Skeptic Blog Runs Hit Piece On Bigfooters

When Leon W. comes on this blog and starts calling non-believers "libtards", is he alluding to the fact that most skeptics of Bigfoot see "believers" as conservatives? As annoying as it is to hear Leon W. go on and on about "libtards" (liberal retards?), there may be a bit of resentment brewing deep within his vocabulary.

In the skeptic circle, it's pretty obvious what they think about Bigfooters. To them, Bigfooters are the macho-type and generally white people with conservative values. They are seen as a bunch of middle-class weirdos running around the woods calling themselves "Bigfoot researchers". Skeptics have a huge problem with amateurs who call themselves "researchers".

We used the quotes around “researchers” here because they don’t really do true scientific research in the sense of lab experiments, testing hypotheses, or scientific publication; their “research” consists mostly of reading the Bigfoot literature and tramping through the woods - Donald Prothero,

The blog,, recently published an article entitled, "Bigfoot On The Brain". The piece talks about an upcoming book on cryptozoology by the author of the article, Donald Prothero, and a person named Daniel Loxton. In the book, they "tried to analyze and dissect  the psychology of cryptozoology, and the followers of cryptids like Bigfoot". Their focus is to try to understand the following:  What motivates these people? Why do they think this way?

Prothero points out a "portrait" of the Bigfoot community by a writer named Joshua Blu Buhs. This is what Buhs thinks about the typical "amateur cryptozoologist" in Bigfootery:

Studying the Bigfoot fans in the Pacific Northwest, Buhs documents a group of mostly white working-class men who are Bigfoot’s biggest boosters. To them, Bigfoot is an icon of untamed masculinity, a populist rebel against scientific elites, the last champion of authenticity against a plastic, image-conscious, effeminate consumer society. (Yet as a supreme irony, Bigfoot has a career as advertising mascot and tabloid fodder, making him a major purveyor of consumerism.) Buhs shows that many Bigfoot stalkers follow the subculture because it has the same attractions as other types of hunting: getting back to nature, tramping through the woods in search of elusive prey, testing their manhood against the wilderness, and play at being “real men”.

Buhs believes there is a deep rooted resentment between Bigfooters and professional scientists who ridicule them:

The amateurs usually have a big chip on their shoulder over their treatment by academic scholars. They feel that if they can find the elusive creature that science rejects, they will be able to triumph over people who have ignored, ridiculed, and disrespected them for decades.

The article goes on to talk about the oddness of how Bigfooters carry themselves when it comes to doing serious research on the subject:

Even more striking was the lack of obvious crazies or even colorful characters, like one might find at a typical sci-fi conference like ComiCon or DragonCon. Reporter Mike Leggett of the Austin American-Statesmen attended the 2009 TBRC and wrote an article entitled, “Texas Conference more boring than you might think.”

Bigfoot is boring.

Correction. Bigfoot conferences are boring.

Bigfoot would not be boring if the conference speakers weren’t so dull. Heck, most of them were barely breathing.

I went to the 2009 Texas Bigfoot Conference expecting people in gorilla suits milling about among semi-crazed gangs of gonzo, tattooed, barrel-chested beandips. I found instead only a polite, older crowd of mildly sleepy true believers who only came alive at the mention of the TV show “MonsterQuest” or the movie “The Legend of Boggy Creek.” I thought surely someone would be selling BLT—Bigfoot, lettuce and tomato—sandwiches and Abominable Snowman cones during the lunch break, but there were only Cokes and Subway sandwiches.

Trying not to sound breathlessly moronic and relentlessly off kilter must be hard work. The stream of people calling themselves Bigfoot researchers … droned on all day, talking about satellite imagery, global rainfall patterns, Bigfoot territorial behaviors and specialty field work searching for Bigfoot signs. Even the crowd of believers was nodding off by the afternoon. I was asleep and drooling down the front of my shirt.

The discussion was arcane, jargon-laden and focused often on something they call cryptozoology—basically, the study of animals not yet proven to exist.

And I guess that’s what the conference was all about, attempts to prove that Bigfoot, or Sasquatch if you prefer, does live some place other than in legend. Actually, what they’re trying to do is get mainstream science to admit that all the misshapen plaster casts, bad photographs and over-dramatic TV shows are evidence that the creature lives in Texas and other states.

In summary, Prothero's article basically draws the conclusion that people who research Bigfoot are more like a cult. "To most Americans, all these paranormal ideas [UFOs, Atlantis, psychics, ghosts, and other paranormal beliefs] are more or less equal, and there is no real distinction between cryptozoology and the UFO cults," Prothero wrote.



  1. Reminds me of an episode of Mysterious Universe podcast. They talked to an author that described "researchers" in the same way as this article. The author also decribed them as skeptics of other topics such as UFO's and paranormal topics. So do the people on here just believe in Bigfoot and nothing else? I think this would be a good poll for this site.

    1. I don't "believe in Bigfoot", I think there is a good chance they exist,or can exist in the environments they have been spotted in.
      I don't believe in UFO's either, but the universe is a vast place. Why should we think that we're the only life forms?
      Bigfoot is an interest for me and instead of sitting by computer, I decided to get out in the woods and look. I enjoy the outdoors and the critters that inhabit the forests. I get much more exercise, my dog loves it, and I find it very,very relaxing after toiling in the city all week.
      My approach may not be scientific and I may not ever see a Sasquatch, but I learn something every time I go to the woods.
      There's certainly no harm in doing that.
      In my opinion the author of the above article takes great liberty in painting everyone with the same brush.
      There are so many things to contemplate that it boggles the mind. I don't obsess over any of the intangibles, but I do try to see if any of the topics are at least plausible.

      If we didn't do these things where would we be? Colour outside the lines once in awhile. Einstein, Edison, Tesla, Wright Brothers, the list goes on. All of these folks thought outside the box.
      Some food for thought. I replied to you because you have a very valid point and I wanted to chime in.

  2. So is Leon W. a conservatard or a conservahole?

    1. A "conservatard" is someone who use to be a libtard, but as they get older and more responcible and rational, the fog begans to clear. This is someone who is starting to get oxygen back to the brain! This useually happens when they get older and start realizing how much money the commy libtards want to suck out of your bank account!

      A "conservahole" Is a libtard-golddigging chick. In other words, she is a libtard at heart, but she will go and sleep around with Conservative men because her wellfare momma told her to marry a rich guy so she could continue her life of laziness in peace. But it never works cause when the Conservative male realizes how incredibly stupid she is, she is kicked to the curb!

      So I'm niether you stupid Libtard!

    2. Leon,
      That's a conservawhore or a conservatart not a conservahole. Get your terminology straight.

  3. Most bigfooters are closet tater holers.

  4. Most bigfooters are the Macho type? What is so macho about being an overweight slob who cannot spell?

    1. Ask your mother, she should know.

    2. Macho in their own minds. Fasano truly believes he's a hot tough guy.

  5. Come on, give Fasano credit. At least he goes out into the woods a few 100 feet. When you think about it he is very dedicated to his cause. each step is a risk of cardiac arrest.

    1. Which yields 100 feet of shaky ground footage with balance a close-up of his ugly mug while he brags about himself. His 'cause' is building Subscribers at YouTube.

  6. $%@# you gies. Just wate untill Romnie is presideint and your preshus Obahma is back in his hometown of somaley. Up with bigfoot down with imigrents the way it shud be.

    1. Hahahaha "somaley" hahahaha you are one special person ha. I bet you need help getting dressed in the morning.

    2. If your not Native American your family are also imigrants. Learn to spell rednecktard

    3. Oh and the earth is flat Leon ! Stop watching fox news!

    4. Hey Leon, I didn't know trailor parks now had access to the internet, next on your list should be learning how to spell correctly.

    5. It's not me, just a coward libtard!

      I was out squatching last night!

    6. @Anon7:16 You didn't know trailer parks had internet acces?????

      They've had cable for years.

      They have this new wireless device where they don't even have to run a cable?

      And did you know that you can even have internet access from your cell phone?

      So, your weak attempt at humor really just illustrates how incredibly stupid some of you Libtards are!!!!

    7. If you believed the line poster above was me?????

      And you believed it so much that you had to make a comment dirrected at me. Well then, how do you think that you (yourself) will be smart enough to determine anything about a mystical(crypto) creature like a bigfoot.

      I mean if you thought that was me, you really have NO wisdom, vission or insight!! And thats different than intelligence or education.

      There are tons of educated idiots out there: republicans, dems, libraterians, and so on.

      There are stupid people, and then there are stupid people who "don't know thier stupid"

      If you thought I posted the line, you are SO STUPID YOU DON'T REALIZE YOUR STUPID = LIBTARD!

  7. Sorry I do not think Obama is going to be de-throned by Romnie. Romnie only won the GOP by default. He was the lesser of all the idiots.

    As for "Down with immigrants"? Please tell me you mean illegals???? If this is infact the real Leon W

    1. Reasoning probably isn't going to work with Leon, just saying.

    2. I hope Nobama farts until his asshole falls out.

    3. Say it with me Tzieth,

      Yay for the socialist/communist regime. Yay for ending freedom of choice.

    4. That was an imposter trying too hard to be Leon. He needs to up his game.

    5. Knowbody has taken anyone's freedom away. Bunch of BS!

    6. Fox tv scare tactics! Same thing they said when Obama came into office- oh he's going to take away your right to arms. People where out buying guns like crazy when he got elected. Guess what ! Nothing happened . Gun manufacturers start that same stupid rumor everytime a democrat gets elected so they can pump up sales! All BS! Fox news spreads lies!

    7. I was out squatching last night with a guy I work with.
      A young MEXICAN kid (Meciel) who has an open mind.

      He is illegal, but he loves America and he is PRO American, He is about to join the military to speed up his citizenship!!!!!!

      We both heard a couple far off yell's ------- no telling!

      At the last place we stopped, Under some of those GIANT power transmission lines (about5500 feet evl), I was explaing that some think they are bigfoot highway's. I had to take a leak!

      A few seconds after i had finished, I began to speak -- which kind of shuts your own ears off, the KID heard it! A very low tone growl with an extra ooof at the end! I don't know, I heard two other far off sounds that could have been our big buddy, but the kid swares we got growled out. It was after shedding the one(1) beer i had so maybe we got the "Don't you mark my territory reponce!"
      Point being, I'm no racist, the majority of my friends are Mexican! If I find out there here Illegly, well we go to work on that and I explain why you need to love America to the bottom of your heart.

      You can't love two woman, and make it work!

      You can't love two countries and make it work!

      If your going to come here and bennefit from OUR great country, LEARN TO LOVE IT,
      -------OR GO HOME!

      And Tzieth, MICKEY FUCKING MOUSE, could win right now. Any----Any of the candidates we put up in the runoff are better equipped than Obama. Remmember Obamas great life experience (community organizer) and a less than 1 term sennator who was never THERE????????

      When you realize Obama is trying to collapse this country, not fix it, your eyes will be open.

      Nobody could do more to KILL jobs and Divide people than this president. He does not want Capitolism to suceed!

      He already plainly stated, "it doesn't work!" When are you going to see!!!!!!

      He is blatently putting a knife in the back of America.

      And when he's done, There will be a bunch of Libtards standing around going, "What happened" ?

      300 Mexicans died by the guns that Holder and Obamha sent across the border(with no ability to trace) And they believe they owe NO-ONE an expination?

      He tells the RUSSIAN counsellate,
      Tell your boss "I'll be able to do alot more after I'm elected."

      You Libtards really need to ask YOURSELF -- what did he mean?????????????????/?

      I'LL tell you. What he means is, make it more socialist!!!!!!Or collapse it!

      A Socialist goal is not only to make the country they live in more Socialist, But to make the hold damn world Socialist.

      In other words, Socialist want to burn down Reagans "shinning city on a hill"

      Socialists can't stand exceptionallisn, because they are so mediocre. That is why they always want to suck you into a "groop". makes you nice and easy to control!

      Individuals are a Mother fucker huh Commies!!!!!

      Don't tread on me, And don't let me catch you treading on any other fellow Americans.
      And don't let me catch you picking on my Mexcan brothers either!

      Tell us Obamha, what where you trying to do with those guns.

      Oh, start a fucking border war, where you can Implement the Strictist Gun laws(round up) in history!

      Everything we told you about this Commy Obamha has come true!!!!!!!!

      This is why our founding fathers made it law that you must be
      born IN THIS COUNTRY to be president.

      His heart is guided by appeasing the world! Not by keeping AMERICA FREE, INDEPENDENT, and STRONG!

    8. I think I misspelled about twelve words there. ha hah ah ah a

    9. Fox news has u brainwashed. Sucker!

    10. I heard the tape of obama and the russian.

      I heard obama say "capitolism doesn't work."

      I heard obama say "it was his job to make America fare!"

      I heard obama holding up the pipeline.

      I heard obama and all the dems lie about the healthcare bill!


    11. U must be the favorite at party's . Dork who is always right, knows nothing about economics, but surfs dooms day sights . Starts fights at bars just because he hates to see people having fun. There is no modern president that can create jobs. It's called a world economy. Capitalism spread so well on it's own that cheap labor allows our corporations to sell goods at cheap ( since u and other consumers demand low prices and yes our economy is 75% based on consumerism) prices! Romney can't change that, Obama can't change that, no president can. WORLD ECONOMY!!!! Unless u spend triple on American goods and support American goods u are ruining our economy not any president. Good luck with your
      Narrow minded, hateful , never wrong, misguided, stupid, flat earth, room clearing attitude. Guess what u contributed to job losses here in our country by buying your computer! Enough with politics on this site ( this is a Bigfoot site) and I will not debate this anymore. Good luck u miserable idiot!

    12. So, in a typical economic model. If goods producers in the United States had cheaper access to energy such as clean coal and natural gas, what would that do to the price of the goods produced in the US?

      And if we (in cali) Didn't have to pay triple (union) labor rates on every puplic works project, business could be taxed less, lower cost = lower price.

      And if there weren't a zillion business roadblocks imposed by the enviro-commies, goods would be cheaper!

      And any President can influence these sectors of the US economy.

      You drank the OBAMA flavored kool-aid DIDN'T YOU?

    13. So does he think we should go back to the early years and pollute everything in the name of cheap limited resources ? Dumb! Those are years of regulations produced by "we the people"! The same cry babies who call people enviromentalists go and use our national, state, and county parks! Not to mention hunt in our national, state and county forests while talking about their amendment rights for guns and hunting. You wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for tree huggers! That's why you have 2 extremes so u can have a middle ground that gives both sides something and the middle majority what is needed! Otherwise the imdustrialists would have cut and paved (polluted) everything long time ago! So get over it! Get back to footing on this site and go on to a polital site!

    14. I know more about Bigfoot than you.

      And i know more about polotics than you.

      We are facing the end of our country as we know it if that commy is elected again.

      Somehow, Bigfoot doesn't seem all that important right now! Not today anyway!
      July 4th, 2012. Independence day!

    15. Okay once again I am VERY Conservative and I agree that Obama is a commie. I am simply saying that Romnie isn't much better and I do not think he can dethrone Obama. Yes Micky Mouse probably could defeat Obama. (But then you risk something worse than socialism when you consider Disney pretty much has their hands in everything.) But I don't think Romnie has what it takes.

      If you are going to get rid of Obama you would need an independent.

      As for the above poster:

      "AnonymousWednesday, July 4, 2012 7:14:00 PM PDT
      U must be the favorite at party's . Dork who is always right, knows nothing about economics, but surfs dooms day sights . Starts fights at bars just because he hates to see people having fun. There is no modern president that can create jobs. It's called a world economy. Capitalism spread so well on it's own that cheap labor allows our corporations to sell goods at cheap ( since u and other consumers demand low prices and yes our economy is 75% based on consumerism) prices! Romney can't change that, Obama can't change that, no president can. WORLD ECONOMY!!!! Unless u spend triple on American goods and support American goods u are ruining our economy not any president. Good luck with your
      Narrow minded, hateful , never wrong, misguided, stupid, flat earth, room clearing attitude. Guess what u contributed to job losses here in our country by buying your computer! Enough with politics on this site ( this is a Bigfoot site) and I will not debate this anymore. Good luck u miserable idiot!"

      I agree with his reasoning, but I disagree that it cannot be changed by a President. When was the last time Quality American products were made in America? Most "American Companies" no longer sit on American soil and this is the damage that "Taxing the rich" does. When Clinton did this, most of our major corporations outsourced or up and left due to the fact that the increase of Taxes were taking a chunk out of profits. Those that stayed on U.S. soil ended up cooking the books and ruining the economy even more. Bush actually did achieve strengthening the economy by giving breaks to small businesses but as the major corporations left the damage was done. Everyone forgets that we had another unemployment problem after Clinton left office that Bush did fix.

      So at this point I only see an Independent fixing this problem. Someone that can appease Republicans by opening the Oil fields and start drilling in Alaska but at the same time appease Democrats by placing strict environmental regulations on them, and start heavy research on alternative fuels. Give Tax breaks to corporations that stay on American soil and do not outsource and tax the Hell out of companies that do. Only Politics makes this impossible.

    16. 2nd largest reasons American companies can't compete is our businesses large and small pay tons for health insurance. European companies have an advantage because they don't provide healthcare, that's why German manufacturing is so robust!

    17. Cheap labor and low prices are what dictates where the jobs go. No amount of tax breaks will change that. If you try to isolate ones country u drive up import costs and get tariffs whacked on your goods driving down demand. Bush tax cuts destroyed the revenue side and his policy of leaving rates too low during economic expansion for to long created this hole and large deficits . Why because when the economy tanked you couldn't lower taxes anymore because your losing revenue so all you could do is inject money into the system. To small of a stimulus , but it saved us from sinking deeper! Get rid of the Volker rule acted under Bush! Obama has so little of what's going on. It's congress , old rules, and the inability to compromise with all of the new freshman republicans!

    18. It's not an inability to compromise. If they vote with you fucking liberals anymore---will throw them out too!

    19. This makes me hate my own people,what a worthless load of shat.

  8. Many people who get into "Bigfootery" have had some sort of encounter or sighting which they cannot explain away. They are convinced that what they saw was not a bear a guy in a suit, or two trees rubbing together making a moaning sound. Ninety percent of the time, these encounters can be rationally explained, but its the five to ten percent that are truly mysterious and draws them in. Unfortunately there are many side roads occupied by crazies, fools and carnival barkers, that only serve to muddy the waters and give fodder to the skeptics. Nevertheless, that moment of mystery keeps the quest going, to answer the question " what the hell ? " just crossed the road in front of me, screamed outside my cabin or left that funky footprint on the trail.

    1. Since I have a college education with post grad training, and I personally saw a BF while in Texas along with my *Physician* hubby, who is a dedicated skeptic,do we qualify as idiots? Also, my brother-in-law, a military fighter pilot, had an encounter with a UFO. His group he was flying with had to do evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision.
      Wake up, fine sir, there is more to Heaven and Earth than you may understand at this moment.

    2. You misunderstood my post. Many of those people researching these mysteries are not idiots or crazy, they are truly intrigued by the unknown or undiscovered. Moreover, their search for answers is legitimate and they are sane and honest in their quest. It may seem to be impossible or improbable but so was a trip to the moon a few short years ago.

  9. Haha so people who don't believe in bigfoot dedicate blogs to not believing. Hahahaha ahhh man that's sad ! Get a life .

    1. I do find it funny that some "skeptics" find the need to write negative things about Squatchers.

    2. I agree, Okie, leave believers alone, especially those who have personally had an encounter. Live and let live. It's okay *not* to believe, and I leave skeptics alone because they have a right to their opinions, so why do skeptics have to harass believers, especially those who have had encounters?

    3. So true, ditto's all Above.

    4. I dont believe in 'crystal power' nor Mokhammed -- so why would i spend even 10 seconds going to a new age website or a Muslim site and calling them 'bleevers' and idiots?

      That ANYONE would devote so much of their short lives to trolling and name calling a group that believes differently than themselves is beyond retarded and sad.... Seriously, WTF?

      Hurry up and find something productive to do with your life - it's over before you know it...


    5. About two weeks ago a SCIENTIFIC study came out about TROLLERS. what they discoverd was that there truly is something off with them. It is a personality disorder. Its is kind of FASANO in reverse.

      They are so under-whelmed (lack of self confidence) and disconected with society that they are compelled to attack almost anything. Since we in bigfooting find ourselves a ready made target for this groop of dissfunctionals, we get a ton of them.

      One of the key indicators of the disorder was the ANONYMOUS.
      They already feel confortable in the shadows, this is there self impossed position in life.
      ------Anonymous suits them fine.

      They simply exist to be contrarian, any fight, anything to argue. It is the only place they gain thier sad inner satisfaction and WORTH. Look at the OCCUPY movement, couldn't get a concise, diffenative answer out of a one of them.

      Being on cammera (lack of annonimity) seemed to disturb thier ability to verbaize thier belifes and desires?

      Parents, this is what happens when you let your kid play on the computer all day long.

    6. Leon - words of wisdom. Keep it up and don't worry abuot your spelling

    7. abuot, now thats funny, i don't care who you are.

      groop or group
      How do you spell contarian?
      how do you spell concise.
      Man i suck without spellcheck, ha ha ha

      All help is appreciated because I only came to your world in Dec of 2011, my native language is Windigonian!

    8. You footers make this tired argument over and over again. “If you don't believe in Bigfoot then what are you doing here?”, “Why are you challenging our beliefs?”, “Don't you have anything better to do?”, “Blah Blah Blah....”. Your “argument” has been refuted numerous times. Your questions have been answered numerous times. But you guys DO NOT LISTEN. Really motherfuckers how is it that you guys can be so stupid as to go around proselytizing and not expecting to meet opposition? You wine and cry like little babies when anyone challenges your litany of lies, but you incessantly attack mainstream science. In biology, when you have a theory, you and you supporters defend that theory against your opponents. If you want to play the game do not think that you deserve to be exempt from the rules, because you're not.

    9. Since when is this a game? STFU and go away asshat.

    10. "AnonymousWednesday, July 4, 2012 8:24:00 PM PDT
      You footers make this tired argument over and over again. “If you don't believe in Bigfoot then what are you doing here?”, “Why are you challenging our beliefs?”, “Don't you have anything better to do?”, “Blah Blah Blah....”. Your “argument” has been refuted numerous times. Your questions have been answered numerous times. But you guys DO NOT LISTEN. Really mother @#$%! ers how is it that you guys can be so stupid as to go around proselytizing and not expecting to meet opposition? You wine and cry like little babies when anyone challenges your litany of lies, but you incessantly attack mainstream science. In biology, when you have a theory, you and you supporters defend that theory against your opponents. If you want to play the game do not think that you deserve to be exempt from the rules, because you're not."

      Please enlighten me lol... What argument has been refuted and what questions have been answered?

    11. Tzieth,
      I think you misunderstand my reply. The arguments and questions that I was referring to were the ones pertaining to “skeptics'” motives. I was not referring to arguments and questions about Bigfoot.

    12. Pertaining to "skeptics." Notice the quotation marks. This is referring to people who come to this site to pick fights with Squatchers for the hell of it-seemingly like yourself 8:24. A true skeptic will say they don't believe in bigfoot and won't until there is undeniable proof, but they are open minded about the subject and reasonable. True skeptics aren't on here bad mouthing the believers. Squatching isn't a game btw. Some people have seen these things. Some people put their time out in the field for causes like providing protection for the species, to figure out what they are for science, or to try and understand these guys and gals. If you don't care about the subject, go bug someone else at another site.

  10. I bet the sceptic blog is pretty boring. If we all went over there and stated talking about bigfoot sightings they would call us trolls and be like "why are you here if you believe?"

    1. Hahaha! You're probly right!

    2. Yeah where is this peptic ( oh I mean skeptic) site . I think id go troll their site. Leon must run it and it's called " Trying to find a lick of evidence of anyone liking me! ". Lol

    3. You're all already banned.

    4. It's called Sas Talkin Squatch on Facebook.

  11. Leona site is called " My Momma can't stop me from trolling Bigfoot sites anonymous club!" or " Looking for evidence in my pants after a juicy fart! "

    1. Ha ha Leona. Good name for Leon!

    2. Thank you, My power of truth is growing!

    3. There is a name for that "juicy fart" evidence in your underware,

      it's called an ANONA STAIN!

  12. I wouldn't waste my time going to the skeptic site because I have no interest in it ! I enjoy this site so I'll stick to my interests .

  13. I would like it to be known that the views expressed by the “skeptics” in the the article do not necessarily represent the views of your friendly neighborhood skeptics who regularly “troll” this website. I for one would never characterize footers as conservative, middle class, and “macho”. In fact I have been completely consistent in characterizing footers as uneducated, piss poor, and severely inbred. It is obvious that the “skeptics” who are quoted in the article just did not do their research.

  14. Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.

  15. when I was a kid, my uncle got drunk and held a roman candle upside down after lighting it.His tee shirt caught fire and the other adults tossed their beers on him, he was ok besides some minor burns which he did not feel. I am off to carry on the proud tradition of drunken holiday stupidity. Happy 4th to all.

    1. That's nothin. This one time at band camp...

  16. Just some of tater holes butthole babies.

  17. noone actually believes bigfoot exists

    people choose a side: skeptic/bleever

    its the ultimate troll fest

  18. tater believes im just a silly bastard.

  19. Hey lee on lean on dis biatch. how do youknow leon a african american, is the way he hold he gun,wasting amo.lmao hes right you are libtards.If leon is black at least he loves his freedom.i think he messes with sceptics because they dont have a open mind.

  20. just kidding hes a fucking free loading nigger like the rest of them. sorry ass bastard go back to africa with the rest of your porch monkeys.

    1. Do you take a right hand or left hand turn from here?

    2. I'm 25% english herratige, family name sake goes back hundreds of years to the point where my ancestors where the royal family in England. Not the current royal family. Two brothers on that family name started what would become Abilene Texas. Davey Crockett was a relative!
      My Great Grand Father Spoke fluent Spanish and spent many weeks a year down in Mexico, some say: Just to see the ladies! He also had one slave they called Ni--e- John (thats bad, just historical) that hellped him on the giant Texas ranch. When slavery was abolished, John wouldn't leave, had no reason too. My grandfather always treated him well.(except for the name and of course- slavery in general)
      So my G-Greatgrand father built him a niccer-bigger house and paid him a good wage. John lived on the family ranch until his death.

      There was one thing John was never allowed to do (before or after slavery),
      --------------That was too not come to the Family dinner table to eat thier meals.(John was always treated like family). My GGgrandmother was the cook. I have walked on the old foundation of Johns house, three large rooms. They said it was nice and John loved it. They also said "John was one of the greatest cowboys to ever sadle a horse, of any color!"

      The other 25%, on my fathers side is German. Don't know as much there, but had a great uncle who was a paratrooper in WWII! Near the end of the war, during an invasion inside Germany, He came down through the roof of a German army barrack. His parachute guide lines hung him in the rafters. About the same time, other troopers where landing outside and shooting the hell out of everything. The 30 or so Nazis in the barrack never realized where he was hanging.

      Not one Nazi basterd left the room!

      My GreatUncle busted up his leg so badly coming through the roof that it was his first and only mission behind enemy lines. After his discharge, he became a Preacher for the rest of his life. Guess he felt like he owed one to the man upstairs! My Grandfather worked in a plant that built P51 Mustangs.

      On my Mothers side, all Swedish(Pennsylvania Dutch). Ancestor tracable all the way back to the THREE BOATS!
      Erik the Red. Yah, I'm half Viking. and truth is we were here long before Columbus!!!!

      I'm pretty damn sure it was my relative that was the navigator, ha ha ha ha.(this part is just a joke or assumption)

      So my roots go back a LONG way on this continent.

      My English ancestory (GGrandfather) did as best he could to deal with one slave, in a bad time!

      My German ancesstory(G-uncle Herman Betcher) shot up the Nazis and then served the Lord preaching, regretfull of having taken other mens lives from them!
      But proud, Very Proud, of his American millitary service.

      Vikings are Vikings, What can I SAY!

      Who do I owe an appology too?

      I'm not proud because i'm white. I'm just proud of all my people.

      And most of ALL, on this Forth of July, I'm proud to be an American.

      I'm proud of people of any Race or color who have given up there past pains or national alliances and joined in a love for American freedom and individual Liberty!

      I'm very ashamed of the ANONAS above who have to stick race in everything.

      When you loose on the facts, interject chaos.
      Communism 101!
      Seperate the races (devide and conquor(?))
      Sounds like what OBAMA is up to right now!

      Peace /out --------- Happy forth to EVERYBODY!

    3. Shut up you self-involved moron.

  21. thanks leon w. for sharing, disregard my post have a wonderful fourth of july. Talk always shows our true colors thank for exspessing your heart.

  22. DON"T FORGET THAT NAFTA THAT THE IMPEACHED LIBERAL SCUM BILLY CLINTON GAVE US! THAT REALLY HELPED US OUT RIGHT? thanks alot you pig clinton! that helped alot of this crash and will help the next one too> i agree with you leon this is the end of the line for the good ole U.S.A.! and with that i could cry! thanks alot liberals you turned us into what ever pipe dream it was that you wanted. and this will not be GOOD!

    1. Your just pissed off because he got a blowjob. Somthing you probably will never receive with that sissy atitude.

  23. The Trolling here is magnificent. Bravo!

  24. What a laugh. I'm most definitely not a conservative, for one. But then, I'm not a "believer" either. I don't believe anything without proof (or at least some very strong evidence). The conservatives (wingnuts) are more inclined to just "believe", as evidenced by all the religious nuttery that's involved in the right-wing worldview. At least WE have evidence (shaky though it may be) - the god-believers have none.

  25. now thats a stupid post 524 they are conservatives that well are not so conservative. we believe in fairness to all that work for it. I dont give a fuck what color you are or your fucking religion, just pull your fucking weight.Your color fucks with me, iwill fuck with yours.

  26. San Andreas! Love that game. Anyways, why are they wasting their time wondering how investigators think when they should be wondering how they think? Making fun of people, making false accusations, making conclusions before doing their research, using foul language and threatening anyone who disagrees with them. Those are actions of a very bizzare individual.

  27. Wtf ever. I'm a definitely a bleeding heart "libtard" and damn f'ing proud of it. I'm also a bigfoot believer, a mother, wife, half Japanese, and a Atheist.

    1. If you can properly verbalize your beliefs and make good arguments, don't call your self a Libtard!

      I don't call people a libtard because thier a democrat. If you blow off some crap and can't bring any facts or logic to an argument, then your a Libtard.

  28. The TBRC is a bunch of dumb rednecks that actually think there is a real bigfoot out there. I'm glad they're in TX and OK, please stay there.

    Tards with guns and beliefs are dangerous.


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