Breaking: Roger Patterson Lost Reel About To Be Released By Mike Rugg This Sunday (Update: Film Will Not Be Revealed This Sunday)

Roger Patterson was allegedly working on a Bigfoot documentary when he filmed the creature at Bluff Creek, California in 1967. Him and Bob Gimlin managed to capture a a whole 60 shaky seconds of a Bigfoot on a single reel before running out of film. The footage is one of the most recognized film in history and it's famously known as the Patterson-Gimlin film. Before the P/G footage, Patterson was a well respected rodeo rider who had developed an interest that inspired him to write a small self-published book about Bigfoots in Washington, California and Oregon. According to a new discovery, there's more to Patterson apparently and a new movie reel is about to show something no one has ever seen before.

Last night, Nadia Moore reposted an announcement by Mike Rugg that the Bigfoot Discovery Museum had received a "mystery" 16mm film that apparently features Roger Patterson casting a footprint and sitting on a desk with a suit and tie talking about his book. No one really knows what else in the reel, but one thing that's for certain is that the film has never been seen before. Here's what Mike sent out to Bigfoot Discovery Museum members about the film:

Dear fellow bigfoot wonderers,

We hope you'll come to our monthly meeting this Sunday, Aug 19 at 6 PM at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum. We have exciting news: the mystery 16mm film that we received apparently features Roger Patterson both casting a footprint and sitting on a desk with a suit and tie talking about his book; the words Bigfoot Yakima, Wash also appear on screen. We think this might be a documentary film featuring Roger himself... we hope to know more by meeting time. We plan to have this professionally archived to DVD soon and then we'll have a public meeting (as fundraiser) to view the film (for the first time?) The film is in Super 16mm format and that means it has sound..

We have a lot to talk about; several recent sightings and news from other fronts.

We'll be having chicken (dark meat) BBQ so bring your own drink and/or alternate meat or side dish/dessert.


(still alive and kicking)

[Update: Nadia Moore clarifies that the meeting is for members only and that the film will NOT be shown this Sunday.]

Let me clarify that this Sundays meeting is for Museum Members ONLY! IF you want to come you can be prepared to become a member by picking one of the member options and paying the accompanying fee, and you need to bring a potluck item.

And NO the film will NOT be revealed this Sunday, it has not even been viewed yet as Mike has not been able to obtain a working projector that this old real fits on.....

Shawn Evidence can you update your blog entry to reflect my information above. Thanks!

- Nadia Moore


  1. Damn, I'm a vegetarian.

    I guess after the 'FUNDRAISER' he can then upload the video for free to youtube and I can munch on a carrot while watching.

    1. No Mike Rugg and the Museum have ongoing payments and expenses that the last fund raiser did not address, it was to cover his county taxes only.

      Let me clarify that this Sundays meeting is for Museum Members ONLY! IF you want to come you can be prepared to become a member by picking one of the member options and paying the accompanying fee, and you need to bring a potluck item.

      And NO the film will NOT be revealed this Sunday, it has not even been viewed yet as Mike has not been able to obtain a working projector that this old real fits on.....

    2. Nadia, you might want to advise him to seek advice rather than just finding a projector he thinks will work. I have experience with 16mm projectors, and you can easily damage the film if you don't know what you're doing. May I suggest contacting a projectionist guild or organization in California (I assume you're in California, attached to the museum?). Projectionists are quirky and they may have some old "home use" equipment lying around. I know there are a couple of projectionist guilds in California. A good camera shop would also work, if you can find one!

  2. What, he hasn't previewed the whole thing?

    I doubt there is more Bigfoot footage (hee hee: Bigfoot footage. Pardon me but that struck me as funny.) Anyway, if there had been more scenes of a Bigfoot then he would have released it away back when.
    Still, him talking about it all should be interesting and hopefully informative.

    1. Agree. The film is probably pre Patty and might not be much. However if it is post Patty, then this might be a real find. Anyway it might help to get a little insight into Roger.


  3. this is something I will definitely be missing work for.

    Why do people ALWAYS make an announcement similar to this, but make us wait "a few days" or "coming soon".

    1. money? I think the fundraiser bit gives it away...drum up some business.

    2. That's right man it's America!

    3. You think, look to the east as it's getting closer.

    4. Mike did NOT make this announcement, it was meant for Museum Members only, but I accidentally released it to try to get more membership.

      He has not been able to view it as he has not yet been able to obtain a working projector from this era.... It is pretty simple and is not some kind of "conspiracy" or withholding of information as you anonymous posters always like to accuse people of!

      Let me clarify that this Sundays meeting is for Museum Members ONLY! IF you want to come you can be prepared to become a member by picking one of the member options and paying the accompanying fee, and you need to bring a potluck item.

      And NO the film will NOT be revealed this Sunday, as has erroneously been posted elsewhere, it has not even been viewed yet as Mike has not been able to obtain a working projector that this old real fits on.....

    5. “accidentally released it to try to get more membership”?
      That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It sounds like you intentional released it to get more membership or you accidentally released it. Saying that you “accidentally released it to try to get more membership” is like saying that you accidentally burned down your house for the insurance money.

    6. Nadia is a fraud. Just another one in it for the money. This field is hopeless as long as people like her are involved.

    7. Nadia, people are rightfully skeptical since there have been so many in this business who are rotten. It just comes with the territory at this point. Thank you for clarifying things though.

  4. This sounds like it quite possibly could be one of the versions of the documentary that Patterson and Al DeAtley took on four-wall theater tours. If that is truly the case it will have been seen before by many, but will still be of major, huge significance. It may contain the presumably "lost" Roll Two of the October 20th, 1967 footage. Let us hope so. I see no reason that such a large roll of film with sound would have been compiled from random Patterson film pieces.

  5. This sounds like it quite possibly could be one of the versions of the documentary that Patterson and Al DeAtley took on four-wall theater tours. If that is truly the case it will have been seen before by many, but will still be of major, huge significance. It may contain the presumably "lost" Roll Two of the October 20th, 1967 footage. Let us hope so. I see no reason that such a large roll of film with sound would have been compiled from random Patterson film pieces.

  6. This sounds like it quite possibly could be one of the versions of the documentary that Patterson and Al DeAtley took on four-wall theater tours. If that is truly the case it will have been seen before by many, but will still be of major, huge significance. It may contain the presumably "lost" Roll Two of the October 20th, 1967 footage. Let us hope so. I see no reason that such a large roll of film with sound would have been compiled from random Patterson film pieces.

    1. I understood your post the first time,a bit better the second time and the third made it crystal clear.thanks for being thorough.

    2. LMFAO, now that was a good one!

    3. Don't be so hard on Steven(AKA Crazy Eyes-Steve Buscemi).

      He's still trying to learn how to wipe his Taterwhole on his own.

    4. um, my phone did it.

      And really, no comment to that last idiot.

  7. Don't exited about more Patty footage because if Roger had that he would have released it then.Roger was hurting for cash at the time but it will be nice to have some more video/audio from Patterson.

    1. Amen to that. Not that it would change anything, but it could help soften the next 40 years discussing it, instead of the PGF.

  8. It is the first reel shown at the public viewings that Roger charged admission for. He showed this reel which has an interview of him as well as some scientists. Then he would show the "Patty" film.

  9. Bloopers, out-takes, and old summer vacation vids. If it had anything decent it would have been released a long time ago.
    Seems like every other day there is someone trying to up the ante on breaking news.

    1. Let me clarify that this Sundays meeting is for Museum Members ONLY! IF you want to come you can be prepared to become a member by picking one of the member options and paying the accompanying fee, and you need to bring a potluck item.

      And NO the film will NOT be revealed this Sunday, as has erroneously been posted elsewhere, it has not even been viewed yet as Mike has not been able to obtain a working projector that this old real fits on.....

  10. Justin smeja just tweeted he is going to be there. OMG guys this could be huge

  11. Meldrum just called and said he was bringing over a bag of soft tacos and some chalupas

  12. If there was footage of Bob h suiting up and taking practice walks the footers would cut that out and be in denial that it ever happened. The pgf is fundamental to a footers belief.

    1. Yeah, to bad he wasn't smart enough to film it..what a card.

  13. Professionally edited, with sound (Super 16 does not have sound, it has sprockets on both sides, so no sound strip on either side), has to be documentary stuff. They would not have added the out-takes, the behind the scenes, the "hey Bob, do the walk again but this time stop clowning around and walk normal!" cutting room floor bits of footage. So this should be clean, easy and not revealing of anything new.

  14. Let me clarify that this Sundays meeting is for Museum Members ONLY! IF you want to come you can be prepared to become a member by picking one of the member options and paying the accompanying fee, and you need to bring a potluck item.

    And NO the film will NOT be revealed this Sunday, it has not even been viewed yet as Mike has not been able to obtain a working projector that this old real fits on.....





  16. It probably just documents the "strange" Patterson & Gimlin bagged when they were supposedly out "bigfoot hunting".

  17. There are many pieces of "random" footage from Roger Patterson that Bill Munns has gotten from Patricia Patterson and scanned. This does not look nor sound like that sort of thing. It is on a big roll, not the small rolls that Patterson used. Hence, this is surely some kind of documentary. From what has been said of the contents it can be narrowed down quite significantly. It has to be rather early. This might be the one that Patterson and DeAtley used in touring theaters, of which there were apparently three versions. One was just a short 20 minutes or so, and then more was added, until a third version was produced which was basically feature length, and had parts that were taken from a BBC documentary that used the Roll Two footage. It has been presumed lost or hidden in DeAtley's vaults for ages. It would be monumental if this footage reemerged. I remember seeing such a film in a drive-in in 1974. Could this be the same one? What I recall had a guy (Gimlin) jumping off a stump into the sand, etc. That is what I mean by "not random." It is surely a produced film roll for presentation, for theaters or TV.

    There were also pieces of Roger's previous "docu-drama" project included in the touring version and BBC documentary. So far as I know, this early BBC doc has also been "lost." The BBC had a bad habit of recycling or trashing film and video back in the day. There is a tale told by Terry Gilliam of how he was called into the offices, where he found his Monty Python animation proofs and materials sitting in trash bins. He was there just in time to save these priceless pieces from oblivion. Some BBC shows from earlier days have no extant record, as they reused the video tape they were recorded on.

    I would highly recommend having this copied immediately, before running it through some old projector that could damage or ignite the film. This may be the last of its kind, and needs to be preserved.

    So far as a DVD presentation of it, well, it is probably under copyright in some way or other. If it contains the Bigfoot footage or anything else from Patterson, Patricia, his widow, might claim ownership.

    1. why do footers try so hard to hide all the bits of patterson film?

      would be nice if there was a full res version available for all to look at.

      is it because the hoax is obvious?

  18. So what are ya trying to say Nadia?

    1. Yeah, I don't get it either: I guess this event is open to EVERYONE -- and we're going to get to see this exciting footage!

      (haha -- seriously, she is probably now drinking scotch to calm her nerves, still fearful that a tidal wave of Bigfoot enthusiasts -- zombie-like in their zeal -- will wash into the little museum meeting room this Sunday)

  19. So, where did this "mystery" 16mm come from? Who had it? Who gave it to the bigfoot museum? Could this be the missing October 1967 blooper reel?

    Watch, it shows Bob Hieronomous tripping and falling on the log at Bluff Creek during take no. 1.

  20. Do you credulous JREF butt plugs still bleeve that Melissa Hovey's stunt double Kitakaze has found the suit or has it become obvious that he's pretending ?

  21. Did anyone mention the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, California offers paid memberships and holds a member meeting on the 3rd Sunday each month at 6pm along with a potluck of dishes the members bring to share while discussing the latest about bigfoot? You know, stuff like sightings, news and films.

  22. I think theres more than enough proof that the film is the holy Grail of sightings. Ive met Bob Gimlin in person and I looked dead in the eye when I asked him that question. You could tell the sighting shook him to the bone.

    1. That's called "believing your own lies"! He should be able to sell it with some conviction/believability after telling it 6000 times.
      Same thing is eventually going to happen with Smeja. Actors do it every day for a living. Just because someone is on the big screen flying across the galaxy in a spaceship thats traveling at light speed doesnt mean its really happening. Whats that saying..Ignorance is bliss?

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