Official Statement From Bart Cutino Regarding New Thermal Footage From Northern Sierras

Editor’s Note:  This is a guest post by CA-BFRO Researcher, Bart Cutino. He is an unabashed, unapologetic member of The Bigfoot Research Organization, a diverse group of about 200 researchers and adventurers. He's also a member of the AIBR, the Bigfoot Discovery Museum and a co-founder of the Sierras Evidence Initiative.

Dear family and friends,

"Yes," it's true (although there's a couple minor innaccuracies in the attached article) on August 23rd, 2012, in the northern Sierras between Downieville & Truckee CA, I filmed up to three bigfoots with my thermal imager for over 40 minutes (non-stationary subjects are visible for about 5 minutes) and from about 100 yds. I caught them spying on our camp at 1:30AM on the second night there from a vantage position over our camp after hours of provoking techniques and doing a routine check (based on my WA thermal sighting 5 yrs prior). I easily could've missed them.

Unbelievably, they loitered quietly just inside the treeline about 100 yds below me in a gap/corridor for 2 hrs and it turned out were only about 36 yds from Ro Sahebi & Todd Hale (Michael Lorentz & Justin Smeja were asleep) who were stationed at our small fire. Having no idea I was filming them from behind at the same time, (Shawn was with me) from the fire, both Todd and Ro were seeing dark shadows moving through the tree line in front of them uphill and visible through gaps in the trees with ambient light behind them. I had 6 witnesess with me total (2 asleep) and all of us present and those who subsequently did re-creation work on a follow up expedition last month know what they were as the only alternative were tall "humans" (taller then anyone in my party) somehow negotiating their way in that close to camp at 7100 ft in the Sierras, without the benefit of a light source and without making a sound in the dark (inconceivable from our perspective). The subjects are also operating rather "fluidly" with ease (cautiously moving in and out of treeline through tight corridor) in complete darkness. Remarkably, I was only given that small corridor to see them with a proprietary unit (wouldn't have seen them without it) even without the use of light (I try not to use any light source during nocturnal research) and comfortable distance, over 100 yds.

In addition, I was also running real time audio on my head with my back-up olympus recorder, so all conversations from actually filming them (whispering w Shawn) to conversation back at camp will be available with footage in a month or two off our Sierras Evidence Initiative site ( First however, we're in the process of consolidating all data, measurements and re-creation footage from over 30 hrs spent doing re-creations with a team of five to six persons over a 8 day period last month (most of them independent of initial party with me and led by my frequent field partner, CA State Park Ranger Robert Leiterman, who was instructed by me to come in and try to destroy it). Needless to say, we were fairly succesful in accurately re-creating it (a lot of work and time) but Robert was unsuccessful in "destroying" it.

Unfortunately though, the footage, because of distance (103 yd) and clarity (thermal) does not meet a high standard of evidence in my opinion and is not by any means, "damning" video evidence. I admittedly had an internal battle with ever releasing it publicly for multiple reasons including this seasonal area (access dependent on snowmelt) still being active and our work there now is just beginning....hence The "Sierras Evidence Intiative" has been created to work this geographic area and contract independent NA labs (already processing) to try and get determinations of "Sierra kills" shooting event evidence and full transparency sharing of outcome and process with public.

Although not damning video, after seeing all the re-creation work we did on site and comparisons, "no one" would contend these subjects are not fairly tall bipeds and it will be the most documented video in the history of the subject and does show intiguing behavior (group behavior, rock throwing etc..) that's been frequently reported but never captured. The final product released by us will have a complete report by me, statements by witnesses present, all data and confirmed measurements, re-creation snapshots comparisons both thermal and color daytime, real time audio, a Q&A page, site map, opinions from those who worked on re-creations etc... It took me 5 years to see them again and although this experience was unparalleled in many ways and we successfully filmed them, it's not the closer (32 yds) unobstructed (and forever, "anecdotal") "money shot" I missed in WA state 5 years ago with the technology and recording limitations in handheld thermals at the time. But....we keep moving forward, always pursuing aggressively to bring us closer to ending this "mystery" and never... ever... apologizing for it.


  1. Yeah! Go Bart! Looking forward to it and do it right. Sounds like you are

  2. Same here! Keep up the hard work Bart!!

    Sadly enough the TROLLS will still attempt to devour your efforts.

    You know what I say though?

    Fuck em.

    1. id love 3 mins to knock some sense into your dull brain. then maybe you wouldnt act the cyber warrior telling people to fuck off etc
      u sound a right boring cunt without a clue. before u answer back in your usueual threatening aggresive way. no i dnt care and would laugh if i ever saw it[which i wont],as u well know,hence your cyber hardman shit

      no run along kid

    2. wow,pot calls out kettle with cyber power...go go power rangers mighty mighty power rangers

  3. Beware, soon the idiot trolls will arrive here and start taking all his comments...which is very clear to me... out of context.

    on another note, that's some beautiful country up there near Truckee.

  4. Yep but I've seen cutino take on his share of trolls, with facts. Glad he's sharing i want to see this

  5. was In Felton for the event yesterday and was very impressed with both the footage and his presentation.
    Lots of details and recreations. I was intrigued by the way they moved back and forth. bart had the video guy toggling through footage to how us some of the best parts and I was amazed at how much there was to sift through.

    kudos to Mike rugg who put on a great event as Bill Munns is doing some interesting work with the Paterson/Gimlin film. Really enjoyed his presentation as well!

  6. So what the hell happened with the other piece of Patterson film?

  7. worked at NAS Lemoore (Navy base) rescue. flew that area rescue scenarios etc.. we saw lots of mexican
    pot growers doing same thing.

    Thats the ticket!

  8. is this thermal footage the huge footage spouted by fb/fb before they released rick dyers hoax? if it is then the actual filmer has got my respect for not bigging it up like fb/fb did,good on ya sport!

    1. I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it is but I was away until last week so could be I guess.

    2. It is not the same footage.

    3. FB/FB does no service or good for anyone who is interested in bigfoot related stuff. He believes everything is real first, and then asks questions later. They are a marketing firm and it shows. They really are bad for the cause for sure, and paradoilia runs amuck in their midsts. Bart is the man!

  9. I'll wait to judge the footage until I see it and although Bart gave good reasons as to why we have to wait I don't know why everything in this field for years now is" we have something amazing but you can't see it yet".
    Ketchum was laughed at and run down for this kind of thing but everyone does it now so how is that any different.

    1. Ketchum is a fraud, bart is a respected researcher... Talk about apples to oranges

    2. Dumb schmuck it's the other way around.

    3. Now that's funny, you're the dumb schmuck who probably believes ketchums bullshit. he called her out from beginning you forest people lover

  10. pics or it didn't happen!! Theses idiots should not even bring up that they got pictures/film of mexican
    pot growers if thearen't gonna show it for months.

    Its typical PT Barnum circus bullshit!!

    1. agreed.the only things i can account to all the delays in every 'next big thing' in the bigfootworld is 1.) they dont actually have any real evidence or 2.)its a full on mega sized ego massage for a while until they deem us mere mortals worthy enough to view/read their shit hot evidence.

    2. True,if you got it show it.

    3. I know your trolls and my attempts are meaningless but still, if he just released a thermal video of 2-3 bipeds, everyone will immediately call it hoax and bullshit. Bart is recreating and studying the scene to get accurate measurments on thr subject, whicb he says shows that they are very tall.

      And despite all this he didnt want to release it because of people like you. Like Todd Standing said, no matter how crystal clear a video of one may be, to these skeptics/trolls, it wi always be something else.

    4. im not a sceptic or a troll,just think that now all the recreations are done and if everthing looks good then where is the video and when can we see it?

    5. Pearls before swine... but well said. I have come to the conclusion that 95% of trolls are deeply terrified of losing their comfortable paradigm of being the only biped in the timber. Insecure in their place in the biosphere, they lash out with ridicule and the most innane attempts at humor in a feeble attempt to discredit any open minded individual thinking outside of their little box. It is telling to me that they never use their real names as well. I think Bart will have a well documented presentation when he gets it ready, can't wait to see it!

    6. Cutino just showed it at the Felton event in front of however many people attended, many have have commented positively already.

      He also said on fb a few weeks back that he did this preliminary as favor to Rugg but never intended on releaing it until all ducks in a row anyways. I'm assuming this statement is to clarify some misinfo spreading.

      I look at him as one of the few reliable guys in the field *by history* and am looking forward to seeing this with tempered expectation thanks to his detailed and realistic description of footage.

    7. todd standing quotes should probably not be used anymore than rick dyer quotes

  11. Very nice work Bart, wish I could have been there but Ohio is a long way from Felton. Hope you, Shawn, Ro and others can come to Ohio in the Spring. I really look forward to the final presentation and I know it will be a lot of hard work.

    I have a question. Do you think the creatures were there before you walked up above the camp and were able to flank them, or did they move in after you and Shawn were already in place. Also nice work by Shawn to sit on this, (must have left you chomping at the bit to say something before) until timing and facts were in place. Again tremendous job.


  12. Is this why Carl came back all freaked out?

  13. Be careful folks. These pot growers will kill your ass!! Five dead hikers last year in remote
    pot growing areas.

    1. These pot growers are actually planted MIBs otherwise the law would move in and arrest these criminals, no? Duh.

  14. Is it possible these entities that were filmed were humans wearing night vision?

    1. Haha, three very tall bf researchers filmed with night vision, a single small bf that curiously watched them for over 40 minutes.

  15. Great Job!! Good reporting. Need more like this!!!

  16. Replies
    1. This is about the third time I have read about HE and his return so why don't you or He just do it or not do it or shut the fuck up because I really dont think anyone really gives a shit.

    2. we used to party in the woods at night without flashlights..any tall boys found?

  17. Well, I'm no troll by any means, but I do have a brain. If you can't show it, you don't have it. The end.

    Let's not forget we had to wait for the Rider/BF my BF "camper" footage. And why? So they could turn off the sound, turn it sideways and take out the color. If anything we're going to have to wait until this video is dumbed down to an unrecognizable mess.

    If you don't trust the Sasquatch/Bigfoot/Wood Ape "community" to know what they're looking at, then don't bother. If you value their input, give them the opportunity to review the evidence for themselves. If anyone here needs spoon fed, they can talk to their mommies. -- d3w177

    1. They did show it. They will post soon. I saw it at Felton, good stuff.

      No way it was grower's. When you see the location and proximity to road. They wouldn't have been where they were.

    2. they don't grow weed next to the road

    3. I cannot believe people are still falling for this. Of course he showed this to people at Felton. It's lke playing your new song to the wife and kids first. Tweek it and play it out two nights later. You were the guinea pig. If it's not going to work on you, it's not going to work on anybody. Luckily, it worked. Punch it up and see you in few weeks. -- d3w177

    4. "They wouldn't have been where they were"

      Dumbest post ever. Yeah, just like Bart, Shawn, Ro, Smeja and Todd wasn't "where they were".

      Even if they weren't growing it right there next to the road, who's to.say they weren't walking back, realized people had set up camp and decided to wait it out (basically protect their investment) from potential thieves?

      I'm calling this for one reason.......if it was worth a damn, it would be out already. Its not worth a damn, so let the ever infamous "build-up" begin of ambiguous footage.

      Same Ol shit, different researcher.

    5. Agreed! Same bullshit different con man!

    6. Thats just great logic and you have very little in details. I know bart and the last thing he is is a conman, hoaxer and everybody in this field knows that. What did he con the other 5 witnesses as well? Love how these guys are getting their shit together before just throwing something out there and i dont care how good or bad the footage is. Wish there was more researchers like bart in the field.

    7. d3w177= one of the most idiotic and ignorant comments on this article as BC said weeks ago on FB he shared this early for Mike Rugg. they are close friends and he wants to help and support Mike anyway he can. he wanted to wait and do it all at once the right way (told me personally)

      A+ on poster above btw, BC is real deal and lots of envy his way in this field, but a good person who treats people with respect (been great to me and my son) and sure as hell aint no hoaxer.

      thermal footage multiple subjects, multiple witnesess, independent guys working on recreations and backing with their reputations, audio etc... and the cameraman is not rushing this out, giving realistic overview.

      this sounds good to me already, especially with who took it. Congrats Bart!

    8. Well, Anon, I would love to have a way to track you down on this blog when this gets shown to all of us. When we ALL get to see vague shapes in the distance. When we all sit two inches from our screen wondering what the hell we're looking at. When we all have to subject ourselves to still captures with red circles and yellow arrows. Then you can feel free to insult my intelligence. Then you will have the ammunition necessary to take me down if you want to. The fact remains, if you had a picture, a video, a piece of a sasquatch that proved the species, you could and would show it without fanfare or press release or two months wait or photoshopping or so-called research. You would just show it. But thus far I have not seen it. So the title of idiot still resides with those who are convinced of the existence of a creature based on footage of something they haven't seen that may or may not be unexplained. -- d3w177


      Find any bodies yet with Ed Smith?
      Just curious.

    10. ^^^^^Maybe some references are TOO inside. If no one understands what the hell you're talking about, It's not a reference, it just seems insane.

  18. I'm surprised trolls aren't jumping all over this.

    1. They're being smothered out by the sycophants.

    2. Maybe because Bart's on the same team they are? Something's fishy.

  19. Congratulations. But, it is not "incredible" they were so close, it happens more than most think and with FLIR this kind of hidden advantage is shrinking for them.
    They also have very good memories and recall of individuals, so you may have a site worth returning to, of course their interest might be in Justin and not the group.
    I hope you make the next big field experience leap to communicating interactively and without threat. If you do the hope for a "money-shot" may diminish and instead you will hope and work for their continued freedom.

    1. I would pay money to go see them in a zoo

    2. Won't ever happen except with your relatives displayed maybe.

    3. That's ok with me...make it happen

  20. So funny seeing these articles. Sure, he filmed sasquatches. Right? LOLLLLLLLLLL.

    Give me a fucking break. People were checking them out. He got thermal images of people. Wow.

    Everyone knows thermals have terrible resolution. PERFECT FOR BIGFOOT!!!!!! Unfortunately, you'll probably see a lot more of these type of videos.

    You know whats fucking hilarious? All these footers claiming bigfoot exists. Yet there is no monkey produced. EVER. Only stupid stories, stupid videos, and stupid claims.

    Bigfoot = the boogie man. It's not there. It wouldve been produced if it was. All these silly videos, and silly claims are just that. SILLY AS FUCK!

    but keep supporting it... and keep paying. = bigfootery.

    Anyone believing in bigfoot is gullible as fuck. I need to be a salesman, and start hitting on footers.

    1. Or a witness, welcome to the viewpoint of a knower and be grateful one has taken the time to gently remind you that you haven't a clue.

    2. Love when clowns say thermal doesn't prove anything, yet they've never used it. Ever! Thermal can mean alot in shorter distances we just dont have that footage yet and I think thats what cutino is talking about referencing old sighting compared to this.

    3. The only ones that "haven't a clue" are the bigfooters that allow themselves to be fooled time and time again by con artists and jokesters.

      It is time to put up or shut up. If you think the animal is there, prove it. Otherwise, you're just stating a redundant lie like all of those before you.

      Words mean nothing. There is no proof, because there is no animal. Period.

    4. Why do trolls like you even bother? Why do you care so much what I choose to believe? If you ever get off of your small-minded dumb ass and get out in the timber, you might get lucky and run across one like many of us have. Either way, we truly don't give a damn... at the slightest. Nothing you say can remove the memories of what I have experienced... and the true mystery is why you froth at the mouth so trying to convince me that I need to prove something to you. I don't. Care. What. You think. And here is a news flash... very few people in the world do. It is just an immature display of your own insecurities, and fear of the "Boogie Man" that drives you. For the record, there IS a sentient, large and incredibly crafty biped in that area and in many others around the earth. And all your blustering and fears won't change that. Oh... and did I mention that we don't give a damn about what you think?

    5. Dave Lamme: You are a liar.

      Here's a news flash for you. Bigfoot will never be proven, because its not out there. Keep on lying about bigfoot. The truth is: No bigfoot. No amount of crying and bitching will change it.

      It's very simple, if you want the "skeptics" (rather like normal intelligent people) on board, produce the creature. We both know that won't be happening dont we. So, eat a big bag of shut the fuck up with your lies.

    6. Dave Lamme doesn't care what you think and will type hundreds of words proving it.

    7. I admit that I spend too much effort pointing out that trolls are emotionally disturbed people. I do it because their unspoken assumption offends me, and it should offend you. They assume we are unthinking, gullible people... which couldn't be further from the truth. We gather here to exchange experiences and ideas about a creature that we are interested in... which is our right of free speech. Trolls are afraid of the possibility that such a creature might exist, due to their own insecurities. Why else would they lurk somewhere they are not wanted, making crude remarks and immature attempts at humor? The bottom line is that I hate bullies and people that try to intimidate others as a conversational technique. Sorting out the truth from the hoaxers (which, by the way, is just a troll that has the gumption to get out and do something) is hard enough as it is WITHOUT a bunch of trolls muddying up the water. I think MORE of us should stand up to them. Not by playing into their hand by letting them push your button, but rather by pointing out how childish and sad their insecurities are.

    8. Dave ur a bigfoot nuthugger! If someone disagrees their a troll! Total closed minded douche!

    9. That's darn right

    10. Awww Dave Lamme is upset because someone doesn't believe his tooth fairy story! So sad.

      You know what is childish DAVE LAMME? an adult human being claiming to see a bigfoot. Lies will not make it real! lol None of your bitching will. Face it, its just not there. You and all bleevers lose.

      But, you'll be fooled time and time again until you die. Because nothing is worse than admitting its not there right? lmao.

      And you call the skeptics childish and insecure. Hello? I guess you think the rest of the world should just "believe you" right?

      Tell your tooth fairy story, and get upset when folks laugh at you and point. *pointing*

    11. You troll know very well bigfoots are there or you wouldn't even care what others are interested in, it's your own fear you fear, you know they're there without a doubt and it scares you shitless that your dated troll views are about to be proven wrong.

      It's very easy to sit and type arrogant anti bigfoot junk all day, I think troll losers like you get off on it because it's a subject you're clueless on and not initiated thus can't comprehend you're one of the millions of sheep gullible enough to think it'd be on the news. LOL

      Nothing out of the box is ever on the news that's the whole plan it's called order, it's always the same old world politics crap because journalists are basically pussies afraid of rocking their own stable existence.

      The victors and the powerful always wrote history nothing new in that, it's very clearly this control you're either underestimating grossly or fearing the end for. Hence bigfoot ridicule but you're up against a growing number of witnesses and ever coming evidence.

  21. All hype, and nothing produced. Typical bigfooting.

  22. Can't wait to see the footage. Hope it wont be disappointing.

    1. look at their track record, bigfooters NEVER disappoint! Always such clear photos and videos...

    2. I do and Bart Cutino's is clean

    3. Bart claims to have seen bigfoot on multiple occasions, and is a "bleever". You call that clean? I call it "needs psychiatrist". When you start seeing mythological beasts and thinking they are real, it is time for real help. This post is not a joke.

    4. Bart has now documented two out of the three major events he had- tree destr/knock vid and this. Pretty damn good

  23. anybody know when this footage will be released online? and why is anybody who questions things,believer or sceptic,called a troll?

    1. Because all of the articles posted here are "trolls" and not based on any truths. The articles you've responded to is a big troll. Any responses to it are inevitably trolls too unless you express support. Then you're a rube.

    2. Sounds like they are just shoring up info and getting size confirmations. About time bigfooters do their homework. Good to see

  24. How can you call everyone that is skeptical about anything on here a troll? Sure there are trolls but some of the most skeptical are the believers themselves and with damn good reason.In this case Cutino explains what he wants to do before the release and thats cool with me but how many times do these things turn out to be bullshit or very questionable at best?

    If you are a skeptic it seems you can't express your opinion without believers jumping all over it with the same stale comebacks.
    If you are a believer you get trolled all to hell and called gullible thats just the way things are if you can't take it you probably want to go to another site.

    This blog has it all funny comments hateful comments the rare polite comment it's a fuckin' Sasquatch hodge podge.Compared to other sites this place is awesome.

    1. you sum it up perfectly mate,you cant win in this game so best just to roll with it.the term 'troll' does get a little tiresome though,cant we use a different word like 'tractor' or 'joobs'? anything really

    2. This is a cool site. And I am a troll. Good advice: just roll with it. I would love for you believers to find Bigfoot. However that's not the way I'd be betting it.

      PS I liked the Knower and look how he got treated by you believers. He was even threatened with violence which is very wrong and illegal. Where was your indignation over that? Yeah, exactly but we're the horrid nasty trolls.

    3. Keeps a penis pump handy at all times.^

    4. Thats darn right you tractors

    5. Anon 3:43=Hurr Durr.

  25. Hes Trying to be a Moneymaker,hyping this up then some crappy evidence,

    1. Yep, another bs evidence!

    2. Actually cutino is thankfully the opposite of moneytaker.. Hard to even believe they are friends at all

    3. Really? What happended, is he not with BFRO anymore? Matt's nuts anyway.

  26. I can appreciate this approach, far better than 99.9% of the stuff that is currently being peddled as 'evidence'. I also commend him for his honest evaluation of the video - that its not conclusive, due to the distance and the nature of thermal imaging, but that he is gathering additional resources that, hopefully, will lend some credence to the clip itself.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself coloroado angler, that's why bart is one of the few researchers i trust and will back all the way.


  27. Unbelievably, they loitered quietly just inside the treeline about 100 yds below me in a gap/corridor for 2 hrs and it turned out were only about 36 yds

    Waited 5 years and BINGO! 100 yards away, Oh I'll just wait here and flir them? Okay! Once in a life time 'again' You would of moved closer and closer to get the 'BEST' FLIR images possible, period.

    I'm not buying this crap.

    1. "Dr. Steven Greer still insists that he does indeed have access to an actual alien corpse and that it has been examined by experts using CT-scans and X-rays. Greer says the results show it's humanoid but not human and DNA tests are still pending. He also provides an extremely frustrating teaser photo of a photo and tells us to wait for his upcoming documentary on the subject-- Sirius. While we are a bit less skeptical after hearing more details, we still find it difficult to take him... seriously given past experiences. Nothing less than a body studied by well-respected experts and DNA evidence to back it will convince us completely."

      the above quote from "UFO Digest"

      same crap except aliens LOL !!

      aIN'T NO bigfoots

    2. Haha, I can say this because I know this story internally as a friend and anon 10:30 has no idea what he's talking about.

      As I'm sure bart will explain when footage released,he tied to get closer and couldn't get them on any other angle, he also couldn't pinpoint their distance. walking straight towards them was deadfall and brush for a good 30 yds he said.
      I've used thermal, and you can't just pop a headlamp on screwing up your natural nightvision, and keep recording through a thermal walking through shit like that in darkness. that's not an excuse for him, folks that's reality.

      He also explained to me about getting as much footage as he could because they weren't in shot whole time apparently and stepping directly towards them would've likely ended the show and any chance for my footage.

      lazy armchair who would probably shit his pants doing what he did to get that footage.
      footage is about how bart describes it above by the way folks, i saw it the week he returned from getting it.

    3. It’s even better if you digest the above.

      Ro, is on record as saying he fucking ‘HATES’ camping, Shawn (if it’s this Shawn I shall say no more) Smega – Oh Man……where’s Randles? That would round this posse up nicely.

      What? Just because this is Curtino he gets free pass, I think not.

      I filmed up to three bigfoots with my thermal imager for over 40 minutes (non-stationary subjects are visible for about 5 minutes) and from about 100 yds.

      Unbelievably, they loitered quietly just inside the treeline about 100 yds below me in a gap/corridor for 2 hrs

      Remarkably, I was only given that small corridor to see them

      walking straight towards them was deadfall and brush for a good 30 yds he said.

      I was waiting for that comment. He managed fine previous without light. :) and I've spent more time outdoors, alone and in the pitch black than you've probably had showers.

    4. I think that's because he was on a road (in RL's original post) with shawn looking down towards camp you moron.

      Nice I gotcha try though Mr darkman

    5. No smart person reads any of RL's diatribe :)

    6. smart people do read facts before commenting instead of pulling shit out of their ass know?


    7. Facts are what Curtino posted or his story, RL's are 2nd hand, therefore. Ah never mind, your're just too dumb to grasp it :)

    8. Cutino didn't post his whole story and he's fully explained "why" and idiots like you are already commenting. I've got no issue with him or any other researcher properly documenting an problem. it's actually a welcome sight and I expect nothing less from bart based on what I've seen of him the last decade.

    9. Then you should read these again and get your head out of your ass.

      I filmed up to three bigfoots with my thermal imager for over 40 minutes (non-stationary subjects are visible for about 5 minutes) and from about 100 yds.

      Unbelievably, they loitered quietly just inside the treeline about 100 yds below me in a gap/corridor for 2 hrs

      Remarkably, I was only given that small corridor to see them

    10. My point is you idiot, is he gave a brief summary and your already commenting as if you know the whole situation and all details were shared.he didn't post his whole story and made that clear he's releasing full report with footage. why don't you wait for that before opeing your mouth? because your an idiot who probably wouldn't walk 5 feet without a fucking flashlight. yeah I'm sure you'v spent many nights in pitch black. you're a pussy and you damn well know it :)

    11. If they were that close fucking shoot one and end the speculations, take off your training bras and shoot it. End the fake evidence and throw the fucking corpse on CNN doorstep!

    12. Good just provide them the 10k thermal scope so they dont miss and a good lawyer for illegally hunting w thermal in Cali asshole. Dumb shit after dumb shit commenting. Cant wait to see footage guys ignore these some of these jackoffs

    13. Omg thank you^.. Great post

    14. Biggest scientific discovery ever and your worried about 10k? Wow!

    15. hear that all researchers, none of you have any excuse to not be hunting bigfoot with a 10 thou thermal scope. crawl back under your rock you fuck

    16. That's darn away

    17. I would like all the hot shot trolls to camp out in a reported bigfoot active area, stay there a couple of nights if you dare, I guarantee during any lucky encounters you'll have trouble getting much good stable video yourselves for freaking out and having the frights of your pathetic mommy lives ! LOL

    18. Ok...I accept.Where are they at?Don't keep it a secret....where are they?

  28. full frontal body shot or a DoA body or STFU.

    BTW you nitzes, FLIR images are the easiest to fake you fucken morons. It's like you guys want to believe so fucken bad that you take any shitbox evidence and act like it's pure gold.
    I wanna believe too, but my brain usually sends up red flags when I'm being bullshitted.

    1. The only geek wanting to be bullshitted must be you since you freely seek out a Bigfoot blog, you jerkoff.

  29. way too many mountain oysters in that guys belly.

  30. yes... me bigfoot love em sweetbreads!...enoch!

  31. Do these guys bring tranquilizer darts with them? Or are they just that stupid? If they do capture one, what are they gonna tie his hands with twine and put a ball gag in it's mouth?

  32. yeah, what stupid idiots they are, don't these clowns know big 5 sells tranq guns, docs hand out prescriptions out like candy and those guns are accurate without a flir scope at night? OK to be an antagonizer but not to be a fucking dumbshit making comments like that. so glad you didn't sign your real name, your family doesn't deserve it.

    1. If your in the field and can't get a tranq gun, your either NOT trying or you just don't the right people... if I can get my hands on one living in the rural NE then these hillbillies should be able to get one no sweat. What a bunch of inept fucks you are.
      Maybe with your help they could acquire a fishing net... dumbass.

    2. Wow your a fucking retard, do you know how stupid you sound? "hillbillies?" your lucky your wife hasn't seen cutino, i doubt she'd think he's a hillbilly scum like you. Actually i wouldn't worry i doubt bart's into fat ugly bitches. Thenagain, your probably not even married...right?
      Oh and i think ive got a preeeeety good idear where you get and take your tranq gun

    3. Cmon now, you cant expect to tranq a full grown 700lb squatch and not have him come after you before it kicks in..

    4. Anon 4:00=Hurr Durr. Sounds like Hurr Durr is lusting after Cutino's taterhole. Or maybe he wants Cutino's porksword in his taterhole. Get a room, bitch.

    5. LMFAO!!!! Sounds like Bart has a gay fanboy wanting some taterhole.....

    6. Use a real gun and produce a real body! So fucking stupid! Kill one!

    7. The commenter was obviously a chick you nimrods. Sounds like you guys need some of that hard gay action

    8. The guy that says hurt durr takes it in the taterhole while giving his butt buddy a reach around.

  33. Look, lets go a little easy on Bart. He is well aware that if he did try to get any closer, the Bigfoots would have taken out his camera with a low frequency EMP before slipping into their extra-dimension portal.

    1. Ha, "take it easy on bart" good luck with that, he'll tear you apart w facts. Must not know him well

  34. where have you been? bart is one of the most anti-parnormal bigfoot nonsense researcher's in the field hence the forest people aren't big fans. he's always argued from biological perspective...mindspeak that

    lookng forward to when they share this as bart is as straight up a they come. Ro as well

    1. To ain't straight with that pork pie hat...that's darn right

  35. Sally here, feeling really motivated this morning, went on the internet to find a new job. Man, there's a lot of cute panda clips on youtube - check it out, go to youtube and type in "cute panda". Didn't have time to find a job. Pizza's coming soon anyway - delivery guy is a bit grouchy but they do the bestest anchovies in town!

  36. So did we ever settle the whole is mike rugg gay with that other guy from the muesium thing? Heard lots of talk just never got a forsure answer. Hard to picture those guys goin at it

  37. This shit is easy. Your height measurements surely be flawed. These were pot farmers.

    1. Thinks he knows it all but has the brain of a bag of shit.^

  38. Theres no pot farmers at 7100ft with no nearby water souce. Besides up there is a terrible place to grow. Squirrels will have a field day nights are too cold no manzanita for cover wayyyy too open.

    These comments about pot farmers are simply uneducated guessing jackasses

    1. No, actually its called logic and reason. Way more scientific than 9 foot 800lb. Apemen roaming around in North America. Your mind is wired totally fucked up.

    2. It is completely ludicrous the thought and idea that you jackasses cracked the case from hearing about a condenced version of the story but none of the 6 witnesses there thought of that.

      Trust me there was no humans pot growers or not in the area. Also no one grows pot within at least a 4 square mile of this area if not much further.

    3. Footers have no sense of reality. Reading this blog is hilarioius just for the footer replies and how dumb and gullible they are to this shit!

    4. Trolls have no sense of reality. Reading this blog is hilarioius just for the troll replies and how dumb and gullible they are to this shit!

  39. If account is true as mentioned by all witnesses, no fucking way growers were there. I know the area well its somewhere off 49. There's no growers there give me a break

  40. There is a reason why groups like BFRO and individuals like BART Cutino are "no kill". It's because they know it doesnt exist. They cant produce proof, so they claim to be "no kill" and only keep producing these lame stories, and videos to keep selling bigfoot and camping trips.

    Supposedly these guys have "activity" everywhere they go, and say squatches are everywhere. Yet, they can never find any proof of their claims?

    Hilarious. The footers keep buying it tho....

    Anyone want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn? I have a nice one for sale. A bigfoot lives under it. IM BEING SERIOUS. I HAVE THERMAL blobss video!!!

    1. What's up Knower, that suit stunt didn't pan out the planned way? You know jackshit again as usual. LOL One thing hilarious here is how gullible trolls are, the bigfoot species that evidently is de facto there (via reports and descriptions) has to be more intelligent than you ! They're escaping everytime because they're smarter and faster so they're probably not of this Earth in fact this is why we've never proven their existence 100% and so far only caught glimpses of them, and of course authorities (you probably) only too glad to assist. And why not, why couldn't it be so when say ET life is already kept secret knowledge even though countless people have witnessed unknown spacecraft activity, you trolls really suck at math. The sheep majority you can fool bless your lucky stars for that everybody else you can't which is why you're here. ;p

  41. I'll buy that bridge but I'll be needing a good sketch of those thermals first.Sketches are good solid proof.

  42. Nothing personal, but I don't want to see some "analysis" presented by a "bigfoot researcher".
    I have watched dozens of "there's bigfoot" videos with analysis, and the vast majority were obviously crap. Way too many people see what they want to.
    I don't doubt there will be thermal image footage of bipeds from 100 yards away, but being able to tell they are bigfoot is another matter and I doubt analysis will help at that range.

    I certainly wouldn't rule out people either. A friend and I were scouting for a hunt until dark and then realized the flashlights were back at the truck. We walked down the mountain and out the valley to the truck with only a little star light (no moon). It was several miles and I couldn't see my hand in front of my own face for the first half mile (which was mostly a giant shale slide broken up by large rocks and some brush), but it was keep walking or spend the night.

  43. you don't want analysis yet all we get in this field is crappy evidence and NO proper analysis...of anything. Regradless of how good /bad footage is (and I appreciate Bart's conservative candor about footage not being the best) every piece of evidence should be properly analyzed before being shared. that doesn't happen and that's why all the bitching.Now people are bitching he doesn't throw a piece of footage out there without doing any dilgince on it? Ridiculous and I hope he laughs at some of these comments. He's handling it the right way and I'm looking forward to his analysis as three others have already told me from felton event, the re-creation stuff really made the video for them.

    and your story about walking in the dark is a ridiculous comparison. cutino said they were "loitering close" for almost 2 hrs. and moving fluidly through treeline, yet weren't visible for minutes ata time. he brought many indep persons to site for investigations and re-creations. he even cancelled a annual trip to PNW to do analysis (wherever his old sighting was) I know some of those people who worked on recreating and they appear to all back him and ruled out people through measurmeents and circumstances once getting on site.

    we'll see. either way I like Cutino's approach with this as well as his indep dna analysis away from ketchum. i see a few complainers trying to lump him without any evidence or history to back that other then he's a bigfoot researcher.

    1. Loitering in the dark makes it bigfoot? Fluidly? I didn't trip once going down the mountain and we kept up a pretty normal walking pace. I think it could be argued we walked fluidly.

      I'll bet if one of you had been 100 yards away from us walking down the mountain, watching us with a freakin Flir 60x60 resolution heat imaging camera, some of you would be barking sasquatch at the top of your BF chasing lungs. If it was a higher resolution device then it would probably be more obvious we were human. I won't know till I see the video.

      Here lies the problem...
      Almost every time someone posts a half way decent hoax, more than one of you jackwagons posts something like "interesting", "compelling", "must be real", or some other I want to believe so it's true type of post. And you wonder why I wouldn't trust your analysis... go figure. Remember the "bigfoot" behind the picnick table? That was obvious crap but someone did analysis and clearly showed it was true... until someone else called BS which is what the rest of us said all along.

      Don't get me wrong here... I believe bigfoot exists. I even had a roommate in college who's uncle had an up close and personal experience with a BF. (a story that's probably never been posted anywhere btw). Hell, I even believe a friend that said he saw a UFO from about 150 feet away when he was 13.
      But what I don't believe is that some analysis from a "bigfoot researcher" is going to change my mind about what I see in a thermal vision video from 100 yards away. I'll think it's BF, I'll think it's people, or I might even think it's a giant prehistoric squirrel... but a BF researcher's analysis won't change my mind. Too many true believers, too many hoaxters, and too many people that lack objectivity.

    2. your the jackwagon who either can't read, or why would you say:

      "Loitering in the dark makes it bigfoot"

      No, and that's just one thing of many he mentioned? no one ever claimed that alone is why they are bigfoots. Bart already said the footage isn't "damning." he was very candid in describing it and was exactly what he told me prior to seeing it. to a tee!

      I've seen the fooage and it's legit imo. also this isn't some idiot trying to hoax people, it's one of the most thorough reearchers (rare breed) out there and there's several witnesses among a dozen other things that make this beyond compelling in my book.

      instead of acting like a prick and leaving out a bunch of facts, maybe you should see the video and their documentaion of it...then act like a jackass if you want.

  44. fuck yeah bart congrats man!....and.....I've already seen it,lot better then your saying in my opinion! They move so weird...don't want to spoil it

  45. If anyone in this field of study is the right guy at the right place and time, it is Bart Cutino. He is not jumping the gun and crying Proof! from the rooftops. He is taking careful measures in all aspects to analyze the potential evidence. He has declared that there will be total transparency with the results. This is commendable.

    I've seen it. As Bart says, it is not irrefutable proof, but it IS quite intriguing. If these are actually Bigfoot, then this is a very promising research area, and we can hopefully expect further future developments. Note the address of the web site for this project: Note who was there as well: Justin Smeja. Add it up. If the "Sierra Kills" story is true, if this thermal is of undocumented primates, if whatever happened during the Sahebi documentary was related (I can't talk about that, however), well, then we have an active hotspot. It has already been said publicly that the DNA is being examined in multiple labs. If all of this pans out and comes together we may have the "perfect storm" that proves Bigfoot a reality. Hopefully it is not the perfect storm to throw the whole thing into chaos.

    1. Just be aware that DNA evidence is only as good as the DNA database you compare it to. If I were to give you DNA samples from a rare primate that isn't in the database of the lab you have analyze it, the results would likely be that's it's from an unknown primate.

      Frankly, it's probably going to take a body to convince the world bigfoot is real.

    2. Thats darn right,or is it?

  46. Nicely said Mr. Sreufert

    Bart is a friend and i for one appreciate someone is going to get to the bottom of this sierra shooting steak as kecthum's study may never be released.

    He's reiterated to me several times that hopefully the DNA will work out but there's no guarantee and he's never felt comfortable about the circumstantial nature of how they claimed to find it. He also hasn't promised anything regarding DNA other then getting to the truth and sharing it. people have short memories, somtimes by choice

    I thought it was a little early (my opinion) and bold of him to come out a few months back in testing and say him and Tyler Huggins were getting it tested at different labs indep of Ketchum and were going to share everything regardless of findings. He said he wants to make it clear that an expectation is set and they follow through good or bad because the field lacks transparency.

    I can't complain about that and glad many others see
    it. no surprise to see people comment who just attack any researcher and comment ignorantly without knowing who said what and who's responsible for what.

    can't wait to check out this footage as I heard all about it

  47. Just read the Sierras Evid Init objectives on that screen during Bart's presentation and really like what I'm seeing out of these guys! It's a nice change from all the crap in this field

  48. Bart is the biggest piece of bullshit in this field ,I heard that his Washington sighting was just a girl peeing ,wow he has a audio of a tree falling over BFD, this guy is about just making himself look better ,he is a blue blood city boy ,and he lies all the time on radio shows ,...

    1. Bart is the LAST researcher you would ever expect to be part of anything like a hoax or bullshit misperception. I know him well, and he is certainly among the best of the bunch. No doubts in my mind about that. Anyone who says otherwise just doesn't know the guy.

    2. Anon 9:44 is "every story of bigfoot is true no matter how fucking ridiculous it is" Paul G derelict from Wa, you could tell by the signature embarrasingly shitty writing style that drips with envy. You know the type, fucking periods and commas all over the place and absolute zero intelligence in his writing or when he opens his mouth.

      Bart knew what a backstabbing self-absorbed clown Graves is because I told him personally a long time ago that he talked constantly behind his back and he brushed it off until he finally had enough of him recently. he's better off, and there's a few more he should watch for as well.

      watch some of your so-called longtime friends Bart many aren't really your friends and they don't want you taking their spotlight.

      words from a wise and "true friend"of yours

    3. Whoever anony 9:44 is is so way offbase and childishly attaking its sad. Bart is opposite of all those things this person says, he's a honest, decent friend and researcher. He also navigates the night with that damn thermal like no other. He goes hard with that thing all the time and one thing i really respect about him among others. Iv'e seen it with my own eyes. Those are shameful lies being said about a good man.

  49. Damn right Steven! Bart is one of the best guys i know and hands down one of the most passionate and decent researchers out there!

    Pretty funny how jealous or envious anon 9:44 is, wow your obviously pathetic and a troll

  50. Shawn you are the man keeping this from us!

    You're in good company and happy to see you getting out in the field and man, it sound like, lucky you!

  51. Where are the pics of the thermals?? You guys are really grabbing at straws on this whole Sierra Kills Hoax. Even if thee were Bigfoots in that area that doesn't change the fact that Justin has BEAR MEAT! TEAM HOAXER

  52. Bigfoot Encounter

    The illusive big foot may have actually be caught on film by Bart Cutino, who claims that he was able to get some actual footage of this animal in the Sierras between Downieville and Truckee, California. With his thermal imager, he was able to take note of a large mammal about 100 yards away from him. He actually caught site of multiple, up to 3 bigfoots travelling together in the dark, near his campsite, that he and his friends were in. While the sound was not captured well, given that they were in a distance of 100 yards away from this small pack, they still have the visual evidence, and are consolidating it all together to print out the actual evidence they have on the bigfoot they had encountered. Plans to return to the campsite are already in place, in target for having more sitings of these huge beasts.


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