Baby Bigfoot Spotted At Wunnumin Lake In August [Photo]

While vacationing in Wunnumin Lake Ontario, a little girl took this photograph of a juvenile Sasquatch with her iPod. The girl didn't tell her mother about her encounter until two days later. According to Wunnumin Lake community leader Gordon McKoop, supposedly there is a family of Bigfoots living near the lake.

From Wawatay News Online:
This summer, in August of 2012, a little girl and her friends were just coming out from the beach and were walking in a little clearing.

She was lagging behind when she spotted something or someone standing there. She hid and had enough presence to take a snapshot with her ipod of the little hairy creature before that thing walked off into the underbrush.

It was two days before she finally told her mother of what she saw and of the picture she took. Since then that picture has been circulating around the internet.

Although not very clear, the picture is authentic. People have been inspecting the little footprints and measuring 11 inches in length. Some say they are the footprints of a baby Sasquatch.



  1. Replies
    1. Hey looneytunes do you have a job? Your always the first to post. I guess u keep refreshing your screen every 5 minutes. Must have nothing else to do!

    2. loonyfag sucks balls bigtime. i wouldn't doubt that this scrotum lapper dosen't have a new post app. but remember he dosn't believe! i don't believe in the chuppracoppra(however) but i don't go to those sites to tell those people every-fucking-day that they are beleever's as ballsucker put's it. and we all know where he put's it! just die jag-off!!!!

    3. Leave him alone he just wants attioin

  2. Now, if it was said that it was taken with another phone other than an IPhone, I would cry fakery.

  3. I'd love for it to be real but the arms are short like human proportion. The bulk of it doesnt seem realistic.

    1. dum arse what do you expect, adult arms on a baby or what

  4. Countdown to the shit storm debate...tick tock

  5. agreed Pamela. The arms just can't be long enough. Maybe they grow longer later on.....but that's a reach.
    (pardon the pun).

  6. Of course, since they run around on all fours when young, they would have shorter arms and stubby legs. I'm surprised that this one was even standing up rather than hopping around on all fours like a chimp. Sasquatches rarely start standing up on two feet until around 4 years old, which is when they reach about 6 feet in height, so we rarely see small ones standing up because only once they reach 6 feet or so do they start to stand on two feet. Prior to that, they're on all fours, and are usually mistaken for bears. Nature has designed them that way for their own protection, as camouflage, since bears are dangerous, other predators stay away from them since they look like bears. This one must have only been standing to survey the area, like when orcas poke their heads out of the water to spyhop.

    1. I agree, well thought out post. Do you think they stay on all fours when they're young because perhaps they are more vulnerable, due to their size? It seems to me that a pack of coyotes could really hurt one of these little fellas.

    2. Your logic about baby Sasquatches looking like bears for protection; doesn't make a lot of sense. Humans are without question the most dangerous predator on the planet; if the baby Sasquatches really wanted to be safe, they'd look like humans and would walk upright. And this statement you make about how old they are when they start walking upright; how exactly did you obtain this information? Because it seems like you just made it up. SWP

    3. Thank you FB/FB! Thought I'd have to read the book for this piece of information

    4. Well SWP, you have to remember how rarely sighted baby bigfoots are, so it would be safe to assume that they would stay as far out of sight from humans as possible. There only real threat would thus be other animals that roam near them, thus a bear-like stance does make soooome sense from a survival POV

    5. This is retarded beyond all retardability!!!

    6. When they're four they start learning to stand up. When they're 7 they start learning to make bigfoot nests. When they're 10 they learn how to throw rocks and do bigfoot howls. When they're 12 they learn how to make sandwiches. Everyone knows this! How could you not know this, it's all common knowledge and all so evident!

    7. wtf what planet does this person research her work from like you know for sure bout what they do at a certain age, u dont make sense about the whole thing and where do you get your info from.

  7. Replies
    1. It's a turd from Honey Boo Boo's fat Mom.

    2. "It's a turd from Honey Boo Boo's fat Mom."

      Wouldn't that just be Honey Boo Boo?? I've shit turds that are cuter than that little girl.

  8. Ipod, Iphone, or Idonnowhatiamtalkingabout?

  9. Doesn't look like a Gibbon. Fake.

  10. where's Justin Smeja when you need'em.... he should be all over this..

    1. I thought the same thing.Hey shawn call justin to clarify if this looks like what he shot.

    2. cause nothing gets to the bottom of a hoax, like another hoax...

  11. no cone shaped head, too round. baby dog man?

  12. My iPhone takes much clearer pictures than this. Maybe the infrasound it was emitting messed up the pixels in the camera. I'm calling BS on this.

    PS- I'm truly a believer but these pics and encounters lately have been outlandish.

    1. It was an iPod you fucking idiot. Read the goddamn story!

    2. Outlandish compared to what? all other bigfoot stories lmfao.

    3. Anon 1:38 you call me an idiot yet the IPod and IPhone both carry the same camera. HAHAHAHA
      Anon 1:44 you saw yesterday's post about the incredible 1940 film that was going around, that was remarkable compared to this! Lmmfao

    4. The iPod and iPhone do not have the same camera. Plus it does say which version she has. Because they have changed the megapixels in the cameras for the newer versions. Most iPhone photos are shitty anyways. I hope they fix that with the iPhone 5

    5. ^^^^^ It doesn't say which version of iPod she had.

  13. I don't want to be to vulgar with my language BUT wait one cotton pickin' minute here. This child had enough gosh darn sense to hide her little rear end to take a picture of this critter,but was not scared by it enough to tell her parents.I think not.The only little girl involved was the one wearing the costume some silly adult gave her to go stand in the field.But it does look real.Oh yeah @11:49 Will you please SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    1. Yeah, that whole little girl angle is just a made up back story in an attempt to try to make yet another hoax seem more legitimate.

      The fact that some people here seem to believe that there's a genuine bigfoot in this photo is the reason that people will continue to produce asinine blobsquatches like this.

      I believe that sasquatches actually exist; however, this is obviously more of the same hoaxed bigfoot BS.

      If you don't have a clear, sharp photo, don't even bother sharing it online.

    2. nice she hid in a spot where the "creature" was center of the frame too.

  14. Why does he need to shut up? Most intelligent comment on here yet today! Better than listening to your f'n heimers! It makes your comments look like you didn't pass the 3rd grade!

  15. He attended the Potts School with Jethro, passed 2nd grade and became Chief FryCook.

    1. You are both very clever but @11:49 is talking out of his ass with all of his Moneymaker facts about something that has NOT been proven to be real.

    2. At least he has a theory! Sceptics never have a solution . They just bash. I like someone with ideas and not just crap and bashing. It's easy to criticize someone working but you look stupid watching!

    3. If it was a theory than thats great and was very smart but stating this as fact not so much.

    4. 3:05 sounds like he takes it in the ass every night like good little twink.

    5. Yes, I was talking out of my ass. I'm 11:49 and I was having a bit of fun, forgive me. I've heard all of the fantasyland theories that are always thought up on the spot to justify how an obvious hoax must be real. I can sling hash too. :-) Truth is, I don't think I believe in bigfoot yet, especially since most of the information is totally made up by dreamers who have to fill in all the missing details about how they'd live, what they'd eat, how they'd grow, all that. There is next to nothing known about them, if they do exist, so all the BS about going on all fours, what they eat, how they stay hidden, infrasound, is all made up fantasy. Here's a clue, all the talk about going on all fours, there is not a single set of tracks that show that at all. Easy to do two foot tracks, way harder to hoax hands and feet!

  16. Hmm..looks cuddly, where can you buy them.

  17. With all do respect to a good post@11:49 it does seem like you are stating these things as facts.
    I do think Bigfoot could exist but nobody knows all of these things about them.

  18. If "supposedly there is a family of Bigfoots living near the lake" as the article states, how hard should it be with modern detection equipment to find a family containing 8 feet tall 800 pound primates living near the lake?

    Those of you with the gear, get over to Lake Wunnumin ASAP. Bring along some shotguns and/or automatic weapons too. Let's get this done. We should be able to take out a sasquatch or two if they're there. Maybe we can separate this small one from the rest of the family.

    It's time to end the mystery and finally provide a specimen to science. We can vindicate Krantz, Meldrum, Green, Ostman, Patterson, Moneymaker, and many many others who have taken abuse for knowing the truth about the existence of sasquatch. Everyone on to Lake Wunnumin Ontario!!!! Let's do this thing!!

    1. I agree. If there's a chance that there is a bigfoot clan living around the lake (which makes sense since they need a water source), it's worth a try to get some thermal gear or night vision gear and blast one with a 12 gauge when it gets in view.

    2. What needs to happen is to lay out some C4 in the dark wired up with a remote detonator. When the bigoot is seen on the thermal camera near the C4, the C4 can be detonated. This would be a good way to take out a sasquatch.

  19. This is just Bob, taking a walk!

  20. It's an Ewok toy taken at 10' with vaseline on the lens just like the vaseline in my pants you fucking sword swallowing ass pirates!!!

  21. Chaka from "Land of the Lost"

  22. so now sas has a round head too! man there are so many variations; blone, auburn, gray, black, brown, long arms,short arms,round heads, cone-heads now we got a couch potato squatch. poor fellow should turn on its side and roll and it might get to where it is going faster.

    1. He changes to fit the viewer. He is always blurry though. That is constant.

  23. you think with all the "A-team" squatchers they could figure how to do a rapid deploy to isolate a hugh swath of land where they have these sightings and begin triangluate inward to finally put one in a box. especially if you see one two days straight which means they are still hanging out.

  24. wheres lindsey. i want see some juice

    1. Damn dude,you are one crazy pervvvvvvvvvv!!!!!!!

  25. I bet every other photo on her phone is perfectly clear! So there you go, it must be a Bigfoot!

  26. So is this one made of cardboard too?

    1. No but your peon brain is if you don't think the other one was. Nah, forget that, your brain is cardboard anyway because even if the other one wasn't made of cardboard you still think an obvious gorilla somehow equates to Sasquatch.

      Don't procreate what ever you do.

  27. "Faaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttt............."

    MM: Quiet Bobo.......Hey Cliff/Ranae, I just picked up something very interesting on the parabolic mic. Did you guys here it?

    Cliff: Yeah, Ranae just farted and had unknowingly had her talk button engaged.

    MM: I don't think it was her, Cliff. I was the first researcher to record a Squatch fart and that one had all of the overtones of a Squatch!

    Ranae: No Matt, it really was me.

    MM: Shut up Ranae, I've been doing this for 27 years!! "I think I smell a Squatch in these woods......"

    Ranae: OK Matt

  28. First nations people must be getting bored up there.

  29. Hey, who posted a picture of my fat ass at 8 years old wearing my chewbacca costume?

  30. This guy must be spending too much time in the McDonald's dumpster. Now bigfoot are even fat. Geez....

    1. Hey, that might not be a bad way to finally bag a squatch. Leave out a dozen burgers every day. Once the squatch becomes morbidly obese, it won't be able to move around in the woods. That will make it much easier to bag. Or, type II diabetes or a massive coronary might also bring it down.

      Yeah, the obesity technique is something that no bigfoot researchers have tried yet. It's worth a try.

  31. It's the real deal.It's the baby Bigfoot that Smeja didn't kill.
    He's a lonely lil' fella just trying to make friends.

  32. The whole story is likely b.s.
    What child takes a photo of creature and then does not tell a parent for two days?
    Another blursquatch?
    The proportions are all wrong if other purported squatches are the template.
    Where is the evidence?
    "People have been inspecting the little footprints and measuring 11 inches in length. Some say they are the footprints of a baby Sasquatch."
    How long after the photo and telling her mother did "people" show up at the exact a BEACH...and start collecting foot prints?

    Sorry, another this is likely another hoax story that gets media attention.

    Wunnumingrunt, eh?


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