"Friend" Dan Baker On Facebook If You Like This Sculpture of "Cotton"

Dan Baker is finally done with "Cotton", an albino female Sasquatch sculpture. Cotton took Dan months to complete. If you would like to get your hands on this sculpture, you can friend him on Facebook, click here.

Here's an unfinished "Skookum", Cotton's baby. Ain't it cute?


  1. I don't want to friend Dan Baker because he might creep on me.

  2. Dont get them wet and no matter what dont feed them after midnight.

  3. Lol...never the less, pretty cool Dan

  4. Replies
    1. I think they're another bigfoot research group?

  5. YEA whats ass facebook. Fuck who needs fucking facebook.Only piece o shit people wanting fuckup a good world. Good folk leave facefuckbook alone.

  6. finally the proof i need to confirm there is a bigfoot.

    1. Well at least proof that Dr. Zaius from the Planet of the Apes is old and gray.

  7. ye-ye-ye- L I V E A C T I O N !!!!

  8. That's right, get the turtleman on ole Bigfoot. Throw that punk in a bag!

  9. It took months to complete?

    Is that a worthwhile use of time? Wouldn't it have been better to take that time to work at the local soup kitchen or to tutor some needy kids?

    1. Stop wasting your time on this site you degenerate hypocrite. There are needy kids needing tutored and soup kitchens needing servers. You fucking hypocritical psychopath, get to work.

  10. WTF? That looks like it was made by an 8 year old.

  11. Where's Justin? He'll love the little one. Great for target practice.

  12. First one looks like a mentally retarded E.T. wearing a white hoodie. Second one looks like what you'd get if E.T. fucked a Teletubbie.

    I want them both.

  13. I don't want to hurt the guy's feelings, so I will point out that there is a wealth of sculpting instruction available out there. There are effective methods used by many artists that could have made this a stronger piece. When I was learning to sculpt, I cold called a few established artists and took my time learning the methods necessary for achieving the desired effects. A foundation in Human and Zoological anatomy is indespensable.

  14. The first one is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

    The second one is right up there.

  15. Well, its not lifelike, but i think they are pretty damned good sculptures in general.

  16. These are seriously bad. Simply put, the guy can't sculpt. Neither can I, so I don't. Maybe others could learn something from this example....

  17. Sure got a pretty mouth on it...this guy seriously needs some friends...take up drinking rum as its more fulfilling

  18. I ate a lot of figs and made a model with my feces...I call him fig foot..please friend me


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