Don't Hate: Survivorman Is Back On Discovery Channel. And Yes, He Believes In Bigfoot

I've been waiting since I was a little boy for the day Les Stroud returns to television. I prayed and I prayed, and I even wrote the producers and begged them to bring him back. We are happy to share with you this breaking news that the Survivorman himself is back and he now has our respect more than ever before. Why? Because he's got a damn good Bigfoot story he likes to tell.

The first episode aired a couple of weeks ago and you can watch one of the segments here:

Part 1

Here is Les Stroud's Bigfoot story from a radio interview he did in 2011:


  1. that's funny I was thinking about him today,
    he is a good witness.

    1. Calling Les Stroud a good witness is like calling Tara Reid a good actress.

    2. Anon 3:09 - with the stigma associated with a 'bigfoot' encounter, do you really believe he'd make something like that up? And his reasoning to do so would be....?

    3. Hobby skeptics are like stubborn little brats with tunnel vision.

    4. anon 3:09 is obviously retarded

  2. I have never heard what his other encounter is, but would like to. If anybody here has please put it out.
    One man on camera. If he gets in trouble, there is no film crew to help and you have to respect that.


  3. If we get enough famous people to believe in Bigfoots, it will make them real and then, nobody will be able to dispute their existence.

    1. Yep, by recruiting people more eccentric then yourselves to your cause you will undoubtedly increase your credibility.

  4. The survivor man does many things that hard way. I realized that from his Ontario show. He was surrounded by so much food and chose to make it look as though there was nothing to eat and that he had to starve.

    I can truly respect what he does. I want to see this man hang out with Native tribes and Aboriginal tribes before he goes out into the wilderness. He and all of his viewers could learn soooooo much. Surviving would begin to look like hard work but doable instead of constantly starving and barely hanging on to life.

    1. doesn't he do that on beyond survival? Been a while since I've seen it...

    2. Yes, perhaps the Indians can teach him how to drag his shit around on sticks and blankets. Maybe they could show him how to run a thousand Buffalo off of a cliff, take a few to eat and leave the rest to die.

    3. well, if yer hungry and it fills yer belly...

    4. or to tree weave like a champion forest person

  5. Survivorman almost, came face to face with another survivorman... That being Neanderthal man... Bigfoot!

  6. Do you mean new episodes? Because the series still runs on the Science Channel sometimes on weekends all day. As for Bigfoot, the episode where he tawks about it is in the Georgia back woods and mentions Boggy Creek. It is only on the area for like 10 seconds-not even. He doesnot get into detail like on this clip.

  7. Les Stroud isn't terribly bright. In his Utah desert wilderness show he was fairly dehydrated and had little fresh water left. He chose to make a tea out of Mormon tea (herb) which contains ephedrine alkaloids, a pretty potent diuretic! I laughed and vowed not to watch that quack ever since! Although kind of scary, his BF story isn't nearly as strong as many.

  8. That was great footage of Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon and Orion setting.

  9. I love reading comments from people who think they can school Les Stroud, a man who's home is totally off the grid.

    This guy has spent years and years learning and teaching survival in the wilderness, desert, high mountains, etc..

    Most of you would be crying for your mother.

    "He was surrounded by so much food and chose to make it look as though there was nothing to eat and that he had to starve."

    What are you even talking about? I've never seen him "choose to starve". I think you're mistaking him with Bear Grylls who is just batshit crazy.

    1. Oh great, now there's going to be a great big cock-off where you lard-asses debate who's the better “woodsman”. We all know that none of you welfare collecting bums have left your recliners in weeks, who do you think you're fooling? I'll be on the other thread, not listening to this crap.

    2. Thanks Les! No need to get defensive.

  10. Les Stroud is quite hot. I don't think he is bisexual :(

  11. I remember the orginal Alaska episode where near the end Les whips his head around saying "what was that!?" Subsequent episodes had that part edited out.

  12. Interesting though, Les is out for a week at a time in remote areas and encounters nothing (or most times) but footers just hop to their local park and whoola we have a bigfoot peeking behind a tree, a rock being thrown etc.,

    Makes you wonder.


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