TYT University News Lady Asked Why People Care So Much About Searching For Bigfoot

In this video, The Young Turks University discusses the Oxford Bigfoot DNA study being led by university professor, Bryan Sykes.

At the end of the news clip, the chick asked: "When are they going to do a study on the Chupacabra?"


  1. Closed minded book smart people!

    1. Yeah, why can't they be open minded, like you illiterates?

  2. For someone whose idea of roughing it in the wild is the 8 Days Inn, then yeah I can see her point. For anyone who has beheld the bawonderment of the natural world and asked why, then the idea of another almost human primate running around in the woods with us since we became who we are, is an amazing thought and an honorable endeavor to figure the reality.

  3. She would probably eat shit if she was paid enough lol

  4. She definatly hasn't left her living room . Typical smart Alec comment from someone who probably never read a book on Bigfoot or left a car traveling 70 mph on the interstate.

    1. I love car jumping!!! Woooooo

    2. and reading a book on bigfoot would prove what?

    3. You didn't know, if its in a book, its real.

    4. Because books on the subject actually tell of all of the work and encounters that have already happened. I still hear people saying " there's no poop or little ones!" but if they actually read just s few books then they would at least make an educated comment . I agree you can't learn everything in s book , but man you have do your research first. If I wanted to know something about engineering I would first learn what others have discovered so I don't have to do something that someone else already came up with! I knew very little about Bigfoot so I imersed myself in books just like school then I went into the field. So don't tell me books don't help otherwise our whole education system should throw them all out! Sheesh!

  5. Hey you will not see anything if don't leave your dorm room!

  6. People are scared to know the truth so they joke about it. Some it would fuck up there religion,they have the me syndrome and nothing like that is supposed to exist. Personally its just one of gods creations just like humans or any other intellegent life.

    1. for footers, Bigfoot IS religion

    2. For cynics (like you), close-mindedness, name calling, putting others down, ignorance, and disrespect ARE a religion.

    3. I didn't see read him name calling at all. Just gave his thought AND its hard to argue that the majority of Footers don't treat Bigfootology like it IS religion.

    4. Millions of people believe in god . It's written about and very few if none has seen him but they believe in him. A few athiests out there , but for the most part people believe . Are they all wrong? So why can't Bigfoot be possibly real? It's written about, seen , and talked about ( and actually photographed ). So I guess it could be like a religion to some, but for the most part it's flesh and blood.

    5. @ anon 4:31

      "for footers, Bigfoot IS religion"

      Says the obsessed closet bleever.

    6. Don't be mad because you don't live in reality based world. Where's the PROOF? Just shout it right out when you have the answer. Tick tock tick tock tick tock.

    7. And you JREF footers live in reality ?...lol

    8. Geez Jonathan! There you go again. It's rather frightening how you over-react to even the most benign comments. I could tell friends their golf, poker, tennis, love of John Hughes movies, lawn work, beer, sailing, etc etc is their "religion" and it wouldn't faze them for a second. Why are you so freaking touchy about your hobby? Seriously, I think you need to socialize yourself a bit more before somebody gets hurt.

  7. Bigfoot might be some people's total religion, but he's still just a mite on Earth's ass like you and me.

  8. The Sasquatch mystery is one of, if not the, most interesting topics in the world. If they are proven to exist and we find out they're a supposedly extinct genus like Gigantopithecus or Australopithecus, then the world needs to question the reliability of scientists in terms of Zoology. If we find out they're a species of primitive human like the Neandertal or Homo erectus, then it'll be even more groundbreaking because then we will no longer be known as the sole survivor of the Homo genus and that other types of humans are still living among us.

  9. Obviously they don't take the subject too seriously and they use the word "like" way too many times.
    What are they, 12?
    If they want to be on T.V. they could be a bit more professional.
    Like I totally can't take them seriously.Gahhhhd.

  10. Just a skeptics point of view, nothing more.

  11. Its a legitimate question, no matter how much the believers (who have ZERO PROOF) hate it.

    1. How much proof do you have in god?

    2. Well I'm not a boy, but it's on subject! Did u see anon 7;16? Makes a lot of sense!

  12. I like the reference to religion by anon 7:16

  13. Go to Mr. Lindusky's website. He has a piece entitled, The evolutionary reason men desire teenage girls. You will have to scroll down a few posts to find it.

    1. No thanks - i like a mature curvy women any day.

    2. Yes me as well. Just pointing out the mindset of everyones hero Mr. Lindusky.

  14. Hair shaft?The only thing she's interested in is a cork shaft.

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