Anonymous E-mail: Canoer Rescued By Bigfoot

This story was sent to us by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. We get these sorts of emails all the time, but this one definitely takes the cake. It's about a canoer's encounter with a family of Bigfoots. Yep, I know. Crazy, right?

I was going through a rough divorce and decided to clear my head with a canoe trip. I was going to be in Grizzly country so I packed accordingly. My only problem was my canoe should have been retired two years earlier.

I was clearing my head going down the river and final felt calm on the third day. I loaded the canoe and took off down river knowing I would hit some rapids. When I did my canoe started taking on water. Between trying to bale water and navigate the rapids I was soon overturned and being carried down stream. All I remember is my head hitting a rock and passing out.

I don’t know how much later but that was when a Sasquatch pulled me out of the water. My head was bleeding and my ankle was badly strained and felt like it was broken.

The thing or beast pulled me to shore and left me under a tree. I was scared not by what I just saw, it was clear it meant me know harm but because I was right in the middle of grizzly and cougar country, badly injured with no way to protect myself.

Soon the creature appeared again and there were others. The one that saved me brought a long branch sharpened like a spear.

As strange as it may sound the rest gathered around me and began to go to the bathroom. The urinated in a circle and also passed feces in a way that it also made a circle. They then left and I passed out. When I woke up there was a fire near me and a stack of wood. There were also berries and a clay pot filled with water.

That night I could hear movement and a cougar appeared 30 yards away. It circled me and came closer but the minute it came close to the circle they had created it took off. A black bear appeared later and it was the same result.

When I awoke the next day I saw my sleeping bag and back pack next to me. The creatures appeared carrying other items including can goods and my tackle box. My pack had a first aid kit that let me clean my wounds and after doing this and eating a can of stew I felt I had my strength back.

One of the creatures appeared and took the empty can. It appeared he was asking for it and I made a gesture for him to take it. I looked around and took my fishing knife and held that out for him to take as well. I thought they used knives based on the spear they had given me.

Soon others appeared and engaged in acts that reinforced the circle. The one who saved me, who I distinguished by the gray hair on his neck then spoke in a language I did not understand and pointed up river. All then left and I tried to come up with a plan to get home. No sooner than my trying to get up, two campers in canoes appeared and saw me. They quickly came to shore and loaded me into a canoe and off to safety.

For anyone who doubts Bigfoot exists, I will tell you I know for a fact they do and I am alive today because of them.


  1. cool story but I still think they are dangerous animals & wouldnt trust one.

    1. Damn straight, they'll rip your face off. They'll then hang you by your feet, from a tree and poke your eyes out with a stick.

    2. I feel they are very dangerous too. Leave it to the tree huggers to keep the feel good fantasies going. As if that will get them protected in the end. Heads up people...if the gov't has knowledge of Sasquatch and is covering it up it's probably because they are dangerous not because they are peaceful.

    3. Then play pool with ya ballz, while rubbing salt into your now bleeding eyes, and slapping your ass with a hickory stick then just for fun? setting you alight.

      Ba*tards what they are.

    4. They made Josh Gates stay in a cave by himself instead of in a cabin with Ryder. Basterds!

    5. Animals? Are you kidding?

      OK, then we're animals too.

    6. Those bigfoot aren't so rough and tough ....just ask Justin....

    7. "Animals? Are you kidding?

      OK, then we're animals too."

      OK, MONSTERS like Justin said!

  2. ..omg this place is getting more ridiculous by the day..

  3. He forgot the part where they springled Pixie dust and gave him the winning lotto numbers to play..Instead of giving them a knife,he should of givin them a weel,or a lighter,or maybe his cell phone so they could call for a pizza..

  4. Hey who really knows the truth????????? Is it plausible? I can not say it is not as far fetched as it sounds. We do not know because we have never had the ability to study or interact with them?? I do think as I do believe in them... That if they were so dangerous more siting would not be heard of because they would attack and silence the people who see them.... right?? Who knows

    1. the poopin and peein in a circle is what got me! lmao! how hard did that guy hit his head?

    2. Everybody everywhere is a liar. Bigfoot isn't real, the person who sent in this story is a liar and I am King Neptune. I am mega-critical thinker. I can judge. Whew-wee!! Bring it!!!

    3. I'm sorry your royal highness, but bigfoot is real

    4. The pipi caca circle was the best part! and since it was done by a family I'm begining to think this was a new take on the aristocrats joke.

    5. Anon 10:22:00

      If you think everyone is a liar, then why should anyone believe that you are a mega-critical thinker? Matter of fact, I think you are lying that you don't believe in BF.
      Everyone is a liar including skeptics.

    6. There are too many in this field/hobby/whatever that are closed to certain ideas, even though we know next to nothing about the creatures. They'd be upset if someone doubted there was a bigfoot, yet they will slam someone for a story that just MIGHT be true, though strange-sounding. This story was not so much out of line with other reports I have read, though it would have been amazing if true. Who are we to say it didn't happen? Be skeptical, but let's not outright ridicule, lest we add to people's fear of coming forward with some of the more unusual stories.

  5. That musta been quite a blow to the head!

    1. Funny but probably right on the nail, or he was smoking funny tomatoe leaves. Some weird stuff goes on in the world, and in peoples heads. Entertaining story but light on the obvious detail you would have expected him to elaborate on, even if to make the story more interesting. Size, appearance........

    2. It was just an experience he shared with a blog, it was not a formal report to an investigator. The lack of specific details may or may not be indicative of a hoax. It's a poor yardstick to use if we want to measure truthfulness.

  6. The very same thing happened to me a year ago. And, like me, the emailer above forgot to ask for Sasquatch's business card! Oh, how I would love to send that noble creature a simple "Thank You" by email. Clearly, that's impossible without his email address.

    But, that's Sasquatch! Always giving, giving, giving, and asking nothing in return.

  7. I wonder if he was passing out because of concussion or the smell.

  8. This story (or a similar version) is written elsewhere. Thought the one I'm thinking about is about 2 kids (10-12 IIRC) that took a canoe down a river that crashes. One boy swims to safety and then watches as BF rescue his buddy. The buddy is placed in a BF "hole" until he heals. Later he is returned to the river where his parents find him.

    Or something like that.

  9. That story is the biggest pile of shit! Sorry I meant to say circle of shit...

    1. How do you know? The only way you could would be if you were there or have more detailed knowledge of the sasquatch than the rest of us. Which is it?

    2. You're kidding right? It's a joke. Jesus Bigfoot people are touchy. I want to believe but a story like the one above is pretty far fetched. Oh and my knowledge of Bigfoot far exceeds your knowledge and my dad could beat up your dad.

    3. My dads gay, so your dads pretty f.cked :)

  10. Damn, if we only bottle that stuff and mass produce!

    Forget bear-mace use 'Squatch-Sh*t' double strength with eau de p*ss.

    1. Makes perfect sense though. It's rather creative, either by the sasquatches or the man making up his story.

  11. they guy left out the part of the the story where
    he ate a bag of shrooms,smoked 10 hooter sticks,
    and whacked down a half pint of jd, and the bf's had a homemade banjo and were singing Age Of Aquarius.

  12. Shawn is this a theme or something? The last couple of days you have posted one fairytale after another. Why are you posting all of these histories, from people who don't their name mentioned? Doesn't that tell you something, or are you just happy you have something to write about?

    1. I've said this before, but I think it bears repeating. Don't think of this website as a clearinghouse for Sasquatch information. Think of it as a business whose purpose is to get as many mouse-clicks as possible. The veracity of a story is irrelevant as long as that story generates mouse-clicks. (And it works! I've already visited this particular post twice!)

      In summary, the purpose of this blog is the generation of as many mouse-clicks as possible. Sasquatch is merely the attractant.

    2. You post on a bigfoot blog and are worried that SOME of the stories are fairy-tales? What would be less of a fairy-tale? Smeja stuff? DNA report news? Tell us what passes the test for "legitimate" news about an as yet unproven legendary forest creature. We're all curious!

  13. I know the story sounds unbelievable but every time someone post an encounter on here it is almost always called bs.Some encounters just sound way to weird and made up,i'll admit that for sure.
    Those who believe in Sasquatch ,when asked about evidence usually bring up the eye witness accounts. why is it almost every time someone post their encounter so many try to shoot it down?

    I understand that skeptics will usually try to state points and counter points against all encounters.
    What makes me scratch my head is when people who claim to believe in the Sasquatch or even say they know they are real doubt every encounter except for their own.
    Who ever this anonymous E mailer is could be the biggest bullsh1tter that ever walked or they could be a very honest person.I don't know if it is true or not but is one great story.
    My point is if every person that has had an encounter or possible encounter is full of sh1t then we have to take sightings and encounters off the list of reasons to think Bigfoot is real.

    1. You ever heard the saying(?): Its better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?

      Yeah, that just happened.

    2. I'm sure you are alot smarter than I am but if you're gonna run your mouth do it right.dont hide anonymously behind your keyboard like a little bitch.get up, go outside,have your parents drive you to a bar, stop at the door look around for the baddest mother fucker there and tell him to keep his mouth shut because he is stupid.let me know how ya make out when and if you make it out of the that, is how you shoot your mouth off.

    3. Anon 5:46 - yes, that just happened. But it wasn't who you thought it was that did it.

    4. gnrfan -- you think that Blogger B of yours is some kind of badge of indentification and authority? "gnrfan" hides behind his keyboard every bit as much as any "anonymous" here.

    5. I dont think of it as a badge of any kind especially of authority.I am behind my keyboard but the difference is I am not shooting my mouth off.If I comment or reply I try to do it respectfully.

      I have no problem with people posting anonymously,I do have a problem with people running off at the mouth anonymously.especially when it is uncalled for.

    6. Damn, we need a like button on this blog.

  14. When my car broke down a group of bigfoot appeared and began looking under the hood with me. After grunting some stuff one of them said 'wait here I'll get Enoch'. After a short while one appeared in denim dungarees with a John deere cap on and he fixed it.

    Then he ripped my face off and wore it like a mask whilst taunting me about breaking down and owning a Taurus. You're right, don't trust em.

    1. That's right big boy so why don't you get in touch for some felching action.

  15. Replies
    1. why not, they are human are they not?

    2. No,we are Sasquatch!
      There are no humans.

    3. You mean to tell me they recycle? Awesome, I wonder which recycling center the Sasquatch dropped the can off at?

    4. This surprises you? Do you have it on good authority that they cannot? Seems to me there have been reports where they do make fires, but they are in caves only.

  16. Wonder what his explanation was to his rescuers about being surrounded by mounds of shit.

  17. This guys first grade writing class is really paying off, he belongs in Hollywood allright, a regular Robinson Crusoe he is.

  18. Reminds me of an episode of Finding Bigfoot where Bobo interviews a guy who had a close-encounter and tells this really sophisticated srory about a Sasquatch coming to his camping spot and then all of a sudden, he says "then he peed on my tent..." and I was like wtf?! Then I laughed... then I got mad that they wasted 10 minutes of the show for that... it pales in comparison to this post however, absolutely unbelievable... XD

  19. It sounds funny, but if you think about it, dolphins have been documented to save humans from Sharks and other catastrophies numberous times. They are intelligent and have also been documented to have their own sort of language. (It's a documented fact that dolphins even give their young names). I don't think it's too far fetched to believe that a BF could act compasionately towards an injured person, especially if they are intelligent and have their own language.

    The skeptics won't believe this story because they don't believe in anything they can't touch or see for themselves. But then again there are a number of former skeptics that now KNOW that BFs exit because they saw them for themselves.

    Chad W

    1. Its a good story. The skeptics will criticize it but thats part of the bigfoot world.

    2. Only difference. Dolphins exist, they do I'm not sh*tting you.

    3. The point I was trying to make was that if BF exists and they are intelligent and they have their only language as has been reported and recorded, then it's not too far fetched a story. If it already happens in nature with intelligent dolphins there is no reason why it could not happen with any other animal of the same or more intelligence (proven to exist or otherwise).

      If this story was slightly different and about how river dolphins (I think they are in Asia) saves a man from drowning no one would doubt it.

      The only question left remaining is "are BFs real". Not weither or not this could happen.

      Chad W

    4. you should read wet goddess if youre into dolphins...

    5. Okie didn't have ANY credibility to start with but with that statemented his chances of EVER getting any in the future just plummeted, to ZILCH.

    6. This could be very possible however Sasquatch are very secret animals and do try to avoid humans I can't see them keep coming back that more than likely would of done everything at once and moved on but there has be cases recorded of Sasquatch kidnapping human and allowing them to live among them

  20. Ah yes, this is the SacredExcrementgrunt clan who have taken a vow to look after all humans found in their territory. Their excrement has magical healing propoerties derived from the medicinal plants they consume and should be rubbed on all open wounds. Their urine is lifesaving as it has internal healing properties and cures most skin conditions from the natural mineral salts excreted. Most of them are identified by having a shaved dome.

    new anony

  21. This story was sent to us by someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

    No sh*t lol!! I bet theres more to the story he's holding back and is still traumatized, poor guy.

    I bet he was raped as well! But not once, not twice BUT thrice.

    You can just here'em banjos now.

    B-deedom deedom deedom dom doooo
    T-Teetom teetom teetom tom tooo
    B-deedom deedom deedom dom doooo
    T-Teetom teetom teetom tom tooo

    Yeeeee Haw!

  22. rofl there are some lunatics in this world

  23. If this story is not true, I wish it were and if it is - awesome!

  24. I once rescued a Bigfoot whose leg was caught in a bear trap. After I released him, he thanked me and granted me three wishes. My first wish was that Bigfoot would never be proven to be real. My second wish was that only crazy people could see Bigfoot, making it impossible for any sane person to believe they existed. My third wish was for me to win a billion dollars. Everything has come true so far. I gave most of the money to charity and kept a couple hundred bucks for myself.

  25. Most preditory animals use urine scent markers to mark their territory. And other animals will take head of these markers.
    This part of the story is not far fetched either. You city folk just have to know a little about nature to understand this part of the story.
    Chad W

  26. Shawn - The highly unlikely details are exactly what make this report so compelling. However, you can see the obvious holes, too. Perhaps you can reply to the sender, and encourage some more verifying details. Which state? Which season? How recent? Names of the rescuers?

    1. Why the hell would he want to do that? I'm sure he would be happy to give you the needed info so you can do it yourself.

  27. All the supposed person had to do was pack up one pea sized marble of that scat - and poof the whole story is provable. He must have been constantly thinking that no one would believe this fantastic journey with mythological homonids. Because no evidence was collected, and there would have been mental pressure to collect some physical remembrance, I think we can safely say this is cheap fiction penned for reaction or a few banner hits.

    1. Wow, you gave this story a lot of thought, didn't you?

  28. I found the original story that is similar to the above story...

  29. i agree with what gnrfan saidin an earlier post.this is a great so sick of the immature f-ing idiots that come to this site now.i can see of a couple funny comments but more than 3 quarters of it looks like its being taken over by a bunch of 12yr olds.its such a shame that you cannot have a civil conversation on this site anymore.whats realy sad its probably middle age immature people more then kids.the bigfoot phenomenon is very interesting to me and has become a hobby of mine which 10yrs ago really never gave it the time of day.the shit has me hooked now.hopefully alot of these idiots move on to other sites and let the real believers have intelligent conversation on this your site shawn but not the crowd thats invading this site. matt

    1. You can get everything you're looking for over at BFF...and more. Maybe you already do and want to make this blog an echo chamber just like the BFF freak show.

    2. Impossible to have a civil or thought provoking conversation over an obviously bullshit story.

    3. Yeah, the nerve of some people. This is a serious hoax and should be treated seriously...seriously!

  30. And then Santa left him presents the next day.

    1. Yup 12 year olds.
      Lets have intelligent conversations shall we???
      It seems to me many of the skeptics on this site are very childish. But if you read the comments left by believers, you don't see any childish remarks do you???
      Chad W

    2. Ushally left in response to the childish comments posted by the skeptics who posted first. Must stoop down to their level so they understand Chad W ! If you go back the last hundred or thousand posts you find that repeated over and over. First posts are ushally man/child sceptic comments and Slamming each article with profanity and stupid Dogman and Melba garbage. You then have some footers stoop down to go on the defensive with the childish idiots. Then sprinkled through out you have the remaining civil bigfooters, scholars, sceptics , and on the fencers debate it out. So your wrong Chad W!

  31. Why do you guys, even check this site out?, all negative and no open minds.

    1. In others words, not asking realistic questions , and not swallowing every story you hear is not "open minded". In fact, giving everything credence no matter how ridiculous is not open mindeded either since you don't question your beliefs.

    2. Anon 12:09,

      Typical moronic statement by a bleever.

    3. Typical moronic statement by a non-believer anon 5:43!

  32. Ok, Ok... Tell you what, I have a beautiful bit of ocean front property in Arizona I wanna sell too... Who's interested?


  33. You guys can all joke and have your say...but they are here for a reason that will soon be revealed. It would behoove us to learn from them about surviving in nature...and that's all I'm going to say for now.

    1. Oh dear, another footer with a secret. I know something you don't know and I'm not telling what it is because you're not serious about Bigfoot.

    2. It's only a secret to those who refuse to see.

    3. Yah that guy sounds like a bigfoot scientologist, how much do you have to pay to know the big secret?

    4. Oh dear another sceptic who trolls this site!

  34. You have a good point, but their supernatural abilities are the main reason they have survived and done it without exposure. I doubt we can learn their powers from them.

  35. On a scale of one to four wood knocks, i give it a four plus!

  36. Lets break down.the story:
    We know he was depressed going through a divorce si we can assume he was drinking and maybe trippin a little.

    We also know he was poor. He didnt fix up his canoe and we all know when a man is going through a divorce he goes to Vegas not floating down a river.

    He was also lonely. He had no friends with him and didnt want to be camping alone so he made these creatures up.

    So when you add it all up you get a broken down poor hippie with no evidence of this being fact. Sounds like most Bigfoot stories.

    1. Here we go, another person who thinks that any form of depression means halucinations.

      Look up depression and you will NEVER EVER find halucinations as one of the symtoms.

      Don't even get me on mass halucinations, they don't occur and were invented by skeptics trying to explain away things that they don't understand by using an argument they also don't understand, lol

    2. Yes Anon being depressed can create false realities.

      Here ya go. Read up.

      I have a Bachelors in Psych and Criminal Justice and most violent criminals are depressed and suffer from halucinations.

      My point is it was another great story by a poor drunk with no evidence. We need credible evidence and people to come forward.

    3. Actually Bigfoot Broski it's not like most witnesses. Your Catagorizing something u have limited knowledge on. Accounts come from all walks of life. Military, campers, hunters, fish and game, cops, children, grandparents, adults of all races( do I need to go on knucklehead ?)! Most are not drunk or depressed like the household u grew up in. When your around drunks and crack heads all the time it's hard to imagine the world is any different. I believe in Bigfoot , but I find this story to outlandish and unreal. So don't go thinking this is what we all believe in. If u want to take it as fact than go right ahead! Why is it all the people who use Bigfoot in their profile name are ushally the skeptics?

    4. Hey BF Broski. If you have a degree in psychology and criminology then u must be lying! Your type casting everybody with the same psychosis! I'm not in the field and I already can tell your full of BS! Yeah all the thousands of people are drunk and are hallucinating ! That's stupid! Dead wrong and you lie! I've drank and I didnt hallucinate! No psych major would associate with your Bull shit!

  37. Doesn't cost a thing...just prepare yourself to have your mind blown.

    1. Now THAT's a deal. Free mind blowing? Sign me up, I'll take a two year subscription. You're not talking about rapture type mind blowing are you? Because I'll have to pass on that.

    2. My mind is located between my legs.

  38. Did he see the family of bigfoot before or After he hit his crack pipe.

  39. Well, there is no obvious way to tell from just a story if the witness is credible or not. Even if they are, it is possible that dehydration and/or a concussion could have made them hallucinate.

    I think the urination thing is interesting. It's not a detail you usually hear, but makes sense in this situation, if it holds truth. They are supposedly apex predators, so all other predators might know to stay away if their "territory" is marked.

    1. You may be onto something there. They were probably pissin' and poopin' to protect the guy. Kind of a fecal force field. How cool is that?

    2. I agree with you.Out of all the things a person could say about what happend when they had an encounter why would they choose such an odd thing?

    3. Yea,you might have something there.
      I don't think I would come around you if you had poop and piss all around or on you.

    4. Like I said up earlier today, Predators urinate to mark territory and other animals are weary of it. That once statement if made describing any other animal would not be questioned by anyone that knows anything about nature
      Chad W

    5. Oh yes, this story is HIGHLY believable. I mean what could possibly be far fetched about it, if anything?

  40. Ton's of comments an NO ONE doubts this guy saw a cougar AND a grizz in the same night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you shitting me??

    1. He said he saw a black bear. Bears and cougars follow the waterways too. Giving him a long sharpened stick/spear I thought was unique as well. It's a good story, just enjoy it, and let others enjoy it as well. The mouse clicking theory might have some merit, it was worth a mouse click.

    2. I lived in the Canadian rocky mountains for half my life and I have seen many different animals all in a single day. So I would not be surprised if he didn't see more animals like dear and and moose didn't bother to mention it.

      Chad W.

    3. Chad W. I see his sarcasm went MILES above your head. That's the very thing that makes me laugh at bleever mentality. They have no concept of what's real.

    4. Anon 5:19 if you have the concept they are not real then your a friggen troll! Never understood why your on the site! You would have been great on how to catch a predator! "Oh I'm only here to protect the child! " why are you here ?

  41. Not the kinda canoe trip I'm goin on after a divorce...

  42. I have had plenty of divorces and not once did I include a canoe in my trip, I call shenanigans, at least I would if I could find their number.

  43. Just read the title of this topic but I can confidently say that I guarantee you theres no proof that he can provide. Am I right? I'll check for the answer at a later time. Thanks in advance.

  44. Dude got inured and dreamed it or his divorce made him bat-shit crazy. End of story.

  45. I've noticed this lately on quite a few sites (like 4 of them): lately the last year to date there seems to be an influx of batshit ridiculous stories like this one. Its like there's a group of tree huggers out there making these random stories up about how gentle they are so that they may not be disturbed. You can spot their agenda quick like just a few sentences in.

    1. However other times the stories are subtle. Statements like: "as I peered through my scope/binoculars, I could tell by his gentle face that this was a benevolent creature." The same agenda is at work though.

    2. It's because of all of the attention it's getting on tv. That's why the influx. Lot of people find it as a joke so the make garbage up like this story.

  46. The author of this story has a writing style eerily reminiscent of that of the "Captain Jack Bindernagel" series.

  47. I was a believer until they passed their shit around during the circle jerk

  48. i think if Bigfoot made fires then we would have evidence of that, and the fires & smoke trails would be visible, and have given them away by now.

    bogus story

  49. If one takes this story seriously we learn that Sasquatch:

    1. They make spears and presumably other tools.
    2. They make clay pots...somehow.
    3. They utilize knives and other tools.
    4. They piss and shit in a protective circle.
    5. They speak a sasquatch language.
    6. They travel and live in groups.
    7. They have generational leadership.

    Since the blog is dedicated to Bigfoot Evidence, how does this supposed evidence match up with all other claimed sasquatch behavior evidence....train riding, deer ripping, stone throwing, wook knocking, howling, stick hut building, incredible stink (not mentioned above) dog eating, pancake loving, firestarting, kidnapping, grunting, raping, tree peaking, car smashing, jerking loving, and the most amazing "blurrification" power?

    I better try to communicate with OldPeteMuckelgrunt for confirmation of all sasquatch behaviors. He is very knowledgeable of his cousins the SacredExcrementgrunt clan, though they live apart from other sasquatch in communal stick huts deep in the forest primeval.

    new anony

  50. Fascinating story. There are elements in it that seem to me to make it believable. The protective circle/marking territory seems reasonable. They could have picked up the clay pot somewhere. The making of fire seems out there - yet there have been a few reports of Sasquatch having fires in caves... maybe its a rare thing for them, and they only did it for the human. If its true I would assume the fellow kept the spear, which should be examined to see how it was sharpened.

    I am holding out judgment on this one. Of course some sort of proof/verification and more details would be helpful, but I am not willing to to call it out as false. After all, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Sometimes the wildest things end up being the trueist things. (The author of Little Women would get mail believing the things she made up in her stories, and not believing the things she based on her own childhood that were true. The true things were doubted and the made-up things were believed!)

    I went to the Bigfoot Forums link to read the other canoe story - what a refreshing site! None of the name calling and asinine comments like you find here. Just civil discussion!

  51. We need a twit from Megalo Matt or a vid from Taxi Tim to settle this matter, if either say it is legit then I am sold. It's not the height of the tale that matters, it's who blesses it.

  52. Yes, wonderful group think over at BFF. If you think this story is true maybe you should stay over there.

    If BF is real, which I'm completely open to. I think the possibility of BF saving someone in this situation is plausible. I seem to remember a report where a small child was swept down a river/stream and quickly grabbed by a BF and safely deposited on the side of the river. That seems reasonable but this story here is pure fabrication.

  53. The value of this website IS that the proposed evidence is discussed and when necessary criticized for being fake hoaxery or fictional creative writing efforts. So far, almost all of the evidence presented has been fake. If one is truly interesting in finding evidence of Bigfoot than demand solid evidence. Wishful thinking and being stupidly gullible just damages the whole premise that such creatures exist. Moonbats seldom win respect or acclaim. Those who pass off crappola should either be applauded for the entertainment or criticized for adding to the buffoonery that is Bigfootery.

    I will be happy to see real me.
    We need a body, a head, a foot......

    new anony

    1. Get off your ass and go look! Another lazy ass waiting for others to get evidence . Nothing will satisfy u on this site because you don't get your ass out. New anon your an idiot. Be a leader not a follower! Crybaby! Waaaa I need a body waaaa-it's all hoaxes waaaa - I've been in my basement waiting for someone to bring me some evidence! Waaa!

  54. Not saying I believe this story as such but there are people on here who wouldn't believe in Bigfoot even if they saw it with their own eyes. Not just skeptics either. I agree, we're missing hard evidence, but unless you're willing to analyse everything - even the most ludicrous sounding of stories, then you'll never be an expert and therefore never have a valid opinion.

    To be honest, the most remarkable part of this story is the fact that he saw a Cougar and Bear in the same day. The urinating part - who knows? As we know nothing of their behaviour for sure, I have to concentrate on the bits that we do know and seeing these two animals in such a short space of time seems unlikely.

  55. Dumbest fucking story ever.if you believe this shit then you probably need to be walkin around in a helmet

  56. This why they need to stop selling bath salts at 7-11

  57. this is good. I has a similar experience when I was a teenager. I have not ever told my story. again this is good!

  58. this is good. I has a similar experience when I was a teenager. I have not ever told my story. again this is good!

    1. Your repeating yourself, your repeating yourself

  59. The peeing in the circle could've been a mark of territory

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