Oxford Bigfoot DNA Study: From Press Release to Worldwide News

Today is probably one of the biggest news to come around in a LONG time for the Bigfoot community. The news of a Bigfoot DNA study headed by an Oxford University professor, Bryan Sykes, is spreading like wildfire throughout the world and many news websites are finally taking a serious interest (without out the snarkiness) in what could possibly lead to one of the biggest biological discovery of our time.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum recently posted on his Facebook page the "Oxford University News Release" article that was sent out to the media (see image above) this morning. The article stresses the point that scientists can no longer neglect the countless number of purported specimens available to them. From the study, the scientists are hoping that their findings could tell us more about how Neanderethals and other early hominids interacted and spread around the world.

When a news release like the one above includes keywords like "Yeti" or "Bigfoot",  most Bigfooters are used to hearing snide remarks from the mainstream media. This news release is different than usual and with scientists like Dr. Sykes involved, it commands respect. It's apparent in news articles published today that the media is taking a serious tone. Here are some examples of articles we found that we thought were balanced in their reporting:

Gizmodo: Oxford University Is Hunting For the Yeti
[...] The myth—or true story, let's be open-minded if Oxford professors are being—is known across countries and cultures throughout the world, so the university can expect a wide range of samples to be put forward. If you're on the hunt yourself, the researchers point out that hair shafts are particularly desirable.

BBC News: DNA to shed light on yeti claims
[...] Others are highly sceptical of such tales, and consider the subject unworthy of serious scientific investigation.

Asked about the project's chances of success, Prof Sykes said: "The answer is, of course, I don't know," adding, "it's unlikely, but on the other hand if we don't examine it we won't know."

Fox News: Scientists seek big genes of bigfoot
[...] Can science unravel one of life’s enduring mysteries?

Rumors of the hairy humanoid known variously as the yeti, bigfoot and sasquatch have persisted for decades, despite little hard evidence beyond grainy photographs and plaster casts of giant footprints. Now scientists are hoping to make more of a case for the creature -- with the help of genetic testing, Reuters reported.

Ring Side Report: Bigfoot – Sasquatch – Yeti: MOMENT OF TRUTH – University Conducts Real Test – The Findings
[...] The biggest issue with the hunt for Sasquatch is the countless hoaxers, the terrible “Finding Bigfoot” show which has been called “staged” by most that are involved. Most researchers that seek the man beast are ridiculed and the existence has been dismissed, mostly. The best evidence seems to be the hair samples mixed with eye – witness testimony from many credible witnesses that know the difference between a grizzly bear and Sasquatch. It will be very interesting to see what this study comes up with.


  1. This is epic. Ketchums day is over.

    1. Competition is a beautiful market force.

    2. It isn't competition - there's nothing to compete with. There's no evidence that Ketchum has anything of value (other than the samples she's taken over).

      I'm glad to see a REAL scientific study in the works. It's about damn time.

    3. Are you guys for real? She's got Smeja's steak for one thing, her study will come out and prove this species real before this new study, which I welcome by the way, gets anything off the ground.

  2. Looks like Bigfoot is finally starting to get the attention it deserves. I hope they get good samples.

  3. This is the first real Bigfoot DNA study I've read about.

  4. Good!! When Ketchum finally gets her "nephilim" results out, which will likely be soon now in light of COMPETITION, her chance at the limelight she's so desperately seeks will be LONG gone.

    A day late, and a (many) dollar short.

    1. In case you did not guess yet, The Melba gang have been the trolls for quite awhile now.

  5. Gee the money they're getting for this could have gone to idk...their AIDS research program, but good news I guess can't wait to see how the skeptics spin this around.

    1. How do you know that understanding bigfoot will not lead to various medical cures for the rest of us? I suspect there is a lot we will learn other than simply that a hairy humanoid is running around the woods.

  6. Move over Ketchum...bye bye...reality has just bit you square one the ass.

  7. I'm a skeptic. There just isn't any PROOF that it exists and that's the very reason I'm skeptical. I'm remain hopeful Sasquatch exists and maybe this study can make the case for the existence bullet-proof. I'm ecstatic that this is happening.

    1. There will never be proof if the people who decide what is and is not proof do not investigate the subject. If this leads to that finally happening, great.

    2. How about the two studies join forces in the end? Once they both have clear 100% good results couldn't they present it all together rather than appear like opponents?

  8. Said it a month ago. What's Ketchun gonna do if someone releases a ground breaking study first or a reliable source is in the process of a study. She needed to release her paper awhile ago now all momentum is towards Meldrum and a study by real scientist at a real university.

    Sorry Ketchum but your BS study is on the back burner now!!!!

    1. I also think that people are grasping at straws by alluding to.Meldrum doing this to back up Ketchums study. I think he's doing it because he's:

      A: Tired of waiting like 95% of everyone else (which I'd like because he'd be forcing her to show her hand).

      B: Knows her study was a failure and is trying to accomplish what she couldn't.

      I just don't see this as a "backup for Ketchum" type thing at all.

    2. Perhaps Ketchum could submit any hair samples she might have for analysis?

    3. Anon 6:55,

      If I'm right (see comment at 6:50) I seriously doubt it.

      If I'm wrong, I don't see why she wouldn't. Actually there wouldn't be any reason (for Ketchum) NOT to send them some samples.

    4. If Ketchum doen't contribute ANYTHING to this study, then that just confirms where her heart is-in her bank account. Science can only thrive with the open and free exchange of ideas and information.

    5. Anon 7:02,

      Independent validation should be desirable for everyone and seems like a great opportunity has been provided.

      Since her study had been submitted months ago, why not share samples? Also, given her paper has multiple authors, could the ultimate decision really even be her own?

    6. Who the hell cares who dicovers this new hominin species first as long as it's done right, whether Ketchum or these new guys on the block shouldn't matter to anyone. Unless it's you having a stake in one of them beating the other and that's clearly the case here, with this insane jealousy over a female scientist likely cracking the case.

  9. I wonder what snowpounder, flabsino, and dickey dyer think about this? How bout it shawn? We can just ask you since you are best buddies with them.

    1. I'm sure SnowWalkerPrime is probably excited and relieved that someone credible and who isn't going to B.S. around is heading this one up.

      As for Fatsano and Freezer Boy, who (with an IQ above room temperature) would care?

    2. Anon 6:45,

      Anymore "brain busters", genius?

    3. yes here is one, why do you live at home with your mom at age 50

    4. Who cares aobut those three clowns anymore stop talking about them.

  10. Woooo Hoooo! Finally a study by someone with STELLAR credentials! It pisses me if that some excellent samples were sent in to the Ketchum shit fest and possibly lost forever. I hope and pray that more great samples are out there and it won't take long to get the study rolling. I am sure if Ketchum has parts of any samples left, she won't be sharing them for this study.

    1. Oh, but she WILL have to share samples if she publishes ahead of Sykes! That's a requirement of every RESPECTED science journal -- retain and protect samples at an accredited location for independent study.

    2. Thanks for the info! Good news, but what if her study is not published? Does she still have to share her samples? It just makes me nervous with all the legal ppwk everyone had to sign, ie non-disclosure etc. She probably owns the samples outright with all the legal mumbo jumbo she was spewing out. I hope people did not give her legal ownership

    3. Most biological samples have the DNA extracted and amplified then divided and tested by various teams in blind trials. How exactly did you think this worked otherwise? Jeeezuuz, why don't you learn something before displaying your total ignorance.

    4. Anon 7:50. I understand that jackass. My question is will she be obligated to share her samples. It was stated she would have to share if her study was published first. Well what if it is not published first or not at all?

    5. Why would she be obligated to share her samples? Wtf are you talking about?

    6. ANON 7:50. Why not learn to read and comprehend a paragraph before displaying YOUR total ignorance.

    7. Anon 8:19 -- Ketchum will NOT be obligated to share her samples if she doesn't publish. However, I'm sure she owns none of the samples outright, but has restricted the owners through Non-Disclosure-Agreements to give her exclusive access.

    8. Non-Disclosure and a Waiver of Property/Ownership are two completely different things. Most samples were likely consumed in the testing process, but if/when she publishes, she is under obligation to share samples (corroboration was always stated to be critical) and fully disclose data and methods of extraction (both of which could also be useful to other studies).
      If she doesn't publish, hopefully people retained some of their samples or will attempt more collection.
      David from the PAC/NW

    9. I'm glad to report you kooks are wrong, the Ketchum DNA study's still on the way.

  11. I am not counting my chickens before they are hatched, but this is at the very least a step in the right direction. Let's see how it pans out.

    1. Yeah, there is chicken counting going on. As someone who has been a bigfoot enthusiast for over 30 years, I've learned to not get overly excited by new evidence.
      I'll remain cautiously optimistic.

    KETCHUM = 0

    1. Um... The score is zero to zero until somebody publishes. Also, they're on the same team, once they do.
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. I would have also said they were on the same team, David, until Melba started having picnics with playful BF families and posting fuzzy pics of stick structures.

    3. When ketchum shows somthing,other than flapping her gums,and her sasquatch birthing station or what ever she calls her so called stick structures mabee we can give her a little credit..until then shes just a talker...simple

    4. I see the Ketchum hating trolls think this is some sort of competition. LOL Even she is happy there's this new study also.

  13. Ten bucks says Sykes knows what Ketchum found.

    1. That is my thought as well. If there was nothing to the Ketchum study why would one of the most noted researchers is this field waste his time and Oxfords grant funds on this.

    2. Of course she has the goods I've said that all along, but the hater trolls don't like her and don't understand this. Or don't want to understand it and pretend it's a game or something like the Sasquatch Olympics, there's tons of denial and lying going on here from troll base camp.

  14. Well if someone drags in a body before december then that would trump either study. I'm devising a treble hook snare to aquire a sample of flesh.

    1. Forget the treble hook. Develop a strong snare that can hold a sasquatch. Use super strong cable.

    2. Favor modern slavery, do you?

  15. Could not help but notice that the Ketchum detractor mob have crawled out once again from their sad hidey holes. They know nothing, contribute nothing and understand even less of what science is all about and how it is done. For the record bozo's, very little scientific research is done in Universities compared to what occurs in the commercial world. I have little doubt Ketchum will beat Sykes to a published paper simply because she has done the work and, from the sound of the involvement of other universities, she has had her work confirmed.

    So back under your rocks bozo's. Your constant whining has become really annoying, like all braindead mobs.

    1. So Universities do very little scientific research, yet the commercial Ketchum needs them to confirm her results? Hmmmmmmmm...

    2. Someone who doesn't know how apostraphes work insulting others about science, LOL

      Typical Ketchum supporter


    3. The Ketchum 'detractor mob' obviously includes Dr Jeffrey Meldrum. It has taken your despised 'bozos' skeptical of her BS to demand answers, and it will either light a fire under her butt to focus on her paper instead of her "protection" marketing, or she'll fade away. Time will tell.......

    4. Indeed. Science works together anyway not against each other, everything at work here is just one more step closer to scientific confirmation of this unknown species and vindication for countless witnesses. I sense nothing but new dread underneath all this faked enthusiam for the Sykes/Meldrum merger, haters still fear Ketchum is first and I think she will be because she's had some good stuff the whole time. This new team knows that too, otherwise their study probably never would've happened but what trolls don't know is that it will all support each other.

  16. Where did this Oxford study get their (bigfoot?) DNA sample?

    1. They're asking for samples. They don't have any yet.

    2. What? They've got nothing? I thought that they were already doing some testing. What a joke.

      Someone shoot one! Please!!!!!

    3. Let's take you, you sound dumb enough.

  17. Pretty cool news. Didn't the Snelgrove DNA come back as human with one polymorphism related to chimps? Why isn't that conclusive evidence of a real north American primate?

  18. The best possible result a DNA analysis can yield is "unknown primate" which could be a small monkey from Madagacar. Big whoop.

    1. Eight feet tall monkeys over there? Not too likely. DNA can reveal height as well you know, that's why this is so exciting to bigfooters and so scary to trolls it basically means you're all *beeped* now.

  19. Alright believers. Whip out your evidence and send it in. Please don't send possum wrapped up in bear skin.

  20. They're asking for samples. They don't have any yet.

    It appears they already have some.

    Lausanne has an archive of such organic material assembled by researcher Bernard Heuvelmans, the news agency reported. Heuvelmans sought the yeti for over 50 years until his death in 2001.



  21. Lol, can't wait for when the results prove North America is indeed inhabited by... black bears.

  22. Can anybody actually tell me what Sykes' study has to do with the Ketchum study? Are the hypothetical ends the same? Will the same data be processed? Are they going after the same sequences? Will they attempt to prove the same thing? Full genomes for both? Lineage or genetic divergences? Will they comprise of an equal amount of samples? There are hundreds of routs you could take and this could be apples to oranges... and corroboration is not "stealing someone's thunder"... its the way science proves things.
    Bottom line is, that one study needs the other to be successful and neither are going to put and end to most of our many questions. This is a beginning, not an end.
    I also seriously fail to see what this has to do with SWP, Fasano, Dyer, etc... Get with the breaking news and do some homework! If you like soap operas, set your DVR...
    David from the PAC/NW

  23. Would love to know Ketchump's reaction to this. Everything points to her doing this for the money which in itself is annoying, but what really threw me was the fact she stated, on a regular occurence she was able to watch a family of BF playing - and NOT take photos - not very scientific imo for trying to prove the existence of a new species!

    Anyway, great news!

    Anyway, very cool news!

    1. Like i said she's a talker,now david is too

    2. I may sound like I'm defending the Ketchum camp, but I'm really just challenging the speculative and unsubstantiated comments here. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only one that's okay with the fact that I do not and cannot know what is happening or what has transpired. It began with the story of a "Meldrum/Sykes" study. At the PNW conference, Dr. Meldrum stated that he submitted hair samples to Dr. Sykes. That makes him a submitter, not a study partner. Besides, what does a physical anthropologist have to do with analysis of a DNA study? Then people began to equate this to a game or a race, when one study actually needs the other for corroboration and puts them, not at odds, but working toward the same goal of creating a foundation for further studies.
      I'm not backing anyone, I'm just arguing reason over rumor... I know, I know... Rumors are more fun, but I hate them! Do you know that in the last several weeks, I've heard SIX versions of how this study began and what its ultimate goal is?
      The Sykes study exists and he is accepting samples and has given a rough timeline. A short enough timeline that we may all be disappointed in the "first round" of data. However, I'm glad to have him on board and excited to see what is to come.
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. In the end they'll all work together on results in science, this is what really scares the bigfoot haters out there.

  24. she has pictures, she will not post them until the
    release.., all the so called experts of science posting
    on here had a speck of common since,you would realize
    that the whole thing is tied up in litigation.
    witch is probably complicated because it was never dealt with before.Anybody that has been involved in a lawsuit knows that it takes time.

  25. At least they don't believe in Jesus like she does.

  26. Supposing the samples come from a gigantopithecus or anything else from which dna has never been studied, its not easy( for me anyway) to imagine what the paper would say. Maybe in this case they would say what they think the source is
    close to.

  27. Here's an Associated Press article that hit my local paper today. It explains the goal of this study, as I understood it and supports my "apples to oranges" comparison, if the Ketchum study's goals are as she has stated.


    Interesting, nonetheless!
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. Try this one:
      Sorry, missed the "h"...
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. Well the Frayer guy's a spooked flat earth git by the sound of it so forget him, but it's always nice to hear confirmation from Thomas that DNA can't be faked and if good will indeed solve it.

  28. This will either
    A) speed up Ketchum so she can get the newsbreak
    B) force Ketchum to reveal it was all nothing
    C) get Ketchum some valuable allies
    D) create a newsbreak from someone no one can doubt
    E) produce nothing of use

    Hopefully not E

  29. All BF,s are tagged in the US , the tag reads [GP-M-00044]

    sorry all, but the truth is simple.


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