Listen to one of the creepiest "Bigfoot howls" that was mysteriously removed from the BFRO's Facebook page (Update #3)

Bigfoot vocalizations are a dime a dozen and they're not difficult to find if you know how to look for them. Once in a while, if we're lucky, someone comes along and shares something so creepy that it makes the hairs on our neck stand up. According to Facebook user, Aspen Squatch, a "Bigfoot" vocalization audio was originally posted on the BFRO's Facebook page yesterday and for no known reason, the thread got removed.

Aspen Squatch claims this to be "the greatest four minutes of bigfoot howls ever recorded" and no one knows for sure who recorded them. Listen below:

[Update] According to the Facebook post, the audio file above is called the "Minnesota Howls".

[Update #2] A person named Andy P., a Minnesota Bigfoot researcher left us a comment about the recording:

Good morning. That is quite the spirited discussion you guys are having.

My name is Andy P., I am a squatch researcher in MN. I am one of the people researching this recording. I thought I should come on here and give you a little background on this, now that it is public. First, I apologize that this got made public the way that it did. We submitted the audio to an audio expert friend who, through a miscommunication about the wishes of the witness and his excitement about the recording, shared it with the internal BFRO Investigator's Chat board before we had fully vetted this recording or finished our investigation into the location which is still progressing.

I confess, I am very disappointed that someone in the BFRO chose to break their NDA and disclose this file here, even after it was made clear that this is copyrighted material and that the owner did not want it made public at this time. It seems that the integrity of the BFRO investigators is continuing to slide, and I am sorry to see it happening. If you are a BFRO Investigator, please consider how breaking witness confidence and wishes like this undermines your credibility with other witnesses.

Oh well, cats out, not going to shove it back in now. So here is a little background. The audio was recorded in the early morning hours using a Sony PCM-M10 recorder on March 15, 2012. The person who got the recording has been researching in northern MN for years. He obtained permission to place the recorder from a land owner in a location where vocalizations had been heard. He's been setting the recorder out and leaving it all night (yes, the stick snapping you hear is something unknown moving around the recorder and not the witness moving; he was not present during the event). He's literally recorded and listened to days’ worth of recordings from this area.

The location is a wooded habitat broken with large bogs and streams. We are currently studying this area more in depth, placing a few other recorders around the area. We have managed to record a few more vocalizations as well.

When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, the witness, and the location, we will be posting the recording in full. We are currently creating a site specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence like this with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a site like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

Thank you,

Andy P.

[Update #3] The audio file has been removed from SoundCloud due to copyright complaint against the uploader.


  1. It's odd they'd remove this.

    1. Fatt Moneymaker must be trying to live up to his name by trying to find a way to monetize this.

      Fuck BFRO. Stop censoring! Put up or STFU, Matt.

  2. What evidence do they have that this is a bigfoot howl?

    1. One thing would be that no known animal can produce this volume so I'd say that possibility is out.

    2. But you can't know what the original volume was? It can be turned up prior to the recording of the play back recording on this page.

    3. How did you measure the volume? What is the decibel level? What was the distance of the recording from the source? Unless you have the answer to these questions, you don't know what the actual volume is.

      The loudest land mammal is a howler monkey, which can produce howls upwards of 100 decibels and can be heard up to 3 miles away. They can be deafening at a range of a few feet.

      Grey wolves also make extremely loud howls, and can be heard 9-10 miles away.

      But you're right, I'm sure this audio with no known source is a mythical apeman.

    4. The loudest animal in the world is the sperm whale. The sperm whale is able to emit the loudest sound of any animal that has ever lived. So, loud that it is used to stun its prey (giant squid) and loud enough to kill a human.

      This has nothing to do with bigfoot, but it's cool. So, I added it here.

    5. He is also the stickiest animal in the world.

  3. I have to admit. That's quite impressive to say the least.

  4. It's gonna be interesting to read what people say about the origins of these howls. I'm not an outdoor adventurist, but I cant imagine what else could make these sounds. It's a shame that there is no background info.

    1. Werewolf howl? Chupacabra howl? Normal known animal with a rare vocal condition howl? Hoaxed howl?

    2. That does not sound like what we hear around here... But Minn is also "Dogman" country.

      As for your decibel level, No way of knowing. But you can tell by the guy who is recordings foot steps that these howls are both near and far.

    3. Have heard anyone USE the DOGMAN in quite awhile. Seems wishful thinking although - very cool. What if?

  5. Jurassic park. Seriously, someone is awful lonely.

    1. Nah, there are people here who aren't outdoorsmen who have no idea what else this could be other than bigfoot. Therefore it couldn't be a soundclip from a movie. Afterall, people who aren't outdoorsman know what an authentic bigfoot howl when they hear one.

    2. Anon in Tx

      It was pulled for a reason and will be made available in the near future. There is a solid history/story behind the vocalizations and many feel like it is some of the best audio to date.

    3. I know what a Bigfoot scream sounds like. And I'm sure you don't know shit so why don't you bounce 451. I'VE BEEN SCREAMED AT SO I GUESS I'M THE FREAKING EXPERT HERE!

    4. Why did you think you were screamed at by a bigfoot?

    5. Im with Leon here. I've also heard similar sounds, but not for such a long period of time. Can I be sure it was squatch? I suppose not, accept it was followed by a bowling ball sized rock thrown from at least 100 yards, oh wait that could have been that mysterious crew that goes to remote places with a catapult and runs around in monkey suits at speeds faster than any human. The excuses are pathetic. Im not saying every weird scream is squatch, but it doesn't mean that some of them aren't. I've said it a million times Get Off Your Butts and look for them yourselves!

    6. You are making it up for attention, bless yer heart

    7. Myself and the other guy have shot and killed every known type of animal in the area. The volumn was 10 fold the power of any known animal in texas/ok area.
      Made us run like a couple school girls.

  6. Last year I was in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest in Washington state. When it's overcast like the day I was there, this has to be one of the most dense, creepiest forests on earth.

    My brother can do this "bigfoot howl" that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up. When he did this howl in the Gifford Pinchot Forest, it is absolutely incredibly eerie how this sound carries in that forest.

    I am telling you, these sounds can be made(and perhaps were made)by people making howling noises, possibly through a plastic or carboard tube of some sort. It may seem hard to believe, but human howls in that forest (and probably others)can be made to sound exactly like this.

    1. I agree. This doesn't sound out of the human range.

    2. I agree. When you play it back, try to match the pitch and sound of the howls. I have no trouble doing this, and most folks (unless they have a very low bass voice) will also have no trouble doing it.

      These are most likely people trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

    3. you're standing in your house howling? I bet your neighbors think you're a wierdo.

    4. Yeah, they called the cops. When I told the cops that I was doing bigfoot howls, the next thing I know I'm being tazed.

    5. If you're not careful next you'll be shot and killed doing that.

    6. so we can prove you exist

  7. wow what a discovery, of the century, it sounds like a coup of Bigfoots howling

  8. Who needs Ketchum and her DNA now, this is the smoking gun! Schedule the press confeence stat this is a major brakethru.

  9. This could also have been done in a home recording studio. Babbling brook sound on one track, messing with the buttons on a recorder sounds dubbed on a second track, and howls with reverb on additional tracks.

    The fact that no one knows (at least at this point) who recorded this and where, this is yet another entirely inconclusive and irrelevant piece of bigfoot evidence.

    1. Didn't you see above? This was pulled for a reason, there's a history behind it, and many believe its some of the best audio to date! If that doesn't convince you, nothing will.

    2. Amazing how the great skeptical minds will come up with all the explanations, when they know no normal animal have rare vocal conditions like that. At least not too likely. Plastic or cardboard tubes, take a break.

      Must be a world record in the loudest sounds ever because tubes don't carry noise very far. No one's saying it's confirmed those are bigfoot howls, you almost stating this can be read as diversion techniques.

      Snap out of the pleasant state of denial you guys splash around in hoping it's anything but sasquatch, you sound like scared old ladies that way when all you just might be are forest officials doing the routine trolling misinformation act.

    3. @Anon 9:16

      Your mom screams louder than that. Then again, she is pretty hairy, so maybe it is a bigfoot.

    4. Some of you people seemingly don't know what can be done nowadays with a laptop and recording software.

      The volume can be easily manipulated prior to recording what you hear on this page.

      Some of you people want to make a bigfoot out of everything. The far more likely explanation is that this was done by human beings and that it is another in a very long line of bigfoot related hoaxes. That's far more likely than sasquatch howls, howls recorded at an unknown location by an unknown person.

    5. A bigfoot specimen would convince me. I might even be convinced by a good close photo or non-blurry close range footage. However, there is nothing here that would lead me to believe that these are not humans making these noises.

    6. "Some of you people" are not as silly as others. Of course no one knows for sure what made this but I must say the duration is impressive and not like any human attempt at such a call I have ever heard. Just enjoy it and then go change your diapers. If you have not experienced anything like this in the wilderness you are not in a position to comment. The night seems to alter sound and bring it closer and make it louder. Great for an adrenalin rush, especially when it comes from no other animal you know of and all the humans in the forest are standing beside you. Facts before fiction guys. Of course we damned well know we can't prove this comes from a BF but it is a load of fun to ponder. Beats lying on a damned couch staring at a screen all day. "Some of you people" need to get out more often, in the dark, in a remote forest. You think this is a hoax? Well then, why not damned well go and produce your own example to show how it is done. We'd love to hear them. Take up the challenge or POQ.

    7. The length of sounds can be easily altered using modern digital recording software. I could make a recorded bigfoot howl last five minutes straight or longer if desired.

    8. Enough with the "I could". Just do it!

    9. Some of you people want to make everything but Bigfoot out of it.

  10. Replies
    1. They probably have Internet hook-up and read all the negative crap about them here.

  11. The reason this recording was pulled is because it was not supposed to be released yet as it is being copywrited. It will be available in the complete recording at that time. The person who had posted it on the BFRO website did not have permission to do so.

    1. Copyright! Red flag. Someone is trying to make money. It's a hoax.

    2. "Copywrite" as in to write advertisements?

      Or "copyright" as in to retain exclusive rights to a produced work?

    3. Just because someone is trying to make money, does not mean it's a hoax. I don't care how much of a Commie you are, if ANY of you had some sort of definitive proof of sasquatch, I doubt you will just turn it over free of charge. You would milk it for all it's worth and you know it.

  12. If this is legitimate, The shear volume puts it beyond human capability. The tonal inflections and the multitude of sound sources (multiple subjects) makes this recording seem natural in origin, but without a back story, it is mere speculation at this point. The start and stop nature of the recording does lend to credibility. Most people hoaxing would not go to such lengths to produce such a natural sounding recording and cut out needless sections. Also, the length of the recording lends to legitimize the recording as well. IMO, of course. Haters Engage!

    1. No I agree, it could be the real thing. Besides, it's almost impossible for someone to come forward and prove they made it anyway, anyone could have these sounds now which again proves confessions are useless and bring you nowhere these days.

    2. What is the volume and how did you measure it?

    3. Why does the volume change? It starts out very quiet, almost inaudible. If this is a bigfoot howling loudly, it must have been very far away in the beginning of the recording.

      The recording stops, and then the volume changes. The recording stops again, and then it gets very loud when it comes back.

    4. Lol! Haters Engage. Like it.

    5. "AnonymousMay 2, 2012 09:59 PM
      Why does the volume change? It starts out very quiet, almost inaudible. If this is a bigfoot howling loudly, it must have been very far away in the beginning of the recording.

      The recording stops, and then the volume changes. The recording stops again, and then it gets very loud when it comes back."

      Listen closely, you hear background noise as well as the guy who is recording it walking around. It goes silent because the recording stops (No more background noise) This is not one thing on the recording, it is multiple things from different distances. This makes it more legit to me than a Laptop or studio. lol You hear crickets and footsteps. So you can judge how far away and how loud the sounds are from the recorder. The recorder was probably shut off when the sounds stopped.This could have been hours or days apart, We don't know.

      But.. If this is so easy to do with a Laptop, or tube, By all means... DO IT!!! lol If it's so easy to replicate it, the DO IT!!! Post the link and show us.

    6. Obviously it's been edited for time reasons, that's all.

  13. Without background info, there's no reason to get excited. For all we know, this could have been made in a recording studio.

    I would like to point out however, this sounds nothing like a Matt Moneymaker howl therefore it must be a hoax.

  14. Moneymaker was probably embarrassed to hear himself recorded.

    1. Moneymaker couldn't come close to that. His calls just sound like a guy traipsing through the woods barfing out indiscriminate noise.

    2. I think Moneymaker was livid because he didn't get his grubby little paws on this first.

  15. The volumn is absolutly as loud as you imagine here. It vibrated your body to the core.
    The tones are right plus alot more. They can go totally shrill high pitch like a woman scream, howler monkey.

    I have know idea wether this is true or not, but the potential exist based on pitch and volumn to be real.

    Now, all you ass hole ANONA'S and na sayer's, there is one identifiable concern for me with this. There is something they normally do that they didn't do here. So lets see which one of you numb nuts can identify whats missing????

    It still dosen't proove it is or isn't a bigfoot, but there is something missing, come on all you smart asses. Lets see who can point it out?

    1. They forgot to pause in between to say "Leon needs to learn to spell" asked for smart ass!

    2. I honestly don't know enough about a speculated animal to know what "they normally do". I give up.

    3. What they "normally" do? According to who? Native Americans? Melba Ketchum? Roger Patterson? MK Davis? Any number of different BFRO reports? They all attribute mutually exclusive attributes to the same alleged species, which ones do we pick? Tall and ape-like? Small and human-like? Brown, red, black, grey, or white-haired? Camera shy and intelligent, or slowly walking across an open field being filmed by two cowboys? Tell us, Leon, what do they "normally" do?

    4. thats the point, it isn't speculated. Plenty of us have been screamed at!
      Plenty of us have seen one.

      I'll tell you what, go to, go to the audio page, this page is funny, it will try and load all 6 audio streams and play them together. Just turn all 6 off and turn on the one you want to hear.
      You should discover what I'm talking about in 4/6 files.

      You really have to listen to the middle file in the right hand column, turn your volumn all the way up and wait tell the end. You will hear the guys "bark" calling, but they must have said something about Squatches MaMa by accident, see what happens, you wont be dissapointed.
      This clip does not contain your clue though. You-all should really listen to all 6 of these if you havn't.



    6. And you do understand the full context of the word "normally?"

    7. You can use as many capital letters and bad words and as much name calling as you'd like, Leon, there's still 0 credible evidence for bigfoot


    8. Oh go away 451. You spend every waking moment commenting on this blog. If you're such a skeptic why do you spend so much time reading about things you don't believe in? Because you're a troll. You're just looking for a argument. Get a life.

    9. Who says they are all the same Species?

      And this thing does not sound nothing like what I heard. Not even close. Nor did what my mother heard and saw compare to what I heard. My experience was here in Washington, hers was in Missouri. The sound-byte "Puyallup Screamer" was exactly the same as what I heard. I played that for my mother and she told me the sound the thing that she had seen made, was a more lower toned guttural base that turned in to a high pitched shriek. Completely different from the "Woo Woo" sound I heard which remained a high pitch.

      Other recordings here in Washington are pretty much the same.

      Minnesota is also Dogman country.. Maybe this could be those. Keep in mind, that like Sasquatch, people claim they see these and pass lie detector tests. I do not rule out that they could exist. The most recent Cryptid that was confirmed was a little furry man who lived in trees in Australia... Now it is confirmed (it was a wired type of snub nosed tree Kangaroo).

      When i first got out of the Army, before I got into Law-Enforcement, I worked as a Dozer Operator (My Army MOS). We were building a pad for a warehouse when the other Dozer Operator hit a sinkhole. As he backed out there was a smashed animal stuck to his track. As we were trying to figure out what it was, four more of them jumped out of the hole and hauled ass. And none of us knew what the hell they were. They were just a little bit bigger than Jack-Rabbits, but had no hair. Infact our first impression was they had no skin, they looked tha silvery bluish color that a freshly skinned animal has. They had ears like a German shepard, big cleft lips like a Jackrabbit, ran like a jackrabbit but had huge ice blue eyes on the sides of their heads. The "Sink hole" was a burrow. What the Hell were they? To this day I do not know.

      Sasquatch is not the only thing out there that is unknown to science. Every year we get animals on the "New Species List". Are they actually new?

      Why does every strange noise you hear have to be Bigfoot?

  16. Dear Lord, Leon, put us out of our misery, and use spellchecker, something, dammit.

    1. Hey, at least he can spell "fuck off" correctly! I guess his mama taught him something after all :)

    2. I never even used that many coma's in one sentence, good job dick!

    3. You mean "commas" not "coma's" right?

    4. Scary to think that after taking my ASVAB, I was offered an open door policy to career choices in any branch, up to and including atom splitting, ya baby!

    5. Now that IS scarey! I think I am happier letting you split infinitives, even with the crappy spelling.

    6. Actually the job offer was for splitting atoms by hand.

    7. Whose on first, what's on second, and I don't know is on third.

    8. Anything, asshole, anything i wanted to do. Yes that fucking smart, so suck on it moron.

      Well back to the point, come on dumb ass know it alls. Whats the answer idiots.

      Come on, I ;m trying to help your argument, I can't believe your so lame you can't get this.

      Man you are really clueless about this topic.

      Maybe you should shut the fuck up until you understand anything about what your saying.

      Better still, go away and don't come back until your worth listening to.

    9. Blah blah blah I'm so smart blah blah you're so stupid, blah blah blah i'm a genius, blah blah bow before my superior intelligence

    10. 451, as a Bigfoot site troll you're an intolerant unfortunate biproduct and not part of any in crowd here - you're a bottom feeder - you don't have any permission whatsoever to act smarty ass.

  17. It sounds like a wolf kind of. at least some of it does.

  18. "Minnesota Howls"? Sounds like a blues singer from the 50's.

  19. Regardless of the dross that has been spouted above, if its true and someone did stand in a wet forest listening to those sounds for an hour, whoever he is, hes a braver man than me, I would have started off by tanning my tweeds and then would have hot tailed it out of there sharpish.......

    1. Thats a fact, and if you had experienced it makes all these people saying it isn't out there, off thier rocker.

  20. listen to these....#6 is cool

  21. That was BOBO doing his SQUATCH howls. Leon, what's missing? IDK and u have my curiosity peaked.

    1. Yes Leon, I can't figure it out either. Please, I won't be able to sleep. John

    2. Ok,------ First I hope all of you went and listened to the audio's

      Second, what I'm saying is proof of nothing, either way. So all you ANONAS CAN SAVE YOUR BREATH.

      why I'm here is to gain information, learn, share, teach. We all know what you WALL UP skeptics think, ok. We don't need to hear it over and over, if you don't believe, thats cool, but there is no point in telling us, because we don't believe either, WE KNOW!

      (By the way, someone above made a small mention about whats MISSING above, good catch)

      Volumn--- as i stated, volumn sounds right, these things can scream way louder than you imagine until you hear it. However, (devils advocate) volumn is not so hard to fake, you could simply mis-state the recording distance and have the mind all twisted or use electronics.
      So, what struck me with every noise here was length (time) of howl. If you listened to the sounds I mentioned, these moaning (type of many)howls are USUALLY (take note ANONA'S) MUCH, MUCH LONGER. It would be way harder to pound out an unreal volumn AND carry it for 7-10 seconds. That takes a massive set of lungs. There is one of those recordings at that i call the train howler that carrys about 10 seconds of very loud moan and then still has the capacity to throw a loud BARK at the tail of the vocalization.

      Is it possible to fake -- yes
      is it probable to fake -- no

      Is it proof ---- no
      Is it eveidence ---- yes

      Volumn x time = Big lungs

      I think they caught a real one, but I don't know.

      If you like a mystery, go to Stan Cortneys (spelling?) site and listen to the recording he made of something running down a road and accross a bridge.

      When you turn up the sound and concentrait on what your hearing, all of a sudden you can hear this massive huffing of the lungs as it runs. Is it a Squatch, don't know, but mighty interesting.
      Oh, what ever it is has a strange, fast, quadrapedal lope.

      Thanks for playing along.

      If you all want to hear it, I know a guy who literally got told to (get the fuck out) over and over, in those exact words! Bob Gimlin (i was told second hand)and a couple other cowboys were told something similar (cursed at / repetativly) a few years back while they were up in the Sierras cowboy'ing.

      There was somthing that happened in both casses that gave it a ring of truth. So you guys want to hear it? I'll right it up and send to Shaun if you guys are down. Heres the deal, the ANON-NUTS will go bonkers, So all my knowledge seeking friends have to agree to pound them when they start thier crap.

      Except, Snowball. He is about to crack. His Scientific mind is compiling the evidence that something just doesn't jive!!!!!

      I keep telling you Snowball, you and D-man and Ro and Shaun come to the Central Valley, Ca. I got three spots Baby.

      Hey Snowball, if you come out, I'm going to take a camera. Mine will be on you the whole time. Cause when the shit goes down, the squatch maybe too fast to get more than a Blobsquatch,

      but the piss running down your leg will show up just fine.

      So the deal is, you have to wear a nice lite colored pair of pants so I get a good video.HA HA HA HA

      Come on Snowball, I keep inviting you! I'm starting to think your scared.

      I got a place where people go to camp and see Biggy, and pack up and go home on the first night. They are NOT friendly, but pissed.

  22. Someone has lost his best friend :(

  23. Listen to 3:40 - 3:46. I really don't think a human can do that. The volume of this thing seem to be insane.

  24. Whatever you do don't send anything to anyone connected to the BFRO. You can't trust them to hold up to their word. That includes witness info. This recording is a perfect example. I am sure this sight is either owned by or closely tied to Matt Moneymaker.

  25. You guys are all sucking into the MM propaganda machine.

  26. All the bitching aside, I consider myself to be a brave man that won't back down from anything/anyone but my mamma. But I gotta give credit where its due. If this is legitimate and not hoaxed, which I don't think it is. Then the guy who recorded this has the BIGGEST SET I have ever heard of. So keep on complaining and trying to prove this as something else but 98% of yall would have tucked tail and ran after these vocals started.

  27. "this was pulled for a reason....there's a history behind it..."

    Maybe the "reason" and the "history" involve recent shooting and killing of a bigfoot? Maybe these are the creepy howls of its family recorded after the incident? Maybe one has ben shot BEFORE all the pro-kill propaganda started, meaning - that's why it started?

  28. I gave it a listen...sounds like Bobo.

  29. bigfoot howls... as much credibility as footprints ie NONE

  30. If this is the real deal, the Bigfoot making these howls sounds as though it is in pain.

  31. Good morning. That is quite the spirited discussion you guys are having.

    My name is Andy P., I am a squatch resercher in MN. I am one of the people researching this recording. I thought I should come on here and give you a little background on this, now that it is public. First, I apologize that this got made public the way that it did. We submitted the audio to an audio expert friend who, through a miscommunication about the wishes of the witness and his excitement about the recording, shared it with the internal BFRO Investigator's Chat board before we had fully vetted this recording of finished our investigation into the location which is still progressing.

    I confess, I am very disappointed that someone in the BFRO chose to break their NDA and disclose this file here, even after it was made clear that this is copyrighted material and that the owner did not want it made public at this time. It seems that the integrity of some of the BFRO investigators is continuing to slide, and I am sorry to see it happening. If you are a BFRO investigator, please consider how leaking information like this against the wishes of a witness makes your organization look in the the eyes of potential witnesses.

    Oh well, cats out, not going to shove it back in now. So here is a little background. The audio was recorded in the early morning hours using a Sony PCM-M10 recorder on March 15, 2012. The person who got the recording has been researching in northern MN for year. He obtained permission to place the recorder from a land owner in a location where vocalizations had been heard. He's been setting the recorder out and leaving it all night (yes, the stick snapping you hear is something unknown moving around the recorder and not the witness moving; he was not present during the event and no one else knew where he had placed it). He's literally recorded and listened to days worth of recordings from this area.

    The location is a wooded habitat broken with large bogs and streams. We are currently studying this area more in depth, placing a few other recorders and cameras around the area. We have managed to record a few more vocalizations as well.

    When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, the witness, and the location, we will be posting the recording in full. We are currently creating a site specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence like this with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a location like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

    Thank you,

    Andy P.

  32. This website pulled or chose not to post a response explaining the recording. Why? Who knows for sure. Maybe because it was critical of the BFRO. That makes you wonder about both the BFRO and this site.

  33. You know how Christians waste their lives believing that there's a man in the sky who guides their choices and protects them from evil? Well, believing in Bigfoot is only slightly less ridiculous than that.

    How much longer will you tolerate the nonsense? The pseudoscience? The blurry videos? The hard evidence that never materializes?

    How many of you go online to defend the existence of a secret gorilla while stuffing your huge maws with processed food? Be honest.

    Okay, I understand: You want to feel special because you're fat. That's fine. But does it have to be a secret gorilla? Or mind-controlling martians? Or spooks whispering into your digital recorders?

    Maybe you should start a social club for fat people then you wouldn't feel so isolate.

    1. Wow and he calls us delusional. LOL

    2. This makes so much sense!
      Or not.

    3. Get lost true troll, you bore us with your wasted time on something you clearly do believe in or too dumb not to and hide it ever so badly.

    4. The truth is out there and you ain't it. Typical gibberish from someone who thinks the highest power in the universe is him or herself.

    5. Sounds like this guy has no friends.

      I for one am not fat, I married a hotty cheerleader and I played college football. I am an avid outsdoorsman with A BS degree in Criminal Justice, an Associates Degree in Police Science and I am working on a Masters in Education. So, I am not a simple minded person.

      Oh, yeah, by the way; I believe in (and serve) God. Further, I know that Sasquatch exist because I had a personal encounter.

      I have come to realize that people who know this creature exists come from all walks of life, backgrounds, etc. Many are college educated, many aren't. Some are Christian, Muslims, athiests, etc.

      In my opinion, those who blantantly refuse to even acknowledge the possible existence of a yet to be "officially" discovered species such as the Sasquatch are simply closed minded. Nothing will change your mind. As for me, nothing will change my mind either. At least we have that in common.


    6. Clothes minded moron troll, GO AWAY! I HAVE HAD PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH SQUATCH, IT IS PART MAN PART REPTOID,IT EXISTS IN THE 6TH DOMENSION! I have personally sen squatch appear out of UFO. Call me a hoaxer, it proves you are clothes minded troll idiot.leave this site to us open minded smart.people who know the truth.

      Me, Leon, Tzieth, and all the good anons kbow the truth and it will all be out very soon. And you will all be proofed wrong. Squatch is real you close minded trolls.

    7. go eat your potato salad!

    8. I would be more open to Bigfoot being real than God!!

  34. I did not post the previous, but is makes a good point. I'm not sure why my post was pulled, but here it is again without the BFRO rebuke:

    Good morning. That is quite the spirited discussion you guys are having.

    My name is Andy P., I am a squatch researcher in MN. I am one of the people researching this recording. I thought I should come on here and give you a little background on this, now that it is public. First, I apologize that this got made public the way that it did. We submitted the audio to an audio expert friend who, through a miscommunication about the wishes of the witness and his excitement about the recording, shared it with the internal BFRO Investigator's Chat board before we had fully vetted this recording or finished our investigation into the location which is still progressing.

    Oh well, cats out, not going to shove it back in now. So here is a little background. The audio was recorded in the early morning hours using a Sony PCM-M10 recorder on March 15, 2012. The person who got the recording has been researching in northern MN for years. He obtained permission to place the recorder from a land owner in a location where vocalizations had been heard. He's been setting the recorder out and leaving it all night (yes, the stick snapping you hear is something unknown moving around the recorder and not the witness moving; he was not present during the event). He's literally recorded and listened to days’ worth of recordings from this area.

    The location is a wooded habitat broken with large bogs and streams. We are currently studying this area more in depth, placing a few other recorders around the area. We have managed to record a few more vocalizations as well.

    When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, the witness, and the location, we will be posting the recording in full. We are currently creating a site specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence like this with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a site like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

    Thank you,

    Andy P.

  35. OK, I've tried several times to post this, but it keep vanishing, not sure why. I'll try again with a name:

    Good morning. That is quite the spirited discussion you guys are having.

    My name is Andy P., I am a squatch researcher in MN. I am one of the people researching this recording. I thought I should come on here and give you a little background on this, now that it is public. First, I apologize that this got made public the way that it did. We submitted the audio to an audio expert friend who, through a miscommunication about the wishes of the witness and his excitement about the recording, shared it with the internal BFRO Investigator's Chat board before we had fully vetted this recording or finished our investigation into the location which is still progressing.

    I confess, I am very disappointed that someone in the BFRO chose to break their NDA and disclose this file here, even after it was made clear that this is copyrighted material and that the owner did not want it made public at this time. It seems that the integrity of the BFRO investigators is continuing to slide, and I am sorry to see it happening. If you are a BFRO Investigator, please consider how breaking witness confidence and wishes like this undermines your credibility with other witnesses.

    Oh well, cats out, not going to shove it back in now. So here is a little background. The audio was recorded in the early morning hours using a Sony PCM-M10 recorder on March 15, 2012. The person who got the recording has been researching in northern MN for years. He obtained permission to place the recorder from a land owner in a location where vocalizations had been heard. He's been setting the recorder out and leaving it all night (yes, the stick snapping you hear is something unknown moving around the recorder and not the witness moving; he was not present during the event). He's literally recorded and listened to days’ worth of recordings from this area.

    The location is a wooded habitat broken with large bogs and streams. We are currently studying this area more in depth, placing a few other recorders around the area. We have managed to record a few more vocalizations as well.

    When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, the witness, and the location, we will be posting the recording in full. We are currently creating a site specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence like this with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a site like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

    Thank you,

    Andy P.

  36. Wow the site pulled the comments again. What are they afraid of?

    1. Not sure. I've tried to post an explanation of the audio and its history and our reasonings for pulling it from the BFRO several times in several forms and all posts have been pulled. I suppose this one will be too...

  37. Good morning. That is quite the spirited discussion you guys are having.

    My name is Andy P., I am a squatch researcher in MN. I am one of the people researching this recording. I thought I should come on here and give you a little background on this, now that it is public. First, I apologize that this got made public the way that it did. We submitted the audio to an audio expert friend who, through a miscommunication about the wishes of the witness and his excitement about the recording, shared it with the internal BFRO Investigator's Chat board before we had fully vetted this recording or finished our investigation into the location which is still progressing.

    I confess, I am very disappointed that someone in the BFRO chose to break their NDA and disclose this file here, even after it was made clear that this is copyrighted material and that the owner did not want it made public at this time. It seems that the integrity of the BFRO investigators is continuing to slide, and I am sorry to see it happening. If you are a BFRO Investigator, please consider how breaking witness confidence and wishes like this undermines your credibility with other witnesses.

    Oh well, cats out, not going to shove it back in now. So here is a little background. The audio was recorded in the early morning hours using a Sony PCM-M10 recorder on March 15, 2012. The person who got the recording has been researching in northern MN for years. He obtained permission to place the recorder from a land owner in a location where vocalizations had been heard. He's been setting the recorder out and leaving it all night (yes, the stick snapping you hear is something unknown moving around the recorder and not the witness moving; he was not present during the event). He's literally recorded and listened to days’ worth of recordings from this area.

    The location is a wooded habitat broken with large bogs and streams. We are currently studying this area more in depth, placing a few other recorders around the area. We have managed to record a few more vocalizations as well.

    When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, the witness, and the location, we will be posting the recording in full. We are currently creating a site specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence like this with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a site like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

    Thank you,

    Andy P.

  38. I've been trying to post a reply all morning, but it keeps getting stripped out. Maybe it is too log, so I am going to post it in series, starting with the next post.

  39. And now I misspell "long." Sorry.

  40. Good morning. That is quite the spirited discussion you guys are having.

    My name is Andy P., I am a squatch researcher in MN. I am one of the people researching this recording. I thought I should come on here and give you a little background on this, now that it is public. First, I apologize that this got made public the way that it did. We submitted the audio to an audio expert friend who, through a miscommunication about the wishes of the witness and his excitement about the recording, shared it with the internal BFRO Investigator's Chat board before we had fully vetted this recording or finished our investigation into the location which is still progressing.

    I confess, I am very disappointed that someone in the BFRO chose to break their NDA and disclose this file here, even after it was made clear that this is copyrighted material and that the owner did not want it made public at this time. It seems that the integrity of the BFRO investigators is continuing to slide, and I am sorry to see it happening. If you are a BFRO Investigator, please consider how breaking witness confidence and wishes like this undermines your credibility with other witnesses.


    1. Part 2:

      Oh well, cats out, not going to shove it back in now. So here is a little background. The audio was recorded in the early morning hours using a Sony PCM-M10 recorder on March 15, 2012. The person who got the recording has been researching in northern MN for years. He obtained permission to place the recorder from a land owner in a location where vocalizations had been heard. He's been setting the recorder out and leaving it all night (yes, the stick snapping you hear is something unknown moving around the recorder and not the witness moving; he was not present during the event). He's literally recorded and listened to days’ worth of recordings from this area.

      The location is a wooded habitat broken with large bogs and streams. We are currently studying this area more in depth, placing a few other recorders around the area. We have managed to record a few more vocalizations as well.


    2. Part 3:

      When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, the witness, and the location, we will be posting the recording in full. We are currently creating a site specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence like this with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a site like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

      Thank you,

      Andy P.

    3. Thanks a bunch Andy, and I can not say how appreciative I am (and I know I speak for many others) that you will be putting it out for free.

      You have just confirmed everything I thought about this recording when I listened to it this morning with bose speakers and Koss headphones. The recording blows me away, and I must say it is the most impressive recording of a Bigfoot clan I have ever heard since the Sierra Recordings.

      Between your updates on this and the newly discovered and casted Oregon trackway analysis in Cliff's possession it looks like an eventful summer.


    4. Weird, my last post just vanished.

    5. Our pleasure Alpha Dog.


    6. Part 3:

      When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, we will be posting it in full. We are currently creating a website specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it to had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a location like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

    7. Of course all those clinically addicted to skepticism think it's a forest cow or something, or maybe a wounded white mountain biker in distress. Bicycles are the latest rage apparently, especially those you can't see but you can definitely hear their chain being pulled. Joking aside, this recording is really amazing and a good guess is it's indeed a few squatches interacting.

    8. Andy do u use K2 meters to research? Us open minded cryptozoologist research scientists know that squatch is psychic beings and have UFO connections, unlike the close minded troll skeptics. These howl recordings are clearly using some type of ET tech to project the sounds, do you agree? I hope so, otherwise you are close minded troll skeptic. Have you contacted university scientist? This recording proves the squatch/ET connection, please have university made aware of.this. major breakthrough.

      Don't be a close.minded site troll skeptic troll. Squatches are ETs. This proves it.

    9. Im open minded about your theory, but do you have a clear photo of a UFO? Any type of empirical evidence? BTW, we are still waiting on the dna study by your so-called alien scientists that proves bigfoot is real.

  41. I'll try it again:

    When we have completed our investigation and have FULLY vetted this recording, the witness, and the location, we will be posting the recording in full. We are currently creating a site specifically for the purpose of sharing evidence like this with the community at large, free of charge. I expect that we will have a copy of the original unedited file, the enhanced version posted here (the audio expert we gave it had, I believe, cleaned up a lot of the background noise in this version), as well as several smaller clips from it that can be downloaded and used for call blasting. We'll also present a much more detailed account of the recording and a critical analysis of it and the other recordings we are getting. Again, we have no intention to charge for any of this, so anyone claiming that it was pulled because someone wants money is pushing BS. It just takes time to investigate a site like this and to also build the infrastructure for the new website we are developing to host and share evidence. Please bear with us, we hope to have all this available by midsummer.

    Thank you,

    Andy P.

  42. You need to losen the aluminum foil around your head a bit. I think it is cutting off the blood flow.

  43. IT'S a DOG HOWLING someone slowed the tape then speed it up...LOL

  44. It matches other sounds, so why not? It's not like it proves anything if it's really bigfoot anyhow. Taking the effort to debunk it is silly, since it doesn't matter either way. It is just a cool set of sounds, sounding similar to other supposed bigfoot howls. That's all it will ever be.

  45. Whatever this is, I didn't feel scared. These howls gave me a peaceful feeling, like meditation.

  46. Thanks for the info, Andy! Glad we're not stuffing the cat back in the bag!!!
    When I'm not checking up on online BF news, I enjoy my FIRST LOVE, which is writing and recording music. I have been processing digital audio for over a decade and me 'ear' is really good at picking out artifacts like compression attack/release, pitch-correction/shifting, harmonic vs square-wave distortion (clipping), time-streaching, dither & digital wave-reduction etc... (you know, the stuff you try and hide in your own mixes!)
    I hear a clipping distortion (could be the device's gain was set too high or they attempted to make the audio too loud in production) and a low bit mp3 effect on the high frequencies (could be the device was set to a low bit rate for storage reasons or uploaded from a smaller file or could just be soundcloud's reduction codec for streaming file size).
    That being said, I do not hear any pitch-shifting artifacts or oddly out of phase frequencies in the background hiss that you would expect if one track was slowed and played with another full speed track.
    And yes, after people's accusations of this being an altered recording, I listened to this on reference monitors that cost more than my computer. My opinion is that it has not been altered in pitch or time and was likely only a single audio file.
    It HAS been compressed and noise reduced A LOT! Maybe too much... no offense.
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. Thank you David. I really appreciate your comments. I just listened to this version myself now for the first time and was surprised how different it feels from the untouched version I've been studying. As I said, eventually, we'll post the untouched version for everyone to have a go at in its entireity. Just give us the time to build a home for it and what we hope will be a lot of other clips and such. :)

    2. Patience is not abundant around here, LOL! I look forward to hearing the full, un-processed, unfiltered audio and will do my personal best to be patient. ;)
      David from the PAC/NW
      PS- if you'd like any help with transparent processing, leveling and overall output, Shawn knows how to get ahold of me...

  47. Andy - not sure if you addressed this yet, as this is a huge page to read - but it may be worthwhile to note that it may not have been a BFRO investigator that leaked this, as it was publically accessible for a short time.
    Tyler H

    1. No it was not a BFRO investigator that leaked it (which is technically illegal) it was Amber (or whatever her name is) from oregon Bigfoot. But it was on a BFRO Facebook page to start with. Sounds like a matter of trust.

    2. Thank again. I can't say it enough, I am truly sorry for blaming the BFRO and for what I said. I apologize on the other two pages but forgot about this one. I'll say it as much as necessary though. The information I had when I posted that was dead wrong. I know better now and I am very sorry. Please BFRO, Matt, and investigators accept my apology and retraction.

  48. I'm no professional but it does sound wolf like. I'm not ruling out sasquatch, though. Definitely eerie, whatever it is.

  49. Was anyone lucky enough to download this before they took it off and if so could you email it to me... Thank you kindly

  50. For the record, it was introduced to the public mistakenly by the person that Andy P. gave it to analyze the sound.. First on his blog site, then on his Facebook page, and lastly on the BFRO FB page.
    When learning the mistake was made, out of respect for the investigators that recorded it, The post was promptly deleted. (I know because I'm the one that deleted it.) It was not done out of malice or deceit, but out of over-enthusiasm for their incredible recording. Apologies were made and recordings were deleted. I know for a fact M.M> hasn't even heard as of yet, so please do not point fingers and make accusations that is unwarranted.
    Ron Boles
    BFRO of the Ozarks
    BFRO F.B. Admin.

    1. Thanks Ron! I'm trying to apologize for my comments as best I can. I made those comments about the BFRO based on information that turned out to not be true. I am sorry that I placed the blame on the BFRO ant its investigators. Please guys and gals at the BFRO, accept my apology for those remarks.



  51. Andy P., why does the volume change over time. Over how many days was this recorded?

    1. I volume changes because, we believe that there are callers close to the mike and another group a ways off. Also, the way it was broken and edited accounts for this as well.

      The actual clip is a 20 to 30 minute segment from a 20+ hour recording session. It happened at around 4:30 am if I remember right, but don't quote me on that as I don't have all the information with me here.

  52. Lots of people are stating lots of things. And the fact is most of what I have read here is not based in facts. Just like Andy P giving to someone to review. That is not fact. Andy P is involved in the recording with a small group of us. We ask a gentleman to review it for us and it mistakenly got out. As Andy stated earlier we just wanted to review it completely and check it against other recordings we have obtain from the same area. When we were complete with our review we plan on a full write up and allowing anyone and everyone to listen, record, download or whatever they want completely free of charge. When we do we hope we will answer all the questions about the recordings other then the exact location. Please be patient.

  53. you might want to look into all the scientists who are signing on to intelligent design as being more likely than evolution, it's happening in the thousands.
    Many don't realize that even Darwin Started whith a living cell and mutated it, he never explained THE BEGENGING.
    He also basically denonced his own theory by the time he passed.

    Have you ever looked into the asstonishing proportional relationship of the size of the moon, earth, sun, and orbits. There are things that happen in life process'es that could not happen if these relationships and cycles did not exist. It seems well beyound random.
    But the Bible say's, some do not have eyes to see or ears to hear. Kick the dust off and walk from them

    we will all be dstened to our beliefs one way or another.

    Some who believe in the vast nothingness and shear random chance occurance----- billions x billions of times. (evolution).

    Others who believe in the creator of the universe, the father of life, the Alfa and Omega. The one who first claimed his name was I AM!

    One belief has very negative consequences if your wrong.

    1. with
      My spelling sucks, typing too.

  54. This recording was removed from the BFRO because is not owned by Matt Moneymaker or the BFRO. The recording was recorded by a man from Minnesota. This recording is 100% real as I have copy of this recording. It is owned and copyrighted by three individuals who will remain nameless for the time being. The recording will be released on a new web site that is being developed by a new group of Bigfoot Researchers and Investigators. The information that you will see on this site will be very credible and available for sharing with other bigfoot groups and researchers. This recording is better than the old Sierra Sounds, and will be available again shortly for people to hear. My advice to all you is to hold on to your hats. All good things come to those who wait, but it will be worth it. The copied recording I have is 24 minutes long, but the original is much longer due to the recorder being left out in the field for an extended period of time. All this will come out and more. I can say this. It is real and has been tested already and shows no match to any living animal, except bigfoot. Pretty cool stuff!!

    1. That group is called the Sasquatch Research Alliance.

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