If you do what this man did, you will suffer the wrath of Melissa Hovey (Update #2: SnowWalkerPrime and censorship)

YouTube personality Phil Poling and Melissa Hovey have been at it for awhile now, and it looks like things are starting to heat up again.

Poling recently posted a YouTube video questioning Hovey's copyright claim. He also took the liberty of replacing the original copyright text with his YouTube handle version: "Copyright 2011 SuperSoylent".

Melissa wasn't going to let him get away with this, so she filed a copyright violation claim on Facebook and got her photos removed from Poling's Facebook page. Facebook told her that they didn't have the authority to remove YouTube videos and directed her to file a claim on YouTube.

Here's what Melissa wrote on her blog today:

So, this witness should not protect himself, or his property, I should not on his behalf - but it is okay for Mr.Poling to steal the photo and claim ownership????

This is why I copyrighted the photo. Because of untrustworthy people like Mr. Poling.

If and when I receive more photos, the actions of Mr. Poling, may change the way any future releases to this community are handled. Hey, don't blame me or this witness, you can blame Mr. Poling. Why should anyone release anything to this community when we have thieves like this trolling around ready to try and steal from the witnesses we work with? Yes, this is theft. He is claiming rights to something he clearly has none to.

I understand Mr. Poling wants attention, but really, is this the way to go about it? Proving you are completely and totally untrustworthy? Even Biscardi has his limits as to how far he will sink. We can throw a lot of accusations at Biscardi - but theft is not one I have heard of yet.

This is really disappointing and I really hoped for better. This witness is smart for staying hidden.

Thank you to those who gave me the heads up. I will do everything I can to protect this witness and his property. No I am not angry, but I really expected better.

Here is Poling's response to the removal of the photos from his Facebook page:

Apparently so - I received 4 of them for this video on Facebook. The funny thing is that she doesn't own the copyright on the photo - her WITNESS DOES. Something that I've tried and tried to get out there but have been ignored.She stole the photo. Her witness told her he did not want it released until spring but she did it anyway and then claimed copyright on it. Now this.

Update: Due to copyright claim by Melissa Hovey, YouTube has removed Poling's video:

Update #2: SnowWalkPrime chimes in with speech about censorship:


  1. Why argue over a fake photo? This is as crazy as a drug buyer calling the cops on a dealer when he gets ripped off. Nobody wins.

  2. He is being ignored - because he is a LIAR!!! I have the receipt from the US Copyright office. Phil Poling is a thief and a liar. I wouldn't trust him with anything - and will never tell anyone to trust him.

    Any future releases will be done so differently, and you can all thank PHIL POLING.

    So, this witness should not try to protect his property, or make money from this, but I guess it's okay for Phil Poling and his friends?????

    I have been worried about many things within this community - I NEVER thought I would have to worry about a thief - but I'm glad I took precautions.

    1. No one cares. Stop crying.

    2. You, Hovey, are an idiot. He was pointing out the complete horseshit of your own FALSE copyright claim. You took someone elses property, posted online and then claimed it as your own. This guy called you on it, and you threw a little crazy chick fit about it.

      So not only a thief and a liar , you are also an unstable laughing stock....jesus.......

      Look at this crazy broad, these are the people who represent you Bigfoot Community!!! Run these con artists and lunatics out of the bidness!!

    3. We are trying. SWO (TeamTazerBigfoot)

    4. I find it funny that you call him a theif, yet aren't you the person who doesn't own the photo? So doesn't that make you a theif?

      So based on this, we can see how you respond to someone who doesn't agree with you. Though perhaps if you're takin to court, then you'll learn.

      If you don't own the photo, you can't file a copyright claim.

      Melissa Hovey, you're a moron.

    5. You've missed the point completely Hovey, not surprising though. He was pointing out that you made a copy right claim on something "YOU DIDN'T OWN". You are the thief here. By the way, nice blackmail job on "the witness" , you released it WITHOUT his approval. You're so incompetent, that I wonder how you haven't wandered out in from of traffic yet? Get a life, learn the laws, stop being a hypocrite and a thief. Is this clear enough for you?

  3. More stupidity over a hoaxed photo. Nobody is winning here.


  4. You're right V.P. It's bad enough dealing with hoaxers, but now researchers who steal - just because they think they can?

    We should all be so very proud of Phil Poling.

    1. How old are you? Get a real job, you're embarrassing yourself.

    2. And YOUR own action if indeed you filed a copyright claim on your witness' photo? THEFT! (And now you're messing with the government, so let's add supremely STUPID!)

    3. Or for that matter,you, since you even said that you don't own the photo. So if he's a theif (even though he's not), then that must also make you a theif.

      However, he didn't file a dmca, so even in this case, you're still a theif and he's not.

      All you're doing is making yourself out to be a fool. Even though I doubt it will happen, I really do hope he will take you to court so that a judge can hear your reason for filing a dmca claim on a photo that you don't own.

    4. You've missed the point completely Hovey, not surprising though. He was pointing out that you made a copy right claim on something "YOU DIDN'T OWN". You are the thief here. By the way, nice blackmail job on "the witness" , you released it WITHOUT his approval. You're so incompetent, that I wonder how you haven't wandered out in from of traffic yet? Get a life, learn the laws, stop being a hypocrite and a thief. Is this clear enough for you?

  5. Apparently Ms Hovey has illegally filed a copyright in her own name? BIG no-no. Hope she's prepared to defend herself in a courtroom. Thank you Phil Poling for exposing her underhanded, dirty deeds. Shows her true character. BTW, I am now claiming that photo -- please re-tag it ANONYMOUS.

  6. Prove it. I have the paperwork, you do not. :)

    1. By the way this is what you stated on your blog and quote " Why should anyone release anything to this community when we have thieves like this trolling around ready to try and steal from the witnesses we work with? Yes, this is theft. He is claiming rights to something he clearly has none to."

      Well is'nt this the same thing you did Ms Hovey, you and your American Bigfoot Society which you are president of and resposible for the actions taken by the society, claimed a copyright to a picture that you stated does not belong to you but actually to your supposed witness. I mean I think if you can do it why can't anyone else for that matter.So your gripe is unfonded, in this case we can also say your a thief too and also your publicly admitting it.

    2. I see you did reply to my reply, I wonder why?

    3. She didn't reply to you because you are an idiot. Plain and simple. If the bigfoot world wants to see a photo, it has to be copyrighted by SOMEONE to keep thieves like Poling from stealing it. She never claimed the photo was HERS but she legally and properly filed the copyright in her name because THAT'S THE ONLY WAY THE WITNESS CAN STAY ANONYMOUS! How stupid can you be?

    4. Oh really claimng a photo is yours to protect a witness, what you are saying makes no sense, you do not have to put your name on something that anyway someone else cannot used for a hoax, do you think everyone else in the BF community is as gulable as you, by the way stop being a Hovey chump and insults just prove how retarded the people that follow Hovey are, just like you, she could have kept him anon with out putting her societies name on the photo that she is president of, really you got to be kidding, thats you answer on behalf of Hovey.

    5. You've missed the point completely Hovey, not surprising though. He was pointing out that you made a copy right claim on something "YOU DIDN'T OWN". You are the thief here. By the way, nice blackmail job on "the witness" , you released it WITHOUT his approval. You're so incompetent, that I wonder how you haven't wandered out in from of traffic yet? Get a life, learn the laws, stop being a hypocrite and a thief. Is this clear enough for you?

  7. Easy enough. I will contact the copyright office tomorrow.

  8. You are now claiming the photo??? You are such a jackass, first you demand she hand over HER investigation to you, then you steal her property(but its not her's right? because you and the witness are so close he told you he didn't want her to have it...but gave it to her anyway)Now, you make a video defending YOURSELF from a quote she made about someone else, you bloody moron. You have got to be the dumbest individual I have ever seen ....

    1. It is people like you that give me the greatest hope for the future of this research. Thank you for seeing this for what it really is - an opportunity to steal from someone who just wants to be left alone.

    2. Two wrongs don't make this right. You, MH, are in the wrong unless you have written proof of the transfer of ownership, and so is Poling for clearly breaching the law. Best all round if you both just stop the nonsense and withdraw the claims. Neither of you have the moral high ground from the evidence presented so far. This is a lose/lose situation and neither of you are smelling like roses right now. You are both doing the BF community a great disservice. It seems that once again, that self centred personal engrandisement is overriding both commonsense and the common good. Pathetic does not even begin to cover it. Somewhere along the way, those involved with this interpersonal rancour, and the asinine bystanders who profanely taunt the two main parties, have lost sight of what we are all striving for here. One thing for sure, it is not about the two main parties. Grow up or go away.

    3. You've missed the point completely Hovey, not surprising though. He was pointing out that you made a copy right claim on something "YOU DIDN'T OWN". You are the thief here. By the way, nice blackmail job on "the witness" , you released it WITHOUT his approval. You're so incompetent, that I wonder how you haven't wandered out in from of traffic yet? Get a life, learn the laws, stop being a hypocrite and a thief. Is this clear enough for you?

  9. One down, one to go :) I love it when the process works right.

    1. Woah! its amazing how proffesional you look, but you are showing your true self, just because others are questioning your photo and your story now they are stealing it, I am really starting to belive you are looking for attention, could it be that soon you will be on TV show and your promoting the hell out of yourself an using a picture that does not belong to you,(or maybe it does belong to you belong to you with the Hollywood connections you have maybe you got a suit and created this whole story) as your evidence to convince the producers of the show you have evidence Bigfoot does exists so you can get a spot on it.

    2. Rest assured, from what I know there is no intention to ever feature Ms.Hovey on my show.

      We have contacted her before, but she has shot us down more then once. Guess she doesn't handle criticism too well. None the less, I have strong doubts about the photo.The whole backround of this photo is very shady, and seems to make Ms.Hovery free from all accusations of hoaxing.


    3. I like how you seem to be happy about this, yet I know that if it was doen to you, you would be foamin at the mouth bitching and whinning about it. This makes you nothing more then a hypocrite who can't take it that you got your ass owned.

      If you don't own the photo, then you don't own the copyright, therefor,you've broken the law.

      So it's nice to see that the criminal, Melissa Hovey, has no shame in what she did.

    4. You've missed the point completely Hovey, not surprising though. He was pointing out that you made a copy right claim on something "YOU DIDN'T OWN". You are the thief here. By the way, nice blackmail job on "the witness" , you released it WITHOUT his approval. You're so incompetent, that I wonder how you haven't wandered out in from of traffic yet? Get a life, learn the laws, stop being a hypocrite and a thief. Is this clear enough for you?

  10. Anon's realize if they aren't willing to put their name behind it, we all accept the word of the one who does, right?

    1. Words do not mean anything with out proof, what true proof anyone has of what they claim, Everyone has a story here. Hovey shows a ambiguos picture and now she is the pillar of truth and the American way. But when did it became wrog to question some one's story, samething with the Phil guy, we can all question his motives, but the only difference i saw he was just looking for answers. So who is right and who is wrong and Anon @2:40 no need for those words man, you could have gotten your point across with out them. Ms Hovey you want to end this debate bring the proof that you supposed witness has or your trying to get, if not then take a chill pill and rethink you logic, because you and your American Bigfoot Society do not own that photo like your claiming, you stated this in your own blog correct?

  11. Melissa take a long walk off a short pier !

  12. Melissa please go away! You give BF research a bad name!

  13. I dislike both parties involved. These internet celebrities like Hovey and Poling should both shut up and go away.

  14. Was that really matt moneymaker?

  15. Hovey's argument "I stole the copyrights to that picture before you stole it, so that makes it mine!"

    You are a horrible, shallow empty person Melissa Hovey. Your presence in the Bigfoot community is a terrible terrible shame. People like you are the reason that the community is treated so poorly. You are a con artist, a hoaxer and not very smart either.... It;s kind of laughable honestly..... But that's the average Bigfooter for you. Not too bright, in it for themselves (either via $$$$ attention or both)

    You strike me more as the attention starved type. Good luck with that

  16. Sigh, just go away, lady.

    Take your hoax pic with you.


    Back to what's really interesting...

    What's Rick Dyer up to, today?


    Oh, and go MM!!! Please don't give in to this attention-seeker's sad little schemes, keep her off the show.

  17. If only Bigfoot was in charge of the copyright office. He'd sort this mess out.

  18. If the photo is copyrighted to Melissa Hovey, it would be nice to show a PDF of the copyright form.
    If the owner of the photo sold it or gave it to Melissa, wouldn't that show on the copyright form? The original owners name could be redacted.
    If the copyright form just shows Ms. Hovey's name as sole creator and copyright claimant, than that indeed would be fraud and theft, would it not?
    I try not to take sides until one side is proven to be deceitful.
    This is the time for Melissa to show the form or back away. Then we will know who is being truthful.
    I will not accept a "take my word for it" answer.
    Show the copyright form showing you have legal ownership, as well as a transfer to you from the photo owner.
    Any forms shown separately would obviously be considered suspect and not valid.
    What do you say Ms. Hovey?

    1. My point: http://youtu.be/afR1zAM6GIs

      Thanks SWP

    2. Awesome reaction. Demand only facts and the truth will be left standing. Bigfootery bullies beware.


    3. Online records indicate she filed for a copyright claim on the photo, on Feb 27th. The Copyright is in her name, not the American Bigfoot society. It would be interesting to note if she claimed the photo as her own material. Either way filing a DMCA take down notice on a video you did not produce, containing a 2 sec clip is not grounds for copyright infringement. Counter notifications have been filed, and that video will be up again on SuperSoylent2's YouTube channel. SWO

  19. He said, She said. He did that, she did this. And you both are professional what? Cry babies!

    Does it really matter who owns the copy right? Only if you plan on benefiting financially from it. I wish you both would concentrate on finding REAL proof rather then trying to "one up"each other. The only losers here are the big foot community. You both make other researchers look bad.

  20. Can't we all just get along!Bigdad.

  21. Afraid to show your face Phil? Grow a set and step out of the shadows..this isn't the CIA. At least Melissa shows who she is. LOLOLOL

    1. I see his face very clearly on his facebook channel and he appeared in one of the TeamTazer videos. You're an idiot.

  22. Bigfoot nerds.

    Take a step back and have a think what you are doing with your lives.

  23. Everyone here is a idiot.....Who gives a fuck about a fake picture...U can do this when Dyer drags a body out of the woods.........go bigfoottracker.com

  24. Since when does the copywrite of a costume have value??

  25. BF Celebrity Deathmatch Round 1 ~ SnowWalker vs. Freezer Boy, Round 2 Melissa "The Haymaker" Hovey vs. Bravo Boy and Phil "The Pitbull" Poling, Round 3? Any takers?

  26. The photo in SuperSoylent's video did have copyright2012 by SuperSoylent but it's obviously a joke because SuperSoylent is a moniker, not a real person. It would be no different than putting Copyright by Batman or Homer Simpson.

  27. It really is very funny that this d bag is coming on here and posting numerous comments attacking Hovey under the persona anonymous. its obvious its you and your friends doin it you jack ass. This site and its topics get picked apart often but it gets really obvious when someone is just attacking someone to try and make them look bad. And thats what your doing pure and simple. No one believes that it is anyone other than you and your crack head friends trying to discredit her claims. Dont worry, your name will never be remembered for anything under than the crap stain it is.

    1. Are you serious, did'nt Hovey do the same last time with this Phil guy when Shawn posted the article about Hovey, her and friends actually was the ones on here bulling anyone tha had a opinion not just the people she thinks are her nemesis. Any one that had a opinion she blasted,some comments against here were out of line but she and her frinds also did the same liek little children, look at the old post on here and get the facts.So she is not as nice as your portraying her.

    2. Bullying? Did the girls gang up on you and only you? Bullying is not what I call what happened, I call it giving back what one gets.

      I don't know Melissa but I will defend the underdog when the attacks are horrible and profane.

      There are ways to question and debate without going to the gutter. Believe it or not sometimes in the past we have had those kinds of debates here.

      It's easy to sit behind anonymous and cowardly attack others. I agree with Anonymous at 8:05pm
      many of these posts are by the same person with the same intent and sometimes that backfires.

      Why can't more of us be like SasquaiNation and say what one has to say in a respectful way? He has questions but doesn't stoop to gutter talk.

      Where's that guy that's got the program that tells who's making what posts? Last time he shared with us exactly who was posting and gave us the real name.

      I sure wish we had spell check here cause some people need it including me.

    3. Most be Hovey or one of her friends making a crude attack under an annonymous name... :)

  28. if someone gives you possession of a picture of a tiger,deer,bear,etc... and you take it and get a copyright on the picture and use it commercially,
    that would make you a thief ? man, some people are as
    as a door knob. You listen to a nitt-witt who thinks
    he knows the owner of the picture, if he did, why doesn't he have his own copy and a release from the owner? Wake the fuck up! and get your head out of your ass !!

  29. You can't legally copyright someone else's work, unless you are either the employer of the person who created the work or you have inherited the work (in a will, etc.) Hovey has admitted she does not own the photograph, admits she applied for a copyright on material that doesn't belong to her and released it without the owner's consent. There is no copyright for "2012 Bigfoot Photo" and there were only three copyrights with keyword Bigfoot for 2012. While she may have applied for a copyright, she hasn't been granted one. What she is doing is unethical and illegal. I cannot trust her.

    1. She's smart, too. All truth and common sense in a concise nutshell.

    2. Take note of this woman, Hovey. She is smarter than a 5th grader and thats something that Hovey is NOT. Hovey has missed the point completely, although, it's not surprising. He was pointing out that you made a copy right claim on something "YOU DIDN'T OWN". YOU are the THIEF here Hovey. By the way, nice blackmail job on "the witness", you released it WITHOUT his/her consent and put a false copyright on something you did not own.You're so incompetent that I wonder how you haven't wandered out in from of traffic yet? Get a life, learn the laws, stop being a hypocrite and a thief. Is this clear enough for you?

  30. Funny how Hovey can't take (or in this case, even recognize) a joke, or see the valid point he was making with that joke. Do some research Melissa, that's what the dude does - makes bigfoot community-related points with humor.

    And so she blindly treats it seriously as "theft" instead of seeing the point being made or recognizing that her hands are not clean either as far as slapping on copyrights to others' work goes.

    As I understand it the guy who gave the pic to her told her NOT to publish it, and has not been heard of for 4 years, so she released it anyhow cause it was getting hard to keep her word to him after so long a time. She did not ask him if she could copyright it, or communicate with him about releasing it now in any way, she just did it. Is this scenario in any way incorrect?

  31. Well, I see I had no reply to my queries from Ms. Hovey. I wonder why that is.
    I thought I posed valid solutions to an ongoing problem, and stated my queries respectfully.

    1. You did SN very respectfully as I stated above in my last post where I used you as an example of not stooping to the gutter level by being respectful and providing good example.

      Hope you didn't mind? :)

  32. I’m not going to come here and attack Ms. Hovey. That would be pointless and would serve no purpose. But I am certainly allowed to defend my position and state facts.
    1. I have never made any claim to the photo. Period.
    2. The photo was briefly used in my video as parody and commentary that is guaranteed as my right under the DMCA fair use act.
    3. Ms. Hovey filed two separate DMCA complaints against my videos.
    4. I filed a counter notice on both of her complaints.
    5. It is now up to her whether to file a law suit against me in Federal Court or to take no further action. It’s up to her.
    6. If she files a suit then it will be up to her as the plaintiff in the case to show evidence that she is the owner of said property. I don’t believe she can do that.
    7. She must also show evidence that I have violated the DMCA if she is able to show her ownership.
    8. I will then present my defense under Fair Use for parody and commentary.
    9. A copyright attorney charges anywhere from 80 to 100 dollars per hour for their services.
    10. The standard copyright trial runs in the neighborhood of 100,000 dollars.
    11. If she is shown to not have just cause in the case, it will be dismissed.
    12. It is my right to counter file against her for the recompense of my legal fees and other encumbrances.
    13. No one wins in these cases. Aside from the great amount of time involved, there can also be a great deal of stress and anxiety.
    Many will say “All of this over a stupid photo” and they would be right. However; since I now take it as a free speech issue and a denial of my rights, I have no choice but to counter file to protect them. For me; this is not about the photo. I now leave it up to her to decide if she feels she has incurred a loss equal to a battle in court. Until her decision is made I have been advised by counsel to not have any direct communications with Melissa what so ever.

    1. Phil, if she is stupid enough to take this to court, then please make her pay tremendously for it. I thoroughly respect your stance her and believe you are well within the laws of the fair use act. Personally, I feel that she'll waste a bunch of time and money (for your legal fees) when you counter-sue her. Make her pay Phil, make her pay and put her in her place.

  33. I also would like to explain my use of the photo in my video and the accusation that I had stolen it. In my video, I had taken the basic photo I had found on line and place this tag at the bottom. “copyright 2010 by SuperSoylent”.
    For those of you out there who are using this to call me names, I really need to point out some basic legal principals here. SuperSoylent is a non-entity. It’s just a character name on Youtube. SuperSoylent does not exist as a legal name. SuperSoylent can’t have a driver’s license, own a house or buy a car. SuperSoylent has no SSN number or voter registration card. And this is the most important part. SuperSoylent can’t own a copyright on anything. This was parody that criticized the original posting of the photo with a copyright for the ABS. This copyright claim was just as useless as mine. I can’t find where the ABS has a legal right to own anything. I can find no listing for the ABS as a legal association or corporation anywhere. That’s the point. I have never distributed, attempted to sell or given the photo to anyone. My use of the photo in and of itself is perfectly fine since it appears on many sites, vlogs and blogs elsewhere.
    Of course this won’t stop someone from calling me names and that’s fine. I really don’t care.

  34. @MH, well I guess you haven't been paying attention then; I have been telling people for over a year now of the time I saw Tom Biscardi Steal a photo and claim it as his for a newspaper article... The photo is now on his website correctly labeled to Bigfootwest.com (now defunt). I'm betting the White Mountain News paper that the story appeared in, May/june 2009 still has the story though... Biscardi did this and then winked at Myself, Javabob, Rob Price and Steve Dismore. It was my first with him in the field and the last time I trusted him... BTW: the photo I believe is of no value... However he tried to claim it... I let Steve K know about this over 2 yrs ago now...

  35. Rob is still with Tom so I doubt he'll admit to the story, I believe Javabob is also still with Biscardi so he won't either; he's still listed as VP of SFBI. Steve Dismore however never got paid for that trip and will probably tell what he saw, if he remembers... Then of course there's the owner of the photo... Tom used the photo on his site for a while too, then correctly labeled it for Bigfoot west...

    Not paying Steve Dismore is the same as stealing too, if you ask me...


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