SuperSoylent2 Deals Deathly Blow To Melissa Hovey Over Bigfoot Photo

SuperSoylent2 just got his two parody videos reinstated by YouTube after it was removed by a copyright complaint filed by Melissa Hovey. Back in March, unamused by SuperSoylent2's parody of her Bigfoot photo, Melissa Hovey complained to both YouTube and Facebook to have her photos removed from his accounts. Since that episode, many people questioned if it was appropriate for her to claim copyright on a photo that clearly belongs to her witness, not her.

In the video below, SuperSoylent2 claims that he is within his rights to post parodies of any material that's been made public. He says that YouTube agrees with him and they have reinstated his videos and removed the copyright violation strikes from his account. Watch below:


  1. Way to go Super! TTBF for the win!

    1. Melissa Hovey is like the abusive step father we never had

    2. The conference is over and Hovey already took $2 from some girl scout's weekly allowance for an autograph. :(

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I reiterate that people such as Hovey make it easy for debunkers like Michael Shermer stay in business.

    5. She actually took money from a little girl for her worthless autograph?

    6. Justice has been served, drama queen loses, Under your rock you skank.

    7. I doubt anyone bought an autograph.

  2. nice going, but you really need to stop giving this hooker attention

    1. I thought it was her autograph she was hawking for 2 bucks.

    2. She wasn't really selling her autographs for 2 dollars was she? I thought people were just joking about that. They were, right?


      "Participants will also have the opportunity to get autographs for $2 per speaker and special Bigfoot activities will be available for children including face paintings, poster drawings, and games.

      Admission is $12 for adults and $6 for children"

    4. I think autograph is code for something, kind of like "face painting". You know..because of cops

  3. She basically admits to black mailing her witness. Good grief. And then went on to attempt to black mail anyone and everyone in the bigfoot community that might watch a video, read a post or look sideways at any TTBF member. This woman is a piece of work. She stands as an example of what we do not need in this field. SWP

  4. Falls into Melba Ketchup territory. This guy is right on, thanks for exposing this. Bigfoot research needs more educated guys like supersoylent2.

    1. Hovey didn't know Super was a lawyer in his spare time.

  5. Copyright belongs to the author/creator of the work, from the moment it is fixed. It can only be transferred to another party by written agreement or operation of law.

    Further, physical possession of a material object (in this case, photograph) does not constitute ownership of the copyright.

    One cannot "temporarily assume" the copyright owned by another party, and exercise any of the exclusive rights (such as the right of publication, or the right of public display) simply because the copyright owner does not want to excercise a right, or doesn't contact you with permission to excercise a right, or for whatever reason is silent on the subject.

    In this particular case, unless there was a written agreement from the person who took the photo which transferred the entire copyright in the photo to the Melissa Hovey, the author of the photograph is well within his/her rights to sue Melissa Hovey for infringement.

    Further, anyone else who uses the photo can ignore any threats of legal action from Melissa Hovey (the infringing party), but could rightfully be sued for infringement from the real copyright owner.

    Those are the facts that would hold up in a court of law. Any other brandishing of the term 'copyright' outside the context of the legal reality cited above is meaningless.

    1. If I follow this. Hovey either took the photo and knows damn well it was a suit; and intentionally hoaxed all of us. Or she illegally copyrighted material that did not belong to her, and attempted to blackmail her witness in the process. Wow. And this woman is the top female bigfoot researcher?

    2. The same applies to Robert Lindsay illegally copyrighting the bigfoot sketch last week.

    3. He is the top male bigfoot researcher? It's no wonder bigfoot hasn't been found with these two running the show.

  6. Has Henry May gotten the news? He'd better take down his "editorial" about TTBF's ILLEGAL action against his Queen Melissa.

  7. Sally here

    Melissa Hovey is hot.

    1. Melissa Hovey and Melba Ketchum in a little 'Squatch on Squatch' action. Why can't we get a video of that on this dumb ass website?

    2. Sally here.

      Melba and Melissa were over last night for wine and cheese and a little game I like to call "tree peeking"

    3. Sally here

      Melissa Hovey is hot.

      Of course she is. After 20 pitchers of beer and 30 bottles of Jack any skank like her looks hot.

      Then you wake up next to it. :(

  8. I done tole you reatards that pitcher was a from a movie show! Now I's right and you's wrong as usule.

    1. tole ? told- to have related info verbally


      Aw never mind it's not worth it and for some there's just no hope.

  9. so much drama over a bad photo from an unknown source

    1. And the drama we can blame on Hovey, in her quest to get noticed.

  10. Replies
    1. Is that the best you've got Hovey? Super just exposed you for the fraud you are.

  11. Hovey has been Tazered into goo. Go TTBF!

  12. Minion # 33 and I approve of this video.

  13. Replies
    1. Placed under a heat lamp and forgotten.

    2. nope, water and flying monkeys

    3. The Loose Cannon likewise approves this comeuppance. It is about fucking time this thing was seen for what it was.

  14. Dont give her the time of Day! Her pic is a FX made suit!She takes credit for a Big discovery,lol.

  15. Man she is going to be so pissed she is going to blow out an undecended testicle. J.D.

  16. I didn't know that my photo would cause so much trouble, she had no idea that it was from a movie set. We just wanted to see how you pro- bigfooters would take it, we have over $40,000 invested in the suit and we wanted to make sure it was up to snuff! Don't put her down, she didn't know that it was a fake!

    1. You spent about $39,500 too much.

    2. You gave her the rope she did the rest. What movie is it for?

    3. Clearly your expensive suit only fooled the fools. SWP

  17. Way to go SS2! I always knew you were right. It's about time smackdowns were doled out.

  18. Wow, you people crack me up...afraid to post info under your real names. What are you afraid of? Getting your behinds kicked? Funny, funny stuff!!! Signed...Billy Willard

    1. and hovey doesnt know who to cyberstalk like she did with kitakaze. Her former friend with the squatchnotes blog confessed to what she was doing. lol

    2. Willard, dont you need a chin to do that?

    3. Is that Willard making threats? wow.

    4. Hovey looks like a Tranny......what a sweaty smelly disaster it must be for his girlfriend in the sack.

    5. Hey Billy -- how many $2 autographs were you able to sell on Sunday?

    6. Billy is a liar, it's not her real name.

    7. Hey Billy,
      Why don't you let Melissa defend herself. Oh wait your this year body guard. Until she turns on you like she has the rest of her defenders.

    8. She doesnt need to defend herself. It is time for her to apologize on youtube.

    9. No Billy, just must of us have lives and aren't dedicated to creating or posting on our own blogs, but hey I'm willing to learn so let's make a tell me how to start a blog and I will tell you what a vagina feels like.....

    10. Billy, This is JC. contrary to the BS you have been posting on FaceBook, this is my first post on this site. Your threats do not work. You do not frighten anyone Billy, especially me.

      I warned you long before you let Melissa into your group or you got involved in hers, that you would end up defending this hateful woman for the ignorant things she does. Your cred and that of your group's is in the crapper as a direct result of your association with Melissa. Take this from someone who KNOWS what she is capable of.

      I know you are a good person Billy and it is not too late for you to dump Melissa, the cameras and the reporters and get back out into the woods and start doing good research again.

      John Cartwright

    11. Take this from someone who KNOWS what she is capable of.

      JC tell us, as I for one am curious.

    12. I'm curious who is going to be the "behind kicker"?

    13. You notice it's 'behind' and not from the front :)

    14. Start the countdown for the feud between Billy and Hovey.

    15. wont happen just yet, but it will... few are the folks she hasnt turned on.

    16. Free Willy, Best you could come up with is to attack those that do not put their names out for fame and threaten people? Strategy for dealing will Willy - keep him moving around for about a minute - his cardio would be shot at that point.

      Why don't you answer the question about the number of autographs you sold last weekend big guy?

      ABS= Always Bilkin Stupid (people)...

    17. What the last one said Willard, reading yer shit is funny, one Billy is will and righteous (yeah right) the other makes threats online that they know they'll never back up. Like the poster above you moron, some of us dont obsess on squatchy dreams of fame or bilk girl scouts out of their allowance to feed our egos. Real righteous, that. Some of us just dont take you or your dominatrix serious. Suck it up dumbass.

    18. Willard: you always seemed like a nice guy, but maybe a bit too easily duped.

      Watch your associates. You made a mistake by associating yourself with a nutcase. Time to call her on her hoax, lies, and oddly-false legal threats and sever your relationship.

      Do it while you can and you can still reclaim what little is left of your reputation in this ludicrous "field" of inquirt.

  19. somethings never change

  20. Couldn't find it at that link but did on this one.

    1. It is only available in google cache now.

      "Those who will attack did, but the obvious reaction came from the camp of Hovey. She had a blog entry up within 24 hours and that is something I find funny. Of all the people to scream victim, she has no business doing it. For all the "Tying up loose ends" esque attacks on people from her own blog the hypocrit has no business crying victim because she isn't one. Hovey is a specific example of someone who perpetuates the gossip/drama/crapfest all the while claim she's "scrutinzing" fellow researchers. Bullshit, she's just another blogger bully who cries victim and then turns around and attacks someone just as quickly. From her fiasco at the GCBRO BBQ, to the Georgia Boy? Biscardi/Kulls affair of 2008, to all the troubles with assorted Jimites, to her feud with Kitakaze, and the list could go on. The name "trouble hunter" has been applied in certain circles due to her ever presence in any trouble stirred up in the community. Why?

      Because she like many others, Kulls included, suffer from a delusion of Celebrity. Having a blog, a forum, a blogsquawk show does not make anyone a celebrity. It makes you one more asshole on the internet using social media to push out your two bit opinion. Hovey's celebrity doesn't exist, "

    2. +100000000 FANTASTIC POST!

    3. I'm not a Hovey fan but I thought her best work was when she exposed Kitakaze for the lying, characterless, clown he is on her blog. Talk about a jackoff that wants to be a celebrity. That was a pathetic display, the thread he started on JREF about his incredibly obvious tale of being stalked and the kicker was those fucking simpletons that post over there went right along with him like it was true.

    4. You missed her former friends recent blog where they admitted she was stalking him. :)

    5. That jerkoff is the female version of her. They were made for each other.

    6. *Correction*
      That jerkoff is the MALE version of her.

    7. Yeah but, besides all his other self aggrandizing on the BFF he has boasted about a career in fashion. Just sayin'...

    8. Like him or not, the stalking happened

    9. except the stalking happened.

    10. You must be a JREF moron. He made the whole fucking story up. Read the thread over there shit for brains.

  21. Wow, she was owned on an epic scale.

    Well done, supersoylent2!!

  22. Sally here,

    Just want to let everyone know that neither Melba or myself ever took ant dna from this suit.

  23. Can we please, as a community, ignore Hovey now? You know, like we all did before this picture appeared?

  24. What a beautiful, and complete, explanation of why Melissa Hovey is a fool and should not be acknowledged or dealt with again in this field. Go away Melissa, you have no idea what you are doing, clearly. The only one causing grief for your "witness" was you!

    1. Alex *midnight* walker and Hovey should date. They're made for each other.

  25. Man she is going to be so pissed she is going to blow out an undecended testicle. J.D.

    Or her hubbies. Watch out for her blog post coming soon. :)

    1. It was updated tonight by Michael Dean, but it seems to be more of a criticism of Hovey than anyone else. He talks about the lack of ethics of people with "secret informants" and it being a way to get attention. He mentions humor and satire towards the end so some of it may have been aimed at SuperSoylent and TTBF. Kinda weird, maybe Hovey took her ball and went home.


    3. I'm confused. If it wasn't posted on Hovey's blog; I'd say it was about Hovey. Since it is posted on Hovey's blog; I'd say they have a serious case of projection. SWP

    4. From what I have heard she is out in the woods until the 14th. So she is unable to reply for herself.

  26. Her MABRC buddies are strangely quiet on this one.

  27. She has cried everything from the victim. To being sexually harassed by male researchers. She uses people until she has no use for them anymore and the cast them to the side. She is two face. She says she is protecting the witness but has thrown more than one witness under the bus. She thinks she is a bigshot in the field because she has had a blog, internet radio show, been on tv and has her own bigfoot group. Just wait she'll be playing the hoaxed card very soon.

    1. um.. haven't you heard? she's the #1 female bigfoot researcher in the UNIVERSE!!!!

    2. As to the user things, yes absolutely.

  28. Another good post Shawn i myself have never put much in to her or this photo to much BS came with it she says she told Mr.X that she would not release the picture as long as he worked with her now she has had this photo for 4 years she says right? then how long did this guy have to start working with her it seems to me if i had made a deal like that i dont think i would have waited 4 years to figure out that the man wasnt going to work with me or was he working with her and she just felt it wasnt enough? My opinion is she knows who it is and sees all that is going on in the BF world and being the self proclamed Queen she had to get her name and face out there even if she had to hide it in this cloud of BS. as with any time if i am wrong i have no problem saying so another reason my comments never say ANONYMOUS

  29. Even though SS2 is right, I would still love to see Judge Judy take on this case!

  30. Soylent green is Bigfoots, we're eating BIGFOOTS. That's why the government doesn't want you to know about them.

  31. It's the footers that have had crushes on her that have turned on her. Drew, Cartwright, Ganglian, Harry Henderson, Kitakaze and there were others. This group shares an uncommon obsession with the subject and have been members of multiple different Bigfoot related forums and ended up banned from most of them.

    Not only are they losers in life but losers in Bigfooting

    1. Melissa has thrown herself at every male researcher on the net. She has a long history of this.

    2. Drew, Kitakaze and Harry Henderson are not even Bigfooters. They are skeptics. You are the loser.

    3. Anyone who has been in this long enough knows about Melissa and her pass. No one wants to hear about her dirty laundry. Lets move on. Oh and before you start calling people losers maybe you should take a long look in the mirror yourself.

    4. Melissa has thrown herself at every male researcher on the net. She has a long history of this.

      The Dyson fanny of bigfootery. Sucks up 'any' and everything. :)

    5. "They are skeptics"

      LOL. The JREF footers are filing in like a conga line of stupidity.

      Do you think playing the skeptic role makes you less of a footer or an asshole for disussing this subject on a daily basis ?

    6. Crushes, really? You have seen her haven't. Felt sorry for maybe...

    7. That is an odd place over there, the Bigfoot section at least. It's like a refugee camp for former bann-es from other forums, posters who have several sockpuppets and jackasses with who claim fake professions.

  32. OMG! SuperSoylent2 is John Loyd Sharf! That is John Sharf! What a freak! He likes to block people on face book. And open fake accounts face book and attack people.

    1. oh man that must hurt, being blocked on face book. :)

      get a f'ing life.

    2. Your my life now sweet heart.

  33. Folks, at the end of the day, the good guys win, and the crap is there to see. Sadly there will be the unescapable of victim the source of her shennaigans, and already Willard is crying about the things he helped happen.

    Perhaps the best thing to do is sit back and enjoy the show. Or better ignore her, not just now but for good. Her, her sycophants and her trainees.

  34. Lesson to be learned? NO. You're not a big shot and the gujy in the video just schooled her in the field she claims to know and in every facet of the saga.


  35. Melissa Hovey is like a breath of fresh air from my ass

  36. Why rag on her looks? She's not a bad looking woman in my opinion, her 'celebrity status' in the footer community as well as her hairy back photo are jokes. With so much else to rip on her for,why go after her looks??

  37. That "breath of fresh air" is also like a pile of _ _ _ _

    ...You wanna buy a vowel?

  38. ...You wanna buy a vowel?

    or part your legs and create one :)

  39. Oh SNAP!!!! Karma has a way of biting people that deserve it in the ASS....... way to go karma!

  40. ASS biting ...karma meets Sally ...Breaking news and Weather at 11 ...Chance of showers ...Later

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