Joe Black Breaks Down Grainy Freeman Footage, Sees Even More Detail Than FB/FB Has

Paul Freeman Bigfoot
Over Enhanced by Joe Black

Phil Poling can say what he wants about Joe Black (Scott Carpenter), but we're now convinced that Scott can find a Bigfoot in just about any grainy photo or video. Pareidolia or not, he has the magical ability to point out features that had never been noticed before.

The Paul Freeman footage is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting the existence of Sasquatch. Back in 1994, Freeman filmed a group of Bigfoots in the Blue Mountains of Washington. Although the video is grainy and shaky as hell, it's considered to be authentic by many Bigfoot investigators and can be viewed in the documentary Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science. Facebook Find Bigfoot (FB/FB) previous did an analysis on the film and they noticed the creatures tree-peeking and even pointed out a young Sasquatch being picked up by an adult:

Freeman is casting four 9" x 4" tracks in Washington state. While the plaster dries he looks for more tracks by a water source, when the large male (4:08) takes three steps across path, crouches and hides for four seconds, peeks then leaves at (4:24). Later it can be seen picking up a young one for two seconds at (5:10) , then is gone. Love how he says. "I always see them when I'm by myself, never see them when anyone else with me... that was pretty good, my heart beatin 40 miles an hour" He does not even think about the importance of this video as he is taking it. 100% genuine. — at Blue Mountains Washington.

Here's the original "uncut" video Freeman recorded on Super-8 video in 1994. The horribly quality has turned some researchers away from the film. But, for that time period, it is as good as most, considering the conditions it was taken in. This film also contains an extremely rare, if not exclusive, scene of at least two Bigfoots together at one time.

Joe Black recently got his hands on the Freeman footage, and in typical Joe Black fashion, the images he came up with for the Bigfoot were creatively enhanced:

I this proof of anything? Of course not, but I do think this is an actual Bigfoot. You can not deny there is a face visible. (some will call this "Pareidolia" but that is expected). Many called Paul Freeman a "hoaxer" but I think he got a bad rap. Dr. Meldrum credits Freeman with discovering the footprints that convinced him that Bigfoot was a "real" living entity. Many people claim the video is just "too fuzzy" or "poor quality" and that it is, but I was able to use simple tools to enlarge and enhance the footage. The only "fancy software" I used was "Paint.Net" and "Avidemux". The drawings were created with an old version of PhotoShop (Version 3.0). It just took some "elbow crease" and time to step through and look at each frame. It would be nice if MK would dive into this video, but until then I have my trusty "freeware" ready to go! - Joe Black


  1. Replies
    1. Freeman is a faker...fool me once...well ya know how Bigfoot world is. You cant even trust the ones with 8 years of college much less a Freeman or Fatsano

    2. Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the fuking Peace Corps.


  2. Very nice job of making nothing into something.

    1. Freeman may have made some fake tracks sometime in the past but hey the man's enthusiasm got the better of him then. I do think he got the real thing here though and man did he get close there and evidently too close for comfort.

    2. Making nothing into something. Sounds like the federal government's method of acquiring funds.

  3. Anybody could just make it up as they go. I don't get the point of this.

  4. I can look at woodgrain and see all kinds of ojects that arn't there. The harder these people TRY to find something in everything, of course the mind is going to trick you into seeing what you what eventually. This is 2012, we have cameras that are insanely cheap and of very good quality, there is no excuse for even posting these grainy ass pictures anymore. (I know this particular one is old)

  5. Spend more time trying to capture this thing than reviewing blurry vídeos.

  6. Pretty neat. Hard to be sure that those sketches are even close, but its definitely cool imho.

  7. a little teaser for you:

    i wont be going down this trail today because the area has been inhabited by another kind of cryptid. not the big fella, but another cryptid, make what you will of that

    1. Dogman! is it dogman????

    2. Did you just copy and paste that from the dead rabbit thread or are you just repeating yourself and what relevance does your "little teaser" have to the Freeman footage anyway ??

    3. Yes I did.My name is Peter the Repeater!

    4. Oh, give them another clue!

      The cryptid stood within 'claws reach', just five feet in the brush behind me, but I didn't hear a thing.

  8. Love the widow's peak enhancement of something that is not even there in shadow.

    1. Yes it reminds me of Eddie Munster.

    2. The "Actual Photo" reminds me of Jack Benny saying "now Rochester..."

  9. joe black must be trolling

  10. Looks good to me he even sounds the real deal

  11. How did freeman know that there was more that one bigfoot in the area.. he found one set of tracks but keeps referring to it as they before he even spots the subject in question.he said they come down here not it comes down here to drink.

  12. Hate to say it but I think it's fake.At 4:09 he says ''OH THERE HE GOES'' as he pans the camera up as if to cue the ''Bigfoot'' to walk.

    1. that bf clears that area in a few steps, that thing is massive! not fake!

    2. Its definitely a hoax. People will say "but but Meldrum was converted based off of Freeman's findings". To that I say, well, he got fooled, the end. I say prove its real. The burden of proof is on the believers and that's the bottom line. Freeman was a KNOWN HOAXER. How can anyone trust ANYTHING he's ever been associated with? Its baffling to the highest degree. I'd bet ANYTHING on this being a hoax and NOT think twice about it biting me in the ass, hell I'd double down even! Its a farce.

    3. He might have found a couple footprints at the outset, but downhill from there.

      This video and some other prints he produced are NO BUENO. NO REALISTA

    4. It's definitely not a hoax, the trolls just don't like to hear determination will sometimes equal good results. No question it's a real sighting but nothing is real of course to the trolls. Freeman may have faked a track or two years before this encounter but when you know these beings exist there's no need to hoax you just go as close as you can to where they live. Simple as that, and Freeman evidently got very close perhaps even foolishly close. I think it shocked him deeply so much that he basically left them alone from this day on. He went there because he knew approximately where they'd be and thus male bravado and naive optimism brought him eye to eye with them, you can tell he quickly wished he hadn't gone.

    5. The trolls are the ones trying to pursuade others that this hoax is legit. When the skeptics are right and the believers are fooled that makes the believers the trolls. Freeman was a known hoaxer, exposed as a fraud and a joke. End of story.

  13. I would venture a guess that Mr Freeman knew that bigfoot wasn't just 1 creature. By saying "They" he was probably reffering to the population of creatures that is purported to be living in North America. He also had cast many tracks of different individuals in his research area.

  14. nearly as bad as the known patterson hoax

    1. I have never heard of Patterson being a hoax I think most sane people know he was real.

    2. The PG film is real,but if you do listen to Freeman at 4:09 he raises his voice a tad to ''CUE'' the Bigfoot.JMO.

    3. Freeman was a fraud and a massive fraud at that. That's his big 'Ol boy in that monkey suit and that's a fact.

    4. Just as real as the Patterson film, only the-skeptics-that-aren't-real-skeptics don't like anything to be real.

  15. You'll never find Bigfoot on your Hard Disk.

  16. jesus, are there any bigfooters in good shape - i cant listen to the mouthbreathing

  17. Joe Black greatly reduced the forehead in the final sketch. The original seems to have a more coned, elongated head.

  18. If you get the chance watch the show killer supercroc on animal planet. Details the capture of Lolong largest crocodile ever captured. Towards the end a picture of an even bigger crocodile is shown. The photo was taken with a cell phone. Crystal clear everyone who sees the photo agrees this is a MUCH bigger crocodile. Moral of the story is if some guy in the Philippines in a canoe can get definative proof on a cell phone of the Largest crocodile ever recorded you would think someone could do the same with bigfoot. J.D.

    1. Yeah, but unlike crocs, bigfoot gives off a blur. It's part of the sasquatch defense mechanism.

  19. The fur on the Freeman bigfoot looks fake.

    Besides, Freeman faked tracks before he shot this. How much credibility does this give him?

    1. Absolutely none. Trust me on this: all you have to do is get a half assed suit and the right distance away with a shitty camera, rise pause and fall with a half ass inline step and you're the next big thing in Bigfooting.

    2. 7:15 continued,

      and it doesn't even matter if you're a known conman, liar and hoaxer combined. Your farce of footage will be annointed king fricken "booger".

    3. But what does Tim Fasano think?

    4. The fur? wtf LOL Sasquatches have hair not fur they're people not animals. Too far away to see much of it anyway. Nice one trolls won't work though as this video's the real deal, real squatch. Sorry dopeys.

    5. Nope, Freeman was a known/exposed hoaxer. The end. Sorry idiot.

  20. Are those pictures of someone slapping bigfoot?

  21. The Final Sketch looks like Leonard Nimoy. He did narrate a few bigfoot documentaries, including the bigfoot episode of In Search Of.

    1. LOL, its funny but true my friend.

    2. Hilarious. The Rough Sketch looks like Abraham Lincoln.

    3. Bigfoot = Honest Abe = Leonard Nimoy.

      Hairy bipedal beast = end of slavery = the new frontier?

      All coming full circle now.

  22. If you think the freeman footage is real then you need to get out of BF research. Its a hoax, Im not saying he is behind the hoax but someone could have hoaxed him. I saw the footage leading up to him filming the BF. He was making alot of noise and he didnt even act excited nor did the camera shake like he was scared. Pure B.S.

    1. You need to get out of trolling because the video's a real encounter, to you trolls nothing's ever real and nobody cares what you think anyway. Pure Bigfoot Sasquatch.

  23. Paul Freeman was my uncle and he was one hell of a fun guy to have for an uncle. I remember him talking to my dad about his video and when I think about it, the only thing that comes to mind is that they were laughing a lot when they discussed it. I also remember mom saying how uncle Paul was such a practical joker, and always looking for attention.

    1. Bingo - since it was his son (your cousin?) in the suit

    2. Anon 6:58,

      Nailed it. This is well known to all people who want to use common sense.

    3. You won't be getting any freebie chicken dinners at the Bigfoot conferences if you tell that story! Your uncle's footage is #2 in the Holy Trinity of Bigfoot Beliefs (after the PGF, of course). Um.... what is #3 again?

    4. #3 is Memorial Day or Marble Mountain footage.

      Do I get chicken dinner now?

    5. And you creduloids are using common sense by believing this anon's story out of hand ?

    6. That's why they're referred to as closet bleevers. They're masquerading as skeptics but kept the bleever's mentality.

    7. Trolls will be trolls and there's no way you're his nephew, you need to prove that with facts so it can be verified by the family. He definitely caught the real thing here and you obviously know it, when as hugely interested in the subject as he was and persued it eventually you'll get lucky. This is the code to crack troll strategy with also, they don't like that part of the real world so they'll deny everything surrounding this subject. It's how the government works, live by denial and lie to the public only way to stay in power. If the people knew how you really screw them over you'd have a revolution on your hands, and fighting anything Bigfoot is the best you can do? LOL

    8. Lmfao, no, you need to prove its real. What we do KNOW FOR A FACT IS that Freeman was a known/exposed hoaxer. That's all he was and ever will be. He died a hoaxer. What a sad way to live.

  24. The bleevers mentality is believe at all costs. Closet believer? That's the second gayest title in the world next to "Patty"

    1. Are you coming out of the closet by admitting that you believe at all costs ?

    2. No retard. Follow the thread and get a clue or drink drano. The choice is yours.

  25. Some of you please go back to JREF (or wherever) so we can go back to equilibrium here.

    Thanks again!

  26. Replies
    1. The fan board for the James Randi crazies.

    2. James Randi is a homosexual magician who's longtime lover was recently arrested for living in the country with a stolen indentity.

      Sad but

  27. I am a believer in the SQUATCH, but this ish is FAKE

  28. Enhancement software is not going to show anything that's not already there. It just makes the random noise seem more solid. It's a great way to produce false artifacts.

  29. Paul Freeman was a hoaxer. Nothing else needs to be said about his footage.

  30. I must confess I know nothing as to whether Freeman is a hoaxer or if his work is legitimate. I can tell you that in his short video that the bigfoot can plainly be seen walking through the trees to the right @4:08 minutes into the film..a full second before he "cues" him.
    The problem with posting photos or videos that contain high strangeness is that there will always be those non believers who cry hoax at every opportunity rather than face the alternative....that we've been lied to for years by tptb. There is no big paycheck for capturing high strangeness and posting it just open yourself up to the criticism and accusations of hoaxing from all who were not there when you captured your footage.
    The human eye is only capable of seeing appx 2 to 3% off all available light spectrum, meaning we are blind to 97 to 98% of all that is around us at any given time...and seeing how most people only use 7 to 9% of
    their brains, clearly indicates that we go through this world blind and basically brain dead. It's amazing that the human race has survived
    as long as it has.


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