mainy after I read your comment I watched the video again and almost pissed my pants.....(figure of speech) right when they turn and start running the camera pans over and their is a second one just standing their like its been watching them the whole time! Can anyone else watch it and see if you see the second one too? Its got the same shape as the one that stood up.....

    7. @anon squad
      No there is just one. It looks like there is a second one because the camera is moving around so fast, but if you notice there is a yellow greenish plant or twig that shows up twice, the camera view went back to it's original angle again when they were running so it looks like it appears again. I think it's a hoax because the camera zooms out right before it gets up.

    8. Not a bad little clip. It kept me excited without being too blurry to discount out of hand.
      But we all know that there is no such thing as Bigfoot.

    9. @Anonymous
      Again, keep an open mind, there are sightings all over the world. The megamouth shark was discovered in 1976. For a long time people thought gorillas and pandas were just folktales but it wasn't that long ago they were discovered. I'm not saying videos like this is real footage of bigfoot, (I find it kind of fishy to me because there have been videos just like this) but these sightings...they just didn't come out of nothing.

  2. I think they accidentally snuck up on it eatn one of those deer.

    1. I really wish they would've left the camera there and went back for it later, at least they might've been able to get what the creature sounds like if it really was a bigfoot...disappointing.

    2. Lol. You people are too funny. This site is ridiculous. They were not hunting bigfoot, nor do they believe in bigfoot. Why in the hell would they stick around when something huge turns and looks at them? I'm sure they really care that they disappointed you and wish they had stuck around as to impress you with better footage of them getting eaten by this huge animal. Derrrrrrrrrr, again some of the comments are ridiculous.

    3. @Anonymous
      And I'm sure the hikers probably thought they can get publicity or get famous for a footage that's barely making out what it is, your comment is ridiculous too. This could've been a hoax, you just never know.

    4. they always run who isent chicken to stay an get better footage an whos stuped not to carry a gun or rifle with them when they go out it look fishy to me but im not saying there is any out there just every vid i see they run from it instead staying put to get better footage of it dam people quit being panzeys an grow sum guts dam

    5. YAWN Big Deal a Bigfoot that acts and looks like a bear. Geez!!! It's a bear!

  3. Replies
    1. Because any longer you would clearly see that it's a guy wrapped in a bear skin.

    2. I think he meant the interview.

    3. It looks more like he's in a black jacket with a hood.

    4. Brian Card.......Good one!

    5. its a big guy wearing a black carhartt jacket,i own one,with a winter dark brown wolly hat,dude just got done takein a shit when he stood up

    6. I don't blame them i'd run fast and far looks unrealistic.

    7. Definitely a guy in a black hooded sweatshirt or jacket, you can even see his hands when he stands up and it looks like he has brown gloves on. Can't say whether or not these people knew but they may have just happened upon someone taking care of business in the woods!


  4. 47 mpg, I get more then that from my old diesel.

  5. i think this could be credible. what say you?

    1. See it on Youtube...

    2. ok i saw the blip on yahoo and decided to take a look. now i have watched nature shows on bears and seen black bears in cade's cove in townsend tenn. whatever this is its not a bear. at the 28 second mark you can see the profile and it doesnt have a snout like a bears, also when it stands up it doesnt move like a bear standing up. so not sure what it is exactly but its not a bear! my 2 cents for what its worth

    3. I can't believe they were camping in the snow with jeans and really improper shoes. Makes the video harder to believe they actually planned on camping there.

    4. Its very credible, that's MITT ROMNEY.

    5. There is a condition that causes excessive hair growth all over the body. Shaaving does not help. People with this condition could be living in the woods unable to live in society. That and the video looked fake.

  6. Why was saSQUATch squatted so long? One word -CONSTIPATION. Please people if bigfoot is trying to drop a big deuce, give him some privacy.

    1. He keeps his big stinky in a jar.


    3. true,best picture or evidence is capture, like a video of alein probes or vehicles,not worth watching if blurred,unfocused,or altered.

  7. Looks like they interrupted his morning poop.

  8. They should of peppered the animal with some colorful and salty language... if this thing is half human the reaction would have been priceless.

  9. That's right. Bigfoots as enormous and imposing as they are, they are quite sensitive. That would have really thrown the hurt on it.

    1. You guys need to see this new evidence on twitter at #squatchspeaks ...

  10. Does anyone ever try and talk to it? These guys didn't even make a peep... a couple of bigfoot bitches is what they is all quiet and hush like.

    1. YEs... we have talked to it... You need to check this out on Twitter at #squatchspeaks

  11. People really need to start using full spectrum cameras... they are a few hundred bucks at best and wouldn't crush the blacks like all these creamy looking videos.

    1. You racist piece of trash.

    2. Racist is correct. A shameful Romney voter, for sure.

    3. Um... Idiots... He was referring to the Black levels (color depth) of the video quality! Man you guys are way too sensitive. Keep it in context. Stupid is as Stupid does

    4. "Racist is correct. A shameful Romney voter, for sure." - Feel better now that you spewed your ignorance? With that said, Romney, Obama, and Pinocchio. Samething. All lying puppets.

    5. Why don't you racist pieces of shit go back to the 1800s...and then when you get back tell me the secret to time travel, ya hear.

  12. guy does not sound like a hoaxer, it is massive ,the head had no neck. leaning towards real.

  13. When this came out a few days ago, there were a lot of folks here that thought this video had some potential to be the real deal, as did I. Nothing in this interview convinces me otherwise and instead throws the bigfoot meter much higer. He seems honest and straight forward, and I doubt many youtube hoaxer would go so far as to give interviews to both radio and TV, (although I sure a select few would). If this creature really was over eight feet tall as described by his brother comparison, it could only be one thing. Shame on the local news the other day for their snide remarks and pitiful reporting on this encounter, which only reinforces why so few people that have sightings come forward.


  14. It doesn't look like it looked at them unless it did it as it was starting to get up.

  15. The HD video makes it look very human to me. Would mushrooms or possible truffles be in season? Also has anyone gone back to the site for size comparisons.

  16. Read missing 411 vol. 1&2 ! That bigfoot was stalking
    them waiting for a chance to steal a kid and eat 'em.

    Lots of this going on. Its covered up by forrest services because if folks new they'd never go camping
    in these areas (Like Yosemite National Park - where people just VANISH! or are found munched on and eaten whole!!)

    1. If this is ever proven to be a fact (bigfoot responsible for missing people), they will be relentlessly hunted down to extinction by government bounties.

    2. Look at the stories told to journalists. I remember one a few years ago.. "I was Bigfoot's Love Slave". I think they keep this quiet because if more of it got out, people would start doing kinky stuff with bigfoot. Never mind 50 shades of gray.. we would have books like "50 ways to do it with Bigfoot".

  17. Replies
    1. ^likes to give Sunday morning blumpkins to men with thick french accents

      verified, oui

    2. well if I ever saw a bigfoot id give the camera to someone else and approach it even if it killed me I dont care, but id probally shoot it before it killed me.. anyway, it would atleast put the whole bigfoot thing to rest.

  18. I they both haul ass in the end... this one looks real to me i at that age would sit and film an 8 ft tall squatch id haul aas too

    1. true enough.. i mean i see the picture there.. at least 8 feet tall.. surprised no one has mentioned the smaller one that is also in the picture.. odd though that both of them are wearing red bikini's by the pool.. i dont see much trees except in the background, they are pretty plain to see.. and the bigger one has "zoo" on its top part of it's bikini .. oh wait.. geez... wondered why i was getting turned on by Bigfoot in a bikini..

  19. You ever wonder what is going through Sasquatches mind like wtf are these retards doing watching me.take a if I stand up them.little bastards will never woods again

  20. Freudian slip at around 2:45 of interview? (Paraphrasing here:) "Yeah, we were camping, me and *4* of my siblings, oops *3* of my siblings."

    Sounds like Mr Hoaxer told on himself there for a second by including his brother who was in the suit camping with him. Yep, just another bullshit hoax. The thing doesn't even look real, it looks just how you'd expect some lumpy ass suit to look.

    1. Good ear Columbo

      Mr. Pooper

    2. Or maybe he was counting 4 of them all together. Himself PLUS his 3 siblings.

      "Freudian slip". Idiot.

    3. He was including his wife.

    4. he actually said 3 siblings and his wife...that makes 4

  21. How do we know Squatches don't shit standing up like horses?

    1. in the same way that we know that prokill lacks a brain. we look at all the evidence and make a conclusion. next question retard.

  22. We don't know what this one was doing for sure. It could have been pushing out a hot softy, or eating something off the forest floor.

    Either way its one big mofo!

  23. This kid is to affraid to say he saw a bigfoot. Comes face to face, but is to worried that people will make fun of him if he said he know believes in bigfoot.

  24. Ok Ok ...its me the suit ...My Friends are a Total Fake ..its all a hype get use to it theres more videos coming on this site soon !! its all fake !!
    big foot is not real

  25. This video is a fake. The people who took the video say that they thought for awhile it was a bear and then got startled by it standing up, but when the video starts they gasp as if startled by whats over there and the camera moves up fast. This could not look more planned. They were not startled by the bears presence, just when it stood up but you can clearly hear and see the startled reaction at the beginning of the video.

    1. You should be a private detective. You've found the loophole in the story. Impressive.

    2. I looked at the background at 38 seconds on one of the enhanced videos. Can videos be photoshopped? I don't even know how to do that with a picture that holds still, but this was obviously overlaying one of those batches of little pictures that pop up at the end of a video. In the lower left corner you can see a person in light-colored pants and dark shirt standing with right arm extended as if to take a picture; directly above is a couple standing, just a bit smaller in scale; moving to the right is a woman's face, larger scale and she's facing left; up to the top of Bigfoot and to the right you can see Tinkerbell in flight, and above her, a little to the right is a man's face, looking left. Maybe this is an echo of something on my computer, but it doesn't look familiar. I'm describing this from memory because the only way I know to have the picture on at the same time is to sign onto the internet twice and go back and forth via max. and min. I didn't do that, because I thought maybe that's what made that other stuff show up on my screen. It's definitely not something that ordinarily is on my screen though.

  26. Gee, I thought this was going to be an impressive video. It looks to me like a bear that was squatting down turned & rose up. How does this look like bigfoot? They only filmed whatever it was around 1 second, if that, so there's no way to tell what it was. I think it's a bear myself. And yes, bears do stand up like that. This video shouldn't even have been posted online. It doesn't show squat. (no pun intended)

    1. Bear don't rise up and walk away like that with their arms hanging down dude.

    2. I would agree except that I have seen bears stand and turn etc, and those were humanoid arms not short waving bear arms. Look at the curl of the hand on the end of hat arm, fist like imo as we look at the full on pic.

  27. not saying yes or no, but why hasn't there been physical proof sush as bones, bodies, etc? After all these years of searching, why hasn't someone found unreputable evidence?

    1. Because Big foot doesn't exist. This video is a fake just like all the others.

  28. I agree after it turned toward the camera & stood up they only filed it for around 1 split second and it didn't look like bigfoot to me. It looked like a bear.

  29. this is all fake and staged,....those that believe can stay believing,....just don't bother me with this trash.

  30. it looks like a dude dressed in black with a black hat stands up with a half opened black umbrella and opens the umbrella the rest of the way--viewed from the side.

  31. they should have went up 2 it 2 see what it is then run if it is bigfoot lol

  32. Some of this evidence looks like bears. Some of it looks as if it could be a gorilla. The characteristics look like an ape/monkey kind of thing. Wouldn't that be amazing? Gorillas in america. Just imagine.

  33. I've seen this sort of thing before. Bears in Utah celebrate Halloween and they very often dress as Bigfoot. Not uncommon. Either that or it was OJ.

  34. Lmao!! Ok people, most here are not stupid. If anyone has the hair on their ass to admit. That they had a very close encounter like this, taping it or not. We all would be running and screaming like a little biotch that we are. Knowing that we don't have a gun. You DO NOT hear a word, other then from them running. What's that say? Just saying!!

  35.'s a black bear. If you blow up each frame, you can see it didn't in fact "stand up" The bear has it's head turned toward them as it is making its way up the hill. The incline is pretty steep, so it looks like it's in fact standing up when actually it is only headed up slope at a steep angle. They probably scared it worse than it scared them. Sorry troops it's a no go. Now if you really want to see a Bigfoot cousin, I suggest you try the swamps of south ga. I have had two reliable sightings, one by a young girl catching up with her friends swimming in a wooded pond. This one was actually holding a baby, and I have to believe her because before this incident she had no fear of those woods at all. Now? She won't go out there, and won't even go out of the house at night except in the company of an adult with a loaded gun. The other was at a local WMA. Two hunters saw it within 20 minutes of each other and within a couple hundred yards of each other. Both described the same exact thing the girl saw two counties over. No it's a bear. But keep on looking. It's out there. period.

  36. It could have been a bear hunched over and then it rose to it's full height. Very good video, I could go either way.

  37. That is clearly a bear going to stand on its hind legs. Idiots

  38. If it is real, why is everything always videos, footprints or photos? I believe its fake because if Bigfoot were real, it would be easier to find evidence. For example, Bigfoot seemingly acts (to me) like a bear. If their actions are similar, than why do we know so much about bears but not Bigfoot.? Why has their been no effort to trap or approach him? I don't really know about what this organization does, but It does not seem like they are putting forth an effort to capture him and research him. Logical reasoning would only tell you that he is fake. I am an 11 year old boy. If a gullible child like me doesn't believe in it, than why should anybody else? I think that the effort to find him is a total and complete waste of time. He is probably just an animal! Why don't we take this time, effort, and money and help the world. Feed hungry children. Drill wells in Africa. If this is all that matters to you, than you are wasting your life. There is a better and more hopeful life for you! It can only be found through Jesus Christ. He has all the answers to the world. He did not create a documented animal such as Bigfoot. If you would like scientific backup to this argument, go to That should clear things up.

    1. Uh, sorry to say, but you have some seriously sad issues. An eleven year old boy, scientific evidence for Jesus Christ from Genesis? My friend, you need to travel, and you need to read lots and lots of different books that have absolutely nothing to do with your one religion. You will learn a great deal about what an identity is and why religions have any currency today, at all.

    2. i just read this statement by this eleven year old boy, it was definately one of the most intellegent things i have read on this page. everything he said was dead on and anyone who thinks differently is an idiot with an over active imagination.

    3. Wellllll.....never seen a dinosaur but I know they were here. If you spoke to some Hopi Indians you might find some true lore there too. Things that would blow your mind. I think there are lots of secrets to the universe that we may or may not ever know. I think we get too complacent thinking we are unique. I am active LDS and very open-minded to the saying "never say never".

  39. I can't believe how naive some of you are?? It was probably some guy dressed up in a monkey suit to promote this whole trumped up Big Foot myth in order to make a lot of notoriety and money over it?

    If Big Foot was for real, then he/she would have been captured by now? However, all that is ever produced about this creature are these blurry & far off pics/videos of some big black or brown monkey like man scrounging around in the woods.

    Now think about this for a moment. If Big Foot were for real, then he would be pretty old by now, since this myth has been going on for over 50 years now. For his kind to survive, he would need some means of procreation, which means that there must be many of these creatures out there just wondering around. Yet nobody has ever produced any real evidence that these creatures actually exist, ie capturing/killing one? None of these creature have ever wondered into civilization to scrounge for food or water? Even wild animals like deer, mountain lions, and wolves have done this? Yet these secretive creatures are so illusive that even professional trackers can't seem to locate any real evidence that they actually exist, like finding their dens or cave dwellings?

    Now these people who run around with these trumped up wild tails & pictures of running from BigFoot, UFOs, and Locke Nest monsters eventually tell the truth after they make their millions only to admit their lies. So don't be fooled by this nonsense.

    1. I can't believe you can make a statement like that as if you are the authority on how and why things would happen when it comes to Bigfoot. I have seen him and I was not alone. It was in Alaska about 3am coming home from work with my roommate. He was standing on the right side of the entrance road to the trailer park we lived in. We didn't notice it until it moved but it was huge. I am 6ft 6in tall and I'm guessing 8 to 10 foot tall. It was a gray color. It took two steps and was across the road and disappeared out of the headlights view. I did get out and look because I don't fear them. I saw nothing but birch trees. My friend and I still talk about that encounter and feel lucky to have witnessed it. I personally don't care if someone else believes me or not. It is one of the special things in my life I will think about when I pass from this world. It was a beautiful creature and seemed to mean us no harm.

    2. Never seen Bigfoot but have read enough non-fiction books in which people have. I believe.

    3. now wait a minute next thing you will say there is no santa claus how do you think all the kid are going to feel

    4. jcmann, please do some research before posting on here. You say "However, all that is ever produced about this creature are these blurry & far off pics/videos of some big black or brown monkey like man scrounging around in the woods. " And also that there is no "real" evidence. Well with just a bit of research you can clearly see that's not the case. Your statement about the evidence is incorrect and disregards hundreds of footprints and eyewitness accounts. There are also hair samples. Some of the footprints are detailed enough to include dermal ridges, aka fingerprint detail. There has even been a body imprint cask (search Skookum body cast). The sheer numbers of eyewitness accounts, many from very credible sources not wanting or needing notoriety, is quite large. I believe there can be a breeding population in remote areas without much human interaction. Plus much of the reported activity is at night, suggesting a mostly nocturnal creature. Many of the sighting are near civilization as well. Keep an open mind. And yes, this current video could be a bear. Could not be be. It certainly doesn't show concrete evidence of being a bear or sasquatch. We just don't know.

  40. This is clearly a bear. Don't let the leafs on a branch make this creature out to have a forearm and shoulders because that's not the case here. It moves like a bear and it stood up like a bear. Bears hunch over a bit when standing just like this creature did and no sign of an upright walking Bigfoot here.

    1. You're the only one so far who seemed to notice that. If you look closely you can see there's a leaf in the foreground which seems to make it appear there's a separation there but there's not. Its just a leaf creating the appearance of an arm.

  41. It's a bear... No seriously, it's a bear.
    Blatantly obvious...
    You can see it's head and ears sticking up when the things kneeled down and moving a bit, it's a fucking bear.

    Seriously, what is more likely, they met the mythological Squach of legends that hundreds of thousands of people have been searching for and can't find evidence other than extremely hazy videos, yet a couple of guys jacking off in the woods one random day manage to get clear footage of it behind some trees.

    Or that they got footage of a bear, which naturally stands up on its hind legs to make itself appear larger in an attempt to scare off potentially dangerous animals.

    Derp derp, obviously squach right?

  42. Well, there are a few basic possibilities.
    1. It is a hoax.
    2. It is real.
    3. It is a bear.
    4. It is a gorilla that is somehow lost in the area.

    First, assuming that the two guys were there and saw what they assumed a bear, I doubt that they would have stood around. I have personally been up to Alaska through the San Juan islands, on boat, all the way up through Canada, and let me tell you: when you have the impression that something big and dangerous is nearby, which in a remote place is all the worse, like a bear, black, grizzly or otherwise, you do not stop and stand around and play with your iphone or video recorder to get it on tape. You run as fast as you can, usually because you panic. It's instinct and its a very natural reaction when imminent danger is sensed.

    Still, because I do not know all the information regarding that encounter, since it is possible that the area is known for bears and is a place where tourists may go to capture them on video, I can't impose that assumption.

    Though, I should say that, if they were merely strolling around in a wilderness area, it would be suspect for them to get so close to an animal like that, which would almost necessarily be a bear, and not get away fast. As in, if you don't get away while you have the opportunity, you may very well be eaten alive. The conditions surrounding their capturing it on video have a very big effect on its probable genuineness.

    Next, for the bear argument. Although if we look closely at it as it "stands up" it seems to be facing the other way, it could be just as well that it is facing us and, that, since it is on a hill, seems much larger than it actually is given its originally assumed size. It would be nice if an expert on bears could describe whether it seems a black bear not just by size and also by its behavior. Clearly the animal would have known two humans were nearby.

    If it is a gorilla, it might have been put in the area by some animal rights activist, or whatever. It seemed very much like a gorilla from the movies I've seen. Stationary, distant, passive, ruminating, very black, very big, broad shoulders, etc.

    It should be remembered that this phenomenon is largely popular in the U.S. A country that also finds UFO's very, very interesting. I live in Europe, but grew up in the U.S., so I can say by way of experience, the rest of the world is not nearly as obsessed with these kinds of thing. Not many other countries that I know of produce so many hundreds and perhaps thousands of so called sightings of things like these or aliens etc. It's like the crop circles. Do you remember all that? - I don't mean to say that they are only Americans, but I can definitely say that they are predominately from North America. (The home of Hollywood...)

    If it is real, I think it would be very, very strange. Utah would be one of the least likely places for something like a "big foot" in my mind. People have been there for hundreds of years. It would seem more likely that something so massive and seemingly out of place would have been spotted earlier, several times. Then again, video cameras haven't been around all that long. Though also, hunters have, and it seems that they would have shot one by now if they really were in the area. What about all the native Indians? Surely they would have had tales about them if they lived throughout the continent for so many thousands of years, which is known fact. All the way from Mongolia and all the way down to South America, for those of you who might not know. And, they all hunted. Would not so massive a beast be more known to them? And, via them, to us?

    Although it does not seem to have any real, historical support, and though the region would seem strange at least for the points I have here thought of, I certainly hope it is real! That'd be really, really cool. Wow, think about how much science would grow on account of a discovery like that! It would do humanity a lot of good.

    1. Utah was only settled in 1847 by has a small population for how large it is geographically.

    2. And we are the year 2012, which means that even if we ignore the fact that pioneers were living in Utah before your provided date, I was correct to write "hundreds of years." The s on the end of the hundred makes the noun plural, not singular, meaning anything that is more than one. :) Thanks.

    3. Also, I personally think of crop circles as more of a British thing. Not that that has anything to do with this post.

    4. There are stories from native tribes about a big hairy man, from Ute tribe, etc. Also there is an entire collection of bigfoot stories and sightings that Utah State University in Logan Utah has collected in their library. I don't know if Bigfoot exists - but there have been sporadic sightings from native tribes, early settlers, etc. It is interesting - maybe there is something in the human psyche that ties into this...but there have been stories about bigfoot for many years in northern utah. Hunters are required by law during this time of year to wear bright orange clothing for safety reasons - if this is a hunter out there in a gillie suit he deserves to be shot for being so stupid! (Darwinism)

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. You are right...there are no stories of Bigfoot in Utah.

  43. I'm no black bear expert, but being from/living in Tennessee, I've seen a few bears in my years. Furthermore, I have never, in my life, believed in Bigfoot. I've looked at it relentlessly, and there is nothing in this video that makes me believe that it's a bear. I'm not saying that it's Bigfoot (like I said, I don't believe in that), but I highly, highly, highly doubt that that is a bear. That animal/creature is too massive and has a movement and shape that is unnatural in bears.

    1. Totally agree. Real, suit, whatever, it's no bear.

  44. I think the basic fact that we all have to agree with is that we don't know.

  45. He was caught squatching-off.

  46. Fake as they come! The video shows (guy in suit) gets up and starts walking directly away. The guy in the interviews says it stood up and looked right at us all? No time to even see what it is in video but yet you all made eye contact???

  47. Well, if anything this video clip leaves me is numerous questions, not about the mysterious animal, but about the video bloggers. Some of the listed comments have noted those suspicious observations. I wont go into further detail, but any person with a reasonable intellectual would know the tall tale clues this "short" clip provides. I want to believe but its just a "matter of fact."

  48. I would never run from a Bigfoot and that is how I can tell this video is a hoax. Once the two guys started to run Bigfoot would have ran them down. Its just natural animal instict to chase prey.

    Now if this was me I would have handed the camera to my friend and take out my camping knife. I would approach the animal with my hands up making myself appear as large as possible. I would move slowly so not to spook it and if it started coming at me I would have my knife ready for one hell of a battle.

    Either way I would have proved once and for all that Bigfoot does not exist.

    1. Keep in mind that if this really was a bigfoot, most likely the creature did not feel threatened. If it felt threatened or wanted to tell the hikers that it's his territory, it would've done a demonstration charge (not a chase), because Bigfoot are said to be gentle and non threatening from many sitings. Bigfoot are also said to be intelligent, illusive creatures that may be closer to us except for gorillas. My only argument with sitings like this is that the hikers didn't allow themselves to keep the camera recording or bring a weapon of some sort in case they run into a wild animal like a cougar or bear...disappointing...perfect opportunity lost once again. On the other hand this could be all just a elaborate hoax, because like I mentioned I question they didn't have a weapon in the middle of the woods...really??

    2. I have gone hiking in the woods without the thought of bringing a weapon. Stupid I know, but I really don't think about doing it sometimes.

    3. Maybe you wouldn't have run if you saw a Bigfoot but if I was out in the woods and saw something like this that I wasn't expecting, I'd run like hell. I'm not saying it's Bigfoot, a bear or their Uncle Pete in a gorilla suit...all I'm saying is if this is a genuine video of "whatever", their reaction to run is completely plausible and doesn't label it an instant hoax.

    4. @Anonymous
      Oh I agree with you, your normal reaction would be run like hell but what I'm saying is there have been so many hoaxes that's very similar to this and it's very easy these days to fake something because you can get video cameras that are dirt cheap.

  49. This thing most probably is bigfoot and I think I can prove it. All I need is several thousand dollars in donations so I can mount an expedition to go find this creature. I will need to buy a large SUV to hold all the equipment plus a lot of money for expenses. I think the best time to search is when there is snow cover so I will have to go during ski season. If you want to find out the truth about anything always follow the money.

  50. It's a black bear. Here in AK we have them trotting through the yard and hanging out nearby. FYI, black bears DO NOT stand on their hind legs to intimidate anyone. They have terrible eyesight and stand erect to try to see better, and also to catch a scent. Most black bears (in our area anyway) would not attack a human, unless of course the human RAN, which was a really stupid thing for those kids to do. Black bears can run about 30 mph. Dumb move kiddos. Still, it's a bear, nothing more.

  51. Problem number one in the forest without a weapon. If Bigfoot was about to do something I would have shot that animal whatever it was and then we would have proof. Why don't they take a party of armed man and return to the same place an animal that size is not that hard to track using dogs. I am not saying it doesn't exist I have seen some dinosaur creature with my brother and captain of a fishing tour boat we could not believe it but we all saw it.

    1. Ivan... probably not a good idea to shoot first, then investigate to see what it was you just shot!

    2. Ivan the Terrible - sweet. Ever heard the bigfoot stories in Russia? There are a few out there...pretty interesting ones!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Just a big black blob. No arm. That was an optical illusion caused by foreground leaves in the tree.

  54. I always wondered why people spend their time discussing what they don't believe in or know about. I have seen a Bigfoot. Don't care about your opinion on whether or not I did because oh yeah, you weren't there and I was. I feel blessed to have witnessed what you don't believe exists. And I'm sure some of you will have smart guy comments on what I just typed but not because you know the truth. You will comment because you have no faith in your fellow man, who you say makes all this up because we have nothing else to do except fool the people around us. I saw Bigfoot in my lifetime and I wasn't alone. Somehow it must sense human ignorance and stupidity because it is illusive.

  55. wow.i would have ran the heck out of there my self. that was a bigfoot,and it would have scared me to have seen it.i got the chills watching that video clip of it standing up.bigfoot usually come out at night and not so much durring the is most likely that an encounter would happen i the day sure was not a saw a bigfoot.good picture.

  56. I'd think the porn industry would try to find Big Foot and sign him on to do movies -- you know what they say about big feet.......

    1. Yeah, but I don't know what they say about big foot... lol.

  57. Wow, it's either fake or those people are stupid. Personally I think its both.

  58. Fake as fake can be. They are staring at the "bear" fearlessly and soon it stands up and starts walking away from them they panic and run.

  59. Um, does no one else realize that bears get up to 12-15 feet standing and it's common off them to stand at their full height to scare off something they deem a threat?!

    1. Never seen a bear with arms or a stance like this. If I didn't know any better I'd think it was a gorilla and not a bear.

  60. It's not a bear, and it's not a Bigfoot either.
    It's more like a clever spoof for fun.

  61. CNN recently ran this story and investigated. It is confirmed that OJ did in fact escape from prison and that he was last seen near Provo in a slow moving white Bronco. The Bronco was found abandoned and OJ is believed to be on foot in the wilds. OJ droppings were found near where the hikers sighted the OJ Bigfoot bear thing.

    1. i just got off work oj was there when i left

  62. After reading the book The Long Walk (The Way Back) about escapees form the Gulag and their sighting of some Big Foot, and another true book about a family who lived in the remotes of Alaska and their sighting of one, I am a believer. Whether or not this was true, I don't know. But if it was, I don't doubt it.

  63. Does anyone else see the other black "thing" in the video as the camera is panning right after is stands up and they are about to run? what is that?

  64. those of you who don't believe,your are the MOST naive closed minded people on earth. the planet is to large of an area, for anything stranger not to exsist in. everything that's weird or whatever can be seen or found here.

  65. Since Provo canyon is always full of campers, BYU students, and freaks/perverts I would suspect that this was someone in a suit playing games.

    Camping is done not too far from town because it is too much trouble, for most people, to climb or drive to the remotest mountains. If you wanted to be a "big foot" you would not do it so close to civilization unless you wanted to get back to a
    parking lot easily...

    Also consider that this is hunting season. If you were to pull this stunt in a remote area, more than 5 miles from Provo, you would probably end up with a couple of 30.06 holes in your "big foot" suit...

    1. I agree with you on the ending up with 30.06 holes in you this time of year up Provo Canyon! If someone is that stupid to pull this stunt on people (providing they are not "in" on the stunt) they would almost deserve to get shot. Really dumb idea if it is a prank. As far as it being a hunter not "in" on the prank - also deserves to be shot if they are not in the required hunter's orange gear!

  66. Just in time for some post Halloween comments.

  67. I grew up in Alaska and Washington. If I had a possible Bigfoot in my sights I wouldn't have ran away. This is a B.S. video made by some guys that got banned from Xbox for being lame.

  68. It's a good prank. All the hallmarks, but the girth and general look is pretty good.

  69. I totally believe there is 'something' out there that has yet to be clearly photographed. We had an unusual experience in Cesar Creek State Park, Ohio. Our video is on youtube "creature at cesar creek state park" or be sure to read the comments under the video

  70. First Point: If "Bigfoot" exists, it is for the sake of argument an Ape/Man left over from our evolution. The reports of it's size are contrary to our evolution. We were very small cave people. So what on this planet would we have bred with that would result in something so large? Next point: Breeding...We breed like mad. Where are all of the mini-foots? Logic and common sense dictates that the animal is fake.
    OMG Santa just flew over my house. Wake up and load your gun. Zombies are on the way. ;)

    1. @Brian
      But new creatures are being discovered all the time. The megamouth shark was discovered in 1976, Pandas in the early the 1900s, and gorillas in late 1800 to early 1900.

  71. First off, I have been hunting over 25 years and that is not a bear. Second of all, I sure enjoy watching people like this, make an ass of theirselves. Third, that includes bigfoot Matt and his clan on the TV show. Being they talk so much shit, like they know something. When there are people out there who knows more. The ones who actually dealt with this thing for years on end and it being an every night thing.

  72. A preview of a future episode of: Jack Link's presents: Messin' with Sasquatch

  73. Of all the comments above, only one person said what I think: that there is no image of an arm. What appears to delineate an arm, by separating some of the black image from it's central mass, is some light-colored leaves. This whole thing about an arm is an illusion caused by the foliage. Bear, I say. This, supposing that the entire movie is not a fake. Now, for the fake angle (remember, a video going viral on YouTube with more than 100,000 views means that you're contacted by sellers of ads and you can profit a lot from it), there are contradictions - the Freudian slip of 4, no, 3 siblings; the idea that they were observing the creature for some time while they got the camera ready but this doesn't match the startled sounds when they point the camera to the creature... In my opinion it's either a bear with an optic illusion of an arm caused by the foliage in front of it, or a fake to make money from YouTube ads.

  74. The top photo looks like a hunter in the forest. As they were constantly watching him, he decided to leave the area.

  75. The so-called animal that was put on youtube is no a bigfoot but a large black bear that was standing up to see what was happening around him, when the large black bear started to climb up the hill the moron filming this got scared n' took off running for the safty of his mother. If there is a next time perhaps he should find out if what he is looking is a large black bear or bigfoot before jumping to conclude that what he did or didn't see was what he claims, to know the truth is far better than to lie about it proving that he is deaf, dumb, n' blind as a moron!

  76. Im not against the idea of a hominid species existing that arent classified. As late as 1920 the mountain Gorilla was in the realm of Crypto-zoology but lets be clear. if there is a big foot how about some bones, (ok maybe they bury there dead) or how about some Dung. I need more than some shaky unclear video. Could be a guy in a gorilla suit for all we know!

  77. Bigfoot is multi-dimensionsal according to Native Americans, and able to dematerialize and re-materialize (relocate). I read this in a book by Sun bear a native guy, years after bigfoot visited me in the suburbs of NJ in my bedroom. Scared the sh*t out of me as a kid. Just sat there by my bed gazing. Native Americans in NM were impressed by this story and asked me if he said anything. I said "no cause I screamed 4 my mom and it disappeared. " The native people believe me. Most white people r clueless and judgmental, and of course assume i was dreaming. How typical. Ho- hum. Anyway, "scientists" are always nay-sayers, thinking they know it all. But the truth is, theyre always finding "new" species or ones they thought were extinct. The reason we have no big foot body is coz they can dematerialize. Only those who are able to think outside the little box will see and know truths that others will never know. Whether this video is of a bear or bigfoot we'll never be sure. If people were less fearful, maybe we wld be able to get some clear footage, but not everything is for us. Some things are hidden or sacred and supposed to be that way. I know what i know and dont care what skeptics think about it. Everyone believes what they want to or can handle to and thats ok.

  78. Strategically hidden behind foliage etc. Camera just happened to be available and on at the time. Are you idiots actually falling for this crap? They probably have an indie film they're trying to promote into theaters for a weekend before dropping off the radar completely.

  79. you all to ignant to c the truth. no bear it the real bigfoot. my cuz larry seen bigfoot by missula last year he sweart it, youal tryin to sownd smart and fisticated but you suwnd stoopid.

  80. aleta talkin bout truth. bigfoot raped her dats sirios sh*t. lady holes dont never com bak from bigfoot dongs

  81. It's a hunter in a ghillie suit.

  82. When are these bogus amateur fraudulent video's about Bigfoot going to stop???????? There is no such thing as bigfoot,god alah or however you spell it.. This make believe crap is getting old GET A LIFE YOU LOSERS!!!!!!!!!

  83. If you crop the head and blow it up you can clearly see that this animal has ears and a nose like a bear. It does not have a cone shaped head like you would expect to see on a big foot.

  84. Just a group of friends playing a joke. You can tell from the very first seconds when they zoom in and out, nobody would do this unless they were a professional gauging the range and focus of their camera.

    Another thing, people who have a camera out to record wouldn't just turn and run the split second they are scared, they would wait at least a second or two. Who goes into the woods not knowing that you shouldn't run from a "bear" and that you should stand still?

  85. If anything this is the Mothman not bigfoot. As it rises there appears no head as per mothman descriptions and it looks like it has folded wings based on how wide the creature gets as it stands. Here is ones witness description that is similar to this.

    "a figure stirred near the automobile. “It seemed as though it had been lying down,” she later recalled. “It rose up slowly from the ground. A big gray thing. Bigger than a man with terrible glowing eyes.”

    Mrs. Bennett was so horrified that she dropped her little girl! She quickly recovered, picked up her child and ran to the house. The family locked everyone inside but hysteria gripped them as the creature shuffled onto the porch and peered into the windows. The police were summoned, but the Mothman had vanished by the time the authorities had arrived."

  86. Why in the world would you run away? The thing isn't running after you. This is an obvious fake.

  87. That's a Grizzly Bear...which are known to stand up when they sense a danger in the area..and people to them are a danger. Grizzlies are huge...if you've never seen one up close and personal before and happened across one it'd scare the crap out of you. They can easily kill a person with just a few swipes of their large claws and can bite right through a skull. It's a grizzly, I'm certain of it just by looking at the pic.

  88. Let me tell you how it is I'm Mr Big Foot i live any where I want I do any thing I want I can go fishing when i want go hunting any time I don't no how old I am I new Adam when he was a kid there are a lot of us we have no laws or rules so we can't brake any laws we all have lots of woman we share every thing we don't have cloths we are very free an happy when you see one of us we all see you now you no how it is got to go things to do

  89. This is a fake. Sorry to say, but we are being scammed yet again.

    How do I know?

    I do special effects for a living and there were things that jumped out at me in this video.

    1. This is a black costume fitted for a man.

    2. The lack of any definition around the face shows that it is a costume and not a bear.
    A face is one of the hardest things to fake, especially in HD, so blacking it out is the best option for scammers.

    3. The costume is too man-like and the arms, legs and foot is in proportion for a man and not a beast. Also the muscle proportions and placements are again man-like, not beast-like.

  90. Look there is "NO SUCH THING AS BIGFGOOT.' Everything, from snakes to birds to cows to squirrels to moose to bear to people, has been hit and killed by cars but no Bigfoot. That is a bunch of bull. Until some roadkill Bigfoot is found, there aren't any, period.

  91. Looks like a bear to me! I think I see a collar on its neck too!

    More people believe in BIG-FOOT, without good evidence, than people believe the evidence that Hussein Obama's birth certificate and selective service are fraud and forgeries!
    Go figure!

  92. Nothing like a good Bigfoot story to bring out a discussion in politics. I think I like the "evil demons from the Dark ages" theory the best. But I do believe there very well could be lost tribes of man that simply did not evolve buried deep into many forests. After all, There are plenty of unexplored places Deep in the Forrest and deep in the ocean. crazy to think of what may be lurking there.

  93. -been working in WildLife Rehab for 10+ years, routinely work with black bears- which is what this initially looks like, but when it stands up, its arms are way too long to be a bears, especially this time of year when they are putting on weight for the winter- the extra weight makes their already short arms look even shorter.its movements at the beginning look to me to be "natural" by that i mean animals just "move" differently than humans,anyone that works with animals a lot knows what i mean.As for standing there to get a clearer, better image- if you think its that easy, you have obviously never been close to a large bear or other animal in the woods- not at a zoo, but out in its element, where if it wanted to kill you, you couldnt do a thing about it.Nothing.
    i can't say what it is from the video, coloration is black bear like but the standing shot looked nothing like a black bear on its hind legs,wrong gait , arms too long -some sound would have really helped make a call,many times you hear a bear but never see him.I've seen many bears, never seen BigFoot , but my elders told me they exist ,most native americans believe in their existence.thats all i need to know, the fact white scientists cant catch one doesnt mean they arent real,and thats good enough for me.

  94. Looks like the Snow Walker(Yeti) has come to Town!

    The above is a really good story about BigFoot cousin Yeti from Himalayas.

  95. LMBO its a turkey fanning its feathers people!!!!

  96. "I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here."

    Mitch Hedberg

  97. Prolly' some pee-d off hunter finally like, "yo...back up wtf." Then he smoked their leftovers and played their DSs.

  98. It was just a bear. It didnt even stand up and look at the people. It was a bear that quickly started to run up the hill which looks like it was standing up.

  99. Fake. Note the camera frames a plant in the foreground to throw off the autofocus to ensure a blurry clip of whatever is in the bushes.

  100. Much like anything else. It doesn't exist until one is brought in dead draped over the top of a car much like Harry Henderson!


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