Finally, credibilty is being brought to the table [Bigfoot DNA]

Editor’s Note: Michael Higgins is 28 years old, Texas born, Oklahoman. He is an advocate and a firm believer of the Squatch. He has witnessed one of the big guys or gals near a powerline trail in Honobia, Oklahoma. Michael is a realism artist interested in doing sasquatch sketches for eyewitnesses. You can visit his blog at

Step aside Dr. Ketchum, there's a new player at the Bigfoot table and it goes by the name of credibility.

It seems as though only the "inner circle" of people handling the Ketchum Report actually knows whether or not it is credible. Is it real? We've been led on so much that we don't know and won't know until it is published. There are people who will pop up in forums every now and then, sticking up for Dr. Ketchum's credibility like I stick up for no-kill. For a while the good doctor herself would pop up on Facebook to give a little information that was basically not information at all.

Personally, I don't know exactly how long the Ketchum Report has been in the works, but apparently its been long enough. Enter Dr. Meldrum. Or Dr. Credible, if you will. The man who has stuck by sasquatch research. The man who has endured ridicule from the scientific community, for studying what could be a relic, and treasure to the study of human evolution. With him, strolls in Bryan Sykes, a Professor of Human Genetics and founder/chairman of a DNA testing firm known as Oxford Genetics, and the person who discovered how to recover human DNA from bones over 1,000 years old. Now, it looks like we'll be getting somewhere.

The Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project has done something the Ketchum Report or Erickson Project has yet to do: come right out and said when we can expect results. The sponsoring Wolfson College of the University of Oxford POSTED IT UP ON THEIR WEBSITE as a matter of fact. Sure, there is always the possibility of snags during the peer-review process, but its likely that will not occur with this new project. This is a viable, prestigious university-led project, with a Professor of Genetics running the show, or in other words, real professionals who are confident enough to be straight forward with everyone. They are throwing at us what we can perceive to be the truth, because its real science getting involved. If they say, "Hey, you can expect the peer review to be published by December," then surely they will come out and say, "Hey, the review got sent back for minor technicalities and you can expect it to be published by...," if a snag does occur. A credited university would not take the chance of having its credibility tarnished, if it didn't believe that it could be done by the timeline it hands to everyone. Furthermore, its not likely that a renown genetics professor would take the chance either.

What is even more intriguing about this project, is that they are wanting samples from basically anyone who can provide them! They want everyone to get in on this! Now that is awesome. They are even willing to identify the individuals who provide samples, if they choose that option. No secrecy or mystery. Any ordinary researcher can send in their samples. Nobody is stepping on toes, or cutting down other professionals in the field, they are simply wanting to get to the bottom of the question of sasquatch. Real science is finally giving sasquatch a chance. Real science is finally giving people who spend countless hours in the field a chance. And they are being truly professional about it. Here's the plan, here's the time frame. What's even more exciting is the thought of what this might do to the Ketchum camp and/or the Erickson Project. I don't wish to see Dr. Ketchum's report go down the drain, that's not what I mean. If the Ketchum Report exists, this new project may only vindicate it. Will more information from these two camps be brought forth to the public now that real science is involved? I'ts possible. One thing is for sure, we will know something by the end of the year. The most exciting part, bigfoot research may soon be looked upon as real science, by those who wrote off the squatch as strictly a cryptid that wasn't worth the time to study. Good luck to anyone who submits samples, your hard work may soon be rewarded!


  1. Credibility? Jeff Meldrum is viewed as a flake by his peers. Melba Ketchum has a far better chance at this than Dr Meldrum. She is relatively unknown, where Jeff Meldrum is all over the place. Every current Bigfoot Documentary, Monsterquest, etc... He is more of a target than Dr.Ketchum, thus unlike Ketchum, there are scientists waiting in the wings to take him out and more motive to discredit him. All Ketchum has to worry about are rival Bigfooters. Jeff Meldrum has to worry about big-name mainstream scientist skeptics who would like nothing better than to make him look like a jack-ass.

    I think Melba Ketchum has a better chance as mainstream won't see her coming.

    1. Your right, they won't see her coming and either willl anyone else probably for that matter. She's toast and likely never releasing anything

    2. More trolls. The Ketchum study's going to be released you can bet your bottom dollar on that, you won't of course dare to do that but it's still coming.

    3. The segment of the Bigfoot world that has continued to be critical of Dr. Ketchum and made light of her DNA project will be shamed. Comments about the lack of university involvement and the lack of professionals in her project are about to be shamed. A continuation of shameful conduct in an area that has a long history of backstabbing has not taken a breath, again.

      The accolades that Dr. Meldrum is involved in the DNA analysis is surprising considering his ability to sway with his beliefs like a leaf in the wind. The good doctor has said that we are dealing with an ape, that opinion has migrated, why? People, please ask yourself why Dr. Meldrum has come off his strong and adamant stand on the ape theory, he has migrated/softened. You need to ask yourself another question, why has the good doctor suddenly took a keen interest on DNA, you need to talk with Derek Randles and Justin Smeja, yes, that is correct.

      What evidence do you think was needed to sway Dr Sykes (Oxford University) off his strong stance against studying this topic, how about a bigfoot specimen?? Could this have been the one piece of evidence that convinced the prestigious Oxford University that this idea was worth three million dollars of study?

      How did the good Dr. Meldrum and Derek Randles develop their relationship? Randles invited the good doctor to the Sierra site to search for the bigfoot specimen with Smeja after the shooting. People need to start looking at websites. The good doctor has been listed as an advisor at TBRC for the last 12 months, a group that is strong pro-kill. Randles (Olympic Project) hides behind his statement that he is not pro-kill yet invites Meldrum (Pro-Kill) every time he has tea and crumpets. Look at who is listed on Randles site as a researcher, Justin Smeja, the same person who shot/murdered two bigfoot, including a baby, quite a manly move. Ok, so a researcher claims he is against killing bigfoot (Randles) yet invites Meldrum (TBRC Director-pro kill group) on every trip he makes and places Smeja (Bgft Serial Killer) on his site as a researcher, hmm. Either Randles doesn't vet his potential researchers well, or, he is purposely gratifying Smeja's ego to continue to get specimens....Hmm....Well, it is well known in the Bigfoot community that Randles has alienated himself to many of the people he's worked around, thus the need to sell his soul to keep relevant, look around and ask him how he's doing with the Phd's he's worked with in the past.... People who are interested should ask Derek about his relationships and ask why he has migrated towards working with the good Doctor Meldrum and Justin "Big Game Killer" Smeja when their philosophy on killing go together like bigfoot and neanderthal. Ask Derek why he has Smeja listed as a researcher on his site? Maybe a better question, what are the requirements for an Olympic Project researcher, the ability to take down two Bigfoot at once? Maybe there are no requirements for an Olympic Project researcher?????? Derek's biggest accomplishment was cuddling up to Smeja and convincing the murderer to allow Derek to be his mouthpiece to the bigfoot world, hmm....If that's an accomplishment..

      It seems a hilarious coincidence that Randles and the good Doctor Meldrum were speakers at a recent conference in Washington sponsored by Tom Cantrall, anti kill group. I feel sorry for Tom and the embarrassment that will come to his friends after they understand what they allowed.But then again, maybe Thomas sold his soul in the name of $$ and invited the good doctor for the name draw.

      Now you know the relationships behind Dr. Sykes, the good Doctor Meldrum, Derek Randles, Justin Smeja and a bigfoot specimen.

    4. Regardless of your "flake" label for Meldrum, he is universally looked upon as one of the premier elite experts of anatomy. Essentially, what he says; he proves through sound science. Throw in the Oxford insitute, it is a no brainer. If the results are conclusive, mainstream will except them. You "critical thinkers" will never except anything other than negativity, but..your days are coming to an end.

    5. Meldrum is only peripherally involved in this study. As a matter of fact I've heard that Sykes and company are a little irked at how Meldrum is being put top bill with their names, since he is really nothing more than a consultant, and sample submitter. It is not in any way being driven by him, and he is not a lead on the study at all.

    6. It seems as though, however, that Dr Meldrum either got the ball rolling on this or gave it the much needed nudge. He seems to have his place in it. And I haven't read anywhere where he is taking any credit.

    7. 10:37 People grow and change as they learn and gain information. If Meldrum has "come off his strong and adamant stand on the ape theory" it's probably because he's gained new information that leads him to believe otherwise. No one ever you said you have to be in the ape camp for life. People learn new things all the time and sometimes their opinions change becase of it.

    8. Meldrum's a good guy and smart enough to switch fence to whatever the findings may show. Whatever is ultimately proven he's ready for even if it means as it shall the end of Grover's Giganto. That you can take to the DNA bank as of now. He's more recently been outspoken on the possibility of Sasquatch as a human relic and something more than ape thus no animal, just a few years ago you'd never hear him say so even though the idea of undiscovered giant apes in the US to most people is why they find it so weird. But the Bigfoot Definite Guide was the first time hearing him even go there so for him to remain pro-kill, if indeed he still is, he'll probably regret not removing from in time.

    9. This has nothing to do with Meldrum. Bryan Sykes is well known and published in this field while Ketchum is just a veterinarian whose business is questionable.

      Bryan Sykes has gone through the publication of both peer reviewed journals and several books. I have his THE SEVEN DAUGHTERS OF EVE and his SAXONS, VIKINGS, AND CELTS on the table beside me. I have read a few papers where he is a co-author.

      This work is sponsored by a college of the University at Oxford.

      So he is well prepared to produce both a recognized paper and to write a popular level book we can all understand.

  2. Ok bart and justin here is your opp to finally get those damn sierra kills boots and clothes tested if you havent already and share results with us please!!

    Unlike Ketchum, sykes and oxford is clearly reputable with meldrums endorsement and you won't have those glaring character and fraud concerns i know you guys have with her

    Same goes for other researchers as this looks good and how it should be done like Higgins said


  3. Ketchum Project is Dead on Arrival !

    1. No, they have the steak remember. So far Meldrum & Co. have nothing.

    2. Meldrum & Co. might have the other half of that steak.

    3. Meldrum is not a wildlife biologist or a molecular biologist. To my knowledge, he does not possess any samples personally, other than hair, which are a poor source of DNA.

  4. Replies
    1. had to google how he looked like and yeah I probably would too. lol

  5. Let’s talk like adults. Sykes knows what Ketchum found and what are her results. He's Sykes, he's been told by the magazine people or a peer reviewer. He thought, logically: Wow, this is groundbreaking! Actually, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! And here it is.
    I just fear one thing... His next thoughts could have been: This is brilliant….but who’s that Ketchum? Why let her be the first? Why not use my influence and delay, delay, delay her work... All it takes is ONE of her reviewers.

    1. You may well be right. I would hope that there was no delay to steal the thunder. Perhaps Sykes saw some things that were not proper and knows he can bring about results that will be accepted. Perhaps he was not a reviewer, but has been made aware of information.

      Fact is we just do not know what is going on behind the scenes, however there is a whole lot more than we have been made privy to. The set timetable of the project is impressive and shows that Sykes is very confident in his process.

      What I would really like to see happen soon is a full international press conference about this project with questions being asked (However I doubt many in the press would be able to ask what we could).


    2. The reasons why now may be this simple: he is persuaded his investigation will result in something more than ridicule and a tarnishing of his reputation, however he achieved that opinion.
      What top tier scientist (or anyone really, even us Bfers) accepts another's work and says, "OK, that's good enough for me. No need to look deeper?"
      This mystery is open to all, and once bitten, well ...obession soon follows...whether for fame/fortune or knowledge...
      Bigfoot Fever... Sykes may soon have it...if he doesn't already. It will be interesting!

    3. All good points Apehuman. Here is another. $$$. Who is funding this project, private or British taxpayers? I do not think Dr. Sykes is to worried about the outcome possibly tarnishing his reputation as he can only provide outcomes correspondent to the samples he receives and has stated he did not expect much.

      Could the January prediction come true, that being 2012 is the years of the Sasquatch.


    4. Ape, you aint lyin-once you get the fever its all over. Sykes must have seen something that really intrigued him to pursue this project. He might have the onset of the fever! Lol. So if Sykes finds something conclusive, what effect do you think it will have on the scientific community's view on the squatch? Do you think it will be a better effect than the Ketchum Report could produce?

    5. Chuck I think you are right with regards to outcomes, he makes no claim but to analyze and reprt...good. On who is funding? I haven't a clue, but it seems the resources have been committed.
      Michael, the reaction will depend on the outcome, and that dependant on the samples and their provenance.
      I just put in a question on Dr. Meldrum's FB...what are the best and/or most probably methods for obtaining a sample. It's up to the Bfers isn't deliver the best. LOL that's scary!

    6. In the end we'll know which samples came from where, so even if Sykes is first it's still Ketchum's having and knowing it first. This isn't a race of course, but it could speed up her study now.

  6. Mr Sykes may as well BE one of her reviewers.
    However, no need to presume dishonesty.

  7. I thought DNA wasn't relevant to the cause?

    1. Of course it is, it'll prove this species real.

  8. Meldrum "might" be well intentioned. However, he still totes around his blatantly fake footprints as evidence, and has been duped by several hoaxers. I believe he is mote a Victim of hoaxers and not a hoaxer himself. Freeman ADMITED he hoaxed footprints. And meldrum touts them as his best evidence, at least last i heard.
    Ketchum is a hoaxer imho. Shes a vet. Shes pushing retirement age. Why not sell a book? She has claimed to not only see a FAMILY OF 5 SQUATCHES, but claimed they were "playfull". However, i put more weight on anything meldrum publishes. I guess.

    1. I still have Meldrum's responses to a series of emails I sent him regarding Paul Freeman's finds. I will say he seemed unwilling to credit Freeman with the capacity to pull off fake footprints. In fact he says in one email that Freeman never admitted hoaxing. I asked Grover Krantz a similar series of questions regarding freeman, and his responses were similar to Meldrum's
      I think Freeman was a hoaxer. He was not a researcher as much as he was a contactee... Krantz shows him a hand prints and viola! He finds handprints... Chilcut found human dermals present in some o the tracks. You can't credit the guy for the stuff that looks good and des regard the huge quantity of specious material.

    2. Agreed, the problem is, even if you are good intentioned, as meldrum might be, if you throw your lot in with hoaxers, and from what you say, still stick with them even after the hoaxers get busted, then... Well... It doesnt say much about meldrum umfortunately, or at least his science. Sounds more like old fashioned belief/faith, which will not help bigfoot get proven if it exists.

    3. I was surprised he based his 2007 paper on the 1967 Patterson prints. If there are so many tracks, wasn't it possible to choose some not associated with a controversial figure?

    4. It's case by case. If the prints show good quality features, no mmatter where they came from then you go with them. Freeman may have had some real prints to start then decided to go a hoaxin' after.

    5. What? You are making silly comments w/o any merit. Meldrum "toting" around faked prints. You are a complete idiot if you believe that. You have probably read that from an alien website or world weekly news. Meldrum is considered an elite expert in his field. Elite as in the entire world. Meldrum doesn't base his findings on what Billy Bob or Susie Q. says, he uses strict scientific procedures universally recognized as sound. Don't like that, I guess everyone everywhere is wrong and you are the only one who is right. Attack Dyer, Attack Smeja, Meldrum has the resume and credentials to not even scoff at this type of ridicule from simpletons.

    6. Well said anon 1200. Meldrum is a credible face in the bigfoot community.

    7. Meldrum cant be an expert on bigfoot. He knows no more about bigfoot than you or anyone. Zip. Nada. he totes around (and sells) ridiculous looking bigfoot casts. He has admitted his best evidence is the freeman prints. Freeman admitted to hoaxing prints. Get over it. It doesnt mean i think hes a bad guy, or evil. Just incredibly devoted to the bigfoot faith, or, too embarresed to say he was wrong. He is human.

    8. Thanks for the insane rant troll.

  9. And she hangs around with a bunch of old, pale skin, blue eyed "native americans" who claim to be spirit guides and telepathically talk to squatch. Red flags. Big. Red. Flags.

    1. Red flags? Communist, are you?

    2. Er.. No troll.. Ketchum hung out with a group of spirit guides. These spirit guides showed her a "playful family of 5 . i saw pictures of these women, they are all around 60, are clearly caucasian yet dress as native indians did 200 years ago. There is talk of telepathy, magic, and of course "NA people know its true" type jargon.
      Disagreeing with you and pointing out GLARING RED FLAGS regarding "da paper" isnt trolling. Its called being objective and taking BOTH sides into account. Even the ones you dont wanna hear about.

    3. Er.. No troll.. Ketchum hung out with a group of spirit guides. These spirit guides showed her a "playful family of 5 . i saw pictures of these women, they are all around 60, are clearly caucasian yet dress as native indians did 200 years ago. There is talk of telepathy, magic, and of course "NA people know its true" type jargon.
      Disagreeing with you and pointing out GLARING RED FLAGS regarding "da paper" isnt trolling. Its called being objective and taking BOTH sides into account. Even the ones you dont wanna hear about.

    4. Must have guided her to the spirit of peyote.

  10. Arla here - I collected some Bigfoot mindspeak as it was being transmitted. I put it in a bottle and I'm going to send it in to this study. I will be so famous.

    1. Arla did not write this, this is someone posting as Arla using her name, but it was **NOT** written by Arla.

    2. Sally here.

      Whazzzzzup ????

    3. This is the real Linda Sedlak. QUIT USING MY NAME!

      Arla and Sally agree with me that you need to quit claiming to be me when I'm me, and you're not.

    4. I dont believe "sally" even exists. Shes a jetchum FB sockpuppet and convenient way of ducking questions, at least in my opinion.

    5. You're the typical bigfoot troll you'll deny everything.

  11. Bigfoot here - and they call me an ape...

  12. I'm going to be perfectly honest here. EVERY SINGLE TIME I COME TO THIS SITE, I keep looking at the pictures of tall people photo of the 8' tall woman in a bikini.

    I can't help but think those boobz are the perfect size and height for a man to enjoy while standing. Those legs are long enough to wrap around a man tight and firm. I'D DO HER!!!


    1. Nonsense. There is evidence of dermals all over them.

    2. let's shoot one and prove it once and for all

    3. If this DNA test comes out positive, maybe you should spruce this place up a bit and get respectable and lose the big babe pic.

    4. Do you also envision the tall girl being the perfect heigth to give you a shower? Cough up the truth. You have masturbated while looking at that phot haven't you?

  13. This is a Big Deal... I am psyched, and all who have the opportunity to collect DNA and are willing to out BFs may be as well. It is the chance many have waited for...for all the reasons we know .. science and an authority to back our claims, something few of us possess...hard to not think about throwing more money into the BF pit....what else would I spend $2K on? Let me count the ways: electric bill, health insurance, gas, groceries, kid's college tuition, kids' dental.....ouch!
    My family is freaking, they can see the intent in my furrowed brow....will I return to the BF "loop?"
    It would be nice if eberyone who submitted samples proclaimed it publically so we can keep track..if by July there is still need? LOL Help!
    It seems people are bent on proving, and hanging back no longer a choice as a "protection" model....any suggestions?
    Talk me down!

    1. I'm bout to hit the woods this week! Heading to a squatchy area near the Little River here in Ok. I wanna get in on this!

    2. lol that was NO help! I know, I know... I had troble sleeping last night!
      Good me at if you have any new ideas or collection or want to discuss

  14. Mr Higgins, are you related to Alton Higgins of the Texas Shoot Bigfoot Conservancy?

  15. FINALLY, someone is willing to step up and possibly prove that Bigfoot is bullshit. Then all you delusional freaks will have to find another fantasy to obsess over. Just wait until these "scientists" get a load of the trailer trash that will be submitting samples. They are in for a real treat.

    1. Samples for scientific studies are collected by SCIENTISTS! They're not collected by Travis and Skeeter. This whole thing has fail written all over it. Ketchum's failure will become obvious first, wait, it already has.

    2. Seems like a bit of reunion on here of sorts with some ol' time posters like Apehuman and even Athiest in Fundyland (who actually used to at least be open to the possibility of sasquatch) so I thought I would chime in.

      I concur with anon 4:10 AM on some points as well as alpha dog and apehuman on some points. Oxford university and Sykes would not get involved in something like this unless there is good reason to i.e. they saw/heard/know of some legitimacy to this quest (Ketchum?). After all, you don't see Oxford taking samples for Chupacabra? I hope everything is on the up & up with this project and legit samples are submitted.

      As I've said before, one should be skeptical of the notion that we are indeed the only hominid left on this planet. If you treat our family just as any other family of large terrestrial mammals you should expect multiple species. There are multiple species of bears, horses, pigs, elephants, rhino, etc. etc. Indeed I can't think of one other family of large terrestrial mammal that has just ONE species left to represent it.

      The fossil record, as incomplete as it is, shows the very recent diversity of our family. Overall, in my opinion, we should not be too surprised there are other hominids on the earth- we should expect them to be there.

    3. See Okie how the trolls can't keep away, they claim it's all a hoax and still they come.

    4. Lol yeah. Their intention is to annoy mankind. Ive begun ignoring them.

    5. When I saw this, I honestly thought - the reviewing peers must have seen and concluded the evidence was good & real. Why not do another study and get published in the same year so their names get interlinked and well known.(Two papers with the same evidence in the same year are bound to get everyone confused about WHO actually did it, especially if the conclusions are mind boggling.)

    6. Anon 7:40: Sykes said dna cannot be faked, so it probably does not matter who collects the samples. I feel bad for the grad students who have to vet the requests to submit, though. They probably will hear from Travis and Skeeter.

    7. Nothing will convince the bleevers that squatches don't exist. If this study fails, they'll make excuses for it and cling to the next crackpot who announces a big new project. Sad.

    8. But they do exist so it's more sad how trolls won't accept that and buzz off.

    9. They will get possum wrapped in bear skin.

    10. It's easy to claim they exist. It's much more difficult to provide evidence proving as much. Same with the bleever trolls, claiming they exist yet never able to back it up LOL

    11. Sciatic..nice post 'ol timer

    12. They're real, they're really, really real. I know they are out there, they just have to be. Oh please be real Bigfoots, pleeeease.

    13. They are real thousands have seen them, and thousands have heard you trolls.

  16. Even if the best case scenario happens and Sykes gets samples that come back as "unknown primate", that doesn't mean bigfoot. It could be a small monkey from Indonesia.

    1. Small monkey of eight feet? Sounds more like the eighth wonder of the world then. What else than Bigfoot could it be anyway, I love how trolls aren't aware DNA can actually tell you height meaning it's goodnight skeptics.

    2. DNA can not tell you the height of an unknown animal. There's nothing to compare. No body to set a benchmark.

    3. Yes it can and this is no animal, but that's beside the point, point is if it shows unknown primate eight feet you tell me what else it could be other than the being people run into. It's confirming sightings, love to hear your excuses then.

  17. Without a "type A specimen" what do you have? Patterson got out in the field and found the beast and we should follow his lead. I agree, specimens collected from PVC pipe and hikers picking trail mix off the ground are not scientific. They will find no more then the fake blonde and the cop. NOTHING. Deep Throat said follow the money. DO THAT : learn who is behind this nonsense.

    1. shut your face you big stupid blob. I guess we should all bow down to you now. Why? Because your the GREAT FLABSINO!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    2. your so smart fat ass. why dont you go back to the hoaxer mill with your looser buddies. im sure you and dickey dyer can find something to do with your time

    3. You really should not display your complete ignorance of science in this way Fasano. The DNA from hairs or other material is what it is. It cannot be faked. It is impartial. Contamination by collectors hairs, bears or whatever etc will become obvious when the DNA comes back as known human, bear etc species. Doh! It is the stuff that comes back as an unknown species that they are after. Leave the science to scientists.

    4. You may have unknown DNA but without the type A specimen to verify it you have nothing still.

    5. shut up tim, quit trying to defend yourself under the veil of anonymous. We know its your fatass.

    6. "You may have unknown DNA but without the type A specimen to verify it you have nothing still."

      Do a crime, and they get your DNA they have got YOU. They don't need YOUR body or part of it to confirm that. Your repeated illogical argument is just simply wrong. You just want something to prod at through a cage. Go read up and get educated. The year is 2012 not 1812. Better still go walking in the woods at night and make a friend. No cage needed then.

    7. Yo.... It's a "TYPE SPECIMEN" not a type "A" specimen..... jesus..

      type A BF hunter maybe.???

      CG in Texas

    8. "You may have unknown DNA but without the type A specimen to verify it you have nothing still."

      No. You have something primate unknown of eight feet, that's confirmed proof and witness vindication all in one.

    9. Tim, I think it is best to ignore anyone who does not take the time or have the courage to post under their own name. ANONYMOUS=Internet Troll. They are synonymous with cowardly, ignorant, irrelevant, ambiguous, and arbitrary.

  18. I want to buy a fake foot cast.

    1. THE GREAT FLABSINO sells them. check with him. Hes been stamping them down for years

    2. Anonymous seems to biggest hoaxer. Ask him how to produce one yourself.

  19. Hey Flabsino, how many people do you block a day? More people than visit per day. In the end will you stand up and be a man and apologize to everyone when you are proved wrong. I doubt it. But then again, you did cry out an apology for going after ketchum and richard like the little bitch you are. But why dont we see more of that? Why is it that you continue to trash ketchum every chance you get on this sight, but yet no one ever brings up the time a few months ago when you got down on your knees and apologized to ketchum and richard. Probably because you told shawn not to ever show that again. Go back where you belong fatty, the state fair. You might just win blue ribbon this year for biggest set of brood hog boobs.

    1. I agree about the shawn thing. I know that he admitted to working with dyer and the others but he also promotes the hell out of these guys. Its like 60 percent stuff about this same group of losers and the other 40 percent half way interesting stuff. Why are you doing this shawn? Please respond because your loosing credibility fast!

    2. Tiny Timmy doesn't seem to understand it's himself on his channel blocking doing the hacking. LOL

  20. " Finally, credibilty is being brought to the table" bunch of fake foot casts in the photo

  21. I read all of this here yesterday and I also read it in my local paper.
    I am excited that this appears to be a legitimate study going on. I hope viable samples are sent and something positive comes from this.
    I've given up on Ketchum because "soon" is a word with a finite meaning. "Soon" has passed, and it did so a long time ago.
    If I ever find anything before the dead line, it's going to Mr. Sykes.
    I don't care who did what first, I only want to see credible my life time.

    1. The only one who expected "soon" were the fools who wanted instant gratification. Get over it. Good science takes time, regardless of who does it. She will release her paper when OTHERS have finished their review, which is exactly the same process that Sykes et al have to go through.

    2. Ketchum isn't "good science" (though I don't expect people with a 'merkin education to know what good science is). Get over it. She's done.

    3. @5:38- You sure assume much about me. I don't give a crap about instant gratification. Get over it? I was over it a long time ago and I could not care less about her paper.
      The more I read about her, the less credibility she has. Sasquatch families, bigfoot braiding horse hair etc? I was born at night, but not last night.
      You are certainly entitled to believe what you like and you are entitled to your opinions, so DO NOT tell me what I need to get over.
      It was Ketchum and Sally who used "soon" endlessly, not me or anyone else for that matter.

    4. The jealousy against Ketchum is incredible, fortunately she's one tough cookie not giving a damn.

  22. Ketchum's name will forever be associated with Bigfoot, she'll never be able to shake it...what a curse.

    'Hey, ain't you that Bigfoot lady, what ever happened with that?'


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