Possible Wood Ape Photo From Ranchita California

This image was purportedly photographed in Ranchita California back in September 2011. According to the uploader, the photographer did not notice there was an animal there until a year later when looking through old photos.


  1. Replies
    1. Most likely fake, if not fake, still irrelevant. And here's why - we can't see the face or eyes. How many of these side view bigfoot photos are we going to see? There were some a while back, supposedly proven fake, and now these. IF a photo is gong to be special these days, it's got to show the face and eyes, as that kind of realism is very difficult to fake. You can tell, looking into the eyes, if something is alive or not. Seeing the side or back over and over reeks of hoax, because the hoaxer knows the face and eyes would give it away.

    2. What do you want? A crystal clear, dead centered,stopped with no motion,sunnt daytime photo? Is this or isnt this thing a wild animal? Why dont you see if you can bring it in to a studio for a cake smash and then we can have what your looking for.

  2. I must say at first i was excited but upon closer examination, I think there is some feathering done in Photoshop behind the head. The blue sky is too much of the same hue. Also, Bigfoot has a flatter face.

    1. Rictor, check out the other vid he has on his site with the gorillas at the zoo.

    2. See you at the pahty, Rictor !!

    3. Where's the party?
      And please don't say your taterhole.

  3. "According to the uploader, the photographer did not notice there was an animal there until a year later when looking through old photos."

    Then what was he photographing exactly? A dead tree? It's hard to tell from one-quarter profile, but the face looks a little different than what you'd expect of a gorilla. The mouth and brow ridge looks a bit different, and the color seems too light for a gorilla too. I don't know tho... simplest possible explanation is definitively a gorilla in an enclosure.

    1. Yeah, when you hear the "I didn't notice the bigfoot in the photo/footage until later," that's when the BS flag goes up.

    2. Anon 11:49,

      You're probably comparing it to pictures of male gorillas. If you compare it to a female gorilla (the sagittal crest is less pronounced in the females) I think you will find that it looks exactly like one. Also, the reddish fur on the head is very characteristic of a gorilla.

    3. How many times have we been to the zoo and seen these frustrated gorillas looking anywhere but at their captors? If you were to enter a Sasquatch's territory, the way this hiker supposedly has, I'm willing to bet the creature would not take its eyes off of you.


      And by the way, I feel the whole "wood ape" thing is ridiculous. And so is the far reaching attempt at claiming these are descendants of Gigantopithicus. If anything these are relict hominids that have survived extinction. Our entire evolutionary theory is based on skeletal remains of Sasquatch like creatures. The bones science presents to us as our ancestors are vastly different than what we supposedly have evolved into. If anything we are the anomaly on this planet.

    4. Anon 1:05 PM The fact that you say "supposedly have evolved into" as if there is any real controversy about evolution raises some red-flags about your understanding of the scientific method and evolution in general.

      If you follow the evolutionary chain of the Genus Homo you will find a dozen individuals leading to us.

      This is of course after the split we had from chimpanzees at Australopithecines and Ouranopithecus before that {the split form Chimps and Gorillas}

      We actually don't look that different from or most previous ancestor but it is very difficult to show that in mass since we kinda wiped them out through breeding and warring with them.

    5. What I'm saying is take a look at the dozen or so individuals that supposedly lead to us and you are looking at skeletal remains that are vastly different from our skeletons. Big, thick bones designed to hold big thick muscles. Hulk-ish beasts really. Looks at the length of the arms.

  4. The branches just in front of ape's? face look too out of focus compared to the forground. The creature is sharp in focus and the foreground is to a lesser degree, but in the middle there it's blurry.

  5. I'm thinking Gorilla in a zoo because if you go to the guys You Tube site...in August he posted a video
    titled- Max Outt vs Gorillas


    That could be the alpha male and the limb distorts his nose in the picture. Check out the other vid and see what you think. The coloring is the same as the alpha male in the other vid.

    1. I don't think its one of the gorillas in his other video. The hair color, length, and the ears look different to me. I do think it is an adultered picture of another gorilla though

  6. Replies
    1. Okay fine, for sure for sure.

    2. It's Matt Moneymaker mud wrestling on yet another bad hair day.

  7. The body below the shoulder area, just under the first big log into the brush pile just doesn't look right. The coloring or focus is off, at least to my eyes.

  8. Blondie, that's a pretty good match.

    The guy seems kind of like a douchebag, judging by the videos.

    1. Yea, I wonder if he's trying to sell a product called "Max Outt"? The Alpha Male he filmed that day looked a lot like that from the side except for the nose. That may be why the picture above lets the limb distort the area where the nose is.

      At least it's not another cardboard cut out gorilla.

      I'm not sure I'd have been as suspicious if he hadn't had that other gorilla video on his site.

    2. I agree it does seem very likely also he's disabled the comments on the video "Max Outt vs gorillas" bit suspicious.

  9. how are u gonna NOT notice that?! buuulllssshhhiitt!

  10. Its a fucking Gorilla, NEXT!!

    1. Get over yerself and do it somewheres else!

  11. Mulder over at BFF will believe its a foot. He believes ANYTHING. Lolololol

  12. 100% Gorilla. Great photo. Lots of detail.

    1. If you blow up the pic you can see where the fake nose meets the real gorilla. The nose/mouth seem to be in focus a little better than the rest of the head

  13. I can't believe it ! how could anybody question this
    picture ! You are all out of your minds !
    This is, without a shadow of a doubt, this is the best picture of the Loch Ness monster ever taken !

  14. That's paully,Pattys son after getting a nice brush cut.

  15. I give up!!!!!!! Wtf......ummmmmm is it a hippo? All these bigfoot sites are going to shit...moving on! Òó

  16. I am calling this 'undetermined'
    Look at Gorilla pics online (I used google images)
    Look at Gorillas from the front, side and back.
    Look at the difference in the nose part.
    Gorillas have much wider nostrils and have a neck.
    The nose area and mouth area seems different on this one.
    take a look for yourself and compare before crying HOAX

    1. If you look close enough you can see a Hollywood stars map in his hand.There for It's probably "Kong "on vacation.."Run for your life.!".Or maybe it's some extra footage of the Rise of the Planet of the Apes..

    2. I thought it might be a bigfoot sculpture or bust... not an ape. *shrug* Fake either way.

    3. Listen, if he was close enough to get this shot of these "dead branches" he should of smelled the damn thing... also do you really think you could get that close to a bigfoot and the bigfoot wouldn't be looking right at you? ... scoping you out? This thing looks oblivious. Not even one eye on the the dead branch photo taker. If you were that close to a real bigfoot, the thing would have it's eyes glued on you man.

  17. The subject in question looks too intelligent to live in Ranchita.

  18. Ranchita,the Borrego desert,115 temp all summer,get the picture.

    1. It's actually about 1000 ft higher than Borrego Springs. So it's only 113 all summer.

  19. Why would you examine a photograph of dead branches "later"? It looks real enough, but why would you go around and take pictures of dead branches, and then examine them later like your gonna find some kind of treasure?

    1. and we have a winner....most logical thing anyone said! He shoots pictures of random shit only to go through it at a later time?
      Dont add up. Me thinks.

  20. It looks nothing like the Hovey pic so i cam calling fake on this one and that makes it official. So everyone after me can quit saying stupid shit like "gorilla...next" after the previous 30 people determined it was a gorilla as well.

  21. Nice haircut Big Fella. Was that a #2?

  22. The pic is definitely not taken at the San Diego Zoo which provides a nice green lush landscape enclosure, and no dead branches, And boy do the gorillas love tomatoes.

  23. I go back and forth on this one. Not bad if it's a fake, the face doesn't look gorilla like IMHO.

  24. Here is a side view of a female siverback gorilla.


    The cali face looks very similar, ears and colour but face seems flater more humanoid looking maybe it's the angle.


  25. Nice HD pic and yet at first glance I thought it was a wood carving. I have seen gorilla's pretty close at Animal Kingdom and gorilla is much blacker. Surprised at the hair length in picture. Maybe an old guy?

  26. It looks like a Gorilla but something is off, pretty good photoshop if it is.

  27. Gorilla! What the hell is a wood ape, Geez! Would ya see a wood ape, could ya see a wood ape, would ya, could ya, see a would ape, huh??? Everybody sing!!!

  28. As a Photoshop teacher at a local college, I feel as though this is 'mid-level' trickery. The main thing my "artist eye" finds fault with is the seemingly two different light sources. The harsh shadows on the trees/limbs looks to be in full sun. The alleged rock ape has little to no shadows. Notice the face in particular, it should also have a decent amount of shadow like the surrounding brush. Just my 2¢.

    1. nobody likes anyone who keeps putting down photos as fake. surely everyone must see this is a gorilla in a zoo or photoshopped into a picture. its probbaly been attemted to disguise it a little bit from a gorrila also.

      unless we get HD film of a BF or a body these photos are meaningless nonsense for me.

      wont atop me popping in from time to time just in case though. I THINK IF THERE WAS EVER A LEGIT ONE IT WOULD BE ON THE NEWS THOUGH!!!

    2. You are a photoshop idiot! All you have to do to see this photo isn't photoshopped is to pull it into photoshop (which I did) and look at it with different filters. You'll see immediately that nothing is out of sorts with the image. It is perfectly consistent top-to-bottom and left-to-right. There is no tell-tale color weirdness or pixelation where the "subject" was dropped in. Also the levels are consistent. Like it not, it's an authentic photo of a real creature. Who, what or where is anyone's guess but the photo has not been doctored. That is a fact.


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