Damn Good Question: How Did Mike Greene Capture The Thermal Footage If Bigfoots Can See Infrared Light?

The visual spectrum depends on standard light to work, but infrared sight uses heat as the primary source of vision. Some animals can use the infrared spectrum to see. Bigfoots, like other animals such as deer, snakes and cats, apparently can see infrared light. According to many Bigfoot researchers, Bigfoot's ability to see infrared is the reason why it's so difficult to capture them on game cameras-- because they avoid the light. If this is true, how did Mike Greene get away with filming the Sasquatch stealing candy bar with his FLIR (forward-looking infrared) camera?

In the The Bigfoot Free Thinkers Conversation Group Facebook group, member Musky A. asked this question:

Funny how the footers use the excuse why trail cams wont work in capturing a photo of Sasquatch. The most popular excuse is that Sasquatch can see the infrared light (light spectrum) and avoid them. Then why does everyone seem to capture Sasquatch on 'FLIR' video camera these days? (forward looking infrared camera). They use the exact same infrared imaging technology as a tree mounted trail cam? FB/FB has confirmed several FLIR videos (woodpile sasquatch, FLIR bumber cam). So let me understand this, 'millions' of infrared Trail cams wont work, but hand held infrared camera's will?...Any thoughts without more convenient 'excuse shifting'.

Note by Matt Moneymaker:

This thermal footage was obtained on April 28, 2009 in central North Carolina by Michael D. Greene.

The full video is roughly 3.5 minutes long. This YouTube clip shows only about 15 seconds of the footage. The full clip is available for download via Greene's web site. The download costs two bucks, but it's much cheaper than a DVD. That download is the full raw footage (3.5 minutes), which you'll want to rewind and re-watch several times.

Poll Question:

Do You Think Bigfoots Can See Infrared Light?
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  1. Because what Mike and the other guys have on IR footage, is not Bigfoot.

    1. He didn't capture Bigfoot, there's a reason the video was recreated perfectly and that John Green is charging money to download it. Its a hoax, period. Nothing but a hoaxing machine fueled by the.prospect of money.

    2. Mike. His name is Mike Greene. It says it in the title of the video.


    3. I'm going to make my explaination real easy for you people that need everything written in crayon. Ther is a difference between what a flir camera photographs and what IR game cameras use to take photos. A flir senses heat and puts in into a picture showing different levels of heat to give the picture its shape and definition, so it doesn't put IR out, it just detects it. A game camera uses IR light (which is still visible directly on the flash of the camera with the human eye), but put a flash of IR light out just as a camera flash does, but at a different frequency that the HUMAN eye cannot see. So to put it in skeptic terms FLIR=no light output, game camera= light output that humans can't see (accept right near the very intense source of the flash on the camera), therefore, when you put out you gamecam and it is triggered by any movement (tarp moving in the wind, grass blowing, bats, whatever) the camera fires a flash advertising its location and when they fire alot (sometimes 800-1000 times a night), well its not very easy to miss. So before showing your ignorance in comments, maybe think about researching things first... oh yah I forgot, thats why its so easy to be a skeptic, you don't have to do anything but bitch.

    4. And for people like us who didn't need an explanation. No shit Sherlock! This blog is nothing more than a humour outlet......get it? it's fun, so get your head out of your ass and chill.

    5. Well dont be a "dipshit" and you wont get treated like one !!! You think you might have learned that in Pre School

    6. Maybe that Bigfoot was blinded by light reflected off of a unicorn's horn or a fairy's ass and couldn't see the IR.

    7. A hoax is a hoax is a hoax is a hoax. Mike and John are both frauds to the highest degree.

    8. Bigfoot was blinded by the light,
      repped up like a douche
      another runner in the night

    9. * revved up like a Deuce

      this line is commonly mis-heard and is not referring to a feminine hygiene product but instead to turning over the engine of a Ford Deuce Coup

      Best Wishes,
      The Knower

    10. Finally, the knower says something interesting!

    11. The mere fact that all these nervously giggling trolls call everything bigfoot a hoax means it's anything but that.

  2. It's not confirmed whether or not they can see infrared light, it's assumed. And likely so if they can see it, it doesn't necessarily make them afraid of it. That thing in Mike Greene's footage could have wanted that candy bar bad enough, scoped out the scene, waited til Mike left and then snuck in for the candy.

    They may be able to see infrared but that doesn't mean they know a camera is attached to it.

    1. That thing? LMFAO, retard. I bet you believe in Patty's big hairy ass titties too.

    2. Yes I have had some hairy tits in my face before.
      All you have to do is get past the hair.

    3. Ok. First, what's the safe word gonna be?

    4. Smeja would be a great safe word.

  3. There no such thing as infrared...doesn't exist.

    Pctures or it didn't happen...

    Pictures, but it still didn't happen.

  4. Jesus, Shawn ... Didn't your Mama teach you nothing about thermal imagers?

    Thermal imagers to do not put out infra red light. They don't put out any light at all. They "see" thermal energy, but they don't need to project any type illumination in order to do that.


  5. As always we cannot talk absolutes speculation is the name of the game anyone who demands absolutes is on the wrong channel.

  6. Wow. How embarrassing. Shawn doesn't even know the different between a thermal imaging and IR ???

    And this is a Bigfoot blog ?

    GOOD LORD !!

    1. I can't believe I'm going to-do this, but Shawn regardless of his EGO is a blogger. NOT a researcher!!!!

      Actually, tell me what exactly 'IS' a researcher? How many days in the woods, etc.,?

      I'd call Rene a researcher as he spent years in the woods/forests/wilderness. NOT 3-4 days at camp grounds.

      The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lies. ;¬)

    2. Uhh... thermal imaging is made possible by infrared technology.

    3. FLIR uses long wave IR >900nm as opposed to the near IR spectrum 750nm - 860nm.

    4. @ Anon 2:32 (the first one) sorry about that but, basically a researcher is the one who is able to ask the good questions and accept the fact that he can be wrong.

  7. Big Jim Jr. can see infrared at night, he has above and beyond night vision. He is a Bigfoot relic.

    1. ^ You are confusing Bigfoot with Manbearpig again. Or at least the pig.

  8. Because he's a lean,mean and Greene fighting machine!!

  9. Serious Bigfoots researcher here, and even I don't understand these fancy new gadgets.

    Got the old Polaroid One Step (focus free) and that's alls I need.

    That, and some tasty waves.

  10. "I can't believe I'm going to-do this, but Shawn regardless of his EGO is a blogger. NOT a researcher!!!!

    Actually, tell me what exactly 'IS' a researcher? How many days in the woods, etc.,?

    I'd call Rene a researcher as he spent years in the woods/forests/wilderness. NOT 3-4 days at camp grounds.

    The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lies. ;¬)"

    Sup Sharon? ;=)

    1. Sharon didn't write that cunt face, I did.

    2. You are what you eat,dick nose.

    3. That's the best you can come back with, well fuck me.....

    4. Nah,I'd rather do your mama.
      I hear she can suck start a Harley.

    5. Suck start a Harley.
      Now that's funny right there!!!!!

    6. last I heard it was a VW beetle and the bitch burnt her lips ;)

      But you momma oh man......talk about a spunk whore.

    7. Spunk whore, is that what your daddy calls your mom?

      If I did do your mom, would you hold it against me?

    8. I"m tri-sexual, I'll try anything once.

    9. If you did my mom, I'd pay you! you ain't see the fat bitch. so enjoy ;))))))

    10. Like I said, I'm tri-sexual.

      Cool bro, I,m into BBWs.

    11. Has anyone got O-ringed by a good looking babe lately?

    12. Not lately, but I did blow out some old gals O-ring in her taterhole.

    13. Do you want to meet my mother? She doesn't charge much ;) and isn't really that fat.

    14. Mother-fucking Titty-sucking one eyed bitch,
      Your momma's on the porch sellin' red-eye shit,
      Your brother's in hell,
      Your daddy's in jail,
      And your sister's on The corner yellin' ," Pussy for sale! "

    15. I think his point is that his sister is peddling pussy.

  11. BoBo debuked this thermal on finding bigfoot.

    1. Bobo does a lot of things, he once ate the bait they set out and flat denied it...lol

    2. They even caught Bobo nailing a tree knot.

    3. I heard on full moons bobo covers himself in bacon grease and runs backwards through a cornfield bareass

    4. I heard that also, but runnning away from MM

    5. I also heard that too.But they said Matt had a raging 1" hard on.

  12. Thermal imagers are passive devices that only receive emitted energy, IR cameras need reflected light in the IR spectrum hence why Game cameras have IR leds to illuminate the target so they emit energy.

    1. There is also a huge difference in the wavelength of IR light emitted by a trailcam and that used by FLIR's to detect heat. FLIR's do not even see the IR light from trailcams or the light from a torch. Different technologies, different sensors, different wavelengths.

  13. Well if deer can see IR then why are so many of them captured on a game camera?? Where they not made to be used by deer hunters to locate primo spots? BF way smarter.

    1. One might suggest it is possible a Sasquatch is more intelligent than a deer, and probably more likely to survey an area before moving in. One might also suggest that is a stupid answer, but to each his own.

  14. I wonder if bigfoot avoids game cameras because of the above mentioned flashes and such. I have security cameras around my house that use infrared and you can see a faint red glow on the LED's if you look directly at the camera, but not coming out of the camera if you view from an angle. Now when people are using FLIR and capture bigfoot on it, the bigfoot always seem aware of the people. Maybe their curiosity of what we are doing over comes their avoidance of boring old game cameras. Seems all the FLIR footage is of peeking, hiding, watching people bigfoot. Then don't most of the game cameras also make noise when a picture is taken? Clicks and such. I don't know if deer and bigfoot can see infrared so much as know something new is in their home. It is like someone coming into your house at sticking a camera in your kitchen. You will see it, then at night when it has a little red glow, you see that too. So you avoid it. No human I have ever heard of can see infrared including myself, even with great night vision. But then if you think about it, we really only see light as it reflects off stuff and directly at it's source. We do not see the waves from source to object.

    1. There is no Bigfoot, so how could he avoid them? I'll take your question serious when you can provide "proof" of your "assumption". Have you yourself even witnessed in person what you believe could not have been anything else other than a Sasquatch? If not, then it escapes all reasoning as to why you (or anyone else) believe in something that has absolutely NO PROOF of existing. I'd like it to be real but the overwhelming amount of hoaxed evidence in comparison to the underwhelming amount of scientific evidence (almost none) for the existence of Sasquatch is what keeps me skeptical but hopeful.

      I honestly think to this day that the most "intriguing" video evidence out there for the possible existence of Sasquatch is the Georgia Bigfoot where the kid yells: "hey Bigfoot" and it runs back up the hill. I have to admit its pretty cool as there are really no indicators of "bad acting" and it actually looks to have the size/proportions that eye witnesses report them to have.

    2. And Im not trying to attack you Big Jim, I just would seriously like to know why you believe they exist at this time? If you've seen what you can't explain away as something other than a Sasquatch then I will admit, you have a lot more to base your beliefs or outright "knowing of their existence" than probably 99.9% of the population. I one day hope to see one if they exist and if I should ever become that lucky I would do everything in my power to prove my claim of a sighting. Until that happens (a personal sighting) or undeniable proof of their existence is brought to light by someone else I'll just never be a "believer".

    3. It's good to know Superjim can't see infrared.

    4. I don't consider your questions an attack. You didn't call me any names or such. You asked a good question and I will try to answer. I am sorry, it will not be short. To save you time if you want, No, I have never seen a bigfoot. I have never found a track or hair. So that said, here is why I think it possible.

      Like many I first got interested in bigfoot as a kid. Growing up in dairy country and with a Dad who was a serious outdoorsmen, I spent a lot of time in or near the woods and animals. As I got older I outgrew the fascination with bigfoot. I also moved away from the woods when my Dad got transferred out here. We still fished, camped, and such, but not like in NY. When I got in highschool, my nickname became sasquatch for my size, (and smell some days), and I used it as a CB handle. A friend mentioned seeing one once, which then resparked my interest. I still don't know about his story though and it supposedly happened near Eatonville, which is also not far from Elbe.

      I started hunting again my last year of highschool with my Dad. A couple years after graduating I was elk hunting between Elbe and Eatonville and had followed a fresh set of bull tracks into the timber. I found a little clearing and decided to sit and watch it til dark, not too far off. I found a tall stump and was leaning on it. I had the wind blowing from my side. I was listening to woods and scanning with my eyes. All of a sudden things went quiet. Now woods going quiet is normal when large animals or people are moving around. Birds or squirrels will make alarm calls, but most quiet down until they decide if the intruder is a threat. I listened and could hear something walking from behind me. Figuring it might be that bull, I eased off my safety and waited for it to pass me. The wind then shifted and blew right in my face. All of a sudden something screeched at me. I swear I levitated six feet and still have no idea how I didn't fire my rifle. I spun to see what the hell scared me but saw nothing. No elk, nothing. I looked hard, but nothing. Getting kinda creeped out, and being really close to dark, I left at double time. It never crossed my mind a bigfoot did it. I thought for years it was a loon or other bird. Even told that story saying it was a bird of some sort.

      A few years later I got the bigfoot bug. I started using the web and listened to supposed bigfoot calls. One made my hair stand on end. It was almost exactly what I heard. I was hooked. I found a few local groups of "researchers", talked with Matt Moneymaker about being a BFRO researcher, and ended up doing my own thing. Most of the local groups were partiers and Fasano types. Matt and I have different views of proving bigfoot. I found several cases of hairs being from unknown animals, tracks found in middle of no where, lots of legends in Native American lore, and just enough lack of proof either way to keep me interested. I had several cases of things making calls I did not recognise. Had something sneak up behind me in middle of then night after hearing calls and felt a menacing presence. But never saw anything.

    5. Last half. I drifted away from researching for a few years again due to serious health issues that almost killed me, but stayed interested. I did more online research than in field. Then I found what looked like a hand print while hunting. That again relit the fire. Then last year I spent several hours sitting next to a dead bull elk I shot waiting for a couple friends to arrive and help me get it out. All the while, something was in the brush watching and rustling around. The brush was too thick too see into, birds had already settled for night, my light was dying and I was muzzleloading and had left my smokepole in the truck after finding the bull and going to get gear to ge it out. I had my .45, but did not feel like poking the bear. I was uncomfortable but not afraid. I talked to the brush a lot. But God or what ever was in there did not respond. I even took pictures of myself with the elk and one caught me looking up the hill at the brush. I made phone calls too. Any normal critter would have left. A bird was not big enough to make the noises. Then the next month the wife and I have something whistle at us just yards from where I killed my bull. We could not see anyone or anything. About an hour or two later and a mile or two away, we got the same whistle. Again nothing found.

      I then recently found out an inlaw had a very simular experience a few miles from mine. Since I have been around animals and woods a lot if my life, I know what does what usually. Sure an animal will act out of normal sometimes but too many of same type of stuff is not normal. Unless an animal is sick and dying, which does not explain long term stuff. I also have had to many people I know and trust having unexplained things happen.

      I once asked my Dad about bigfoot. He said you never know what you might find or see in the woods. They are vast and make stuff disappear faster than people think possible. Bones get eaten, tracks erode from all kinds of stuff, etc. If Mother Nature did not clean up, our forests would be covered in bones and tracks. Many feet deep. I always ask skeptics who are hikers or other outdoorsy types how many cougars, bobcats, porcupines, skunks, etc they see during the day time. Not many. So if so few of even known critters are seen, why not a smaller population of bigfoot? It has just as many sightings, but everyone scoffs at the little real proof we have found. No one will ever believe in tracks, calls or even photos.

  15. Thermal Imaging cameras "do not" emit an Infrared light. These cameras simply measure in a passive manner.

  16. If big foot won't come out in the daylight I won't be seeing him.no way I go in the woods at night....also it would be better if he came up to my fishing spot since I don't like hiking much either.

  17. Since you people call me a hoaxer, I'll tell you how this was done.

    First, Mike Greene invented modern Bigfoot hunting. He ran an ad in Backpacker magazine in 1978 offering a tour into northern Canada to find Bigfoot. The trip sold out. They did not find Bigfoot. No big deal. The concept of "pay per view" had now been established.

    Over the decades Greene searched for BF without luck. He became involved with the BFRO and wad considered an expert...partly because of law enforcement background with the New Jersey fraud agency.

    He purchased a themal camera in 2008 for nine large. He could still not find Bigfoot. That must have bothered him. What was he doing wrong?

    One night, he said on a BFRO YouTube video he was camping were he had heard motion before and set the thermal in the back of his Toyota and walked away for two hours after baiting a stump with a Zagnut candy bar.

    Later, he discovered the Bigfoot. On the interview tape that is in the BFRO channel, he never mentions that a Bigfoot was banging his tent before he put out the Zagnut.

    However, on FINDING BIGFOOT they recreate the tent banging. I find it unlikely he would have left out such an encounter.

    What is more likely, in the two hours he wad away from the thermal an unknown giant primate took the candy bar or Greene circled around and took it.

    When he discoverd the tape was a little out of focus and made him look thicker, he then claimed on the BFRO video " how thick this sucker wad." He was exploiting the event.

    Bobo Was the perfect size in the recreate. Greene us six foot six and a match for Bobo.

    The fact that he is selling it for two bucks (it wad three) and will sue anyone that puts it on the net means he is not donating it for Bigfoot history.

    Sorry...TOTAL FRAUD.

    1. Thanks for the scoop Tim. Much appreciated J.D.

    2. shut up fasano..go pick up a fare.

    3. you made a whole movie about monkeys and talk shit on others?really?

    4. Its sad when Fasano himself has to explain this video as a hoax to bleevers. It truly is, let that sink.in for a moment. Hate him if you like, he's dead on accurate here.

    5. Lord, I haven't had a Zagnut in years. It's the only coconut I'll eat. Hate it in any other form.

    6. You sure it wadn't what he said it wad Timmy? Because I wad thinkin he sawd wad what he wad sayin he wad seein. But wad I know about wad?

    7. At least the guy has 'BALLS' enough even though he's a douche and lieng sack of shit, but still put's his name out there, and what he posted was pretty right on.

    8. No balls on anon 10:02 then. LOL And anon 3:55's just the usual troll pretending bigfoots don't exist and can't prove they don't.

    9. Fatsano is nothing but an attention whore.

  18. We don't know much about the way Bigfoots see.
    We only have opinions...

  19. seriously? in one instance there is an IR light source detected, and active source...in the thermal capture there is no IR light source to the camera, but rather recording the longer wave lengths...this was a joke right?

    1. No! Just a reflection of the lack of knowledge by many and their refusal to do any research and thus engage the brain before opening the mouth. Another reason why this blog is a waste of time. It used to have decent discussions. Now it just has 99.9% brainless wankers.

    2. To anon 5:32 - Look it up dumb ass! Type "thermal imager" in the box in the upper right part of you screen and hit the enter button.

  20. It should be obvious from the above that it is MUSKY ALLEN, the skeptical scoffer, who made the error. Shawn was only quoting what Musky, incorrectly, said.

    1. Musky is the biggest troll in Bigfootery!
      He is nothing but a copy and paste boy.
      Musky reminds of that episode of South Park when the boys are trying to beat Musky in World of Warcraft,lol.....


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