Why would the government or anyone want to discourage the Sasquatch from being discovered?

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by William Jevning (@bukwas01), 38 year veteran sasquatch investigator, and author of "Notes From the Field, Tracking North America's Sasquatch". Read more about Jevning at his Bigfoot blog, Bigfoot Researcher.

This is becoming an increasingly frequently asked question. I myself never considered such a thing, and having been a close personal friend of the late Rene' Dahinden was in a position to have known of such activities had they been perpetrated, but had not heard of such things.

I was reading comments on a blog last year about just this, and the people chatting there were asking rather excellent questions. This discussion got me thinking about my own experiences, and I have them written on my own website and blog, and began seeking accounts from anyone else who may have experienced similar situations.

I began receiving responses from people all along the west coast of the United States with similar stories. So the question is not "if" such cover-ups and outright destruction of evidence is taking place, but "why"?

I am certain that there are numerous reasons for why anyone would wish the Sasquatch to remain in limbo as far as being officially recognized, but one stands out in my mind as likely the strongest reason.

Many investigators over the years attempting to uncover government actions successfully follow the same path, and that is to follow the money. In this case taking a close look at the financial impact that proving the Sasquatch to exist would have on local communities which are in the vicinity of national or state forest lands would have.

I have not completed my investigation into this probable impact, but enough so that it would be devastating on a wide scale.

How do we know this would be a problem? We already have a much smaller example with the Northern Spotted owl, remember this?

I have placed an article here that was written about the impact the owl controversy had on communities, I have yet to hear any major studies done on the impact on communities and humans as a result of the Spotted Owl decision.

In June 1990 the government set aside 15% (20 million acres) of old growth forest for the owl habitat, and all the neighboring communities never recovered from this. Below is the article from a site called "One voice working for the forests".

It was 20 years ago — June 26, 1990 — that the spotted owl was listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The Oregonian has taken an in-depth look at what that decision has meant for the timber industry and the spotted owl itself. The results, especially for the industry, are not pretty, and environmental groups might have a few things they’d rather forget too.

As this graphic shows, the owl listing ended up cutting Oregon’s total timber harvest in half. And the Northwest timber industry was decimated.

Here is a description from Jonathan Raban’s op-ed this week in the New York Times:

(In 1994) the Northwest Forest Plan came into effect, protecting around 20 million acres of federal land from logging, and offering financial compensation and job retraining to the timber towns. As mill after mill closed, the stench of steam and pulp vanished from the Northwestern air; trucks carrying massive tree trunks, which used to cause mile-long tailbacks on the Olympic Peninsula, became rarities; and the ubiquitous slow-moving tugboats, dragging rafts of freshly felled firs, gradually faded from view on Puget Sound.

Raban, whose op-ed is generally supportive of the owl’s listing, said the sting still lingers in timber communities:

The battle over the owl has been just one engagement in the war over nature in the Northwest…The struggle has set class against class and countryside against city, and turned lifelong rural Democrats into staunch Republicans.

In the old timber towns, many people still echo the August 1994 speech by Slade Gorton, Republican of Washington, to the Senate on the human cost of the spotted owl listing: “The U.S. government, driven by sophisticated, well-financed national environmental organizations and supported by the media and urban opinion leaders, has betrayed rural communities and destroyed — yes, destroyed — the lives and careers of tens of thousands of honest working families in the Pacific Northwest.” Or, as the city attorney for Forks, Wash., (once a roaring town that declared itself the Logging Capital of the World) said when I called to remind him of last week’s anniversary: “That’s not a day we celebrate. At any time.”

And yet — this is the real kicker — all sides of the debate agree that the listing has done nothing to improve the spotted owl’s numbers from 20 years ago. In fact, after two decades of the owl being federally listed as “threatened,” there are actually fewer spotted owls than there were in 1990.

How can this possibly be? The absurdity of the situation is almost comical if it wasn’t so painful. The reason — and apparently no one anticipated this 20 years ago — is a larger, more efficient species called the barred owl has migrated to the Pacific Northwest from the East and is squeezing out the spotted owl population. In the Olympic National Forest, for example, researchers counted just 13 spotted owls last year, whereas in 1990 they counted 150.

Now it doesn't take much imagination to multiply the effects of the Sasquatch being proven to exist to see what would happen. There would be no 15% of forest old growth closed, "ALL" forests would be closed, and until scientists could determine all the aspects of Sasquatch life, range, feeding habits, family structure and how they relate to range areas, etc. The endangered species act clearly defines this, and all state DNR, state forest, national forest lands would be frozen. This could potentially include national parks as Sasquatch encounters happen in them also.

While logging has been cut off a great deal from before the spotted owl decision, which makes one wonder "did they do this to soften the economic impact in case the Sasquatch inadvertently were proven to exist"?

Of course this is speculation, but I am certain if the economic impact were thoroughly studied, the picture would become clear as to this motive.

This issue would not be the first one in which we know for fact the government has kept from the public.

William Jevning


  1. Why would the government or anyone want to discourage the Sasquatch from being discovered?

    As they help to maintain the Nuclear power plants with their mind powers. Duh!!!!!

    Everybody knows that.

  2. Has a cover up EVER been PROVEN? I think its silly to even bring it up UNTIL there is someone (anyone) out there willing to talk about it. All I've ever read were second hand accounts, you know: "well I knew this guy who told me" type stories.

    I want names of those people who are claiming a cover up. I want to hear there first hand accounts of the events that transpired.

    Until then this is a hilariously ridiculous topic.

    1. You obviously haven't studied this subject enough. Have you ever seen a squatch? and then tried to tell people about it? One of 2 things always happens #1. They politely give you a strange look and then consider the possibilities and continue an honest and open discussion. Or #2. the "more logically minded and scientific oriented" people instantly burst out laughing and then toss insults at you... so much for scientific couriosity. This happens no matter what personal proof you provide and I believe is completely based on fear of the unknown. I used to wonder (when I was a kid) why "scientists" fought so hard against theories such as a round planet and that we orbited the sun and not the other way around... until I stumbled into squatch research. The "professional scientists" have too much invested in the status quo and will NEVER put that at risk for something and flimsy as the truth. Oh and also, those are the same people that if you offer to take them out to see a squatch... they will refuse to go 9 out of 10 times and if that 10% do see or expereince something... they usually crap themselves and pretend it never happened. I have seen this time and time again, which is why I usually don't waste my time with such people anymore. This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface or reasons for a cover up. Since when did the govt ever tell us the truth about anything? Nothing but a bunch of self serving liars and thieves.

    2. you people are idiots.....

      seriosuly, nice excuse "umm umm, we don't have evidence cuz it's the gubmint........"

      give me an effing break. paranoid delusional retards

    3. It's not working troll you know we're right about this. Too many people have seen these beings and too much evidence has been gathered to be ignored, so why is it still being ignored? Because the current scientific status quo must be preserved, all the while they flat out lie and say they'd love it to be real, etc. Well it bloody well is real all the evidence is right there suggesting it! Apparently too many things would be disrupted with this discovery as our society presently is, religion (they're hominins not animals), logging industry (money loss), public fear (totally unfounded). That is why the cover-up and denial's been so successful for so many years with some fantasy monster image built up in the public's mind, question now is how long can authorities keep that charade going as more people search and technology advances? Not for very much longer is my guess.

  3. Who knows maybe we should get together like these new world leaders. Get drunk fucked up and throw everyones votes out, then inch our way like they do for a answer.Its all about the money,control,these asses get bills passed a little at a time until they slap a big one on us like control of health care

    1. That's exactly what has happened. How in the fuck can someone support and vote for Obama when he taxes us and forces you to have health care while at the same time knows its "fucked up" because he isnt taking it and lets politicians be exempt?

      Wake up you idiots.

    2. Freedom of choice has been erased FOREVER as it stands at the moment. Its only a matter of time before they're telling us what we can eat and drink.............oh wait, that's already happening too. I laugh at imbeciles to zdumb not to be able to see it unfolding.

    3. Anon 6:21! Are u a knuckle head! First of all taxes or no tax your already paying for healthcare as an invisible tax! Who do you think pays for the uninsured when they drag their sick ass in? You do with higher premiums and if you don't think that's not a tax replacement your just plain stupid! Now at least they can get some preventive care and not show up as a stage 4 cancer patient. My taxes havn't gone up under Obama, What the hell tax are you talking about? Let the uninsured pay something out of their pocket too! Otherwise smarty pants your still paying it anyways through double digit increases in premiums!

    4. Anon 6:21! Obama blah blah blah! Ahhhh cry cry cry ! Wake up people weep weep ahhhhh da fricken dah! Get a life you doomsday punk! Why do you bring politics here! Plus who is hurting your baby crybaby butt anyways. Ahhh the government is taking away my freedoms blah blah blah. I havn't noticed a fricken difference! Not one!

    5. Unless your on welfare and now you have to pay your fair share! Ha ha

    6. Anon 6:21 and 6:26 must be welfare recipients ! Get jobs losers and pay your fair share!

    7. Par for the course 9:08 - its the education system here in the states.

      Plus media manipulation and bath salts.

      OK, back to BF...

    8. What freedom anon 6:26 are you talking about? Not getting to MILK THE SYSTEM anymore? Get of your lazy ass and do something. I work and nothing changed for me!

    9. Well what country would you choose to move to that's better anon 9:15? Nigeria? Britain ? With all their tabloid reporting with Murdock ( who runs Fox which is basically a fictional news show)! I choose the USA ! Here's a thought- the last time I checked we voted for all of our presidents and they have term limits unlike Putin in Russia! What's your beef? Vote different in the school board election or better yet--run for it and make a difference and quit your damn compaining!

    10. Anon 6:26-! Your an idiot . My freedom of choice hasn't changed in 40 years of my life. I still choose everything that I want ! Oh ok I can't smoke in a bar ( even though I don't smoke the cancer sticks!) that's the only thing , but you can still light up outside so WTF!

    11. Anon 9:27 simma down now. Nigeria and Britian in the same sentence, followed by Russia? Wtf

      No beef, but several northern European countries are a lot healthier right now. We have some major problems at home here, not all financial - social.

    12. All of you idiots for this Obama care are idiots. The people not paying now and receiving healthcare for free by the taxpayer are still not going to be paying for Obamacare. Nothing changes that. So that's a push. However, the government is now forcing you, telling you, you WILL buy healthcare. Where does it end, morons! I see you choose to not address why Obama doesn't have to get it AND politicians don't have to comply. If it looks like shit, smells like shit, its shit. You idiots that agree with this policy may as well live in a land of communism.

      The government should not be forcing the people to buy ANYTHING! when they don't have to comply. You imbeciles!

    13. I'm doing research for a clinical psych paper - you guys are great! Thanks for playing along

    14. Unfortunatly anon 10:16 general Joe public doesn't do real well at saving for retirement and medical so vola - you get social security, Medicare , and Medicaid. Your forced to pay for that knucklehead! Want to roll that back? If you do you have millions of homeless and sick. Guess who has to pay for that Jack! Shift of costs. Tone of crime, sick, and homeless. Pure capitalism and democracy at work. Didn't work so it had to be tweaked ! Knownbody will ever live under communism here . Give me a break. Not even socialism .

    15. I would like to ship Anon 10:16 to a true communist country so he really knows what it's like . Also great way to get rid of a moron! Send him so his crybaby comments about politics don't end up on a Bigfoot site! Obama wha wha wha . Everybody Is imbeciles ! Wha wha friken doody dah!

  4. Good post, didnt't go into any crackpot, tinfoil hat theories, just mentioned the possibilites using previous examples.

    I don't think the government is trying to make sure sasquatch gets proven if they exist, i think they are trying to delay is for as long as possible.

  5. For a good analogy, one only has to look into the ufo phenom.

    In 1961, the Brookings Report "recommended prohibition of disclosure, with a warning against the revelation of the existence of extraterrestrial life to the people of America or the world".

    Brookings Institution thinkers feared social, economic and religious upheaval would result.

    1. I don't even know why you bring this up, as it is so arrogant to assume we are the only planet that supports life. It is insane 'NOT' to accept this, the main point 'IS' why the hell would they come here?


    2. No comprendo 5:27

      The question was "Why would the government or anyone want to discourage the Sasquatch from being discovered?"

      Gov't-corp-inc wants a good, docile, tax-paying joe public. The social upheaval associated w/ a squatch discovery would be tremendous (ie - bad for bidness).

    3. No comprendo very well...

      For a good analogy, one only has to look into the ufo phenom.


    4. Alrighty then - agree to disagree

      The motive is there however...always follow the money

    5. "AnonymousSaturday, July 7, 2012 5:10:00 PM PDT
      Has a cover up EVER been PROVEN? I think its silly to even bring it up UNTIL there is someone (anyone) out there willing to talk about it. All I've ever read were second hand accounts, you know: "well I knew this guy who told me" type stories.

      I want names of those people who are claiming a cover up. I want to hear there first hand accounts of the events that transpired.

      Until then this is a hilariously ridiculous topic."

      I can answer that question easy... " Has a cover up EVER been PROVEN?" YES!!!!

      Look at History. The cover-ups of the past are no longer covered-up yet their impacts are still being felt. We DID test/use biological warfare against Native Americans in the late 1800's but is this taught in schools?

      We are taught in schools that the American Civil War was to free the slaves, yet if you actually look this up, the "Free the slaves" thing was Northern propaganda to gain world opinion during the middle of the war. (England once supported the Confederacy until then.)

      Area 51... The Government claimed it did not exist while at the same time, signs were posted on the property the whole time. Why do you think we have a freedom of information act? And that only pertains to things that used to be top-secret that the Government no longer feels the need to keep secret.

      I will give a prime example of a cover up straight from the horses mouth.. My OWN.

      In 1997 my unit (The Bravo Co. 864th Engr.Bn.) deployed to Yakima, Washington for a road construction mission. Only we did not go to Yakima.

      We were told not to speak to reporters etc.. but that was common. We assumed we were going to the Yakima training center to build fire suppression roads. Where we actually went was a section of land that the U.S. Government took from the Yakima Nation. (Part of their Reservation.) The mission had two parts. The first was an extremely long road to the quarry where we were getting our rock. (I am guessing the actual quarry site was to be a vertical construction site later.) The second part was to build a road that went to their burial ground. We were told that we were doing this to show them good faith.

      During the middle of the deployment, me and a few others were taking our lunch break near the Columbia river where our water distributer was re-tanking from the river. This is when one of them (Tribe member)actually approached us. Before this the only contact we had with any of them was them flipping us off on the Dam as our vehicles passed one another. He was just making small talk and asking how the road to their cemetery was going. He then told us he was one of their elders and filled us in on the part of the story that we did not know. How they refused to sell this portion of land because it was an old burial ground but the Government took it anyway and then paid them petty compensation and added the little road that went up to their modern cemetery.

      So there is a cover-up in it's self. The U.S. Government is still screwing over "Indians" and going strong since the 1880's. Oh but here is the kicker... While building that road that went to the quarry, we had to redirect and go three miles out of our way because there was a cluster of endangered plants that some endangered fruit bat form Mexico migrates up to Washington to eat. lol So God forbid this little bat has nothing to eat, but we have no problem in screwing people over?

      So with that said, Yes I do feel that the U.S. Government is aware of them and is covering it up. But if any of these DNA studies do show that they are a type of human with verbal communication, I think the cover-up will stop. If it's an Animal then the cover-up must go on as our natural resources are at stake. But if it is indeed a cousin human, then it is "Screwable"

    6. Dude...you put that much thought into this crap? There's a life for you out there somewhere, find it.

    7. @AnonymousSaturday, July 7, 2012 7:29:00 PM PDT

      You do see the irony in your get a life comment do you not? Obviously if you actually read my post, you would see that I was speaking out of experience of my life. It is obvious that I have an interest in sasquatch and yes I have had my own encounter so yeah, this blog falls into my interests (So part of my life).

      Now lets examine you. lol Your only comment was that I put too much thought into this and for me to get a life? LOL Where exactly is yours? I know your intent was to get a rise out of angering people but I am not angry. On the contrary you made my day. Lifeless trolls telling people to get a life??? How could I not laugh at this? :D

    8. Wow - quite a story. I have been out hiking in that area. Yakima Training Center is pretty desolate. Were you in the mountains at this quarry?

      I wonder if you guys were out at Mel's Hole made famous by Art Bell around that same time?

    9. Actually we were not even in Yakima. The area was all desert and the closest town was George. We were working next to the Columbia but this part of the Columbia was completely in Washington. If it helps, there was a place near where we were that they allowed us to go to after the work day.. I may be misspelling it, but it was called Ghetties cove?

    10. Holy crap Tizeth. Writing a novel?

    11. @ 9:34, ok I get it now. You were prob near the George Amphitheater - saw Tom Petty there years ago. Holy cow what a setting

    12. Tzieth,

      A long ass story that had ZERO ANYTHING to do with a Bigfoot cover up. I ask again, where's the PROOF of this hilarious b.s.?

      All that exists is he said she said "crap". This is just a cop-out used by believers that cannot bring any PROOF of Sasquatches existence to the table.

    13. Yeah, in fact I ended up with an allergic reaction and had to go to the nearest Hospital, I passed the George Amphitheater to get there.

      @Anom. 9:34 yeah sorry about that wall of text lol. But when that guy wanted proof that the Government covers stuff up, I had to lol. Now it occurs to me. I never noticed this before but the very same skeptics that call bigfooters gullible, seem to be the very same guys who actually trust the Government??? lol.

    14. Tzieth,

      The article is about why Sasquatch government cover-up. Surely you're not so dense that you think someone else doesn't know that governments of all countries don't have little secrets they don't want out? Did I "really" need to acknowledge beforehand that my post was in regards to a GOVT. Sasquatch coverup prior to posting, when this very topic is about a Sasquatch being potentially covered up by the government? Really?

      You're off topic and I'm still waiting for proof of a Sasquatch cover-up. All that exists is he said she said second, third, fourth and fifth hand accounts. No names, no interviews, nothing. Again, this GOVT. Sasquatch cover-up stuff is nothing more than a copout for lacking of PROOF of its existence.

    15. Are stupid or just trying to avoid the question? Where is your first hand proof/evidence that the government is hindering the discovery of bigfoot? Your story has nothing to do with BF!

    16. All and well 10:48 - but define govt cover up from your perspective.

      This isnt hundreds or thousands of worker bees conspiring. That doesnt work, someone always spills the beans.

      Best way to describe it is an oligarchy, small group. Highly compartmentalized - best minds from acadamia, think tanks, and the military-industrial complex. So not even sure we should call it the "govt".

      Wont be revealed in my lifetime by these bastards I can tell you that.

    17. "AnonymousSaturday, July 7, 2012 10:24:00 PM PDT

      A long ass story that had ZERO ANYTHING to do with a Bigfoot cover up. I ask again, where's the PROOF of this hilarious b.s.?

      All that exists is he said she said "crap". This is just a cop-out used by believers that cannot bring any PROOF of Sasquatches existence to the table."

      You asked "Has a cover-up ever been proven?" And I answered. The U.S. covers crap up all the time. As for covering up Big foot? No, no proof but lots of motive. Like area 51, Bigfoot is that big elephant sitting in the living room that the government refuses to acknowledge.

      My Sasquatch incident/encounter took place on Ft. Lewis while I had a guard detail to guard the AHA (Ammo Holding Area). Prior to that while out on a field problem, (Also on Ft.Lewis). I was monitoring the talk tent when the guy on the LPOP (Listening Post/Observation Post)reported that he saw movement at 0312hrs. (I had to logg this down). This guy was a staff Sgt. and suddenly started cussing on the radio. The Platoon Sgt. then advised him of unauthorized use of the radio, but the Staff Sgt just kept cussing saying "I am getting the F---k out of here! That's a Mother-F--king Sasquatch. Again the Platoon Sgt and this time the Platoon Leader were telling him to watch his mouth and stay put. That he was probably seeing the Opp-For that we were expecting. (opposition force). The Staff Sgt then replied "There ain't no nine-foot tall Opp-For running around this mother-f--ker, I am getting out of here!"

      The LPOP is kept far out from your parameter. It's intent is an early warning to let the base-camp know that the enemy is approaching. This Staff Sgt. was a Heavey-set black guy. He entered the talk tent in about two minutes from his last transmission and he was literally white as a ghost.

      I am sorry to write yet another wall of text here but I must make something understood. Anyone who is serving or has served in any branch of the military will tell you that there are two things they will nail you for. Violating a direct lawful order especially from an Officer, and leaving your post. This guy did both and the incident was logged. This would have been an easy field-grade article 15 for that Staff Sgt., meaning it would have went straight to the Battalion Colonel. But it either was never reported by the Lt., or it stopped at the Col's desk. Nothing happened to the Sgt.

      That was two Sasquatch incidents on post and within my four years there. No doubt there were many more that were reported so there is NO WAY that I can see that the Government does not know this.

    18. Anon 10:58,

      I didn't want to call him stupid but I was really wondering about him. Haha. I addressed his offtopic post in the post above yours at 10:48 as well. Like I asked him: "should I have really had to state beforehand that my post was in regards to a "Sasquatch cover-up " when that's what THIS topic is about? LMFAO.

      I honestly just think he (Tzieth) did that just so he could "think he won" an argument. "He didnt mention Bigfoot in his post so I'll show him". Lmfao, too funny!

    19. Tzieth - Fort Lewis/Nisqually has a long history.

      Mix in the Green River Killer to the north and it is one f'ing creepy place at night.

      So many reports from the 70's-80's.

    20. "All that exists is he said she said "crap". This is just a cop-out used by believers that cannot bring any PROOF of Sasquatches existence to the table."

      Are you really going to make me go there? That same asinine question is almost proof in it's self. Let me put this another way... Someone close to you gets raped. This person tells you they saw the guy. further more, he left fingerprints on the window and an ample supply of DNA all over the place. Is this not "PROOF" enough for you to seek justice and have this guy convicted? And when this assailant is tried and convicted and sent to prison are you going to lose any sleep? Is there going to be any doubt in your mind that they sent the wrong guy away? eye-witness account, finger prints and DNA are PROOF in the eyes of the law, but yet not proof enough to confirm that there is an "unknown" creature out there?

    21. Tzieth,

      Read my posts to you at 10:48 and 11:15.

      Wow dude. I guess I was right about why you posted that afterall.

      Seriously childish. I guess topic titles have no meaning in Tzieths world.

      At least I know to just skim over your posts from now on as they're most definitely going out in left field. Thanks for the laugh though.

    22. "AnonymousSaturday, July 7, 2012 11:22:00 PM PDT

      Read my posts to you at 10:48 and 11:15.

      Wow dude. I guess I was right about why you posted that afterall.

      Seriously childish. I guess topic titles have no meaning in Tzieths world.

      At least I know to just skim over your posts from now on as they're most definitely going out in left field. Thanks for the laugh though."

      First off, it's not left field. I do not know how many of you Anom-trolls I am addressing so I am addressing multiple posts I am seeing directed to me at the same time. Also notice that I have not reverted to name calling on any of you, though you should practice what you preach and read the title. This is not about the Government covering up Knowledge of Sasquatch. It is "Why would they want to?"

      I saw the post where you or one of your clones stated that I thought I won? I did not know this was a competition. My example was addressing that the Government does indeed cover things up. The topic is Why would they cover up Bigfoot. Not that they are indeed doing so.

    23. Anon 11:03,

      Do I really need to define "govt. cover-up" when those are the exact words used in the title? A govt. cover-up IS a government cover-up no matter how many people know. That's part of the objective in a cover-up, you don't want people who don't need to know knowing anything. I'm sorry but this angle you're going after appears as a blatant reach by you because you're assuming I don't realize how secrets are kept. Basically, I think you're attempted point is "moot".

      I just don't think there's any backing for this entire topic at hand. All you have is second, third, fourth and fifth (you could probably keep counting) accounts. There's many conspiracy theories/secret projects/coverup stories out there which have people who have been willing to be interviewed and tell their stories while attempting to blow the lid off what ever the cover-up is in regards to. Area 51, Aliens, you name it, have people willing to talk. They've done filmed interviews, radio interviews and were even willing to do it without concealing their identities.

      Now the supposed Bigfoot cover-up ? Well, none of that.

    24. At 11:35, yes, they do - so your point was valid re: the govt.

      The skeptics seem to be literalists, they can not juggle allegory or metaphors very well.

    25. In regards to these supposed whistle blowers who stay anonymous and do interviews with their voices jumbled and their faces either shaded or jumbled who talk of conspiracies or alliances with E.T.'s etc.. there is a difference.

      Knowing that something exists and not acknowledging it or rather turning a blind eye, is a different form of cover-up. You would not have these whistle blowers because the Government is not involved. It would be doing all it can to not be involved.

      Again this Thread was never about how the Government or anyone IS covering it up. It is about why they would do so and the motives are endless. For one, look at Alaska. We have about 200 years worth of oil there yet we do not drill. The chief argument is what impact drilling will have on the wildlife such as the Alaskan Caribou.

      It's not just the logging industry that would be halted. it's oil and coal as well.

    26. Seems to me many a troll knows the Bigfooty people really are out there, they fight the discovery and research because they know it's either an alien species they must protect and hide knowing bigfooters are getting too close, or the species is all human and too problematic or freaky looking to reveal to the world. No way is it an ape that'd been found by now and if so warnings issued, since this hasn't happened and the species quite obviously is existing we must and can only conclude it's no animal but one of the former two explanations.

  6. Bigfoot is not going to to have a impact on religious people or aliens existing. a real believer in god knows nothing is impossible.

    1. Damn right Anon 5:29. In a world created by God, nothing should surprise. "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen" R.W. Emerson, taken from a Todd Standing video.

    2. God doesn't exist but Sasquatch does, that's why the US Governments have this on-going dilemma and won't have us knowing it.

    3. todd standsquatch quotes emerson?

    4. "AnonymousSunday, July 8, 2012 12:07:00 PM PDT
      Damn right Anon 5:29. In a world created by God, nothing should surprise. "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen" R.W. Emerson, taken from a Todd Standing video."

      I assure you, God had nothing to do with what you see in Todd Standings vids. Not unless God is Jim Henson's ghosts. Those things are puppets.

  7. Long story short: They wouldn't

  8. Here's what I think: There is no way the gov doesn't know bigfoot exists. If they've been conducting biological war experiments on these creatures then they wouldn't want the public to find it out if they have discovered that bigfoot is not ape but human.

  9. Military Pamphlets, what told you to do if you encountered one.

    Reports from bases what to do if you encounter one underground.

    I'd say 'if' they exist then they know, and I agree with the forestry angle and money! So are they being killed off, was it attempted, is it still going on? Why was the Military told to avoid them?

    So many questions and no answers......

  10. Why the Government would keep quiet:

    1. Lumber Industry Shut-Down/Habitat protection

    2. National Park Revenue Loss/public fear of creature.

    3. Knuckleheads trying to bag one as a trophy/Public Safety Issue

    4. Evolution Theory having to be re-thought then re-explained and/or re-written, fitting them in.

    5. Having to provide "Rights" to them if proven "Near Human" or "Homo *****

    6. Having to explain why they have known about it for years yet have said nothing to the population

    7. Having to then provide funding for research, protection and monitoring of the species

    1. Don't forget the free visits to the hairdressers and clothing allowances, tax breaks and setting them up in new locations.

    2. Your right, I forgot that, lol

    3. If Sasquatch do exist I'm sure they fit into the theory of evolution just fine. We already know that multiple kinds of hominids existing at the same time is historically the norm, not the exception.

    4. Thanks for that very good list, Anon 6:06. All valid possibilities, given a government that "always knows best".

    5. Reasons why government would not keep it quiet:

      1. They do not exist.

    6. If they don't exist, why are you here, troll?

    7. Anon 10:22,

      Because he's studying degenerates like you who believe in something that doesn't exist. A paper is being written regarding the maniacal mind of a bleever as we speak. Peer review should be swift. Look for it to come out "soon". It will probably be released at about the same time the "burnt Bigfoot" press conference is going to go down. You know, the one you stayed up all night writhing with anticipation about.

    8. only a faag rights that much and says there trolling

    9. Only ones up all night about the burnt Bigfoot was u along with all of the other skeptics anon 10:32! We tolerate most know it all skeptics , but your just a complete idiot!

    10. And bigfooters are studying degenerates like the troll anon freak at 10:32, guess we hit the nail on the sore head once again.

  11. It isn't just economic, imagine every soccer mom discovering the BF run around the hood all night....panic and hilarity ensue......

  12. Always consider the alternate explanation: they don't know shit. That, anyway, is the one that proves out in most other areas. The government, after all, is just people, and people blab. There is no "They" or "Them." There are people in a revolving bureaucracy, that is all, and they are highly fallible.

    1. Def possible - the other end of the spectrum.

      However, when you say govt I assume you mean the monolithic bureaucracy that most associate with day-day operations.

      Me thinks there are powerful groups/factions at the top.

      Watching to much Jesse Ventura, lol

  13. Or the porn stars wanting a new angle on their films.

  14. Why would the government or anyone want to discourage the Sasquatch from being discovered? Because it helps the footers to explain why no trace of this imaginary creature has been found.

  15. It is ridiculous to think that the discovery of bigfoot would shut down National Forests or shut down the timber industry because of habitat protection for them. There is no indication at all that the number of sightings has decreased due to timber harvest, and there has been no apparent danger, etc. from National Forests & parks being open, harvesting timber, building roads, or anything else. Cutovers have long been known by biologists and wildlife managers to be extremely beneficial to most wildlife (with few exceptions, such as the spotted owl, which has even been debated) by providing more food and cover for herbivores, which in turn provide more food for carnivores. Cutovers are like a salad bar for wildlife, and are nothing but beneficial if rotated in such a way as to always have mature timber, middle aged timber, young timber, new timber, and cutovers. That provides an incredible amount of diversity for most wildlife communities.
    Anyway, there is no reason for a coverup from government as far as land and timber harvest goes. My experience in this regard is that Members of my family have been involved in the land and timber business longer than I have been alive, and I have been a land surveyor and have been involved in timber, endangered species ID & mitigation, wetlands delineation, and land use & development for 20 years.

    1. I tend to agree. Nice posts

    2. Nice work, how many hats do you wear? You do your wetland delineation for your own development projects?

      What state is this lol?

    3. Setting land aside for them won't work they aren't animals you can just fence in. They'll step right over it anyway, so all this fear the lumbers may have is groundless. This species is there regardless.

  16. I think it all depends if squatches are found to be feral humans or apes. If they are apes then the forests protections will be treated differently as if they are found to be feral humans. Or maybe I should put it another way. If BFs are found to be smart as humans with their own language as some have suggested (Sierra samurai chatter) then they don't fall under the laws as an endangered species but found to be rather large and harry human like people and the land will have to be shared with them.
    I think a more important question to be asked is if the BF's have a language how will we treat them? Like the old days when Europeans first came to north america and expanded westwards across the country? Will we have treaties with them? Will they be put in some kind of reservations set aside for them?
    Chad W

    1. Good questions, Chad. It's maybe worth seriously considering if we may already have treaties with them where they're allowed to roam freely but avoid contact with us. This goes whether they're primal people or even the more far-out possibility of aliens. But in any case, since the beings really do seem to be there the question beckons how the Government could not know when the people of America know. Even if just apes they ought to know. Goes for UFOs too, experienced all over the world yet governments tell us they don't know. Now how's that possible, it's quite frankly not unless kpet under wraps for whatever reason so bottom line is, yes we are being lied to and we'd like to know why.

  17. If I was a government researcher and I came across a photo of a Sasquatch on a trailcam (looking for Wolverines or something) I would seriously consider deleting it right there and then. No point going through all the ridicule and possibly ruining your reputation trying to prove it's real. I don't know why a government would cover it up but I can see why individuals would.

    1. Same reason NASA's instructed to air brush flying saucers so's this hush-hush. Individuals may have personal business interests keeping them from showing these photos otherwise we'd seen lots already apart from the Jacobs pix.

  18. always follow the money? OK, so we know now why bigfootery exists...follow the money.

  19. Because Bigfoot is a remnant hybrid of the fallen Angels in pre-historic times. They are the ones who survived the world wide flood and are the Giants described in Genesis and other books of the Bible as well as Enoch. The Government knows this, like they know Aliens exist and we humans really were created and put here on Earth for a purpose. Bigfoot existing would change the consciousness of the entire world. It is not Gigantopithicus or any other kind of Ape, He is part Man, and a relic hybrid of another race from another world long ago. This is why BF is so elusive, part man, part super human, part beast. BF's beast side can be seen in it's affinity for living outdoors but it's man smarts clearly come through in it's elusiveness, language, innate fear of man, and it's appearance mostly described as being man like yet enormous in stature.

    1. Jesus isn't really up there watching you ya know. Grow up, put down the fairy tales and face the cold hard facts of life that you are going to die, rot away and never think again.

      Pretending that some fancy sky person is going to save you from harm is friggin ridiculous.....

      no evidence, just blind belief, gullible idiot

    2. Anon 12:31, assumption is the mother of all fools and as*hats, which of course you are. Did I state a religion you ignoramus twat?

    3. 12:19 has it. Its an ugly truth, but its the truth.

    4. ugly is the wrong term, hard to swallow is better

  20. Where is your proof Anon 12:31?, there is just as much evidence for either Jesus or Bigfoot you ignorant arrogant Assh*loe! You should never think again, as you contribute nothing to society with you assumptions and mindless rhetoric you utter fool.

  21. Honestly if you keep an open mind, there is more circumstantial evidence for the existance of sasquatch than there is a God whom created everything we know.

    Humans need to keep the mind open to possibilities because as humans we only know whats in front of our faces and our knowledge of our world grows each day. Our ancestors once believed the world was flat, now we know different.

    We have not discovered everything this planet holds at this time in human history.

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