Dear Rick Dyer

Dear Rick:

Please be advised that I received your email dated November 19, 2012.

To begin, I am somewhat confused, as this is an extremely poorly written email, with numerous grammatical errors and misreferences. For example, your email references you as a "she" on numerous occasions. One can only assume that you cut and pasted the majority of this email, yet failed to make all the necessary changes in your attempt to tailor it to personally suit you. This is further evidenced by the opening salutation of "Dear To whom it may concern", as these are either, or, salutations, as well as your referring to "Rick Dyer Character and Reputation", instead of “Rick Dyer's Character and Reputation” on two occasions.

Be advised that I have not, and do not intend to, spread any "false, destructive or defamatory rumors" about you or your “organization”, Bigfoot Tracker, LLC. All I have done, and will continue to do, is accurately report the facts as they relate to your involvement in events related to the topic of Bigfoot. I will continue to report such facts in this manner, and my doing so in no way constitutes defamation under the law of California, or any other state. You should also be advised the truth is an absolute defense to any claim involving the elements of defamation. In short, this means I cannot be held liable for stating what is the truth.

To go further, you have admitted time and again to perpetrating a hoax in 2008, and have done so as recently as the date of your email, November 19, 2012 through your use of YouTube. Discussing this hoax is in no way defamatory, as I am simply reporting the truth as it relates to your actions, and the events, of 2008. Specifically, I am referring to the following: your taking part in 1) filling an ape costume with animal remnants, 2) freezing this costume in a block of ice, and keeping it in this condition in a large freezer 3) specifically stating this costume was in fact the body of a dead bigfoot, 4) specifically stating this costume was proof of Bigfoot’s existence, 4) contacting various media outlets such as CNN and making these claims 5) holding a press conference where you said you would prove these claims 6) defrosting the costume at this press conference; therefore showing all who attended, and later viewed it, that you were not telling the truth and had actually engaged in what is commonly referred to as a "hoax".

If you have concerns about your reputation I suggest the best way to deal with such concerns is to not engage in similar conduct going forward. Such similar conduct may very well include sending an email from your personal email account but references yourself as "a client" so as to make it appear it was sent by an attorney,

"My client wished to give you one opportunity to discontinue and remove your illegal conduct by complying with this demand within 24 Hrs."

But then stating you’re prepared to retain a law firm,

"We are prepared to retain"

This shows, that at present, you have not retained a lawyer, but are in fact trying to make it appear as if you have, because you believe doing so will in some way serve as a means of intimidation.

In addition, any posts by third parties are simply reports containing the opinions of these third parties as they relate to your behavior. They involve opinions based on actions that you decided to take in the past, and convey the opinion that your past conduct should be used when evaluating and determining the credibility of your later claims. These opinions are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and arise out of, and are based on, past decisions, you knowingly made, to engage in certain conduct. I will continue to post these opinions when I feel it is appropriate as I believe they are extremely important in helping to evaluate certain evidence that is put forth to support Bigfoot's existence.

If you take issue with the opinions of these third parties, I suggest you contact them directly, as I know for a fact you have the requisite knowledge to do so. I am sure such third parties, Team Tazer Bigfoot, Steve Kulls and whoever you are referring to when you use the abbreviation "ect." would be pleased to engage in a spirited discussion relating to the topics mentioned in your email of November 19, 2012.

Finally, as stated above, my actions are well within those deemed acceptable under California law. Should you decide to pursue any legal action, such legal action would be meritless. I will vigorously defend such an action and I am confident that I will prevail. After doing so, I will pursue an action against you, and Bigfoot Tracker LLC, for vexatious litigation, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, with the basis being that you were aware that there existed no viable claim under the law, yet proceeded anyway, showing that your intent was to harass and inflict stress and annoyance, rather than to actually vindicate a legal right, as well as tortious interference with a business expectancy. I will seek to recoup court costs and legal fees related to my defense, as well as additional compensatory damages ($500,000) and attempt to obtain punitive damages, as a means of attempting to deter your engaging in such conduct in the future. Please be advised that your liability and exposure under such legal action could, and likely will be, considerable.

In closing, I wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.



  1. Replies
    1. As the king once said"can't we all just get along"..

    2. Shut up Dick.^

      You made your bed,now lie in it.

    3. Shut up regards. Peter Griffin

    4. I hope he pursues it so you can turn the tables and nail him good. He obviously has no idea what he's doing, which always makes for fun legal counterattack.

  2. its omly a matter of time before rick dyer pops up in the comment section..

  3. Yes,but your lecturing a retard so it's kind of wasted blog space.

  4. Nice, and I loved the Happy T

  5. Hey Shawn, Maybe you should call the attorney firm and inform them of their name being used illegally, I bet they would be interested in this!

    1. Relevant suggestion.

    2. X 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001

    3. I think this whole thing is just a big scam to get more hits on this site, more clicks, and more $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

  6. Nice job Shawn...Rick go blow yourself. oh and have a Happy Thanksgiving while doing so :)

  7. Nice but I get the feeling Ricky is a TL/DR kinda guy.

  8. This is awesome... made my day.

  9. Shawn don't listen to these internet lawyers! They don't have to go to court. You do

    1. Yeah, Shawn might have to post to the LIBERTY of congress, Shut up MORON

  10. YAY SHAWN. Finally you stand up to false and senseless threats. :)

  11. Looks like Mackenzie wasn't the last. :)

  12. Nice, Shawn:) Although, I believe Rick Dyer will most likely have the need to look up 40% of the words you used in the above letter, as I can only assume he doesn't understand it. Nice come-back to the C&D, though. Oh! And to Rick just got BURNED! LMAO!

    1. LOL that's exactly what I thought, RD won't be able to understand some of those words and it's so long it will take him a couple of days to finish and comprehend it.

  13. Dick Ryder is shitting bricks right about now.

    If said law firm found that he was using their name they would sue his ass all the way back to Georgia.

  14. Rick Dyer needs to learn and accept that there is NOTHING he can EVER do to redeem himself in the Bigfoot community after the "Bigfoot in the freezer" hoax. Nothing.

  15. My taterhole has been blasted!!!!

  16. He needs to lay off the crack cause it's giving him bad ideas.Poor Dickie...............

  17. Didn't this dumb ass say that it didn't bother him what people say about his ugly ass?

    Well,I guess he lied again. :o

  18. This boy is so messed up in the head he probably thought he had a real Bigfoot in the freezer back in 08'.This guy graduated the 6th grade and wants to be a double naut spy. Ain't that right Jethro.

  19. "He used to be a caveman,
    but now he's a lawyer.
    Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer!"

  20. That was a Jedi move if I ever saw one. Well played Shawn.

  21. Very impressive Mr.Evidence.You have just verbally kicked the shit out of Rick Dyer.Nice Shawn very nice.
    Ladies and Gentlemen the winner, Shawn "shoot em down before they leave the ground" Evidence.

    1. ^ I knew you were a Rush fan, Clockwork Angels kicks ass, definitely blows away GnR.

    2. Absofuckinglutely my friend...clockwork angels is great

  22. Shawn, there is a point when you have to drop the chatter and actually take action.

    No offense, but you brought this upon yourself.

    This guy would've disappeared a long time ago if it weren't for folks like you continually reporting about him.

    Drop this guy, stop reporting about him. STOP giving him attention.

    Have you ever heard of escalation?

    Now that you have played into his game and given him the attention he craves, it will escalate and he will come up with something else... perhaps even actual lawyers next time.

    Drop him, drop this. Let him fade into obscurity where he belongs.

    Trust me.

    1. He's not gonna do shit. He can't even afford a fuckin lawyer.

    2. Old and stale dude.You've got to get a new line.

    3. Good advice, it should be taken. His MO is to create hub bub using this type of a strategy. He likes to F with BF people this is just one of many examples.

      He may qualify as a "celebrity or public figure", which provides additional coverage for those who are inclined to point out his sheeenanigans.

  23. God damn Shawn. You fuckin killed it brother!!! Whoop whoop!!!!!!

    1. Good one Pro Kill!!! LMAO....

    2. "Good one Pro Kill!!! LMAO...."

      When are you going to let me prolapse you again PROKILL....?

    3. Likes to dress as the cop from the Village People band when he goes Bigfoot hunting.^

  24. great reply I bet he does not even know what he did is EXTREMELY ILLEGAL IN THE U.S. and several other countries!

    I would love to see this get reported and him get what he deserves which is CRIMINALLY charged for HOAXING HIMSELF AS AN ATTORNEY OR LEGAL FIRM.

  25. Fuck that hoaxing idiot, my retarded neighbor could write a better hoax letter than that. Beautiful comeback Shawn!!

  26. Shawn, you guys should settle this on Judge Judy.

  27. Awesome letter Shawn! It will probably take freezer boy about a week to comprehend (git) what your letter means.
    Dyer is a hoaxer and a liar, nothing more. He also needs to get a better command of the English language, listening to him speak is painful.

  28. I think it's a little harsh on Rick to be honest, Picking on a retard like that. . .He is retarded right?

  29. oooohhhhh that a baaaaaaadddddd woooooord
    you not supposed to call people thattttttt


  31. What does gossiping and eating pussy have in common? One slip of the tongue and your in shit!!!

  32. Dear Mr. Mrs. To Whom It May Concern:

    I am Rick Dyer lawyer and we will be pursuing our case against you. She is horribly upset by your defamation and will be seeking emotional damages as well.

    We are STILL prepared to retain

    1. 7:21 is f**king Hillaarriioouussss!!! : )

    2. You forgot the "t" in retaint. But I really don't want to hear how you prepared your taint. Please this is a family site.

  33. Considering that he's the bad joke of the BF-ing community, one has to wonder why Rick keeps trying at all. Is it a twisted form of sadomasochism or is he simply just stupid? Rick could legitimately capture 1080p video of a bigfoot ambushing a white tailed deer and it's going to be instantly dismissed as a elaborate hoax because of his past offenses. He needs to give up and go away. Who knows, maybe the "paranormal investigation" field will accept him. I mean hell, Grant Wilson is still accepted there even after he was caught blatantly hoaxing evidence.

    1. same for fatassasno, dyers tater hole poundin buddy

  34. Any attention is good attention for this little man. Unfortunate he's getting just what he needs. A BIG HUGE DOSE OF ATTENTION.

  35. Dyers money would be much better spent on meds and therapy, than retainers and litigation.

  36. Rick Dyer may be related to Bea Arthur. And he hits like a girl.

  37. Dick Dyer needs to be kicked in the chest!

  38. Why everybody loves Rick Dyer that much...??? Lol you guys say you don't like him you hate...... him but the truth here is you can't stop talking about him or look at his videos..... Why??? Cuz he is good.... He is so sexy & you know it....Hahahaha Lmfao

  39. And he is the only one in this blog that gives alot of rating!!! No one has alot of comments like he does....just accepted he is fucking awsome!!! =D

    1. Dick, give it a rest and have a Happy Turkey Day you broke bitch.

  40. Rick Dyer could fuc up anybody on this blog at any time any place! He ia an MMA badass and have black belts in multiple styles. I actually trained with him and my taterhole still hurts!
    Jeff Teagle

  41. Hmmmm Rick Dyer has nothing but the reputation he made for himself. This is a complete joke (as is he).
    If this went to court and they watched the videos made by him the judge and jury would be rolling in the aisles laughing their heads off.
    He deserves no respect from anyone.
    If it was not for Shawn posting his crap he would not have half as many video views LOL



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