Breaking: Les Stroud Will Search For Bigfoot In Special Suvivorman Episode

On the Joe Rogan radio show last night, Les Stroud confirmed that his producers are working on a special episode of Survivorman where he will spend days out in the wilderness in search of Sasquatch. According to Les Stroud, the episode will be filmed in Canada where Bigfoot researcher Todd Standing will point them in the right direction.

Todd Standing is well-known in the Bigfoot community for claiming to have knowledge of a secret valley called "Sylvanic" that is supposedly home to a group of Bigfoots near Calgary, Alberta.

For many Bigfooters, the idea of having a survival expert spending weeks out in the wilderness looking for Bigfoot is welcome news. Jeffrey Kelley, an administrator for The Squatchers Lounge! writes, "I think he is giving Todd Standing one final chance to put up or shut up. You say you can put me on the Bigfoot then lets do it prove it once and for all. If Standing can't produce it will have been a huge waste of time. The way he talks he should have extensive knowledge. Lets hope he can deliver."

Powerful Video By Todd Standing Explains Why You Need To Think Twice Before Shooting Bigfoot:


  1. Cmon people...I got that top three

  2. I could have been first. If I really wanted to.

  3. Replies
    1. No, Standing is no hoaxer. Just wait and see...

    2. Todd Standing is most definitely a hoaxer! !! Les will have to figure that out the hard way. Or Standing can produce the other two (2) witnesses who he claims were with him when he got that "Sylavanic" clip that he showed to the Finding Bigfoot team. He made up all kinds of excuses for why neither of those two ace backpackers would never talk to anyone or go on camera about that footage. Standing is making excuses for them because they don't exist.

      If Standing gets one or two of his junkie friends to pose as the mountaineers who were with him that day, Les will be able to grill them to figure out that they are phony liars just like Todd himself.

    3. 2:01, Lol, you don't have a damn clue you nincompoop. If you want to look credible at least spell "Sylvanic" correctly.

    4. Yep, that post above is written by none other than Todd Standing himself (Anon 2:33).

      Todd, you pile of scum. You're a disgrace to Canadians. No doubt you're watching this thread closely and trying to stick up for yourself anonymously. It ain't working Todd. Just like none of your other deceptions are working. Must be tough having to pretend that you actually have supporters out there.

      You're a con artist, Todd. Every bigfoot researcher who has come in contact with you has arrived at that conclusion ... with your help. Even the more gullible bigfoot researchers think you're totally full of shit.

      Les Stroud will definitely have you pinned real quick, because you're a pathological liar. He'll pick that up immediately, and you can't do anything about it. You're such a compulsive liar that you're not even aware of how obvious it is to other people. Les is definitely smart enough to figure you out.

  4. Does Les Stroud shit in the woods?

    1. That is a humorous response to anon 10:20's question FYI. Jokes ruined now, gonna go to bed and jack off. Good night footers and tater haters.

  5. Moneymaker is going to be miffed. After all the effort he put into discrediting Todd Standing on the Alberta Finding Bigfoot episode, and now Todd gets the gig and not Matt. Not only that, but Les Stroud burns Moneymaker in regard to the standard editing showing the building up of suspense via false implications, and also their continuous string of failures associated with the entire Finding Bigfoot series. This is hilarious.

    1. Actually, Les, like Moneymaker, will figure out that Todd Standing is nothing but a bullshitting, publicity-seeking phony who has never done a serious backpacking trip in his whole life. Les has undoubtedly encountered plenty of phonies like Standing. He will figure out Standing's game in short order. Then Les will go to Moneymaker to find who the credible field researchers are in Canada -- the ones who don't do publicity stunts every year.

      Les should also speak with the SAR team who had to go looking for Standing when Standing faked his own disappearance as a publicity stunt. The SAR guys will give Les the straight dope on Standing -- he's a charlatan and a hoaxer to the core.

    2. Hey anon 12:20 Moneymaker has never gone by the name "Mike" in his whole life. It's not even a nickname ... so which show were you watching? Or are you drunk every time you watch Finding Bigfoot. Either way you are completely full of shit.

  6. I realize that many skeptics and naysayers will claim that Survival Man is only embracing the recent bigfoot phenomenon as a cynical attempt to increase sagging interest in his program. Those people will argue that Survival Man has suddenly and conveniently concocted stories of Sasquatch encounters to boost viewer curiosity in his upcoming special episode. They will further make the point that such a pathetic attempt at drumming up interest in his faltering career will do more damage to his reputation in the long term. Where these people get these crazy ideas is anyone's guess.

    1. Dude, Les has been talking about his "Bigfoot" encounter for years. His career is far from faltering as well. His popularity is growing not shrinking. I've long thought Les' method is the only way to go as far as finding Bigfoot. Now it seems, he agrees with me. There is nothing pathetic about Les Stroud but something mighty pathetic in your attempt to shit on the "Survivorman".

    2. Couldn't say it any fuckin better myself brother!

    3. Todd's been shouting for years to get someone qualified like Stroud to come along, now it might happen so let's all applaud that. I don't think they'll prove anything to be honest but les might have some more sightings, see the thing is, forest officials contrary to what they're saying publicly know full well there's this undetected species living in their woods but they aren't allowed to say so and as long as that's the unofficial authority stand not much will come of it. A few exciting bits and pieces for the cameras surely why not but proof nah, that'll come when they want it to come and not a second sooner until then it'll remain safe TV entertainment.

    4. It should be acknowledged by fair minded observers that respected scientists such as Mike Moneymaker have been doing the diffcult and painstaking field work in researching bigfoot and educating the public regarding the evidence supporting its existence. He should be applauded for his work. And now that bigfoot's existence is becoming more accepted by the public, crass opportunists like Survivor Man come along to financially capitalize on the sudden popularity. It's absoultely absurd that Survivor Man would associate with Todd Standing (a known fraud and charlatan) who Moneymaker thankfully exposed on FB. But that should show you how serious SM really is about bigfoot (besides padding his wallet). Full disclosure: I am a personal friend of Mike Moneymaker (or "Mikey" as I call him), but that in no way affects my objectivity on this subject.

    5. Anon at 10 47 is spot on as is Pro Kill. I have long thought that Les' method could prove quite valuable. Get out by yourself for an extended period of time and live like the Sasquatch do and they just might take you in in a limited degree especially when they see you as no threat and curiosity takes hold. Gifting them would be a good idea, and keep your camera, IR, and recorders close by especially at night. This show will be successful weather anything happens or not because at its core is what Les is all about, that being survival in remote places all by yourself.

      For Anon at 12 20 shame on you. I am a fan of what Matt has done for Bigfootology and a tremendous fan of the BFRO site, and have met a few of the BFRO investigators who I consider most apt and credible people. However there is so much room for other people in this endeavor to try other methods and if they make a buck or two good for them. The whole premise of FB taking huge production crews into Bigfoot habitat by its very nature is a self defeating action, but FB is about entertainment first and foremost. Matt is hardly living at poverty level and the Animal Planet has deeper pockets than Les Stroud does. I do not know what Todd Standings roll will be as Les goes alone. If it is only to point out that certain areas of Alberta or BC have a higher concentration of Sasquatch, I can find no fault with that. It is always a crap shoot when seeking these creatures and FB points this out all the time.

      Jealousy and egos run rampant in this industry and that is a problem ( but far from unique in the human experience ) and I would suggest that your friendship has clouded your objectivity.


    6. You must be pretty close to call him Mikey since he uses the name Matt and told me to call him Matt years ago in our first conversation. But then I am not a friend of Matt's, just someone who has spoken with him a few times.

    7. And will they be right? Because that sure as hell seems to be what is going on. Les has run the gambit with his survival series, he smells ratings with Bigfoot, and joins forces with Mr. Wookie blinky eye face Todd Standing, in the hopes of gaining popularity.

    8. Hey anon 12:20 Moneymaker has never gone by the name "Mike" in his whole life. It's not even a nickname ... so which show were you watching? Or are you drunk every time you watch Finding Bigfoot. Either way you are completely full of shit.

  7. I found it interesting that Les used all the "believer" jargon and experiences -- Gigantopithecus (sp), rock throwing, skunk apes, etc.

    I also didn't know he had two encounters which, based on the interview, he believes are Sasquatch-related.

    Not sure why he's hooked up with Todd Standing. You would thing that he would look for someone more credible.

    1. Les has the skills and the courage to put himself out there in big bear country on a regular basis. That can probably give him enough backbone to film a bigfoot without running for his life. Apparently his opinion of Todd Standing is different that most. Perhaps Standing is not a hoaxer. MM didn't prove anything about Standing, other than his videos are not proof. I can certainly understand why he wouldn't take MM and his comedy club to the "domicile" in question. Stroud is trusted by Standing to not give away the location, and chase away the bigfoots. The MM crew is too big, clumsy, and loud. If you want to study these bigfoots for any length of time, you've got to be small, quiet, and show that you can live under the same conditions that they do. Perfect for Les, and no worries for Todd. If Les does eventually verify they're there, then perhaps it would be a good time to bring in the blimp project. We need more people with Stroud's skills. Maybe it'll eventually work out the other way around, where the blimp locates the bigfoot, then the Les Strouds and their skillsets are brought in to become acquainted with the "locals". Much like first contact with the amazonian tribes. There is one other extreme skillset tracker and wilderness skills guide that I know of and I've mentioned here awhile back: Tom Brown Jr. Author of "The Tracker", "The Search", "The Way of the Scout", amongst the 17 or so books he's written. Skills that far surpass even Les Stroud. He has a tracking school where you can start to learn these skills, which take years to master. Me older brother went to one of his schools, and really enjoyed it. You all should check him out. He's in his sixties now, and has many, many more years of experience and knowledge than even Les Stroud. I'd be surprised if they're not well acquainted. One curious thing that would make him perfect for the bigfoot search, is that last I heard, he doesn't believe in bigfoot, and hasn't seen evidence of one, as many years as he's spent in the woods. Even though his teacher, Stalking Wolf, whom he refers to as grandfather, now deceased, was an Apache, whose lineage does believe in bigfoot, along with all the other 1st nations tribes. Perhaps he's just not been at the right place at the right time. Maybe he could be recruited for this job. There's always room for one more quality bigfoot show.

    2. Is your name Todd? Good god man, you just wrote a dissertation supporting Todd, complete with his typical jargon and nomenclature.

    3. Whacker, the fact that you would think that was Todd shows how little you really know.

    4. gotta disagree SWP.

      As was said before, this could be the final nail we need in Todds coffin to once an for all show he is a hoaxer. Given, his goal is a good one, but what he has released so far is....well, pretty bad. For someone who never lets anyone go to his secret Bigfoot location, this really is his chance to put up or shut up. If Les has nothing close to what be considered evidence or an encounter, than we can say 100% Todd Standing has hoaxed and lied everything. But im reverse, if Les has some form of an encounter, or God willing evidence, than everything Todd has released becomes that much more promising.

    5. Sorry Snow Walker, I am just me, James. I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve Todd Standing, since I've not really gone over his evidence, or supposed hoaxes with any thoroughness. There's controversy with almost anybody in the bigfoot "field". A dissertation? Get real. I've seen the videos he made, it's interesting, like the rest of the sightings we read and hear about. He does take liberty with his assumptions about these bigfoot, but it's human nature to extrapolate on what is known to the self, and try and guess the rest. I did, however, and do endorse Les Stroud and Tom Brown Jr., though I've never net either. One believes in bigfoot, one remains unconvinced. If Todd Standing is willing to take Les to this area he says have bigfoot, and risk being ridiculed even more, he must be confident of the outcome. We'll see what happens. I make my living in the Oracle/Peoplesoft IT world, and spend most of my spare time golfing. I have also backpacked in the grand tetons, northern cascades, iron mountains in the upper peninsula, and the southern appalachians. I've had 3 encounters of the "hearing" kind, that makes me believe in bigfoot, not that I was looking for them. These memories make me smile, the most recent one might actually be of interest to people because I've never heard anybody describe sounds like I heard that day. Perhaps I'll share it with you all later. I actually tried, but the post became too long (more than 4096 characters) and the app wouldn't accept it.

    6. Sorry Snow Walker, I am just me, James. I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve Todd Standing, since I've not really gone over his evidence, or supposed hoaxes with any thoroughness. There's controversy with almost anybody in the bigfoot "field". A dissertation? Get real. I've seen the videos he made, it's interesting, like the rest of the sightings we read and hear about. He does take liberty with his assumptions about these bigfoot, but it's human nature to extrapolate on what is known to the self, and try and guess the rest. I did, however, and do endorse Les Stroud and Tom Brown Jr., though I've never net either. One believes in bigfoot, one remains unconvinced. If Todd Standing is willing to take Les to this area he says have bigfoot, and risk being ridiculed even more, he must be confident of the outcome. We'll see what happens. I make my living in the Oracle/Peoplesoft IT world, and spend most of my spare time golfing. I have also backpacked in the grand tetons, northern cascades, iron mountains in the upper peninsula, and the southern appalachians. I've had 3 encounters of the "hearing" kind, that makes me believe in bigfoot, not that I was looking for them. These memories make me smile, the most recent one might actually be of interest to people because I've never heard anybody describe sounds like I heard that day. Perhaps I'll share later. I actually tried but the app only allows posts of less than 4096 characters.

    7. sorry about the double post. I'll paste in the "hearing" event here that I thought you all "might" be interested in.

      In my front yard, where I presently live, in northeast georgia, I had a house built at the end of a cul de sac, and sits back about 175' from the mailbox. It was the first of only 2 houses on the short street. The driveway curves to the right 60 degrees or so, about 50' in. My house can't be seen from the mailbox, as I had the builder leave the trees to the inside of the curve for privacy. If you go straight though, there's a "thicket" about 75' from the mailbox. The first spring/summer here, the outside of the thicket was completely covered with wild black rasberry bushes (still is). They were filled with ripe berries, literally hundreds if not thousands of berries. But, inside the berry bushes were all pine trees, thick enough that nothing much grew on the ground, leaving the inside open. It's
      so dark in there that you can't see into it from the outside. The neighborhood was formerly a pine tree farm. All streets in the now 65 house development have the word pine in the name. Behind my house is 750 acres of private deer hunting land that only has hunters on it during deer season. One june morning I took my morning coffee out to the attached garage to work on redoing the front deck on my small aluminum bass boat. I'd left the garage door open the night previous, so I quietly just opened the door from the hallway to the garage and walked to, then stood near the front of the boat (which I backed into the garage), thinking about how I was going to hinge the decking to access the batteries. Quietest place I've ever lived. It was peaceful and sunny. Out of the silence I heard the sound of "something" let out a big sigh, just like a person would do after taking a lungfull of air. It started with a higher frequency, and as the lungs of whatever emptied, and the sound got lower in frequency, it became a resonant kind of rumble. It was a very relaxed and unthreatening sound, yet loud. The garage opening faces this thicket. It lasted about 4 seconds. At the end of this sigh/exhale, I knew instantly whatever made that sound had a HUGE set of lungs. Way bigger than any person could make. I just looked over and stared at the thicket, which I couldn't see into. I wasn't about to go out there, due to instantly knowing that whatever made the sound was way, way, bigger than me. I was about 40 yards away from the front of the thicket. The sound was so out of context, that I just went back to thinking about my boat decking. About 5 maybe 10 minutes later, I heard the exact same sound. It was as if it was directed at me, and was saying "there goes the neighborhood". Again, as the lungs emptied I could sense the power and size of the lungs that made the deeply resonant rumble when the lungs were almost empty. I didn't feel comfortable at that point so I just went in the house. Whatever it was I'm sure was attracted to the ripe berries. I don't know if bears can make a sound like that. To my knowledge there's no bears around here, or wild hogs. It seemed like it was conveying an emotion to me and itself, of sadness, maybe resignation. But, in a relaxed [non aggressive way. I didn't go look for tracks, because I didn't know then, that the thicket was open on the inside. When my 25 lb cat disappeared after work in that area about a year later, I went looking in there and discovered how open it was. There's tons of deer tracks in there and a small creek as well, that had lots of water that first couple of years, but is mostly dry now. This happened 7 years ago. I've never read or heard anybody describe quite what I heard that day. I don't know what could have made those sounds other than bigfoot. This is about 15 miles northeast of athens, georgia.

    8. Thanks for sharing your experience James. If I had to guess and I will I think that creature may have wanted the berries ( Bigfoots love berries and quite a few sighting reports have witnessed them eating berries, especially blueberries). The sigh could have been a bummed out emotion like humans make when it felt you were interfering with its quest. Just a thought.


    9. You're welcome Alpha Dog. That's what I thought too, it was there on its annual round of ripe wild black raspberries. The roads, wells (3),underground electricity & phones were made including my cul de sac, and then sat for a couple years, so the berries grew up along the perimeter of the pines that had regrown after the last harvest. I've never heard or seen anything since that first summer. I've often wondered if the bigfoot follow the berries north as they ripen with the weather. They're the same one that grow wild up in michigan where I grew up. There was an emotion to this sound that seemed to be directed at me. A regular human like sigh. Relaxed, but drawn out longer that I would do. When I went into the thicket looking for my missing cat I discovered it was very easy to see out, but impossible to see in, right down to the ground. A perfect place for anybody to observe from, rest and eat. I still see the deer coming and going from that thicket. I've cleared it out some now to make it a little harder for the grey foxes and coyotes to ambush my 2 cats from in there. It's difficult to keep up with though. The memory just makes me smile and wonder now. I'm about 50-60 miles southeast from where the police cruiser recorded the bigfoot crossing the road with the dash cam. The little creek turns into a permanent water creek about 200 yards into the private hunting acreage on the back edge of my almost 4 acres. There's a small lake about a half mile behind me in there. It would be a good corridor for the bigfoot following the berries.

    10. Yes, yes, yes ... the poster calling himself "James" is actually Todd Standing. And Todd Standing is on drugs, and he's on the computer, writing deranged babbles trying to stick up for himself.

      His tactic is to filibuster a bunch of pro-Standing messages on this list.

      And just as Standing doesn't realize that people can figure out that is a total bullshitter ... he doesn't realize that people can figure out that it's him posting such long, rambling pro-Standing messages on this blog, using the pen name "James".

      That's totally Todd Standing himself. He's a bullshitter. He's deranged. He's an alcoholic AND has other substance issues, which is why he has never held a real job in Canada.

      Hey Les ... read all the comments from "James" on this blog. It is Standing himself writing those, and he can't erase them now. He's a fraud and you will figure it out, hopefully before you agree to do anything with that publicity-seeking slime bag on television.

      Hey Todd ... why not show Les your resume' ... your work history. Let Les check those references too. I want to hear from Les what kind of excuses you give him for not providing a complete resume and work history.

    11. Could the sigh have been of contentment? Like we do after a huge meal of good food. Maybe whatever was so full of berries that the thought of moving was absurd. Then when it age a few more berries it noticed you and again sighed knowing it didn't want to go anywhere, but needed too. I know I sighed a lot today before I left my parents after dinner. And now I think a piece of pie will put me out for the night. So full I had to skip dessert...

    12. James is the nutjob that insists the skeptics here are "paid university and government plants". He never responds when I ask for links to apply for those jobs.

      I might wade into more of his posts if he'd start using paragraphs.

  8. Sorry, but now I'm dubious about his encounters. "Survivorman" can now look foward to its highest rated episode.

  9. As we've seen in past Hall of Shame entries, most that have made it here, share one thing. A link to commercialism. One has their own production company, while one basically claims to an entertainment company. Another writes books. Each one in essence has the common advantage for them, to generate sensationalism through promoting exciting headlines, possibly to foster more attention to their own business ventures.

  10. There "is a chance" that when Les Stroud goes to Todd Standings area of research there will be nothing there. Not because Todd is any kind of hoaxer and liar, but because bigfoot family groups don't stay in the same place forever. They do travel around.

    Anyone that wishes to dispute the "fact" that bigfoot travels can go look into the investigations of researchers. When the investigators go to research areas quite often the squatches have already moved on.

  11. Amen to that
    the only thing better would be him
    BEAR all up in your Grylls ,Mike Hawk and the dual survival guys.

    wait for it

    "FINDING BIGFOOT" together
    Now THAT my freinds would be a show!!!!!!!!!

    1. Funny part is they would probably actually find one this time

  12. Looking so forward to this show! Even if nothing happens I enjoy the possibility and the ability of ones survival in a wilderness environment! Thanks to Discovery Channel for making this new show happen and Les for the interest in the subject and the ambition to pursue it! Goes back to how encounters happen . They find you rather than you finding them or simple chance. . Spending time in their environment without disco balls and lots of intrusive camera crews should make this venture more productive!

  13. Still not sure what to think of Standing, but I like his dedication. I just don't see any new stuff from him? Picture of the Ewok wasn't convincing to me , but the one Matt M. Discounted looked real to me.

    1. The show is over. His make-up artist sister died.

  14. Awesome! Can't wait to see it.

    And WHY just ONE episode? Do a series.

  15. Might have been a cool idea if not for the involvement of Todd Standing.

    1. Amen. I am disappointed in Les. Joining forces with Todd, doesn't make Todd legit, it just brings into question both Les's knowledge of the world of Bigfootery and his integrity. Either he didn't bother to research Todd's background, or he doesn't care. Both are dangerous positions to take in this field.

    2. showwhackerpride, don't be so jealous. So you have researched Todd's background and know all huh? You are the biggest joke of all when it comes to Bigfoot. You will eat crow.

    3. I am tired of hearing from Snow Walker as a self-proclaimed expert. How can he continue to rip into others work and still want to be taken seriously for his own? I do not know how close he has seen a Sasquatch's face or if he has ever even seen one at all. I for one have seen a few Sasquatch, but only seen the face relatively clearly once - within 50'. Even with this close an encounter I am unable to discount what Todd has photographed. Granted they look weird, but his pictures are better than my sighting. Better in the sense that he provides a closer look. It is to Todd's credit that he has done so much work toward gaining an understanding of the species and its protection and doing so under some pretty heavy criticism. I do not know the guy, but I can appreciate his dedication in spite of all the haters out there.

      I would like to hear from someone who has seen them up close in a habituation setting to get a measure of whether or not Todd's pictures are within the range of facial morphology exhibited by the species.

      A little advice to Snow Walker . . . I like most of your video interviews. They provide some logical insight and investigation into the subject matter, but the rest of your grand standing is ridiculous and undermines your credibility. There is more room for in this field than just your opinion. Extend the respect and professionalism to a wider audience than just those you choose to investigate.

  16. Les thinks the Skunk ape lives in Vietnam? Seriously? Joe knew, and was quite polite about it. I think Les was confusing the reports of *Rock Apes* with Skunk Apes. You'd think he would have studied up on this, before making a show about it.

    1. There are also reports of bigfoot type sightings in vietnam, as well as the rock apes. So, don't be too sure Les was mistaken.

  17. I am proud for Todd Standing, he is finally being taken serious by a very credible man. The show will be a success. I think you all will be surprised by what you will see. People commenting on here have no clue about Standing, just assumptions. Of course the guy has unreleased private footage, maybe this would be a great time to show it to the public? I guess we shall see. For those of you that think Todd is taking Les to his one Sylvanic spot that's funny. Do you all really think he only goes to one place to track and film Bigfoot? I'm sure this survivor man special will reveal some of those things, it's going to be a great show. Todd has not hoaxed a thing, his material is that of real Bigfoot. It's great he is getting more notoriety with Les's help, I believe it will give him the support he needs to achieve the ultimate goal, the holy grail, a body.

    1. Very credible? Surely you joust.

    2. I agree, still haven't seen or heard of anyone proving Todd's work is hoaxed? All I ever hear is people stating their opinion. I can tell you this; I had an encounter within 15' and it looked alot like Todd's picture. There seems to be a lot of grandstanding and jealousy. I hope they do do it and find something or document it. Then maybe some of these so called experts will take a step back and swallow the crow. I think defaming a person based on personal opinion is as low as you can get!

  18. Todd is a friend of the People.

  19. I think this video was very well done. Looking forward to the evidence that can be gathered and shared.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  20. I think it's safe to assume Todd showed Les something very compelling, enough for Les to get his producers on board.

    1. Nope, wrong. The producers put them together because Les and Todd are both Canadians and because Todd has managed to get himself a lot of publicity in Canada.

      The show will give Les an ability to show off his detective sense and figure out that Todd is a phony. Once Todd realizes that Les is onto his bullshit then Todd ewill back out and crawl away. In the meantime Todd will be enjoying lots of new publicity, at the expense of Les.

    2. uhm, i live in toronto..i dont think anyone other than me knows who Standing is.

  21. The thing i like about Todd is ; he dose not get caught up in all of this crap and gos about his work. All these clowns that post blobs and are putting out CRAP! for the hole world to see are a joke. Fake!

    I have talked to Todd about the things he has done and seen. I'll tell ya. The guy knows his shit. So to all of you that sit on your couch and hate. Get ready. The guy is the real deal. Hes not out for fame. Its about protectection for one of the worlds greatest stories.

    1. ^ You got it. You know what you are talking about.


    2. Anon 2:24 is ANOTHER POST by TODD STANDING himself !!!

      He's taking on all sorts of disguises to stick up for himself on this blog. He's fucking nuts!! He was posting under the name "James" and now he's furiously writing more blathering posts as different personas to fill up the comments with so much nonsense that people won't bother to read it all, and/or to make people think that other people have more positive things to say about him than negative things.

      At some point after he started doing it he realized he had blown his own cover, but he couldn't erase what he already posted, so he started to furiously write more posts, pretending to be different people.

      You can bet your ass that is Todd Standing himself saying things like "the thing i like about Todd is ; he close [sic] not get caught up in all this crap and gos about his work." No, Todd Standing is DEFINITELY in the house here, and he has been since a few hours after Sean posted this blog item about him and Les Stroud. Yes, that con-man Standing is in the house !!

      He's desperately, furiously trying to make you think it wasn't him writing nearly every post where someone seems to stick up for him. What a total scammer and con-man he is.

    3. Well, if ^ that is the case, can't Shawn see the IP address of the poster? Maybe he can confirm your suspicions.

  22. You know, I have reserved judgement of Mr Standing for the most part. His clips and pics have been what everyone has asked for most of the time. Clear and close up. But like all bigfoot "evidence" it gets poopoo'ed. He seems to be all about protection. But he is apparently not familiar with the public rule setting process in the US. He wants to get bigfoot protected before releasing more proof etc, etc. But in the US, most laws must be submitted for public review prior to being enacted. That prevents his wish of putting the laws in place, then releasing proof.

    He also supposedly has a reward for a naturally killed bigfoot body. But nothing can be released until tne protection laws are in place. Again, that is not possible in the US. It boils down to him being basically a habitualist. So worried about protecting them that they are just prolonging the amount of time people can have an open season on bigfoot.

    If Les Stroud does use Standing for help finding an area or goes with him, he will tell the truth. So if it turns out the Standing is full of it, he will be called out on it. Stroud is a no bullshit type of guy. He stopped making Survivorman to do his Beyond Survival about aboriginal cultures and music. He does what he finds fun.

    He came back to do Survivorman because it was fun and he was tired of seeing other so called "experts" on survival doing shit that gets people killed in survival situations.

    Now that he thinks bigfoot might be fun, he will try finding proof. This guy has a decent net worth of over five million dollars. But lives pretty basic. I do not think he is in it for the money. He is in it for the fun. He can roll two things he finds fun into a single show. So he is going to try it. He will probably succeed because of his way of life in the woods. He respects the forest for what it is. He doesn't kill or waste things he has taken from the forest. He also is more understanding of aboriginal ways than most whiteman are.

    You can tell by his dislike of "reality" tv shows normal overhyping that his won't be that way. It should be very interesting and he might get the most and best proof yet.

  23. To sucker a few more fools into believing him, Standing will hoax evidence in the areas he points Les to explore.

  24. When a field researcher steps up on a soapbox, and not protected by the BFRO, then anything goes to knock him off of that soapbox. Including labeling him as a hoaxer.


  26. Wow- amazing number of thoughtful posts. I must be on the wrong blog. Too bad we can't have more of this from skeptics and believers alike.
    Regarding Les Stroud- I think it's great. Tood Standing is controversial yes, but he claims to know where bigfoot are. That is his thing, so it would make sense for Les to say "point me in the right direction."
    The fact that Les does not have a circus of cameramen, sound guys and producers following him around (Finding Bigfoot) in the woods gives me some hope.

  27. I live in Calgary and have spent an incredible amount of time in the Alberta rockies and eastern B.C where Standing says he has located sasquatches. I go way off the beaten trails, in fact most often nowadays I go where there are no trails at all, scrambling obscure mountains because I climbed all the popular mountains near roadways years ago. I have seen bear, elk, moose, deer, but no sign of a sasquatch. (Then again I have never seen any mountain lions either). I believe Standing is full of shit, and my only experience with what MIGHT have been a large primate was mysterious sounds on the Washington-Montana border when I was young. Nothing in Canada for me yet, but I am hoping.

    1. P.S. I guarantee you that I have spent way more time in the mountains than Standing ever has. He has spent much time in a muppet factory manufacturing his little puppets he brings with him into the woods for photo sessions.

  28. I now have no respect for Les Stroud after hearing he will be pairing up with Todd Standing. Todd Standing is a fraud and an embarassment to the Bigfoot research community. Les, pls hookup with a more reputable Bigfoot researcher before doing the "Search for Sasquatch" episode.

    Geo D

  29. I'll spend sometime in the bush looking for sasquatch. Maybe this old Force Recon guy can try to stalk the ultimate apex preditor! Here sasqutchy sasquatchy, old devil dog's got a treat for you.

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